
Gaza Genocide - Karma is a bitch


9 min clip on a savage that wanted to kill all the Palestinians. He posted, kill them all, no mercy, no ceasefire, no compromise, no forgiveness. Now he is crying like a hungry baby without his milk.  His house had been burnt down in the California fire. And the social media is laughing at this savage and calling it karma. No one is going to sympathise or have mercy on him.

'Social media users are unwilling to sympathise with Holltwood actor James Woods after he broke down on CNN in the wake of the devastation caused by wildfires. Woods, who celebrated the suffering of Palestinians, said that his entire house had been destroyed.'

2025 will be open door and more freedom in Singapore

 Singaporeans have a habit of closing their doors all the time, especially in HDB flats. Long gone were the days when doors were never shut in the kampongs and old corners of Singapore. Maybe in those days most Singaporeans were poor and there was nothing much to steal from old Singaporean homes. In contrast to modern rich Singapore, one of the richest countries in the world, inside every Singaporean home, even in HDB estates, there are many valuable things that are worthy of being stolen. The best thing is to close the doors to protect these valuable items. Don't forget, there are hundreds of thousands of foreigners around, many living next door to Singaporean HDB flats. Never mind if the kampong spirit and neighbourliness are gone. Safety first, protection of their wealth comes first.

Today's narrative is that closing the doors would give Singaporeans a false sense of security. Whether the doors are open or close, the flats and homes can still be broken in and valuables stolen. Given such a situation, why not just leave the doors open? What a brilliant idea and clever argument. I am also convinced! I am qualified to be called a super talent for coming out with such a super idea.

In 2025, Singaporeans should just leave their doors open. No need to close the doors anymore and think it is safe. Let me try of offer more reasons to leave the doors open. Oh, foreigners do not commit crimes. Singaporeans are all very rich and would have no need to steal each other's valuables.  Singapore is a very safe city. Any more clever reasons?

There is a good thing about open door practice. There will be more jobs for security guards to patrol HDB estates and condominiums. And in landed estates, the pay of security guards can be double or triple. This is a good way of creating more employment for the seniors. Now they can walk the estate and chit chatting in the corridors and getting paid for it. Nice. How about passing a law to make open door a way of life, not just a lifestyle choice?

The children, ladies and oldies would feel safe. Never mind that there many single male foreigners living next door. People with unknown background, unknown medical or mental conditions.  Open door means everyone can be friendly friendly to each other, be nice to each other, can enter here and enter there. What a beautiful and loving Singapore!

What do you think?

American debt ceiling soap opera is another long running show to fool the voters

 The debt ceiling soap opera is just another long running show put up to fool the voters. The soap opera will continue to run and entertain the daft, as long as the USA exists. It can only happen in the USA, nowhere else. The end result is living happily ever after. The rest of the world has nothing to worry about. The debt ceiling will be raised like the sun rising from the East.

In order for the soap opera to entertain, they need two parties to perform the act in diametrically opposite fashion. One will propose raising the debt ceiling while the other will act to delay raising the ceiling to provide the dramatic situation, depending on who sits in the White House. The same drama will be performed vice versa when the other party holds the White House after the next election. It is horse trading according to a pre=written script, written to entertain. Hollywood is not short of great scriptwriters and Oscar winners.

It is the same modus operandi in other areas, which I always pointed out. One Party will take the part of singing the low notes, while the other party will undertake the singing of the high notes. This will be repeated with the two parties exchanging roles in the singing of the low and high notes, depending on the circumstances.


Virgo's take on Lee Kuan Yew's experience with the West

LKY knew that the Whites in their damn Superiority Complex would NEVER EVER changed their mindset that the Asians and especially the Chinese would surpasses and even beat them in any endeavours.

For too long, the Asians been daft, timid and humble and peaceful peoples been conquered and colonised by all these White Barbarians and Savages that they thought the Asians are inferior sub humans.

Likewise the Africans who are even worse off been shackled as Slaves and had Apartheid thrown on them.

So till today, their uncouth and barbaric hands down generations are made to believe that they still the Masters of the World.

Yours that is the East and the Global South are the jungles killing one another whilst we are in the Gardens of Civilisations sipping our tea and actually all the killings and Instigatons are by US.

Divide and created chaos!

You FOOLs!

LKY knew that the Whites shall treat the Coloured Peoples with disdain as one time his spouse Mrs Lee fall sick in the United Barbaric Doom, Kingdom and hid appeal for assistance was met with scorns and indifference.

Even whilst studying there he noticed the savage treatments of the Whites on the Asians that he swore to make right upon his return with his fellow activists to fight for the Rights of the Asians.

Unfortunately, till today many bananas Asians WOGs aka Westernised Oriental Gentlemen still adores the Whites as their Masters and Lords.

The Chinese PRCs are the truly only Chinese Civilisation that now could stand up and faced the White Barbarians and Savages Squarely to recover the Lost Faith and Faces of all Asians.



PS. Above is straight and direct from the mouth of the writer with no editing.

China tip toeing in investing in Malaysia and Indonesia, knowing that the risk is high

 Malaysia and Indonesia must be seen to be stable and safe for Chinese investments. Now that they are partners of BRICS, this may tell a different story for China. Indonesia was a 'touch and go' case between China and the USA as it wanted to be neutral. Now, China has seen the direction that Indonesia is heading under Prabowo and may take the cue. Not that Widodo was a bad leader for China in the past.

China had experienced the anti-Chinese era in Indonesia in the past under the rule of the Western backed Suharto. China had also tasted Malaysia's anti-China stance in Forest City investments, rail linked projects that were criticized by Mahathir, (probably due to shortage of fragrant grease landing on his hands), which was music to the ears of the Malays. Playing the anti-China stance was also Mahathir's favorite calling card to put him in favor with the Malays. Now Anwar is trying to correct the perception by having a second look at Forest City's future direction.

The USA had done nothing for Malaysia as we know it, hoping to exert control using the IMF during the Asian financial crisis which Mahathir would not tolerate. The USA via the IMF had in fact done harm to Indonesia during the Asian financial crisis in the past, using its restrictions that caused banks and businesses to close, leading to job losses, as was disclosed by someone close to Indonesian affairs. But all that has never been talked about on MSM.
