In the fourth of a series of National Broadcasts, Trade and Industry
Minister Chan Chun Sing said on Sunday (June 14) that the Government
will intensify its efforts to bring the best foreign talent to
His comments come as Singaporeans, who were already worried about
foreign competition, face an unprecedented loss of jobs in the wake of
the Covid-19 pandemic.
Speaking about the Government’s plans to improve Singapore’s infrastructure for the next generation, Mr Chan said: “We will also intensify the efforts to attract the best ideas and talent to compete on our side, and complement our strengths.
“Initiatives like the Global Innovation Alliance connect
us with talent hubs across the world. We will make ourselves a more
attractive safe harbour for talent, ideas and intellectual property, to
grow more businesses and create better jobs.”
The minister, who is also the ruling People’s Action Party’s (PAP) Second Assistant Secretary-General, added: “Competition is intense. Talented people, including our own, can go anywhere.”
Above is reported in Just a few days back the
govt plastered the media with the message that Singapore is spending
billions to create jobs for Singaporeans. But most of these jobs are
trainee level jobs or relatively low paying jobs as there was not such
remarks about jobs to attract talents. Now compare this with this nonsense about bringing in more foreign talents ie high paying jobs. Is the govt thus creating low paying jobs for Singaporeans and high paying jobs for foreigners?
Another question, if the foreign talents are brought in to fill high paying jobs, and the jobs are local in nature, ie local market, local customers, local competitors, is there a need to hire more talented foreigners for such jobs to compete with local talents to do jobs that operate in the local environment? If the jobs created are to compete in the international market for more business and revenue, that is understandable.
There is no need to hire super foreign talent to run chicken rice stalls to cater to domestic supply and demand, to compete against another local chicken rice stalls. Even if one is literally selling chicken rice overseas, who are the competitors for chicken rice? Singaporeans, not foreigners. Foreigners wanting to eat chicken rice must eat Singaporean chicken rice. Is this too difficult to understand? There is no need to hire foreign talents, to pay them million, to run the public transport system or taxi system when the business is the domestic market. Many businesses are domestic in nature and there is absolutely no need for foreign talents. Why need foreigners to run the postal system, why need foreigners to be our local bank managers, MRT, buses etc etc
I can't believe that we have fools that are so happy to hire foreign talents and pay them millions to operate in the local market to make money from the local consumers, to compete with other local businesses. Unless these foreign talents are to fight with the best in the world for international market and foreign revenue, what the fuck is there a need to hire such foreign talents and be paid in the millions? Foreigners tua kee is it? Just because some demi gods said so, everyone blindly think this is the recipe for the well being of Singapore. There must be certain criteria and conditions to demand for foreign talents. Do not sacrifice the interests of Singaporeans by replacing them with foreigners.
Even the CEO job of a bank, if the business is local, does not require a foreign talent and paying multi million dollar salary when the job and pay could be given to a local talent. Even if the business has some overseas offices, it does not necessarily require a foreign talent as the business is mainly for businesses operating from here, and the customers are from here and any business generated is due to comparative advantages, captured business and nothing really got to do with foreign talent and expertise.
It is so stupid to everyday yelling about hiring foreign talents and wasting taxpayers money when such money could be used to pay Singaporeans. Why don't the govt hire more foreign talents to take over the govt, in political appointments like ministers as well? How many of the foreign talents hired are actually running another chicken rice stall here? There is no need to have a gold plated chicken rice stall run by foreign talents and to charge more and the people paying more for another plate of gold plated chicken rice.
There are many myths that are just myths and must be discarded. And this fetish fad of hiring foreign talents must be reexamined to see if they really make sense and contribute to the productivity of the country, the interests of Singaporeans, and generating more revenue in terms of foreign revenue and not taxing more on the people.
Good jobs must go to Singaporeans, not foreigners unless there are exceptional reasons for doing so. No one must be allowed to sell out the interests of Singaporeans to benefit foreigners. We do not owe the foreigners a living. Think, don't just simply follow old mantras wholesale.
Singapore is for Singaporeans not foreigners. Think Singaporean first. And stop the crap of giving instant pink IC to foreigners and call them Singaporeans.
USA - a nation built on the foundation of white supremacy, racism and hate
WASHINGTON, DC: The fatal shooting of a black man by a white police
officer, this time in Atlanta, Georgia, poured more fuel on Sunday (Jun
14) on a raging US debate over racism after another round of street
protests and the resignation of the city's police chief....
