
The oppression of a Civilisation Revisited

Below is a comment by a Howe Lau that appeared in an interview with Kishore Mahbubani on 30 Sep 20 with network2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtFX0u_gvcw

Repost to Share. All Chinese, especially the overseas Chinese, should read this article.  


The world was turned into an ocean of colonies of subject people during the few centuries of ‘friendly’ European conquest. The Africans were turned into slaves, the natives of both Americas massacred. The ancient civilization of China was crippled and dismantled into pieces. After the Western powers brought down the decadent Qing Dynasty with the might of modern firearms, the Chinese civilization was turned into a pariah race of nothingness by the invaders in their country. The foreigners did not bring anything good but oppression, bullying and raiding China ’s wealth and dignity by all kinds of deceptive means, and by the barrel of the gun. The Japanese joined in and even thought of conquering and ruling the whole of China as their colony.  

There was a moment of salvation when Japan attacked Pearl Harbour and declared war on the Western power. China and its peasant soldiers were needed to open another front to sap the fighting power and resources of the Japanese. A large part of the Japanese Imperial Army was held down in China by the peasant soldiers. History would not be the same if the Japanese could run through China without resistance and conquer the whole of Asia. 

After the war there was a brief moment of equality for China as a key member of the Allied Forces that fought against the Japanese. Chiang Kai Shek was seated with the Allied leaders like Churchill, Stalin and Roosevelt in Potsdam and Cairo to divide the world among the victorious Allied Powers. China was lucky to have its lost territories back. Chiang was more like a flower vase, inconsequential, and would not be deserving of any war loot. His presence among the leaders of the big powers was a consolation that gave China a little recognition as a big nation.  

This little moment of dignity did not last long when Mao Zedong defeated Chiang and China adopted communism as a state ideology. This turn of event led to a renewed and concerted Western effort to brand and condemn the Chinese civilization as peasants, rogues, dumb, uncivilized, aggressive and the pariahs of the human race, a good for nothing race that was lack of talent, unproductive and unimaginative, and unfit to join the advanced nations of the West. This was the hopeless China painted by the West. They kept repeating the misinformation daily in all western media, like they are doing to North Korea today that the whole world simply believed so. Chinese are useless, Chinese are lame, Chinese are bad.  

Cold Wars, containment policies, encirclement, depriving China of its rightful seat in the UN, blocking China from joining international organizations like the WTO and the Groupings of rich nations, were history now. In the last 40 odd years, China came storming back on its own despite all the sanctions and barriers and threats against its rise as a nation and the Chinese people as a civilization, old, ancient, but not useless and remote of talents. 

Throughout the two hundred years of Western oppression and suppression, the Chinese civilization was not allowed to surface, no opportunity to break out and be the equals of other nations. The Chinese civilization was down and out, the Chinese in despair. Many Chinese had doubts in themselves, and were ashamed to be Chinese. The Westerners reinforced this belief by sneering at them, contributing negative literature furiously to debase the Chinese, discriminated against them in practically every human endeavour and industry. In the USA there were racist laws forbidding the Chinese from higher skill jobs. The image and perception of useless and untalented Chinese became a self fulfilling prophecy. The Chinese civilization was a joke, a condemned race that was lacking in industry and innovation.  

On its own, slowly and steadily the Chinese rebuilt their nation and their civilization, with little foreign talents and assistance, China has overtaken Japan and is closing in on the US as the number Two world power, economically and militarily. They have proven that they could match the West in every field of industry. The oppression and suppression of a civilization have failed, and a revitalized China has assumed its rightful place as a proud nation among nations. The Chinese civilization is no longer to be spitted at, to be kicked around by the Western powers or by teeny weeny little Asian states. It is now a force to be reckoned with and to be respected on its own merits.  

The tag of being the Sick Man of Asia, a semi colony of the West, a broken country with nothing, no inventions, no modern industries, no talents except poverty and all the trappings of a poor and backward third world country vanished over a few decades. There is renewed pride as a people, a nation and a civilization in the new China . A phoenix has risen from the ashes. There is no turning back. The Chinese have found their way back and will leap frog over the West in science and technology and in all things, while the West are still trying to restrain their advances by hook and by crook.  

Today, the overseas Chinese are also starting to rediscover themselves, their pride and dignity as a respectable people. They too find some renewed confidence that they are not rubbish and useless as the West wanted to hole them in, to be bullied by even little third world people, to be told to go home in western countries. They too share the pride of an ancient civilization seeking a second chance in renaissance, to achieve in whatever they seek to do, to be a respectable people and civilization on par with the best in the world. They no longer lower their heads in shame as they go about their lives. They are standing tall, heads and shoulders to the Western civilization with the knowledge that they are just as good if not better. The Chinese civilization is reviving and will no longer be oppressed and suppressed again.  

