
Super talented Ministers and MPs deserve million dollar pay

 Two weeks ago (25 Jul), Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong announced his new Cabinet line-up and the other political appointments in his government.

In particular, Member of Parliament for Chua Chu Kang GRC, Low Yen Ling was promoted to Minister of State at the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) as well as at the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI). She will also remain as Mayor of South West District. There are currently 5 mayors appointed by PM Lee in Singapore.

Concurrently, she has the added responsibility of being the “Coordinator of Mayors”.

PM Lee must have thought highly of Ms Low in order to appoint her to hold 3 concurrent political positions in his government, notwithstanding also making her the “Coordinator of Mayors”.

It’s not known how Ms Low would divide her time to manage her 3 political appointments, in addition to her MP job, while trying to take care of her family.

In an interview in 2014, she told the media that the toughest part for her has been sacrificing time with her 2 boys.


The above is an old post in TOC but deserving to be read again to tell the story of our super talented ministers in Singapore. Holding 4 or more important official appointments is normal in Singapore. How did these super talented individuals spread their time and attention to such a heavy workload must be the marvel of many people. How many hours do they have to work in a day? These jobs cannot be just for show or really nothing to do, just a title, like a badge of honour. They are full time jobs and each job could actually take the time of one individual 8 hours a day, 7 days a week to work on. But our super talented ministers could handle all 4 jobs and still, in this case, be a mother and a wife.

Maybe there will be MP coordinator for every 10 MPs.

Now you understand why they are deserving of being paid a million dollar. Some of them even have 10 or 20 directorships and other appointments as advisors of clubs, clans, associations etc etc to be added on.

So, please don't be envious of their million dollar salary. They worked very, very hard, including having to attend dinners practically 4 or 5 times a week.  When they sweat, it is oil that is oozing out, not water. So poor things.

Everyone of them is so busy until you lose track of  them or what they are doing, buried in their work. Some even become TV presenters on their own private time, not official time I believe.

Collateral damage of Elitism in Singapore

 This is the COLLATERAL DAMAGE caused by the ruling elites' desire to turbo charge and punch our economy well above our natural weight.

Given that we are a tiny hub city with no natural resources, inflating the economy on “steroids” – huge overflow of multinationals and foreign talent - IS NOT A SIN PER SE.

What is sinful is when the “loot” or the “artificially inflated economic cake” created by multinationals and foreign talents – whom of course will have their generous cut – is reaped by a few elite Singaporeans while leaving the majority of Singaporeans, in particular the old and under-educated ones, to fight over the crumbs.

LKY warned that if we did not vote the PAP, our women would become maids in foreign lands. But instead, we now have 40,000 core Singaporean men driving Grab, 30,000 delivering food, 16,000 driving taxis, 40,000 cleaners and landscape personnel, 30,000 security guards etc. all of whom are lowly paid compared to the imported high-flyers.

Throw in Covid-19 stresses and the mix can become explosive.

Therefore, racism may not be all about elitism but is more likely to be substantially a part of it. The cure for racism is not so different as the cure for elitism. A more egalitarian and a fairer society is a less racist society.

To a large extent, racism is just an excuse or bogeyman used to mask the real problem of elitism, class, and caste.

And in Singapore, how can one not expect to see an elitist pecking ordered society when a certain ruling party MP once said that if a senior bureaucrat is not paid a very high salary, how can she conduct a meeting with a CEO of a corporation who is paid much more?

What a set of bollocks and false narratives.

In Singapore, money has been wrongly and conveniently used as the sole yardstick to measure job responsibility.

By this definition, Jacinda Ardern would not be able to do her job effectively because she is paid much less than many corporate high-flyers and does not live in a "good class bungalow" in New Zealand.

She earns less than $500k per annum and by our Senior Minister's definition, she is supposed to be mediocre. Yet she was voted this year by Fortune magazine as the world's greatest leader, beating all our Singapore leaders by a mile.
In Singapore, the ruling elites have inadvertently created a big elephant in the room known as elitism. The scholarship system worked well at the time when the nation was poor. Today, the same system perpetuates elitism.

Why is there a $2 billion private tuition market if not abundantly explained by an artificially created intellectual arms race?

Therefore real cancer that is permeating deeply into the Singapore society is elitism, not racism.

