
American soldiers in Taiwan. Time to terminate them with extreme prejudice

 The Americans thought it was a clever move to announce the presence of American soldiers in Taiwan. The pro independence govt joined in the chorus to confirm this presence as a major victory and signal that the Americans would come to the defence of Taiwan and to pay the road to independence.

The treacherous Americans have been manipulating their position by claiming that they accepted the One China Policy but at the same time passed a Taiwan Relations Act, as a law to defend Taiwan. The contradiction in the two position does not blind anyone to this fork tongue American's slimy agenda. They could do this in the past when they were the undisputable number one hegemony in the world and China did not have the military means to ward off an American military attack.

Those days are gone.  China is absolutely capable to giving the Americans a big thrashing should they dare to start a war in the East China Sea to defend Taiwan. The sea would be the burial grounds of American warplanes and warships and American soldiers that the Americans have never seen before. 

As the position on Taiwan grows and become intense in time and tension rises, and the Americans despicable position to incite independence movements becoming very clear to the Chinese, China now has no choice but to act to reunite Taiwan by force. But before that, China must now act to get rid of the American soldiers in Taiwan. This is a violation of Chinese sovereignty and China and the Chinese cannot accept this as a new normal before more American soldiers blatantly moved into Taiwan. Everything starts with a small step and the Americans are testing the Chinese resolve to reunite Taiwan.

China must say it in no uncertain terms that this is not acceptable and would have to act on it. China must tell the Americans to move the soldiers out immediately, give the Americans 24 hours to depart or face being attacked and terminated. China could send in its Special Forces and act together with pro unification Chinese counterparts inn Taiwan to attack and rid the American soldiers to defend Chinese sovereignty. Any attempt by the pro independence Taiwanese govt to stop the Chinese from attacking the enemy soldiers, ie American soldiers, would be a trigger for the Chinese to reunite Taiwan by force.

China cannot delay taking this action as it undermines its One China Policy and its image in the eyes of the Chinese people and the rest of the world. China can also enact laws to defend countries like North Korea, Iran, Cuba and Venezuela and make it a legal obligation to defend these countries, including sending soldiers and weapons to these countries in the same way the treacherous Americans are using the Taiwan Relations Act to cause mischief to China.

The American soldiers must leave Taiwan immediately as Taiwan is a part of China. No foreign occupation troops allowed inside China. Period.

COVID-19 Singapore: Compelling People To Get Vaccinated Is Officially Declaring That VACCINATION IS COMPULSORY

From CNA:

SINGAPORE: From Dec 8, all COVID-19 patients who are unvaccinated "by choice" will have to pay their own medical bills if they are admitted to hospitals or COVID-19 treatment facilities, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said on Monday (Nov 8).

"Currently, unvaccinated persons make up a sizeable majority of those who require intensive inpatient care, and disproportionately contribute to the strain on our healthcare resources," said MOH.

The new rule will apply to COVID-19 patients who are eligible for vaccination but choose not to do so.

Those who are partially vaccinated will have their medical bills paid for by the Government until Dec 31 to allow them time to be fully vaccinated, MOH said.

COVID-19 patients who are unvaccinated by choice may still tap on regular healthcare financing arrangements to pay for their bills where applicable.

Singaporeans and permanent residents may access regular government subsidies and MediShield Life or the Integrated Shield Plan where applicable.

Long-term pass holders may use their usual financing arrangements, such as private insurance.

People who are ineligible for vaccination, including children under 12 years old or medically ineligible patients, will still have their COVID-19 medical bills fully paid for by the Government, the Health Minister added.

From Jan 1 next year, only Singaporeans, permanent residents and long-term pass holders who are fully vaccinated and have not recently travelled to other countries will have their COVID-19 medical bills fully paid for by the Government.

MOH said the current arrangement of footing the full COVID-19 medical bills for all Singaporeans, permanent residents and long-term pass holders was to "avoid financial considerations adding to public uncertainty and concern when COVID-19 was an emergent and unfamiliar disease".

"For the majority who are vaccinated, this special approach for COVID-19 bills will continue until the COVID-19 situation is more stable," the ministry added.

Speaking at a multi-ministry task force press conference, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said hospitals would prefer not to have to bill COVID-19 patients who are unvaccinated by choice.

"But we have to send this important signal to urge everyone to get vaccinated if you are eligible,"
 he added.


1. In other words, the Minister for Health is compelling those unvaccinated by choice to have no more choice but to get vaccinated!

2. This is the message that is given by the Minister loud and clear!


SSO - 8 November 2021

Panchatantra: The Frog and the Serpent


Once upon a time, a king frog used to live in a well with his family and subjects. The king frog had some evil relatives who wanted to snatch the throne away from him. They kept causing problems in his reign. Once, they conspired with a minister in the king frog’s court and started a revolt against the king frog. The king frog managed to subdue the revolt but he was very angry. He wanted to take revenge on his evil relatives and unfaithful subjects. He thought of a plan. He came out of the well and made his way to a hole where he knew that a big, black snake used to live. He called out to the snake.

The snake was surprised to hear a frog calling him and slithered out of the hole. The frog said to the snake, “Hello. I want to be your friend.”
The snake was astonished. “How can a snake and a frog be friends?” he said. “We are natural enemies.”