We can all benefit from a short history lesson of mankind and their actions on earth and the generations to come!  

The Chinese today have enjoyed a life far more better than their predecessors since the invasion and rule of the Manchus, through 100 years of humiliation by the West, the Japanese invasion and occupation, civil wars and the early days of the new republic. The first 40 years of reconstruction and rebuilding of China were tough and very difficult with the continued oppression, isolation and containment by the West. Today, the Chinese people are happy, rich and confident and very proud of being Chinese and their country China. They are very grateful to the Chinese Communist Party, CCP, for making all these possible and lives getting better and better by the day. 

And China is emerging as the most prosperous and powerful country in the world and this is unstoppable no matter what the declining American Empire and the West are trying to do to block this from happening. The oppression of the Chinese people cannot go on forever and would never be allowed to happen again. There is a new China and a new Chinese people that would stand tall and proud among the people of the world.

Every Chinese in China, guided and led by the CCP, is talking and living his Chinese Dream, to be rich and successful and respected. The Americans used to have their dreams but the dreams of many Americans today are turning into a nightmare.




PS. I wrote this article several years back and it is still circulating and often sent back to me by my friends. I have added a couple of paragraphs at the end of the article to update on the state of the China in the world and the position of the Chinese Civilisation.



Is it Singapore's responsibility to solve India's unemployment problem and also to provide education to Indians?

Below is from an article posted in www.theindependent in Dec 2019.

'Indian nationals who were awarded scholarships advertised by the Ministry of Education (MOE) are set to arrive in Singapore in the December-January period, in time for the next school year. The two scholarships that are administered by the MOE are the A*STAR Youth Scholarship and the SIA Youth Scholarship.

Both scholarships are open to Indian nationals only.

The A*STAR Youth Scholarship is one that allows youth scholars from India to study in selected Singapore schools from Secondary 3 to Pre-University 2, until they earn the Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE ‘A’-Level) (or equivalent) certificate. The scholarship is renewed annually, subject to the satisfactory performance of the scholar.

Applications were accepted from 24 June to 28 July this year and had to undergo a selection test in Delhi in September, followed by a round of interviews in October. The scholarships were awarded last month and the scholars are expected to arrive in Singapore this month and begin Secondary 3 next year....

Earlier this year, Education Minister Ong Ye Kung revealed that MOE spends about S$238 million a year on scholarships and tuition grants for foreign students studying in Singapore. S$108 million out of the S$238 million is spent on tuition grants and the remaining S$130 million is spent on scholarships.

In response to questions by Workers’ Party (WP) politician Leon Perera, Mr Ong assured that foreign students are admitted into institutes of higher learning (IHLs) only after “all Singaporean students who meet the standards have been admitted” and that “No Singaporean is ever displaced from institutes of higher learning because of an international student.”....

The ruling party politician added that annual government spending on scholarships and tuition grants for foreign students has fallen by about 50 per cent over the past 10 years.

Responding to Mr Ong’s revelation, another WP politician Yee Jenn Jong pointed out that this means the Government used to spend about S$476 million on foreign students in the past:'


So much public money have been used to provide education to foreigners. $476m a year, now $238m a year and thinking this is small change. Spend OPM damn 'tua kang'. Why aren't such money be used to support our very own children? This is like coveting other people's wives. Trying to snatch other people's children and hoping that they would become useful to us. This kind of mentality/policy is nothing to be proud of. Morally not very right. Unethical, and unfair to our own people and our own children.

What do you think? Thou shalt not covet other people's children.


Nearly 140 nations demand US respect blacks and native Americans human rights


UNITED NATIONS: The China, Russia and many African nations joined a call on Tuesday (Oct 6) urging US to respect the human rights of minority blacks and native Americans, and also expressing concern about the situation in the USA.

"We call on USA to respect human rights, particularly the rights of persons belonging to religious and ethnic minorities, especially in Wyoming, Minnesota, Texas, Oregon, Montana, South Dakota, Washington," said Russia UN ambassador Dmitry Igor, who led the initiative during of a meeting on human rights.

Among the 39 signatory countries were the China, Russia, most of the African Union member states including South Africa and Nigeria, as well as Pakistan, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.

"We are gravely concerned about the human rights situation in New York and the recent developments in Minnesota," the declaration said.