A highly questionable and gamed meritocratic system, where the top salaries are uncapped and gamed (with obscenely low individual taxes for the million-dollar earners) while the bottom salaries are uplifted in a miserly and calibrated way (all cleaners will eventually earn $2420/-by year 2028!).

So, the government now wishes to conflate elitism, societal stress due to excessive and unfair competition, Covid-19, loss of self-esteem amongst commoners, pretty much everything suffering caused by skewed policies, and conveniently blame it on one single issue, which is racism/xenophobia.

Racism and xenophobia are merely the external manifestation of some FAR DEEPER ROOT CAUSES that the ruling elites are slow to address. 



Covid19 - Man proposes, God disposes 人算不如天算

SINGAPORE — Singapore's current surge in COVID-19 cases came much earlier than authorities had hoped for, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung on Friday (17 September), a day after the city-state reported 910 new infections – the highest since 1 May last year.

"We had hoped that this transmission wave can come later, maybe at Transition Stage B, but it has presented itself much earlier largely because Delta is so much more infectious," he said during a virtual doorstop interview.

Since 10 August, Singapore is in the first stage – or the Preparatory Stage – of a four-part road map towards endemic COVID-19. This is followed by Transition Stage A, Transition Stage B, and lastly, Covid-19 Resilient Nation.

While this "major wave of transmission" came earlier than expected here, it is inevitable for every country that has decided to live with the virus, said Ong, who is the COVID-19 multi-ministry taskforce co-chair.

"This is almost like a rite of passage before humans and the virus achieve a new equilibrium and things stabilise," he stressed.  Yahoo News

This pandemic is the best example of Nature telling man not to be too smart.  It started with the evil Americans planting the virus in Wuhan, China, part of the sinister scheme to depopulate the world starting with China, a humanly conceived plan to dominate the world by the white men forever. It greatly backfired, when it was supposed to destroy Asians and coloured men but now tearing apart North America and Europe and losing control over it.

Would this pandemic humble the arrogance of man in trying to play God, to manipulate life on earth, to dictate and shape life on earth to their specifications? Not so easy, man. 

Singapore is using the American play book to want to control this virus, oops, to live with the virus after failing to control it. With conflicting interest and challenges, Singapore could choose to control it like China and some countries that had been quite successful in limiting the spread of the virus in the respective countries. Singapore chose the American way, drops its pants and the virus has a free play in all the crevices.  Not every country decides to live with the virus.

Only failed western countries are going own this road.  Singapore chose to go with the loser countries. and thinking that it is smart enough to control and chart its path at its own terms. Singapore is like telling the virus to toe the line and behave accordingly. The virus did not want to have anything to do with the MTF's master plan.

The wave of transmission came too early, unexpected. The virus did not behave like daft Singaporeans, act only when told or programmed by the govt and threw the whole plan into disarray. Now what?

With the earlier complacency and lapses, the Delta variants have walked into quite freely and God knows how widespread they are without full public testing. Now it is like the genie is out of the bottle and like it or not, the virus is going to live among the Singaporeans. The next arrogant expectation that the virus would stop at 2,000 might prove to be a fleeting moment, too good to believe. 

What if the spread goes exponential since no one really knows how widespread is this virus? What happen if it goes to 10,000, 20,000 or more daily and hospitalisation and death become a new normal? Where is the limit to say enough is enough? Is there a possibility of turning back the clock when the number is unbearable?

Even the white gods in USA and Europe are being humbled for thinking this was a child's play. They have everything under control, they could switch on and off as the master mind of this pandemic. And our million dollar super talents outdo the white men to dictate to the virus how to behave and when to behave? 

As it is, all things failed in the West in dealing with this virus. Our immortals still think otherwise. They had it all planned, a 4 part road map now looking like a one path downwards spiral.

CECA Issues: Populist, Xenophobia, Racism OR Existential Issues?

It seems like some PAP millionaire "leeders" are barking very bravely and loudly up the wrong tree. It seems that they are cock-sure that they are right, on the right side and right sight of the people, citizens, breadwinners, voters.

Some gangho and dare devil newbie PAP millionaire 'leeders" seems adamant that barking up the wrong tree by twisting the main rice bowl, bread and butter survival issues that the people are suffering from, as a result of the CECA favouritism to foreigners, is the right approach to tackle this pain in their neck "political" problem.