"I do not believe this was a justified use of deadly force," Bottoms said. The officer who shot Brooks - identified as Garrett Rolfe - was dismissed....
James Clyburn, an African American member of Congress from South Carolina, said he was incensed.
"This did not call for lethal force. And I don't know what's in the culture that would make this guy do that. It has got to be the culture. It's got to be the system," he said, speaking on CNN's "State of the Union." CNA
In a way it is the system. But the system is built over centuries of hate and white supremacy. From the days of genociding the native Americans to the slavery of black Africans and racial discrimination against Chinese and Asians, this doctrine of hate is in the bones of the white Americans. And this culture has been built and perpetuated through centuries of hate narratives in the culture, in the homes, in the schools, in society, where white supremacy is the norm.
America is for the whites. The rest of the coloured people do not matter. The blacks, the native Indians and other coloured immigrants are second, third and fourth class citizens, with lesser rights, some with no rights like the blacks Africans, to be killed at the slightest infringement, not necessary violation of the law. Imagine youths walking on a country road with no sidewalks can be hauled up for jaywalking and be killed when resisting arrest. Imagine young boys and girls can be harassed and handcuffed at the whims and fancy of the white policemen. Imagine killing a black man for accused of $20 fake notes, note even proven. Imagine being checked everyday on the roads, in your own garden or right in front of your own houses.
The white supremacy and hate culture are in the bones of the white Americans. It cannot be wiped out just be a few protest. It took centuries to build and develop. It would take centuries to erase from the sick minds of the whites.
The only way out is to divide America in coloured and white states. Let the whites rule themselves and the coloured rule themselves in two or more countries of the Disunited States of America. Otherwise the killings and discrimination of blacks and coloured people will never cease.
The USA needs to be broken up. The coloured people need a country of their own when they are treated as equals, not the unwritten slaves of the whites and to serve the interests of the whites.
This is the 21st Century, but the whites are still living in medieval times when they are the superior race, living under the Doctrine of Christian Discovery, where the coloured and natives are sub humans, and could be killed under their religion of white supremacy. This doctrine of racial discrimination and hate must be eradicated once and for all. No more dilly dally and hoping that the whites would be merciful and kind to the blacks and coloured people.
There were thousands of cases of police abuses but all dismissed except a handful of cases that involved black policemen attacking white men. Cases involving white policemen were always dismissed.
They will not. Mark my words, there will be more killings of blacks before this thing is over. The white policemen is only a small fraction of white supremacy gangs and thugs. There are the KKK still hiding around the corners, the extreme rightist groups, the Nazi groups etc etc waiting to kill the blacks and coloured people when the chips are down.
America needs a black revolution for equal rights to exist with dignity and to be treated like human beans.
PS. AFP report.
A 1999 review into the case found British police were "institutionally racist".
Basu said there had been "real" progress since then but "we must confront the fact that with many of our communities - especially the black community - we still have a long way to go".
"I do not believe this was a justified use of deadly force," Bottoms said. The officer who shot Brooks - identified as Garrett Rolfe - was dismissed....
James Clyburn, an African American member of Congress from South Carolina, said he was incensed.
"This did not call for lethal force. And I don't know what's in the culture that would make this guy do that. It has got to be the culture. It's got to be the system," he said, speaking on CNN's "State of the Union." CNA
In a way it is the system. But the system is built over centuries of hate and white supremacy. From the days of genociding the native Americans to the slavery of black Africans and racial discrimination against Chinese and Asians, this doctrine of hate is in the bones of the white Americans. And this culture has been built and perpetuated through centuries of hate narratives in the culture, in the homes, in the schools, in society, where white supremacy is the norm.
America is for the whites. The rest of the coloured people do not matter. The blacks, the native Indians and other coloured immigrants are second, third and fourth class citizens, with lesser rights, some with no rights like the blacks Africans, to be killed at the slightest infringement, not necessary violation of the law. Imagine youths walking on a country road with no sidewalks can be hauled up for jaywalking and be killed when resisting arrest. Imagine young boys and girls can be harassed and handcuffed at the whims and fancy of the white policemen. Imagine killing a black man for accused of $20 fake notes, note even proven. Imagine being checked everyday on the roads, in your own garden or right in front of your own houses.
The white supremacy and hate culture are in the bones of the white Americans. It cannot be wiped out just be a few protest. It took centuries to build and develop. It would take centuries to erase from the sick minds of the whites.
The only way out is to divide America in coloured and white states. Let the whites rule themselves and the coloured rule themselves in two or more countries of the Disunited States of America. Otherwise the killings and discrimination of blacks and coloured people will never cease.
