
Covid19 - Executive VP of Pfizer arrested after #pfizerdocuments get released - Breaking News


'Rady Johnson, the executive Vice President of Pfizer, has been arrested at his home and charged with multiple counts of fraud by federal agents. He was taken into custody and is awaiting a bail hearing. This comes as 1,000s of classified documents from Pfizer were released, showing the true risks of the experimental vaccine.

As a result of Rady’s arrest, the hashtag #pfizerdocuments has started trending on Twitter. Multiple celebrities are now calling for other employees at Pfizer to be arrested.'

The Pfizer vaccine game is falling apart. This news just came out. Let's see how it develops and how would it affect the use of the mRNA vaccines. There are going to be a lot of lawsuits in the USA and in countries that did not sign the non indemnity clause to exempt the pharma companies from being sued and from all responsibilities, including lying, cheating and fraud. 

The web of deceit is worldwide, the greatest fraud of the century going to explode.


Ukraine - AngloSaxon's diabolical plot for world domination

The Americans are desperate. The writing is on the wall. China and Russia are getting stronger by the day. The rest of the world are distancing themselves and quietly slipping away from their grips. From Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia, being free and independent from the American hegemony is the trend and no longer is the American threat of war or sanctions that frightening anymore. Once closed allies like the Saudis, the Philippines, Turkey etc etc are not that obedient and are taking positions that once were unmentionable. The signs of an Empire in its dying days are simply too obvious.

No way would the Americans allow this to happen. They cannot afford to lose their domination and control of the world with their mounting debt at the point of insolvency. And there are fewer wars for fear mongering and to create instability to keep every country in check. Also, there is no way for the Americans to start an open war with China or Russia without ending in a nuclear showdown that would end everything. But the message is clear. America must bring down China and Russia while it still has the military advantage. But the window is closing fast. How can the Americans destroyed China and Russia to stay unchallenged without a nuclear holocaust?

Ukraine has all the answers, but the plan has prematurely been exposed. Why is there such a huge concentration of bioweapon labs in the heart of EuroAsia, next to Russia? The concentration of 36 very offensive bioweapon labs in one place, on the border of Russia is a very serious matter, now that we know what harm they are capable of doing. And why are there so many top Nato generals and biochemical scientists hiding in the underground fortress of the Azovstal steel plant? All the AngloSaxon countries have their military top brass hiding in that hole....for what, doing what, what is the game plan? Canada's most senior general Trevor Cadieu was there and in charge of a bioweapon unit! How important is a bioweapon unit that needed to be commanded by a 4 star general who was commanding the whole Canadian Army? This is an indication of how important and dangerous that bioweapon unit is. The crimes this unit is planning to commit against the Russians are unspeakable. There is a total of 336 such bioweapon labs all over the world with many on the borders of China.

The weaponisation of the dollar is the final straw for the world to bear. The Americans knew that using this card, the last card that they had to play is the road to no return. There is no turning back. No one is going to trust them anymore. All the beliefs in a fair and equitable financial system and the dollar as the neutral apolitical instrument of exchange have been flushed down the sewers.  No more pretences from the Americans that they were the nice guys. They have declared war on the whole world, to stamp their supremacy and absolute control of all nations, friends or foes, to kneel before the Empire, resistance is futile. The Empire has spoken and all must fall in line...or else. There is no exceptions.

EU is calling for the confiscation of frozen Russian assets. The underlying assumption, no need to pay back. There would be no Russia or Russians left to ask for their return.

The Americans/AngloSaxon tribe have shown their hands. This is it, and they must win at all cost. They cannot afford to lose, cannot lose. They want to control the whole world to do their bidding. The rest of the world have lost all faith in a benign American Empire knowing how ruthless and ugly the AngloSaxon Empire is, and going to be. So, what is the AngloSaxon game plan?

It is the white men against the whole world. All white men countries must be in, no exceptions. All the white men countries have been told that they must unite as one to take on the rest of the world, to rule over the coloured people.  Switzerland's surrendering of its neutral status is a clear indication of what is going on. And so were the intent of the neutral Baltic states to want to join Nato. Germany and France too, with their pride and self interests to be free from American domination too have to raise their hands to join the AngloSaxon game plan for world domination.

