
Modi's Indian Dream to over take China

 Instead of improving and try to catch up, jealousy is killing the Indian dream, created by none other than Modi. Just like Trump demonizing China given any opportunity, Palki Sharma, formerly of WION, and now managing editor of Firstpost, the mouthpiece of Modi, is criticizing and demonizing China over everything under the sun, the same bad habit when she was with WION.

She was reported to have interviewed Professor John Mearsheimer and while talking about superpowers, she asked the Professor whether India is a superpower. She was waiting for Mearsheimer to give a glowing confirmation that India is a superpower, but that did not materialize. Professor Mearsheimer said that to qualify for superpower status, countries need two important criteria and that is having a large population and secondly having the financial clout, among others. India had a large population without a doubt but does not have the financial clout. It will take time for India to rise, but how long this is going to take is the question.

You see, India is very impatient to be seen as a superpower and they even are claiming today that they are already among the top two, which is the USA and China. Russia, though not a financial giant is as good as a superpower with its massive oil and gas reserves and its food production capacity. What has India got? Manufacturing human beings and inherent poverty getting worse by the day.

Modi is able to stay in power because he is good at playing the racial card among the majority Hindu population supporting him, He is also an anti-Muslim pervert, and that is the second reason he had a hold on the Hindu population of India. Muslims in India have become the bogeyman.

A Government that relies on a single race for support will never be able to achieve its full potential for the country, despite all the hype and using smoke and mirrors to cover its shortcomings. Modi has to keep playing the same racial card, but that would be detrimental for Indian citizens going forward, unless they are prepared to remain sleeping in bliss like the German population today. Ignorance is bliss after all and it never fails to be supported.

Modi talks and promise a lot but achieve little for show. India is today basically just an assembly hub for products eg Apple iPhones without the capacity to produce the components of the iPhone without the underlying supply chain. Apple in India still has to source its Apple components from China. China is willing to supply them, but at much higher prices and that is a blessing in disguise for Chinese supply chains. Instead of exporting fully assembled iPhones, China is making more money supplying iPhone components to India. When will India become the factory of the world that they aspire to be? How long it is going to take is again the question.



The second coming of the Great Depression - The American stock market is primed to crash

This is a 1 hr 11 minutes conversation between David Oualaalu and Elizabeth Ann Stewart. Listen to what they said carefully, especially after the second half of the video. It is a very serious and revealing talk about what is happening to America and the world and what is coming. Do spend the time to get a peep into the great disaster coming our way.

The American economy is geared towards perpetual tension and wars in order to rule the world. But this ain't going to happen, ain't going according to the American script writers. 

For their wild martial intention and ambition, the Americans have sacrificed a few generations of their people from reading STEM in the universities as these are not needed if they are to rule the world. The world belongs to the American Empire and they only need to rule and live on the rest of the world. 

Without STEM graduates, without constant wars, the Americans are unable to compete with the rest of the world on equal terms and would end up as the losers.

Mickey Mouse and his world of fantasy

 Mickey Mouse was created by the Americans, produced and made famous by Hollywood. The children love to see Mickey Mouse monkeying around. It is children's fantasy, telling the impossible stories of a mini mouse running circus around a 'mouse eating' cat. For children to enjoy and be happy with this fantasy is understandable. 

In the beginning of the 21st Century, Mickey Mouse fantasy is being played out in the international political scene. Many Mickey Mouse appeared, in many ways also created by the Americans, this time not to run circus around the cat, but provoking and fooling around with super powers thinking that they are invincible just like the cartoon Mickey Mouse. In the cartoon it is excusable, as common sense was not meant to be what it is. It was for pure fun, fiction and fantasy. No one really got hurt.

In the real world, when men and women that were national leaders, one could not but expect them to have brains better than Mickey Mouse. That these leaders would assess the odds, before plunging into an attack on a giant adversary many times their size. They must know what are their abilities and limitations versus the bigger enemies they are poking, and know when not to push their luck too far. Nay, these national leaders are as brainless as the cartoon Mickey Mouse. Actually they are more stupid than Mickey Mouse, to take on an adversary they cannot win and can be hurt real bad. The only reason why these modern day Mickey Mouse national leaders would dare to act recklessly and foolishly is that they think they would not be hurt, but only their people and countries. At the worse, they could pack up and flee, with the loots offered to them to gamble with the safety and security of their people and country.

The biggest Mickey Mouse today is non other than Zelensky. He has no equals. No one comes near him, for causing the death of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, millions wounded or fled their homeland, and a country turning into a graveyard when it was a vibrant and peaceful and liveable country yesterday. The crime of Zelensky is not just corruption but selling out his country and the lives of Ukrainians for his personal glory and folly.

But he is not alone. Many European leaders are also Mickey Mouse in their own rights. With China and Russia in the league of super powers, has been UK and Canada are also Mickey Mouse. The smaller their countries, the more bravado they behaved. And they believe Mickey Mouse would triumph over the bigger cat. Here the cat is a super power with more deadly nuclear weapons than their puppet masters, the Americans. Just look at the silly Baltic and Nordic states, living a peaceful life of plenty but throwing themselves into the meat grinder. Can these Mickey Mouse leaders think?

