
The 4th of May, is a tragic but important date in China's modern history.

      The 4th of May, is an important date in modern China's history. It marks the last straw in which the Chinese could no longer tolerate Western betrayals of Chinese interests and the trading of Chinese lands by the European powers, Russia, America and Japan  to settle the interests of foreign invaders of China at the expense of  China and the Chinese people.

May 4th, 1919 was the day when Chinese throughout all China rose up with fire and indignity at the betrayal of China by the Western countries in the Treaty of Versailles in Paris  in which they conveniently handed over the Chinese province of Shangtung to Japan just to settle their own political interests at the expense of China. Indeed the Western countries and Japan were using Chinese lands for horse trading among themselves without even an iota of concern to China's territorial integrity, self-respect and dignity.

When the Chinese people got wind of the verdict of this outrageous Versailles Peace Conference on Shangtung thousands of students held a huge demonstration in Peking. Soon millions of students and workers all over China from Shanghai to Chunking, Chengtu, Kunming, Xiamen, Canton, Hong Kong and Haikow -Hainan rose up in explosive public anger and spontaneous outburst of pride in Chinese nationalism and patriotism. The national objection to this insult of the outrageous Versailles Conference was so powerful and far reaching that it evoked an immediate national response and pressured the Chinese delegation at Versailles to reject the peace treaty.

It is important to recall that in 1898 the weak decadent Ch'ing government was forced under duress to lease the Kiaochow naval base in Shangtung province to Germany for a duration of 99 years. When World War 1 broke out Japan joined the British - French - American  allies against the Germany-Austria-Hungary Alliance while China was in the meanwhile neutral. However, China was later in 1917 forced by the British to help their allies by sending over to Europe more than 500,000 Chinese workers to help in the war industries and to help digging trenches in the front line of the war theatre.

Being a member of the Allies Japan ousted the Germans from Kiaochow and proceeded to occupy the whole of the Shangtung province. To legalize its occupation of Shangtung Japan presented to China its  Twenty-One Demands provisions which recognized its occupation of Shangtung. Further to bolster its claim Japan entered into a series of treaties with the great powers - England, France, Russia and America.

By the Russo-Japanese agreement of February 20, 1917 , Russia recognized the Twenty-one Demands, while Japan agreed to recognize the Russian gains in Outer Mongolia during 1912 - 1915. ( NB: Russia evil plots and intrigues against China in Outer Mongolia will be discussed in the next article later ). The Anglo-Japanese agreement of the day obligated England to support the Japanese occupation of Shangtung at the forthcoming peace conference in Versailles and to second its claims to German possessions in the Pacific Ocean north of the Equator. In return Japan agreed to support the British claims to German islands in the Pacific Ocean south of the Equator.

Similar secret agreements were made with France and Italy. And then in the Lansing - Ishii Agreement in November 1917, the United States recognized Japan's position in Shangtung in exchange for Japanese recognition of the "Open Door Policy" with regard to international trade in China. 

In September, 1918 Japan signed a secret pact with the decrepit Chinese warlord government in Peking. It granted Yuan Shi-kai the warlord with a loan of 20 million yen and allowed Japan to build two railways in Shangtung and to station Japanese troops at various key points or towns in the province.

Armed with these secret treaties, the Japanese came to Versailles confident of winning their case on Shangtung. There was  no doubt the retention of Shangtung would indirectly acknowledge the validity of the Twenty-one Demands and the viability of the secret treaties with the warlord regime in Peking, in which such agreements gave Japan far greater concessions in Manchuria and other parts of China rather than just in Shangtung.

At the end of the First World War, 1914 - 1918 the Chinese thought they could rely on the Western powers to adjudicate justly the principles of democracy, self-determination and protection of the weak. It was with these high expectations that the Chinese delegation went to Versailles hoping to recover Shangtung and the complete abolition of all the unequal treties and the restoration to China of all the Chinese territories that the Western powers had taken from China under duress and coercion through the Unequal Treaties.

But in Versailles the Chinese delegation were greatly disappointed and flabbergasted when they were coldly told that the peace conference  had not been called to adjust all the international grievances of the past, but to settle problems arising from the conclusion of the war. Thus for their own selfish interests only Shangtung was presented in the agenda so that the Western powers and Japan could horse trade for their own political interests at the expense of China's territorial integrity.