Phase 2 is to annihilate the Russians, like they did to the native Americans. The whole of Ukraine has been geared to execute this plan, to wipe out the Russians with biochemical weapons, not in an open, costly and deadly war that has no winners. The Russians would be wiped out before they know what is happening without a hot war. All the Nazis are recruited, trained, and armed to do what they know best, kill Russians. Unfortunately this is not going to happen as the evil scheme has now been exposed, with the evil men and women in the command centre in Mariupol trapped and waiting to be executed. However, this does not mean that there is no alternative plans to set free the bioweapons to do the damage as planned. 

By the way, the Jews must also have been briefed of this plan and are in. They are now supporting their arch enemies, the Nazis, in fighting the Russians in Ukraine. This white domination plan is so big that the Jews are willing to set aside their holocaust debt, to be on the side of the Jews killing Nazis.

China may not be saying anything about this evil AngloSaxon plan, but has been preparing for it. The Zero Covid policy is not simply just to deal with Covid19 pandemic. China is on high alert, to prevent and stop the spread of deadly bio and chemical weapons into the country by closing all its entry points and subjecting all foreigners to intensive checks. Even after Covid19, the high security checks are likely to remain in force to keep the biochem weapons out of China. China cannot take any chances. It has been attacked repeatedly for the last few decades, but the urgency is now. The AngloSaxon game plan has been exposed and they have committed themselves in this reckless attack on Russia and the international financial system. They cannot unwind the clock and must continue to charge ahead at all costs. 

The world must be prepared for more bio and chemical weapon attacks and more deadly. The war in Ukraine is only beginning. It is a world war of the white men against the rest of the world, led by the AngloSaxon tribe. 

Phase 3 is the annihilation of both Russians and Chinese and their land taken over by the white men for posterity.  When China and Russia have been wiped out, there is no real contenders to resist and stand up to the white men and their absolute control and domination of the human race. They shall rule forever. This is a make or break moment for the white men and they must act now.

The rest of the world must be aware of this diabolical plan to take over the human race by the white men using bio and chemical weapons. This war must stop at Ukraine. Russia is the frontline state, the first defenders of the world and must be backed up by the rest of the world, the coloured people, to protect their freedom from white men's rule. 

The white men countries knew the game plan. Did the rest of the coloured men know about this plan, or their minds are still on holiday?  Wake up! Open your eyes, before it is too late. WW3 would start with bio chemical weapons, cheaper and deadlier and no need to send foot soldiers to die in the combat zones. The attack will come quietly, without any declaration of war, unseen, unheard of. 

If needed to send foot soldiers, just send the daft Ukrainians, the terrorists and the Nazis, expendable items.


Noam Chomsky - The China threat defined

 The evil Americans have been harping about the China threat every where and every day nonstop to make this into a contrived truth to the innocent and uninitiated. For more than 40 years since the border skirmishes with Vietnam in 1978, China has not been at war with any country. On the other hand the Americans have been at wars non stop in so many countries and killing millions, especially the poorly armed Arabs and Muslims. And they demonised China as a threat when they are the real threat to peace in this world. They are the number one terrorist. They bred and trained and armed the Al Qaeda, the ISIS, the neo Nazis and many terrorist groups all over the world. But they have no shame in their hypocrisy, and constantly and repeatedly using the western media to smear and taint China as the threat to their hegemony and Empire. And many Americans, including coloured people have unconsciously fell victims to this lie, after being bombarbed with this message daily.

Some scholars and analysts were polite to try to redefine this threat as China not going to invade or start a war with the Americans, but because of China's rise, it is a threat in the sense that it challenged the hegemony and world dominance of the American Empire. It is not a military threat, not a threat of war, but undermining American power and position as the only superpower in the world.

Noam Chomsky has recently been asked about this and came out with another explanation. In his view, the so called China threat is not just a challenge to American hegemony and dominance, the Americans cannot accept the existence of China. Period. This staggering definition from this eminent scholar tells how dangerous the Americans are and the difficulties in developing a normal China American relationship. There cannot be such a relationship when the Americans cannot accept China's existence. To the Americans, there cannot be a China in this world, ie, China must be destroyed, breakup or divided or conquered and ruled by them. This is the premise that they are working on, governing all their policies and agenda, to make China disappear. It is not about Communism or CCP, it is about China and the Chinese people. The choice of using CCP as the demon is a weak and fake excuse. Being anti China and anti Chinese are bad enough, but refusing to accept their existence is wild.