Not too far away, in north east Asia and in Asean, several Mickey Mouse are also standing up and thumping their chests. Taiwan's coast guard ramming Chinese fishing boat like real, Pinoys challenging Chinese coast guards in Renai Islands. They really think Mickey Mouse is real damn big, with a damn big prick to swing at super powers like China and Russia. Why are these Mickey Mouse leaders that dumb, when they could just sit by the sidelines and watch the show, let the warmongers go about killing themselves? What have they to win by jumping into the ring swinging their hardly visible little pricks and think they could defeat the likes of China and Russia?

Ukraine in many ways has a bigger prick than many of the Mickey Mouse in north east Asia and Asean. And the fate and tragedy of Ukraine cannot be missed by even the dumbest rat in the room. Or there are really dumber Mickey Mouse than Zelensky, and thinking they are smarter than Zelensky?

It would be a great blessing if super powers like China and Russia would leave the Mickey Mouse countries alone. Here we have Mickey Mouse itching to want to poke the eyes of giants like Russia and China and think they could get away unscathed?

The 21st Century would be remembered as the Century of the Mickey Mouse. But this state of affair would not last long unlike the Mickey Mouse in cartoons. In the real world, there is no such thing as Mickey Mouse. Any idiotic national leaders thinking that he can play Mickey Mouse and survive would know that his pathetic fate would not last long. In the cartoons, Mickey Mouse can be smashed to smithereens and still survive and win. In the real world, once broken, it cannot be put back together again. Ukraine is finished and would never be the same again. Everyone is watching how Zelensky would end up once his masters decide to call it a day when they know Mickey Mouse cannot win.

PS. Ukraine is a perfect choice for the Americans to use and sacrifice. The Ukrainians are Slavs and not AngloSaxons. So they can all go and die and the Americans would not shed a tear. The Taiwanese and Pinoys are not even whites. They are even better candidates to use and throw away. They can go the Ukrainian ways and the Americans can go home to their hamburgers and coke when these Mickey Mouse are destroyed and no more useful to them.

Gaza Genocide - Expansion of Israel

 The motive of Israel is quite clear, and that is committing 'genocide' against Palestinians. None more so apparent than their intention to take over Palestinian lands, destroy the homes of Palestinians in order to build homes for Israelis instead. In other words, Israel is trying to expand its territory, which had already been going on for decades.

The USA and Israel does not tolerate the word 'genocide' in Gaza and will strongly attack anyone who utter that word against Israel. Co-incidentally, genocide committed against Russian speaking people in the Donbas region in Ukraine, from 2014 till the start of the War, is also strongly denied. But the word 'genocide' is used liberally against China in Xinjiang. See the hypocrisy of it all?

And in order to do that, Israel has first to destroy Hamas, the Palestinians only means of protection against the Israeli expansion plan. Now, it looks like Israel is using starvation on top of military action to carry out their genocidal mission. Israel is blocking humanitarian aid by road and the USA is trying to help by sea. Is the USA so utterly hapless against Israel or just putting on a good show.

Talk of the USA building an aid landing base offshore, said to take months to come to fruition, is just pulling wool over people's eye and claiming they are doing it for humanitarian reasons. By the time such a base is set up, the whole of Gaza would have been gone for good through starvation.

Right now, Blinken the Jew is just putting together a peace mission for the world to see. Lots of talk, little in terms of the walk, and nothing has actually come about, after so much time since October 7 last year, blocking peace efforts by others and after more than 32,000 Palestinians have lost their lives so far. Just like the Fed talking about interest rates, but actually giving away nothing but just kicking the can further down the road and hoping for a miracle to happen. 


Gaza - the Indians just cut its ties with the Arab Muslim world by supporting the genocide of Palestinians


 Why is India still in BRICS since it is unhappy with what China is doing? Since India is not happy with China taking a lead in the BRI and opted not to be in it, likewise its unhappiness with BRICS should result in its withdrawal. Many countries are waiting for this to happen, especially those wishing to join the BRICS grouping.

Indians are deeply jealous of China's outclassing them in every aspect although both started from the same starting line - GDP, infrastructures, high speed railways, space exploration, semiconductors, mobile phones, computers, AI, EVs, 5G. Indian factories have still to depend on China's supply chains for components, for example in its computers and mobile phones sector, with even Apple having to source for its iPhone components from China and shipped to India to be assembled.

The most ridiculous aspect of India must be its high speed railways being constructed using slow speed method, LOL. India's first high speed rail construction started in 2017, after talking about it since 1980, and six long years after 2017 has little to show, and is only expected to be completed in 2028. Indonesia's high speed rail started construction a year later and is now operational.

Today, even Vietnam and Bangladesh are benefiting from companies moving out of China and doing much better than India. Bangladesh and Sri Lanka have been reported to have overtaken India in GDP per capita. Both are members of the BRI and making India very uncomfortable and jealous of the BRI.

Cyrus Jansen just made a video detailing ten reasons why India can never catch up with China, not to talk about its wet dream of overtaking China to become the world's manufacturing hub. Indians can only brag, make snead remarks, complain about China. This is a clear indication of their deep jealousy, haplessness and head banging and unable to do anything about it.

Now trying to demonise the BRI. Indians can just keep banging heads, instead of the usual up and down movement, but I advise the Indians to wear a turban like Modi, as head injuries can happen if not careful, LOL. 