“Listen to me. I have a plan,” said the frog and told the snake all about his evil relatives. “I want to teach them a lesson,” he added. “So, I will take you to the well and you can eat all of them.”

The snake was interested. “Is there water in your well?” he asked.

The frog replied, “Not much. But a little above the water level, there is a hole in the wall of the well. You can live there comfortably and eat my relatives.”
The serpent agreed. He followed the frog back to the well. On reaching there, the frog said, “Here are my evil relatives. You can eat all of them except my near and dear ones.”
Thus, the serpent started living in the hole in the well’s wall. One by one, he started eating up the frogs that were pointed out by the king frog. In a few days’ time, the snake had eaten all the evil frogs and only the king frog and his family were left. The snake came up to the king frog and said, “I have eaten up all your evil relatives and rebels as you wanted. I have also eaten your unfaithful minister. Now, there is nothing left for me to eat except you and your family.” Saying this, the serpent eyed him hungrily.
The king frog realized his mistake. He knew he was in great danger. He had made friends with his natural enemy for his selfish motives and to punish his enemies. Now he felt that his own death was near. But he managed to keep his cool and replied, “Do not worry. I will go to some other wells and ponds and persuade some frogs to come and live in this well. Then you can feed on them.”

The serpent liked the idea. “Hurry up, then. I am hungry,” he said.
So, with this pretext, the king frog and his wife came out of the well and ran for their lives, vowing never to return to that well again.



Covid19 - Implications of opening up to vaccinated travellers

 The losers in this pandemic have sought consolation in living with the virus and trying to live with the virus spreading in their communities. The primary consideration for the opening up after failing to control the virus is economic. The economy must be allowed to go on as many businesses depend on it to survive, to pay wages and rentals. 

So the new mantra is to allow vaccinated visitors in on the assumption that they would not die or be severely ill from the virus. It is NOT that the vaccinated visitors are safe from being infected or from not spreading the virus. Many official reports have confirmed that the vaccines are ineffective in preventing infection and that vaccinated people are in fact carriers of the virus and big spreaders of the virus. The risk of spreading the virus from opening up does not even consider the number of fake vaccination certificates that allowed dangerous carriers of the virus to spread the virus.

The biggest consequence of living with the virus is the acceptance of infection as a norm and the accompanying deaths, hoping that the numbers did not spiral out of control and remain at an acceptable level. The living with the virus policy also goes with the assumption that the vaccines would minimise the severity of the disease and deaths when it has proven so far that this is a lie, with the virus still spreading uncontrollable in many countries. Countries that are reporting lower infection are mostly faking their data by not testing or not reporting the truth on the ground. For those with underlying medical conditions, the vaccines are not going to help very much if infected.

The other hope or assumption is that now is the worse and things would be better, that there would be no deadlier variants to do more harm and damages. With the opening up and lowering the guards, doing away with restrictions, new variants would spread easily and faster and the crisis could only be bigger and deadlier.

Just pray hard that no more deadlier variants would appear as the opening up means minimal protection from new variants hitting the population. The guards are down, no firewalls to protect and keep the virus out. Just hope that all is well.

War Between The USA and China Is Unavoidable and Inevitable!


Whether we talk about war or not, the ultimate decision to start a war is not for us commoners to choose.

It is the only World Super Power, the USA that decides. The USA is on records to have started numerous wars across the surface of the World, since after WW2.

The US is now gearing up for war against China. In fact, US military preparations for a war against China have been going on for years, ever since Obama's time in the White House.

The US war preparations have been accelerated during Trump's Presidency and now getting worse and worse under the Biden Administration.

China on the other hand cannot just sit down and wait for the USA to attack. China has to prepare herself for any eventuality on an urgent basis, and across the board, especially in her psychological, counter-intelligence, technological, nuclear and cyber warfares capabilites.

In the mean time, the USA is getting ASEAN, Australia, India, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan involved in its evil scheme, its grand master plan to encircle, strangle and destroy China.

Singapore has openly allowed itself to be seen as a very active partner of the USA. Recently, Singapore's Defence Minister has just reiterated that Singapore has always been a partner of the USA, while in the same breadth telling the USA to stay far away from China. There could be a pun in his words.

"STAY FAR AWAY" has double meaning: to strike from far away or hands off.

It could also mean that he was warning the USA of China's military capabilities and hinting to the Americans to make use of long-range nuclear weapons on China instead of using US Carrier Warships to strike China.

As China can now easily sink all the US Carrier Fleets by using missiles from a distance, launching from the mainland, going too near to mainland China would be a disaster for the US Navy.

So, even if we don't talk about it, it doesn't mean it will not happen. A war between the USA and China is unavoidable, unstoppable and inevitable.

Not talking about it, and keep fingers crossed, and hope it will not happen, is a ostrich solution: burying its head in the sand in the face of danger and pretending to see no evil, hear no evil and hope there will be no evil. This is a defeatist attitude and mentality.

We must talk and talk about it, and spread the words far a wide, so that everyone is aware and wakes up, and prepare themselves at least mentally for such an eventuality. The more we talk about it, the better and betterest!

The only way this coming war can be stopped is Divine Intervention. COVID-19 could be just the weapon being used in this Divine Intervention?

SSO - 6 November 2021.