This could also be their thinking on the existence of Russia. Both China and Russia must be wiped out from the surface of this world. The existence of the Mariupol complex under the Azovstal steel plant (and another 30+ bioweapon labs in Ukraine) is the nerve centre of a very scary scheme to wipe out the Russians. There is a convoluted plan to terminate the Russians in the same way they terminated the native Americans in order to take over their land and resources. This devilish scheme would finally be exposed but not without a fight. This could be the reason why the Americans are hell bent to keep the fighting going to prevent Mariupol and Ukraine from falling into Russian hand.

And Russia is only the first objective, to test out their abominable plan of genocide before launching it on China and the Chinese people. Russia and China cannot exist as nation states in the deranged minds of the white savages. They are brooding to annihilate them with bioweapons. They could not fight a nuclear war of mutual destruction with the Russians. See how evil the white savages are!

They are salivating at the big piece of Russian land. They prospered for 500 years after massacring tens of millions of native Americans to steal their land and resources. They need a new booster and plan to do the same to the Russians, genocide them with bioweapons and seize their land to prosper for another 500 years, a piece of land bigger than the USA, with a few Russians left like the native Americans.  If they could do the same to China, then they could prosper forever.

This is their evil design, to prosper and rule the world by massacring others and steal their land. They have done it in North America and many other lands that they have stolen, and think this is a formula for their success to live happily forever.


Hari Raya Greetings - Issues of sensitivity can be very unpredictable


On Twitter, activist Lim Jialiang wrote that the picture shows “how these photo ops reduce Singapore minorities to mere props during their own festive celebrations as a shallow, ritualised adherence to the CMIO (Chinese-Malay-Indian-Others) model.”

Some wondered why the scarecrow was included in the greeting, and expressed dismay at what this seemed to imply.

Above are posted in theindependent.sg. The issue is a photo of Chok Tong and his wife and a scarecrow, meant to be a festive greeting to the Malay brothers during Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Some felt that this is insensitive and asked him to take it down.

The moral of the story is that in our multiracial society, it pays to be extra careful, especially when one is a political figure or national leader or ex leader, or even a blogger. Everyone looks at things from their own perspective and that can be very different from yours, and what you think is funny or nice, may not be funny or nice at all. That is also a reason why when I post a joke or satire, I must state it clearly that it is a joke or a satire. Some people may take things too seriously and a joke can become an offensive matter.

In this case the intent may be innocent and meant well, but how it is received is another thing.

I can empathise with those that found this regrettable.

PS. “I am dismayed that some have misinterpreted the post as portraying Malays/Muslims as ‘scarecrows’. This is far from my mind,” said Mr Goh. CNA


The 4th of May, is a tragic but important date in China's modern history.

      The 4th of May, is an important date in modern China's history. It marks the last straw in which the Chinese could no longer tolerate Western betrayals of Chinese interests and the trading of Chinese lands by the European powers, Russia, America and Japan  to settle the interests of foreign invaders of China at the expense of  China and the Chinese people.

May 4th, 1919 was the day when Chinese throughout all China rose up with fire and indignity at the betrayal of China by the Western countries in the Treaty of Versailles in Paris  in which they conveniently handed over the Chinese province of Shangtung to Japan just to settle their own political interests at the expense of China. Indeed the Western countries and Japan were using Chinese lands for horse trading among themselves without even an iota of concern to China's territorial integrity, self-respect and dignity.

When the Chinese people got wind of the verdict of this outrageous Versailles Peace Conference on Shangtung thousands of students held a huge demonstration in Peking. Soon millions of students and workers all over China from Shanghai to Chunking, Chengtu, Kunming, Xiamen, Canton, Hong Kong and Haikow -Hainan rose up in explosive public anger and spontaneous outburst of pride in Chinese nationalism and patriotism. The national objection to this insult of the outrageous Versailles Conference was so powerful and far reaching that it evoked an immediate national response and pressured the Chinese delegation at Versailles to reject the peace treaty.