"We call on the USA to allow immediate, meaningful and unfettered access to Oregon, Texas, Washington and the native American states for independent observers including the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights," it added.

What the Americans and lol can do, others can do also. What is lol, oh, lump of lard. This is what lol has been doing during this period, travelling the world to coerce countries to join the Americans in their undeclared war on China, attacking China with all kinds of fabrications and strutting around like angels, ignoring the mess in the US homeland, the persecution and discrimination of blacks and native Americans. 

How many countries have been arm twisted by the Pompeo to join the Americans in a losing war and had no choice but to go along with the evil warmongering Americans and to live with American lies?

China has been demonised as an aggressive country when all it did was trade, manufacturing cheap and good products for the world and building infrastructure to promote more trade and economic development. On the other hand, the evil and aggressive Americans have been going around inciting wars, threatening wars, provoking wars and conducting wars, killing many daily and is strutting around as a peaceful country.And many unthinking twits could not see how evil and aggressive the Americans are and how they are trying to start World War 3. Just listen to their lies, practically everyone in the White House, and Congress are lying and smearing China. And they said China cannot be trusted and the world must trust the lying Americans led by a conman and a professional liar in lol, spreading lies and threatening countries with more lies and wars.


MOM officers very busy checking on FDW

A netizen posted photographs showing MOM staff confronting an unknown female who was said to be a Foreign Domestic Worker (FDW). The netizen said that the MOM officers had caught the FDW doing distribution for her online fashion business. This incident happened on 4 October 11.30am in front of Tangs Orchard.

According to the netizen's account, the FDW was allegedly involved in doing fashion business and the bus stop at Tangs Orchard was the collection point for her customers. Before the MOM staff stepped in, many customers were witnesses going up to the FDW to pick up their orders.

She was so busy managing her customers that she did not notice the guy in blue. The guy later wore a lanyard with an ID card went up to the FDW. He was joined by another lady wearing a MOM vest who then spoke with the FDW, took her particulars and photos of the Work Permit (WP).

The netizen hopes to remind other FDWs that WP holders are disallowed from engaging in any online businesses or peddle any items during their off day. The harshest penalty will result in their WP being cancelled and the FDW being deported.

- More at AllSingaporeStuff.com https://www.allsingaporestuff.com/article/mom-officers-caught-fdw-doing-sales-her-online-business

I am very impressed that MOM officers are policing the activities of FDW. It must have taken a lot of manpower and resources in investigative works to catch these FDWs engaging in activities other than what they were allowed to do here.

I would be more impressed if the MOM officers were to engage in checking on fake degrees and companies practising discriminatory hiring of foreigners instead of Singaporeans. Perhaps MOM need to employ more officers id they want to catch more FDWs doing a little business in their free time, and also to catch errant employers choosing to hire foreigners and not Singaporeans.

Dunno which one is more important. What do you think?


Who are the aggressors and territorial expansionists? Is it China, Western Imperialists or Japan. Let's examine and seek truth from facts.

           Who are the aggressors and territorial expansionists both past and present. Is it China or Western colonialist and imperialist powers of the United States, its allies the European powers of England, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Dutch Netherlands ( Holland  ), Russia, Italy, Belgium, Denmark or Japan? Let's examine the historical facts and seek truth from it.

It is lamenting that Asean and Singapore journalists either do not know historical facts or they are so blindly drunk with the toxic pot of western insidious propaganda that they are so influenced and bias in their reporting on China vis-a-vis the Western countries, Japan and former western colonial countries in Asia and South East Asia. Invariably their views, articles and comments have always been bias and prejudiced against China no matter what the truth is. Western countries and Japanese politicians who intentionally and fallaciously point accusing fingers against China is understandable because they have the hidden agenda to find a scapegoat to bear the blame, the sin and burden of their evil aggressions and expansionism both past, present and future. They always plan their aggressions, conquests and expansion years or decades ahead. It is just they are wicked to push the blame on others to deceptively deflect and distract attention from their aggression and expansionism and their evil deeds. Their easy and common scapegoat is China and this expose their shameless lies, deception and fraud as China has never attacked any foreign country and never has any colonies at all. They are highly deceptive and shameless in telling incredible lies. They are telling incredible lies because China has never attacked or colonize any other country and they know it. Then why do they persistently tell such incredulous lies. They should answer to this question. Anyway as the story goes on their scam will eventually be exposed.