The Chinese delegation pleaded that Shangtung, the birthplace of Confucius and Mencius was the Holy Land of China, and that the German rights which the Japanese had claimed to inherit had ceased to excist when China entered the war in 1917 on the side of the Allies and abrogated all treaties with Germany. Moreover, Article 5 of the 1898 agreement on Kiaochow stipulated that "Germany engages at no time to sublet the territory leased from China to another power." Similarly the Twenty-on Demands were invalid because the Chinese parliament had never ratified them. Moreover, China's entry into the war in1917 had so changed its status - from a neutral to a belligerent  - that it was qualified to invoke the international law principle of 'rebus sic stantibus' to nullify the Twenty-one Demands. 

But no amount of Chinese argument could alter the great powers self-interests decision and the fate of Shangtung and the Japanese Twenty-one Demands were sealed. 

The Chinese can never forget that the Allies were bound by the secret treaties to support the Japanese position vis-a-vis China. 

China and the Chinese people must remember never to trust or rely on other people and other countries. The Chinese people must continuously build up its strength both politically, economically and militarily and make sure they are second to none. Only in this way China can thrive forever in happy living and survive in milleniums in the world full of evil and wicked Western white supremacist powers.


Wednesday, 4th May, 2022

Impossible to civilise the white savages

 After 500 years of wars, invasion, genocides, looting and plundering the world and getting very rich for their acts of barbarism, there was this expectation that prosperity and a life of plenty would turn the savages to be more human, more humane and less animalistic, in other words, more civilised as human beans. But no, the white savages (not all white men are savages) have been on a rampage, wars after wars, all over the face of this planet, killings and destruction wherever they went, in the name of fake democracy, fake human rights and freedom. 

Despite being unchallenged in their supremacy and hegemony, the Russians were only carving out their own area of influence to protect their national interest, to protect from being attacked by the white savages, did not mount a direct threat to the Americans across the Atlantic Ocean. The so called threat that the American used was a lie. If there was a threat, it was against their world domination, not to conduct war against the Americans or to destroy the American Empire. 

Similarly, the daily mouthing of aggressive threats from China is bigger lie. China was and is not out there to conduct wars of aggression to control and coerce countries to become communist states. China was and is not out there to challenge the military might of the Americans. China was just trading, doing commerce, building infrastructures, ports, roads, railroads etc etc. How could these economic activities be labelled as threats? How could the people of the world not question this ludicrous demonising of China when the threat to the world is the American savages, inciting wars, conducting wars, threatening every country that did not agree with their economic political system? The Americans even threaten every country to adopt their fake democracy, fake freedom, and fake human rights or be invaded and become victim of their regime change. The Americans want to control the world and change the world to their fake democratic system with no exceptions. No country can be allowed to live in peace in their own choice of political system and must be destroyed.

Given this objective of controlling the world under the American Empire, the savage Americans have been fighting wars non stop since WW2 and getting away with war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The Ukraine War did not have to happen if the Americans did not push the Ukrainians led by a dumb traitor into it. The Ukrainians could live in peace with its neighbours and Russia just by being neutral and not posing an existential threat to Russia by allowing the Americans to set up military bases, bioweapon labs and nuclear weapons on its soil. Is that too hard to do, an unreasonable expectation from Russia and its neighbours?

Yes, the Russian's only condition is a neutral Ukraine and the war would end immediately. And the American savages could simply agree to this to end the daily slaughter of the Ukrainians. But the Americans would not have it. War is in their blood and war it must be. Instead of negotiating for peace, they encouraged the Ukrainians to continue to wage war with the Russians by promising all kinds of support, specifically more weapons and even soldiers, disguised as contractors or mercenaries, like those holed out under the Azovstal Steel Mills. And to make sure the war does not end soon, the Americans are dragging all the European savages to go along to fight a long protracted war of attrition, especially the much hated Nazis, training, funding and arming them. They have no intent to end the war. War is not only good for business, it is also their way of controlling the world, creating wars everywhere except in the American homeland to destabilise countries and regions, to impoverish them and make them dependent on the Americans, indebted to the Americans and unable to pay back. In other words, becoming a colony of the American Empire.