It is important to recall that in 1898 the weak decadent Ch'ing government was forced under duress to lease the Kiaochow naval base in Shangtung province to Germany for a duration of 99 years. When World War 1 broke out Japan joined the British - French - American  allies against the Germany-Austria-Hungary Alliance while China was in the meanwhile neutral. However, China was later in 1917 forced by the British to help their allies by sending over to Europe more than 500,000 Chinese workers to help in the war industries and to help digging trenches in the front line of the war theatre.

Being a member of the Allies Japan ousted the Germans from Kiaochow and proceeded to occupy the whole of the Shangtung province. To legalize its occupation of Shangtung Japan presented to China its  Twenty-One Demands provisions which recognized its occupation of Shangtung. Further to bolster its claim Japan entered into a series of treaties with the great powers - England, France, Russia and America.

By the Russo-Japanese agreement of February 20, 1917 , Russia recognized the Twenty-one Demands, while Japan agreed to recognize the Russian gains in Outer Mongolia during 1912 - 1915. ( NB: Russia evil plots and intrigues against China in Outer Mongolia will be discussed in the next article later ). The Anglo-Japanese agreement of the day obligated England to support the Japanese occupation of Shangtung at the forthcoming peace conference in Versailles and to second its claims to German possessions in the Pacific Ocean north of the Equator. In return Japan agreed to support the British claims to German islands in the Pacific Ocean south of the Equator.

Similar secret agreements were made with France and Italy. And then in the Lansing - Ishii Agreement in November 1917, the United States recognized Japan's position in Shangtung in exchange for Japanese recognition of the "Open Door Policy" with regard to international trade in China. 

In September, 1918 Japan signed a secret pact with the decrepit Chinese warlord government in Peking. It granted Yuan Shi-kai the warlord with a loan of 20 million yen and allowed Japan to build two railways in Shangtung and to station Japanese troops at various key points or towns in the province.

Armed with these secret treaties, the Japanese came to Versailles confident of winning their case on Shangtung. There was  no doubt the retention of Shangtung would indirectly acknowledge the validity of the Twenty-one Demands and the viability of the secret treaties with the warlord regime in Peking, in which such agreements gave Japan far greater concessions in Manchuria and other parts of China rather than just in Shangtung.

At the end of the First World War, 1914 - 1918 the Chinese thought they could rely on the Western powers to adjudicate justly the principles of democracy, self-determination and protection of the weak. It was with these high expectations that the Chinese delegation went to Versailles hoping to recover Shangtung and the complete abolition of all the unequal treties and the restoration to China of all the Chinese territories that the Western powers had taken from China under duress and coercion through the Unequal Treaties.

But in Versailles the Chinese delegation were greatly disappointed and flabbergasted when they were coldly told that the peace conference  had not been called to adjust all the international grievances of the past, but to settle problems arising from the conclusion of the war. Thus for their own selfish interests only Shangtung was presented in the agenda so that the Western powers and Japan could horse trade for their own political interests at the expense of China's territorial integrity.

The Chinese delegation pleaded that Shangtung, the birthplace of Confucius and Mencius was the Holy Land of China, and that the German rights which the Japanese had claimed to inherit had ceased to excist when China entered the war in 1917 on the side of the Allies and abrogated all treaties with Germany. Moreover, Article 5 of the 1898 agreement on Kiaochow stipulated that "Germany engages at no time to sublet the territory leased from China to another power." Similarly the Twenty-on Demands were invalid because the Chinese parliament had never ratified them. Moreover, China's entry into the war in1917 had so changed its status - from a neutral to a belligerent  - that it was qualified to invoke the international law principle of 'rebus sic stantibus' to nullify the Twenty-one Demands. 

But no amount of Chinese argument could alter the great powers self-interests decision and the fate of Shangtung and the Japanese Twenty-one Demands were sealed. 

The Chinese can never forget that the Allies were bound by the secret treaties to support the Japanese position vis-a-vis China. 

China and the Chinese people must remember never to trust or rely on other people and other countries. The Chinese people must continuously build up its strength both politically, economically and militarily and make sure they are second to none. Only in this way China can thrive forever in happy living and survive in milleniums in the world full of evil and wicked Western white supremacist powers.


Wednesday, 4th May, 2022