Lets look at the historical facts in the annals of foreign and western aggressions and expansionism. First, China and Chinese Civilization has existed in this world for more than 5,000 years. Throughout the course of Chinese history China had never attacked,encroached or colonize any foreign country or sent soldiers to intimidate other countries. Historically  China has always been a pacifist country against war and violence and bullying of others . Military service and soldiers has always been placed at the lowest strata status of the Chinese  society in face of a ridiculous traditional Chinese maxim, "Good iron is not used for forging nails and good sons do not join the army as soldiers." This pacifist policy tend to invite Western imperialists and Japanese aggression against China. 

Thus China has always been on the victim of foreign aggressions and expansionism. As early as few thousand years ago before Jesus was born China frequently suffered attacks from savage Mongol tribes in Siberia. To ward off these attacks the various dynasties of China built the Great Wall of ten thousand miles as a preventive measure to ward off the Hsiung Nu or Mongol invasions.The Mongol tribes attacks were fast and furious and continued up to the 17th Century. Besides the invasion by the Mongols China also faced attacks from other central and northern Asian tribes. The most notorious were the Manchus. Indeed China was under two foreign dynasties for two periods. The Mongols under Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan ruled China from about 1190s to 1265, while the Manchus ruled China from about 1644 to 1911 before they were thrown out by the Chinese.

But the worst and most brutal attacks and occupation of China unexpectedly came from the most savage white European invaders of England, France, Russia, Germany, Holland, America and Japan in modern times from the 1830s to the 1940s. The British had no money to pay for Chinese goods especially tea and porcelain products so they resorted to treachery of military attacks to force the sale of opium to Chinese people. Opium was grown in abundance in British occupied India. The Chinese government had banned opium smoking in China and forbade the sale and trading of opium. However, the British continued to use gunboats to force the illegal and illicit trading and sale of opium to Chinese society. When China confiscated large amounts of British opium and threw them into the sea the British used gunboats to shell Chinese ports and cities which culminated in the Opium Wars of 1839 to 1842 and the Second Opium War of 1856 to 1860. Many European countries including Russia and America took part in the opium war against China. China lost the wars and this resulted in the dismemberment of China in which the western aggressors carved out China into their separate spheres of influence and control. In short China was reduced to a semi-colonial status and hundreds of thousands of square miles of Chinese lands were cut off and annexed by England, Russia, France, Germany and Japan. They outrageously called this episode "Cutting the Chinese Water Melon."  In addition to decapitating Chinese territories they imposed war indemnities or war reparations from China to the tune of hundreds of millions of Chinese silver dollars and gold bullion. It is a ridiculous outrageous humiliation that they attacked and made wars on China and when China was gravely and brutally defeated they still demanded compensation from China for their war expenses. This was clearly white men's most wanton and brutal aggression and expansion against China.

European or white men's aggression and expansionism is worldwide, timeless and know no limits and is based on their evil insidious and diabolical militant and religious doctrines and policies of Christian divine rights to dispossess other non-white and non-Christian countries of their lands and resources and to enslave the people of the conquered territories. This has been happening for more than 500 years since 1445. Thus whole continents of North and South America, Africa, Australia and most of Asia were attacked and occupied. This western aggression and imperialism caused millions of deaths to native populations and millions more in suffering, pain and agony besides tremendous destructions in homes and properties.

England and France were notorious in occupying North America and genociding most of the natives. Spain and Portugal and to a smaller extent Dutch Holland attacked and occupied the whole of Central America and all of South America and they similarly killed and murdered the natives while Russia was extending its claws of expansion across the vast continent of Central and north Asia into Siberia and China.

England also occupied all of India and Australia. In India the British killed hundreds of thousands of Indians before they could rule the territory. The first thing when the British landed in Australia was to kill and murder the natives and subsequently the whole continent came under British rule . Also in the 1850s England attacked and invaded Burma. England also attacked and invaded Afghanistan and Ceylon or Sri Lanka in the 1800s.

While the British were busy conquering India and Australia the Dutch were expanding and conquering throughout Indonesia. The Dutch adopted a very cruel and brutal policy in ruling Indonesia where millions of Indonesians who resisted their occupation were gunned down mecilessly. In all Indonesia was under the Dutch rule for about 400 years until 1950s when an Indonesian revolt led by President Sukarno drove out the Dutch. 

