Under the impact of Chinese power and Xi’s revisionism, as former
Indian diplomat Vijay Gokhle wrote in the New York Times recently: “The
world needs balance — at the moment, no country other than the United
States has the means to ensure it.”
For far too long, New Delhi
has maintained a preference for strategic autonomy rather than strategic
alignment with the West. Chinese actions have more or less forced
India’s hands.
Yogesh Joshi is Research Fellow at the Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore.
The above is quoted from CNA. This is a typical Indian rhetorical statement as if China is so afraid of India aligning with the Americans to contain China and China must coax India and court India if China did not want this to happen. This is like expecting the racist Australians to be nice to China and not to be too friendly with the USA. China has long concluded that India is an unreliable partner in geopolitics. India would always be a secondary power and clinging to the coat tail of the Americans like a mouse sitting on the head of a tiger and shouting at everyone.
China has no disillusion that India is going to be on the side of China. India has always been taking the side of the Americans against China. Period. There is no need for such an incident to push India into the American camp. It has always been in bed with the Americans.
China can only hope that India be a responsible neighbour and avoid creating trouble and mischief at the borders. Unfortunately this is a bit too hard to wish for knowing how sneaky and conniving the Indians are. Their super power dream has misguided their thinking and sensibility. They still think they are in the same league as China and China is viewing India as a strategic competitor. Not for another hundred years before India can think of catching up with China.
Between China and India there is no meaningful comparison. Perhaps India can claim number one when its population exceeds those of China.
PS. India has sent more soldiers and heavy weapons to the border, including a division of tanks. Trying to be aggressive, to attack Chinese border guards. Now got whacked and crying father and crying mother. If they had the upper hand, they would not behave like cry babies.
As usual, sabre rattling, want to fight with China again, trying to tell the world and China their prick is bigger and would rout the Chinese PLA. Talk is India's top weapon. Listen to their news and social media you would think they would be marching to Beijing soon. Typical big talk and lots of noise but would be fleeing when war starts.
Covid19 - Latest list of cursed and condemned countries by God
United States | 2,255,119 | 119,719 |
Brazil | 1,067,579 | 49,976 |
Russia | 584,680 | 8,101 |
India | 410,461 | 13,254 |
United Kingdom | 303,110 | 42,589 |
Peru | 251,338 | 7,861 |
Spain | 245,938 | 28,322 |
Italy | 238,499 | 34,634 |
Chile | 236,748 | 4,295 |
Iran | 204,952 | 9,623 |
France | 196,724 | 29,636 |
Germany | 189,822 | 8,883 |
Turkey | 186,493 | 4,927 |
Pakistan | 176,617 | 3,501 |
Mexico | 175,202 | 20,781 |
Saudi Arabia | 157,612 | 1,267 |
Bangladesh | 112,306 | 1,464 |
Canada | 101,019 | 8,410 |
South Africa | 92,681 | 1,877 |
Qatar | 87,369 | 98 |
As of 8:25am Jun 22, 2020 - Data from CNA
The evil Americans are still lying about the numbers. Racist Trump, the clown sent by God to destroy America, is telling his agencies to slow down the testing so that the numbers would be lower. Who is cheating, who is lying? Dump Trump could not understand that he is only cheating himself and the Americans by rigging the testing of new cases. See, no new cases, no testing.
How idiotic can this clown be?
The USA, the most evil country on earth, is facing the full wrath of God, with more than 2 millions infected, and the number of deaths growing each day. This is retribution and punishment for the harm and evilness they have done to the people of the world, for the hundreds of thousands they have killed, the millions they have maimed, the millions they have forced and coerced into hardship, into a life of poverty.
Thank God that this is happening to the Americans. Amen.
Which country in this world is dangerous and illegitimate? You judge.