The Russians have been offering the olive branch to end the war. But never for a single day did the white savages talk about ending the war, about peace. They are so happy to keep the war going. War is in the blood of the uncivilised white savages. They love wars and would not allow the human beans to enjoy peace for a single day. Other than Ukraine, the white savages are agitating for wars in many corners of the earth, the Persian Gulf, Central Asia, South China Sea, the Pacific Ocean, Latin America, Africa etc etc. It is impossible to teach the white savages about peace. 

The white savages cannot be civilised. Period.


Covid19 - Pfizer vaccine lie, the clothes are coming off


This 17 minutes clip is a revelation of more to come on the journey to oblivion of Pfizer and AstraZenega when the truths of their clinical trials, the data they tried to hide, but now ordered by the court to present would make them looking like criminals.

Pfizer has made a filing to the NY SEC warning that for safety and insufficient efficacy reasons, their vaccines might not be approved, a self admission of the truth that they tried so hard to hide. And even if approved, the doctors, the users may not want to use them anymore. No more claims of 96% efficacy but not willing to admit that they lied about this efficacy number.

Listening to the truths that are slowly being exposed, knowing how they intentionally hid them and prevented the public from knowing, is so disgusting and so frightening, that the American govt and many countries are complicit to this vaccine tragedy.


Ukraine - Azovstal Steel Plant, a death machine against Russia, now a mouse trap in Putin's hand and a nightmare for the Americans and AngloSaxon tribe


Smoke rises above a plant of Azovstal Iron and Steel Works during Ukraine-Russia conflict in the southern port city of Mariupol, Ukraine, on Apr 25, 2022. (Photo: REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko) CNA


The latest satellite pictures taken on Apr 29, 2022, by Maxar Technologies show massive damage to the Azovstal steel plant. (File photo: AFP/Maxar Technologies) CNA

Above are two pictures of the Azovstal Steel Plant in Mariupol. The top picture gives an impression that it is still there and Russia is just throwing a mortar at it, with very little damage. The second picture, taken on 29 Apr is markedly different, all flattened by the Russian attacks with heavy bombers and concrete piercing bombs. Anyone coming out trying to escape would expose themselves to be struck down.

Mariupol is a top secret American facility in Ukraine, housing bioweapon labs and all the top brass of Nato, planning and command HQ for Nato troops to attack Russia. It once housed something like 6,000 secretive soldiers in it. Trump actually knew about this and was trying to expose it to bring down Biden and his son, who is the key member and owner of this project and facility. Trump could not say it out himself but needed the investigators to expose it against Biden.

There are many top military, scientific and political personalities inside this top secret fortress underground, now turning into a mouse trap with all the mice in it and in the hands of Putin. This is the biggest and most valuable catch of the Russians and a trump card that Putin can use to skin the Americans slowly. The Americans are so desperate to want the top brass in the mouse trap out and are bringing everyone of importance to talk to Putin. The UN Sec Gen Gutteres has gone to see Putin for their release. Austin, Blinken and even Pelosi, have been to Kiev to get Zelensky to put in more effort and tag this as top priority item. Zelensky now has offered to exchange all Russian POWs for the top brass in the Steel Plant. Rumours are speculating that the big fish could be Biden's son, Canada's top army general, top bioweapons scientists, top Nato generals etc etc that are so important that they risked several helicopters to bring them out but all got shot down. Not to forget, the top brass of the neo Nazi anti Jew Azov regiment.

The revelation of the identities of the big fish inside the Mariupol mouse trap would be so embarrassing to the Americans and AngloSaxon and Nato countries that all the people inside are as good as persona non grata. They have disowned them and did not want to have anything to do with them as this would confirm their crimes and ill intent against Russia, an act of war. Sneaky Canada quickly announced that the general had retired on 5 Apr, no longer the top Canadian general in service.

As the American and AngloSaxon tribes are panicking, Putin is sitting comfortably in Moscow enjoying the show. Putin is in no hurry to release the mice in his mouse trap. The presence of American and AngloSaxon top brass in a deadly war machine on the border of Russia with an evil intent to attack Russia is unacceptable and unforgiveable. The evilness of the AngloSaxon tribe would be exposed to the whole world, of their savage instinct and intent to break up Russia and terminate the Russians.