By stupidly using standard motherhood statements employed by the old guards in the past, such as "populist", "xenophobia" and "racism", they think they can threaten the voters into submission to their will, whims and wiles again?

It will not work this time around.

While old dogs cannot learn new tricks, new and young puppies cannot bark like the old dogs. These young puppies simply do not sound threatening at all. In fact, they sounded so funny, like a squirrel trying to imitate a lion's roar.

This time around, it is definitely not a populist issue, nor xenophobia, nor racism.

It is a bread and butter, survival, life and death issue - an existential issue to the people and the future generations. This is not funny. This is not political even. This is a very serious matter. This is real!

This time around, it is not going to be the PAP fighting any alternative political party or opposition politicians. It is going to be the PAP fighting for its own life and survival against the people's life and survival. Either they get kick out or the voters die of hunger and misery. Simple as that.

This time around, it is going to be the exposure of a group of people (possibly
traitors) who have been in cahoots with foreigners to cause unnecessary and undue sufferings to their own fellow Singaporeans and countrymen, women and children. This is a treachery that has lasted far too long, unnecessarily and undeservedly, which could have been easily avoided long time ago.

It is going to be the Pro-foreigners vs Singaporeans.

It is going to be the millionaires vs the Poor an Commoners.

It is going to be the Elitist Aristocrats vs the Farmers, Peasants and Workers.

It is going to be the Haves vs the Have-Nots.

It is going to be the Power-receiving (Voted) vs the Power-giving (Voters).

It is going to be our own Stupidity vs our own Wisdom!

It is THE Question that needs an Answer:

Shall we survive as a people and country or perish under the hands of some questionable PAP millionaire "leeders" whose primary concerns are their status in life, power over all of us, wealth amassed at taxpayers' expense, and their political longevity?

LIPS Service.

Nuke Cub Deal Could Make Australia 'Potential Target in Nuclear War'

The US, UK and Australia have announced a new alliance named "AUKUS" to target China, and they even made a deal to provide nuclear submarines to Australia. Such a move will potentially make Australia a target of a nuclear strike if a nuclear war breaks out even if Washington said it won't arm Canberra with nuclear weapons, because it's easy for the US to arm Australia with nuclear weapons and submarine-launched ballistic missiles when Australia has the submarines.

The new alliance of three English-speaking Anglo-Saxon countries is not a surprise as they share closer strategic ties with one another than with other Western countries, and this is why France's deal of submarines was canceled by Australia as Canberra can get the nuclear ones from Washington and London.

The US is using the same approach employed to contain Russia in Europe after the Cold War to contain China in the Asia-Pacific region. Washington is building a NATO-like alliance in the region, with AUKUS at the core, and the US-Japan and US-South Korea alliances surrounding it, and the Quad at the outermost level, because India, not an US ally, can't be trusted by the US.

AUKUS is at the core of the US alliance system to contain China with extreme hostility, and it should not be underestimated. If Donald Trump or a Trump-like president returns to the White House one day, this alliance could bring unpredictable and catastrophic consequences.

The threat and challenge that China is being confronted with are critical and serious. The most shocking and dangerous message about AUKUS is the US and the UK will provide nuclear submarines to Australia. Biden said at the virtual joint press conference with Morrison and Johnson that "we are launching consultations with Australia's acquisition of conventionally armed, nuclear-powered submarines for its navy - conventionally armed."

At present, only nuclear-armed states have nuclear submarines, and a nuclear submarine is one tasked to launch a second-round nuclear strike in a nuclear war. So when Australia acquires such weaponry and technology, the country will potentially pose a nuclear threat to other countries, "because it's easy for the US and the UK to deploy nuclear weapons and submarine-launched ballistic missiles on the Australian submarines if they believe it's necessary, and Biden and Morrison's promises of 'not seeking nuclear weapons' are meaningless.

This would make Australia a potential target for a nuclear strike, because nuclear-armed states like China and Russia are directly facing the threat from Australia's nuclear submarines which serve US strategic demands. Beijing and Moscow won't treat Canberra as "an innocent non-nuclear power," but "a US ally which could be armed with nuclear weapons anytime." 