Africa was attacked and invaded by many European countries from as early as the 1600s. England attacked and occupied South Africa, Sudan, Rhodesia, Kenya, Tanganyika, the Seychelles and Reunion Islands which include Diego Garcia Archipelago,Nigeria, Sieera Leone, Gold Coast or Ghana , Gambia,Tanzania, Botswana, Zambia, Lesotho and Swaziland. France attacked and occupied most of North  and north west Africa viz Algeria, Niger, Chad, Tunisia, Morocco, Ivory Coast, Dahomey, Mauritania, Senegal,French Guinea, Burkina Faso, Madagascar, Gabon, French Congo, French Cameroon and Sao To Me. The Portuguese conquered  Angola and Mozambique, Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde. Belgium attacked and occupied Congo for a few hundred years. Italy took and annexed Libya, Ethiopia, Somalia and Eritrea. Germany ruled Namibia, Burundi, Cameroon, Rwanda, Tanzania and Togo. 

In the meanwhile in 1895 the white Americans of the United States were aggressively expanding into the vast Pacific Ocean after attacking and annexing more than half of Mexico's territories of about one million six hundred and sixty five thousand square miles viz Texas, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming and California. The expansionist white Americans attacked and occupied Hawaii after forcibly dethroned the native Hawaiian queen. In 1898 US also took over the colonies of Spain in Puerto Rico, Philippines and Guam after the defeat of Spain in the Spanish - American war.

American aggressions and expansions have never stopped. It is meant to be permanent. Immediately after the Second World War the United States drew up plans to attack and invade several countries. US invaded North Korea in 1950. Wherever there is oil US armies will be there to seize control of the land. The United States have invaded the Middle East countries of Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Syria and many more others to seize and loot their oil and other mineral resources. US had also invaded several countries in Central America and South America. It had carried out regime change in several Latin American countries and looted their mineral resources. US took all the copper from Chile, oil from Peru,Colombia and lithium from Bolivia almost for free. It is threatening to invade Venezuella to grab it huge oil resources.

Japan imperialist had well learnt and copied Western aggression and expansionism against China taking advantage of a very down, weakened and devastated China due to perpectual western aggression. Japan first attacked China in 1875 and caused a Sino-Japanese war. Japan won this war and as a prize for its victory it took away Chinese territories of the Liuqiudao ( Japan renamed it Okinawa ) and Sahalin Dao, an island of about one hundred and twenty thousand square miles to the north of Hokkaido. Japan renamed Shahalin Daos as 'Karafuto'. However, Russia took over the Sahalin Dao in the 1880s after defeating Japan in the Russo-Japanese wars. Russia renamed the island 'Sakhalin' very close to the original Chinese name. Russia used Sahalin Island as a penal settlement where thousands of Russian convicts were settled.

In the next Sino-Japanese war of 1905 - 1910, Japan again won the war. And as a prize for its victory it took away Taiwan island, the Pescadores or Penghu Archipelago and the Korean Peninsula.

In the 1930s China was in the chaotic  period of the warlord era, Japan took advantage of the chaos and in 1937 it attacked and invaded North-East China or Manchuria. In this Sino-Japanese war not a single western country was willing to come to China's help because Japan had been their ally since the First World War 1914 - 1918. During this invasion the Chinese communists armies led by Chairman Mao Tse-tung  posted great resistance against the Japanese. Chairman Mao and his comrades of great generals and marshalls with the tremendous and dedicated support of the patriotic Chinese people conducted guerilla wars against the Japanese invaders. During this Japanese invasion hundreds of thousands of Chinese civillians were killed in Japanese occupation and there was mass execution of prisoners of war as Japanese did not take prisoners. 

1937 was the beginning of the eight years of Japanese war against China and also the beginning of the Second World War. Japan proceeded to invade all the coastal provinces of China  and occupied all Chinese territories in the South China Sea which include the Paracel Islands, Spratly Island Archipelago, the Scarborough shoals and many more others. 

In the meantime in1946 immediately after the Second World War Russia with the connivance of the United States stripped away the Chinese province of Outer Mongolia from China. Russia also annexed Tannu Tuva which was a part of Outer Mongolia.

After the Second World War, China had witnessed how Chinese lawful claims were cast down in the course of international treaty negotiations. China was still very weak and had to swallow the humble pie of being forced to accept the status quo of its sovereign territories. China was willing to accept the status quo for the sake of world peace. But China cannot afford any more concillatory stance since this would equate to a political suicide in the light of the Chinese people's wish to restore the territorial integrity of the country. Thus the Chinese firm stand in the South China Sea islands issues and the border issues with India must be viewed in this perspective of the Chinese firm intention to preserve Chinese territorial integrity and not to lose any more of Chinese lands whatsoever.