Putin now would have more reasons to want to nuke the Americans and Europe. The rest of the world that have not been sucked into this evil AngloSaxon scheme should enjoy watching and stay neutral. What is inside the Mariupol mouse trap could set off WW3. Trump is waiting eagerly for this to be exposed to bring down Biden and his son. Compare to Biden and his son, Trump is like an angel.


The Evil Empire underhand plots to destroy China and the Chinese people

                                                                                                                                                                                In the past over 120 years from 1820s to 1940s all the evil white countries of England, France, Germany, Russia , America, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Holland as well as Japan  connived and colluded to tear down China and divide Chinese territories among themselves. During this period China was subjected to  brutal invasions and outrageous humiliations when the Chinese people were subjected to the most inhuman atrocities. Large swathes of Chinese lands of hundreds of thousands of square kilometres or even over a million square kilometres were carved out by  England, Russia, France, Germany and Japan and incorporated into British ruled India and Burma, into Russia's acquired far east territories and into the Japanese empire. Many mainland ports and cities were occupied and ruled by the savage invaders with extraterritorial rights where they also collected taxes and excise duties. This deprived the Chinese nation of revenue and impoverished the country greatly.

Also in all the wars they imposed on China, starting with the Opium Wars 1839 to 1842 and 1856 to 1860 and all other subsequents wars, when China lost the wars each of the invading country  imposed tremendously high punishing war indemnities on China of hundreds of millions of dollars in Chinese silver or gold bullion which in today's worth is equivalent to hundreds of billions or trillion of dollars. These war indemnities impoverished China for over a hundred years until the late 1980s when China miraculously by sheer hard work and gumption transformed itself into a rich and powerful country again.

To cut the story short at the end of the Second World War China was liberated by the Chinese Communist Party under the great leadership of Chairman Mao Tse-tung and his most competent and dedicated patriotic colleagues. Through sheer gumption and grit and under constant good leadership the hardworking and intelligent Chinese people went on to build up a mighty new rich and powerful nation from scratch. China rose up like the legendary phoenix from the ashes to take its rightful place among the family of nations.

In the meantime the same old Western foes of China now led by the evil warmongering Anglo-Saxons of US and UK begin to look at China's magical rise with jaundiced eyes. The imbecile evil Americans begin its continuous diabolical plots to take down China again. It has as usual been plotting to destroy China with the collusion of its wicked mafia gang of Western allies and Japan.

What do the evil US and its cohort of hyena allies want from China now. China mean no harm to anybody. China only wants to work hard and bring prosperity and a good life to its people. Why is it they cannot stand to see a rich and powerful China rising so quickly from the ruins of wars they had forced on China in the past hundred over years. They are now ceaselessly planning and plotting how best to bring a successful China down again. The United States plan to lure China into a war over the Taiwan Straits or the South China Sea so as to destroy China and thus to maintain and secure US global hegemony and primacy. US has surrounded China with over 400 military bases in the last many decades and yet they are telling the world that China is aggressive and expansionist. China does not even have a military base outside its national borders. Nevertheless not to worry, China now will be more than a match for them and is ready to take them on and destroy them with utter defeat.

Below is an article in which somebody sent to me via WhatsApp telling a chilling story of how the wicked and evil US is set to lure China into a war over the Taiwan Straits to let the Chinese kill among the Chinese. 

How to induce war in the Taiwan Strait, sacrifice Taiwanese lives to contain the rise of China.

I read this article again today and I feel even more deeply , especially whether this description is very vigilant ....  "The lives of Taiwanese citizens are a public relations coup of the United States. It is in the interests of the United States to force China's war to escalate and cause people to die."

Defense affairs media reporter Lucinos pointed out that the price is nothing more than sacrificing the lives of Taiwanese people in exchange for a chance for America to be great again.

Therefore the strategic plan of the United States is to use the flesh and blood of Taiwanese to exchange for the status of the United States in Asia and the world.