Which country is dangerous and illegitimate - China or USA ? You judge. This article will reinforce the truth of Chua Chin Leng's article, "The world's number one terrorist nation, ( the evil empire - The United States of America" posted on 20-06-2020 The Western countries especially the United States like to shout at the international political arena as if its is Hyde Park's Speakers' Corner that China is an illegitimate country and the Chinese Communist Party has no legitimacy. So China under the CCP has no legitimacy and the US under the decrepit rotten governing system of the Democrats and Republicans has legitimacy. So let's examine the facts and the truths. China is a great country of more then 5,000 years and her Civilization is comparable to that of other great civilizations like Egypt, Persia ( Iran ), Babylon or Mesopotamia ( Iraq ), India, Greek and Rome. During these 5,000 years China has bequeathed to us a lot in science and technology, literature, biology, mathematics, inventions like gun powder, compass, paper, printing, seismograph, horse stirrup, the rudder,farming and seed seeding machines, oil drilling techniques, knowledge in astronomy and cosmology and hundreds of others. Where was US during these 5,000 years? How did United States come about? Originally the US was part of the odious British imperial north American empire which includes Canada. Imperial England had conquered North America from 1603 AD and ever since then maintained its strong control against the native Americans through brutal military might via unrestrained atrocities and genocide of the natives. In 1775-1776 some thirteen British colonies were not happy with the heavy taxes England imposed on them. They started a revolution to fight for independence from England . They succeeded with the help of France and Spain. So in a treaty signed in Paris the thirteen colonies from Maine to Georgia became a union of independent sovereign states. So the United States of America came into existence albeit out of violence. Canada chose to remain loyal to the British flag. In the meantime England also granted self-governing autonomous status to about a hundred native American Indian tribes for the rest of the British north American territory that lie to the west of the thirteen independent states. From that very first year of declaration of independence in 1776, the thirteen states adopted a policy of aggression and expansion against the self-governing autonomous native states under the doctrine, " The Manifest Destiny of America. " Eventually all the native self-governing autonomous states were brutally attacked by the United States and the natives genocided in a more violent and wanton manner than that carried out by the British earlier. All the native states were destroyed and their lands incorporated into the bigger and wider expanding United States of America. Thus the United States is built at the expense of the native Americans whose lands were illegally acquired by force of military might to form the rogue illegitimate country, The United States of America. After the brutal and violent way of forcefully acquiring all the native self-governing states the rogue United States went on another spree of wanton aggression against Mexico from 1840s to 1890s. In this hostile aggressive wars of conquest US took away one million six hundred and sixty-five million square miles of Mexican lands which now comprise the states of Texas, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico and California. Then in 1895 to 1905 it attacked Hawaii and took over the territory after the massacre of over three hundred thousand native Hawiians. The Hawaiian queen was unceremoniously deposed and later murdered. So the United States is an illegitimate country built on stolen lands from other people, from the native American Indians and the Mexicans. The illegitimate US is built on the terrible agony, suffering and almost a hundred million deaths of the natives and thereafter the senseless killings of African American negro slaves as well as the Latino Mexicans. The United States streaks of wanton violence continue to this day against most other countries as its motive is to achieve sole superpower hegemony over all other countries on earth. USA is an artificial illegitimate country born out of violence, pain, agony, suffering and deaths of millions of innocent natives and therefore it needs to be clobbered and destroyed for the safety and security of the rest of other people and countries in this earthly world. Southernglory1 Sunday, 21st June, 2020 |
Racist Singapore?
Singapore—Wake Up, Singapore,
a political website run by a “community of young activists” asked on
its Facebook page on June 18 why the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP)
“doesn’t allow” Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam to be the Prime
Why doesn't the PAP allow Tharman to be PM?
Posted by Wake Up, Singapore on Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Mr Tharman, the Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for Social Policies, also served as the country’s Deputy Prime Minister from 2011 to 2019, until he was replaced by Heng Swee Keat. He’s a well-beloved and highly respected political leader.
In a 2019 poll on social media which had nearly 20,000 respondents, an overwhelming 92 percent of voters
said they would choose Mr Tharman over Mr Heng to succeed Prime
Minister Lee Hsien Loong and become the nation’s next head of
Government. A survey from this publication, as well as a Blackbox survey commissioned by Yahoo Singapore, had similar results.
Abdullah hightailed about the popularity
of Mr Tharman and asked Mr Heng, “Is it Singapore who is not ready for a
non-Chinese prime minister, or is it the PAP (the ruling People’s
Action Party) who is not ready for a non-Chinese prime minister?”
Mr Heng said that Singapore might not be
ready yet for a non-Chinese Prime Minister, especially those from older
generations. He said that from his “own experience in walking the
ground, in working with different people from all walks of life, is that
the views — if you go by age and by life experience — would be very
different,” but added, “I do think that at the right time when enough
people think that we may have a minority leader, a minority who becomes
the leader of the country, that is something that we can all hope for.”
The above is posted in www.theindependent.sg.
The questions raised in the above comments, Is Singapore ready for a non Chinese PM or Is the PAP ready for a non Chinese PM? Which question is more relevant?
Similarly I would like to ask the following two questions. Is Singapore ready to flood the country with Indians from India? Or is the PAP ready to flood the island with Indians from India?
What is the population of Singapore, I mean Singaporeans? 3.5m? What is the size of Indians and Bangladeshis in Singapore, excluding Singaporean Indians? 500,000 or 1m?
Why is the PAP so comfortable with so many Indians in Singapore but not comfortable with an Indian PM? Or why are Singaporeans so comfortable in having so many Indians in Singapore but not an Indian PM? Which is the more relevant question?
What is the real issue? What is more problematical or treacherous to Singaporeans or to the PAP?
What do you think?
And here are some comments from www.theindependent.sg
And here are some comments from www.theindependent.sg
This was reflected in the answers given by netizens to the question posed by Wake Up, Singapore.
Fazlena Kaswadi wrote, “According
to their bubble survey, they say sporean not ready for non-chinese pm.
Only in Singapore is this kind of discrimination legal and accepted.”
Mohan Tamilmaran commented, “Cos
the PAP wants us to think that Spore, being Chinese majority, is not
ready for a non-Chinese PM. Yet the govt deems it so important that the a
President should be Malay, never mind whether or not Spore is ready.”
Another netizen, going by the name of YA AO As, answered, “They are afraid of letting go of a family business.”