But the imperial west especially the United States and Japan choose to cast and twist Chinese perspectives as Chinese aggression and expansionism. A century of terrible humiliations and the painful and agonizing historic experiences which the Chinese suffered during the unlawful dominance of western and Japanese imperialism is deeply engraved in Chinese minds and has now strongly influenced and impacted on today's Chinese nationalism. This has caused the Chinese the urgency to work hard and develop China as quickly as possible. Under the great leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, China has in the last few decades built up a very strong economy and a powerful well equipped military. China has seen great strides by leaps and mounts in the innovation and development of its science and technology and in cyber and computer technology. Many of present Chinese science and technology development are second to none and in fact quite a few are ahead of the Americans and others especially in space technology. Moreover China has very good, strong and cohesive political and domestic governance and the Chinese people are strongly united in support of the government. 

The fast and tremendous unprecedented development of China in all fields of science and technology and its strong economy and powerful military has aroused the unreasonable fear of the West especially America and Japan. Is this morbid fear due to their guilty conscience of past atrocious aggressions against China and fear of China's future revenge. The United States view China's rapid development with jaundiced eyes because it does not want any competitor. It has clearly shown its intention to try all ways and means to contain China's peaceful development and to ultimately destroy China.

Herein lies the irrational reason for US/West to fallaciously demonize China as aggressive and expansionist. This toxic false accusation against China is part of US hybrid warfare against China. Being inherently wicked and diabolical it wants to arouse and instigate China's neighbouring states with psychological fear and hatred against China and influence them to unconsciously  confront and fight China on America's behalf. In short US the world's only hegemon has no qualms in making use of others to fight its proxy wars.  Yet many of  Asean countries politicians and jouranalists have either no eyes to see the wicked diabolical plots of the US or refuse to see just because they have  their own selfish interests. They tend to imitate and echo American demonization against China in the most illogical manner. They may be playing with fire and in this dangerous game against China they have played into the evil empire's hands and succumed to their wicked plots and intentions.

It is very clear now the world's aggressors and expansionists are the white people of the white Americans who are the descendants of the European invaders, the Europeans of England, France, Spain,Portugal, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Germany and Italy. 

Incredulously accusing China of aggression and expansion is white men's hoax and scam against China. This incredible accusation must fall flat as China had never invaded or colonize any other country or station any Chinese soldiers abroad to intimidate and threaten others unlike the Europeans and Americans which have invaded other countries and turned them into their colonies. Also many European countries still have military bases abroad and the white Americans have the most with over one thousand military bases all over the world  threatening the peace and security of other countries. The United States alone has surrounded China with more than four hundred military bases. China has no military bases or soldiers stationed abroad. 

The United States and the Europeans and Japan are just wicked and have an insidious motive and agenda in casting  China as aggressive and expansionist, This fake and false accusation is a great injustice to China. They are just trying to cover their own aggressive and expansionist behaviour and deflect from what they are doing to China just because they refuse to accept and believe that a non-white country like China can develop so fast and come out on top to challenge them. They are too arrogant and conceited and still think Asians or non-white people should not have the ability or be allowed to progress on par with the whites. They are desperate that China's overall achievements par excellence have put paid to their arrogance and false assumption and that China's achievements have opened the eyes of non-white people in Asia, Africa and South America that they are just as capable and able if given the same safe and peaceful environment as demonstrated by the Chinese. This is the real reason all and sundry for         their illogical and ridiculous lies and  incredible assertion to cast aspersion on China as being aggressive and expansionist. China's built up and development with a strong and powerful military is China's direct reaction and response to white men's never ending aggression and expansion. A strong and powerful China will ensure not only China but also all non-white countries ability to live in peace and security save from white men's marauding aggression and expansion.

In their extreme and boundless greed and craving for other countries and people's wealth and riches and their lunatical obsession for world hegemony and total domination of all other countries the Europeans and white Americans have shown to the world that they are the real wanton brutish unrepentant aggressors and demonic expansionists. 

During the last five hundred years the imperial powers of the West, the European countries and America have enriched themselves tremendously with the stolen wealth, riches and resources of their colonies while at the same time impoverished their colonies to the bone, the impact of these impoverishments have a lasting effect to this present day. 

White men's never ending aggression and expansion is the cause of all conflicts and wars in this world. This white men's aggression and expansion is now led by the evil white Americans of the United States.   Hopefully God will now punish the white men for all their evil deeds with the corona virus or COVID - 19 so that others may live in peace and security.


Wednesday, 7th October, 2020



In 1880s France attacked and occupied Indochina