The United States want to provoke China to launch a war in the Taiwan Strait, but it is the Chinese and the Taiwanese on both side of the Strait who will die in the war. This is a typical grand strategy of the United States putting its interests first.

In peacetime, let the Chinese across the Taiwan Straits compete in arms race and in wartime let the Chinese fight the Taiwanese , completely destroying China's chance of peace and stubborness . In the end US sits on the mountain to watch the tiger's war and reaps the benefits of the fisherman.

In recent years, the United States has been provoking mainland China, hoping to provoke Beijing , forcing the mainland to use force first  and the take the opportunity to fight back, triggering a war. The purpose is to disrupt the process of China's entry into the world power arena, and to safeguard the hegemony of the United States.

Elbridge Bryant , a member of the "American National Defense Strategy" think tank recently published a new book, "Strategy Negative."

He believes it is worthwhile to start a war in Taiwan , because the trend of Asia is becoming the center of the world economy which is unstoppable", and at this speed, the West will be left behind". 
"China must be contained, and international media must be involved in the biggest media war".

Western media has already launched a public war all over the world. Most people on earth have no chance to know China. 

The hatred of China by public opinion in various places is an example of the success of the public opinion war. In addition to smearing China , the current public opinion war includes   the following three key roles.

First, turn a blind eye to the aggressive actions of the United States. Key facts include: 
Warships linger at the gate of China; show off might in the Taiwan Strait ; U.S. officials landed in Taiwan on a military plane, created a virtual "Taiwanese air space" to create the illusion that China was 'invading" Taiwan ; secret provision of military advisors and cover up
Violating the one-China principle, inviting Taiwan to participate in a democratic summit as a nation; other deviations from the status quo of military and diplomatic agreements.

Second describe China's fully forseeable statement of "opposition to Taiwan independence" as evidence of "shockingly aggressive" behaviour. And as all China's watchers know, this is a statement that China has been using for decades, word for word.

Third, the media exaggerated and misrepresented news such as "death in Hong Kong", "genocide in Xinjiang" and invasion of Australia. 
Concocting a war in the Taiwan Strait , of course will kill people. Bryant further suggested that the U.S. strategy should be to entice China to "attack indiscriminately across the board." 
The United States does not provide air defense systems for possible civilian targets, because attacking civilian targets would provide public anger against China.

In other words, the lives of Taiwanese citizens are a US PR coup. It is in America's interest to force China to escalate the war and kill its people .
Defense affairs media reporter Lucinos pointed out that the price is nothing more than sacrificing the lives of Taiwanese people in exchange for a chance for America to be great again.

Therefore this strategic plan of the US is to use the flesh and blood of Taiwanese to exchange for the status of the United States in Asia and the World.

While Western media portrays China as an aggressor, anyone familiar with international affairs can see that the US is adopting a policy of "cutting the sausage" equivalent to the so-called boiled frog.

According to Glenn Diesen, a professor at Norway's Southeast University, "The sausage-cutting strategy is an extremely attractive option for NATO expansionist players.
NATO pursues limited and repetitive expansion to gradually create new realities ," a strategy that avoids protests or opposition from rivals and allies, because complaints may be seen as unfounded, while accusations may be seen as exaggerated.

The militarism of this right wing belligerent project of the United States brings:
The catastrophe of the Iraq and the Afghanistan wars, the blood is still wet. The dead are gone, and the survivors of the war are still suffering today. Would we like to see a war in the Taiwan Strait?

"It's scary that the richest and most powerful country in the world - the United States at the moment , both political parties support and incite war against China." Regardless of the outcome of the war , the loss of life and property is unacceptable.

How can Taiwan protect itself? How to break this deadlock? How to resolve the Strait issue by peaceful means? How to avoid willingly becoming an abandoned child in the hands of others? How to protect our life and property? How can we ensure the continuation of the Chinese culture? Don't we even have that bit of wisdom?

Note: This article heavily references the article "Strategists admit West is goading China into war" by geopolitical risk analysts Phill Hynes and Nury Vittachi. 
Strategic experts admit that the West intends to provoke China to cause war. 18th February 2022.

NB: There is a translated Chinese version to this article.
English version:  https://johnmenadue.com/strategists-admit-west-is-goading-china-into-war/

Sunday, 1st May, 2022