One comment zeroed in on how intelligent Mr Tharman is. Lalli Maniam wrote, “Tharman is very smart, not like the ones who are sitting there and saying one can have Cotton from the sheep ”
Another netizen seems to believe so
highly in Mr Tharman that he said if the Senior Minister ever formed a
“team” on his own, he would win.
Thng Felix commented, “Tharman
shd form a team by himself and contest in the Election for the
betterment of all Singsporeans…he will win . I will vote for him 100%”
Others also wrote of him in glowing terms.
Adrian Ng wrote, “very obvious tharman is much more pm calibre than any of the 4G.The way he express n carry himself is PM material.”
PS. If I were to recommend an immigration policy to the govt, my position, not more than 50,000 nationals from any particular country would be allowed to work here at any particular time. This is not about racism but about national security.
Having too big a foreign population is an existential threat to the country and a threat to the social security and harmony of the people. Can't imagine having hundreds of thousands of them from any particular country working here at one time.
This is truly Stupidity has no Cure Disease in action.
PS. If I were to recommend an immigration policy to the govt, my position, not more than 50,000 nationals from any particular country would be allowed to work here at any particular time. This is not about racism but about national security.
Having too big a foreign population is an existential threat to the country and a threat to the social security and harmony of the people. Can't imagine having hundreds of thousands of them from any particular country working here at one time.
This is truly Stupidity has no Cure Disease in action.
The world's Number One Terrorist Nation - The stupids believe they are peace loving people
The Americans and the western media have been publishing misinformation and fake news about China, branding China as an aggressive and expanding power. We cannot trust the Chinese. What if they... This is all the Americans and the western media are accusing China of, What if? And China has been seen and believed by all those that were fed on American and western diet of misinformation that China is a hostile and dangerous country. And many silly Asian and SE Asian leaders believe so especially from the American lackey and crony countries in SE Asia. Singapore is number One in believing this disinformation of hate against China.
Now who is the dangerous Number One Terrorist Nation in the world in terms of wars and bombing of other countries? Below is the America's bombing list. These are the countries that the Americans have attacked and bombed in recent years. And all the silly country leaders still believe that the Americans are peace loving people, inviting the Americans to be policemen, to keep peace.
Korea and China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954
Indonesia 1958
Cuba 1959-61
Guatemala 1960
Congo 1964
Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Guatemala 1967-69
Grenada 1983
Lebanon 1983-84
Libya 1986
El Salvador 1980s
Nicaragua 1980s
Iran 1987
Panama 1989
Iraq 1991 Invasion
Somalia 1993
Bosnia 1984-85
Sudan 1998
Yugoslavia 1999
Yemen 2002
Iraq 1991-2003
Iraq 2003-2015
Afghanistan 2001-2015
Pakistan 2007-2015
Somalia 2007-8, 2011
Yeman 2009, 2011
Libya 2011,2015
Syria 2014-15
Now ask, what wars have China fought, invaded and countries bombed during the same period? China was only involved in 4 defensive border wars with Russia, India, Vietnam and the Korean War. China has not set foot on any foreign country and neither did China bomb any country.
Why is China untrustworthy, dangerous when the Americans were and are doing all the invasions, wars and bombings and killings? Think, look at the facts. Who is the dangerous one, who is the warmonger, who is the world's Number One Terrorist Nation? China cannot be trusted because the evil Americans said so. China is so dangerous, if....if, not that China has invaded any country or bomb any country but based on if, and the Americans said so.
Who is unreliable? Who cannot be trusted? Still want to believe in the American lies, in white lies?
Now who is the dangerous Number One Terrorist Nation in the world in terms of wars and bombing of other countries? Below is the America's bombing list. These are the countries that the Americans have attacked and bombed in recent years. And all the silly country leaders still believe that the Americans are peace loving people, inviting the Americans to be policemen, to keep peace.
Korea and China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954
Indonesia 1958
Cuba 1959-61
Guatemala 1960
Congo 1964
Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Guatemala 1967-69
Grenada 1983
Lebanon 1983-84
Libya 1986
El Salvador 1980s
Nicaragua 1980s
Iran 1987
Panama 1989
Iraq 1991 Invasion
Somalia 1993
Bosnia 1984-85
Sudan 1998
Yugoslavia 1999
Yemen 2002
Iraq 1991-2003
Iraq 2003-2015
Afghanistan 2001-2015
Pakistan 2007-2015
Somalia 2007-8, 2011
Yeman 2009, 2011
Libya 2011,2015
Syria 2014-15
Now ask, what wars have China fought, invaded and countries bombed during the same period? China was only involved in 4 defensive border wars with Russia, India, Vietnam and the Korean War. China has not set foot on any foreign country and neither did China bomb any country.
Why is China untrustworthy, dangerous when the Americans were and are doing all the invasions, wars and bombings and killings? Think, look at the facts. Who is the dangerous one, who is the warmonger, who is the world's Number One Terrorist Nation? China cannot be trusted because the evil Americans said so. China is so dangerous, if....if, not that China has invaded any country or bomb any country but based on if, and the Americans said so.
Who is unreliable? Who cannot be trusted? Still want to believe in the American lies, in white lies?
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