The USA needs to be broken up. The coloured people need a country of their own when they are treated as equals, not the unwritten slaves of the whites and to serve the interests of the whites.
This is the 21st Century, but the whites are still living in medieval times when they are the superior race, living under the Doctrine of Christian Discovery, where the coloured and natives are sub humans, and could be killed under their religion of white supremacy. This doctrine of racial discrimination and hate must be eradicated once and for all. No more dilly dally and hoping that the whites would be merciful and kind to the blacks and coloured people.
There were thousands of cases of police abuses but all dismissed except a handful of cases that involved black policemen attacking white men. Cases involving white policemen were always dismissed.
They will not. Mark my words, there will be more killings of blacks before this thing is over. The white policemen is only a small fraction of white supremacy gangs and thugs. There are the KKK still hiding around the corners, the extreme rightist groups, the Nazi groups etc etc waiting to kill the blacks and coloured people when the chips are down.
America needs a black revolution for equal rights to exist with dignity and to be treated like human beans.
PS. AFP report.
A 1999 review into the case found British police were "institutionally racist".
Basu said there had been "real" progress since then but "we must confront the fact that with many of our communities - especially the black community - we still have a long way to go".
Alternate truth versus transient risks
Many people must have remember Trump's famous comment about alternate truth. Trump used this to describe his own truth or interpretation of things and events that is different from the truth or what was reported in the news. The truth of the matter is that truth is subjective and anyone can spread his own alternate truth from the truth. There is nothing but the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is no longer fashionable, only to be used in archaic organisations like the courts of law where truth has a different meaning.
Lately, with the Covid Pandemic, there is a big tussle between more restrictions and lockdowns and opening up the economy. Both are equally damaging to the financial well being of the people. Many countries could not resist the temptation of opening up despite their infected cases still on the rise. It is the in thing, fashionable because clown Trump did it and so far nothing serious has happened in the USA. This nice situation could be helped by not testing too many people and keeping the numbers of infected cases low.
Singapore is also struggling between extending the partial lockdown to opening up. Slowly more businesses are allowed to open and people are starting to get to work. And with cars so expensive, many poor and not so rich Singaporeans have no choice but to take the Slow MRT to work. And in morning rush hours, the crowded train is still a normal thing.
This puts into conflict the prohibition against social visiting. This is still banned but cramming in trains is ok. When confronted by this kind of questions that is conflicting and contradicting, this is what Lawrence Wong's reply, introducing a new phrase called 'transient risks'. Below is quoted from
'Mr Wong, who is the co-chair of the Government’s multi-ministry COVID-19 taskforce, explained that the Government is taking other precautions like stepping up cleaning, making masks mandatory and asking commuters not to talk on trains since it will be difficult to maintain physical distance on public transport.
Asserting that current precautions minimise the risk of virus transmission on trains, the ruling party politician went on to qualify public transport journeys as “transient risks” for COVID-19 since they are generally not long.
Social interactions, however, “are of a different magnitude of risk all together,” according to the Minister. Explaining why the Government implements strict restrictions on gatherings, Mr Wong said:'
Transient exposure is surely a relative term. How long is transient ok and how long is not ok. Is 30min exposure in a crowded train ok, less risk of being infected versus an hour or two at home with visitors that are friends or relatives?
According to all the reports on Covid19, as long as there is an infected person around, symptomatic or asymptomatic, a few minutes are all it takes to be infected. So who is wiser? Perhaps if our Slow MRT is moving a bit faster, the exposure time could be lessen and the risk equally lessen. Until the day when our slow trains move at a faster speed than a snail, then this 'transient risks' could be more meaningful, I think.
What do you think? Are 'transient risks' an alternate truth? A risk is a risk. A calculated risk, a no choice risk, a risk forced upon us because of the unthinkable population density that is going to double when the population hits 10m?
Lately, with the Covid Pandemic, there is a big tussle between more restrictions and lockdowns and opening up the economy. Both are equally damaging to the financial well being of the people. Many countries could not resist the temptation of opening up despite their infected cases still on the rise. It is the in thing, fashionable because clown Trump did it and so far nothing serious has happened in the USA. This nice situation could be helped by not testing too many people and keeping the numbers of infected cases low.
Singapore is also struggling between extending the partial lockdown to opening up. Slowly more businesses are allowed to open and people are starting to get to work. And with cars so expensive, many poor and not so rich Singaporeans have no choice but to take the Slow MRT to work. And in morning rush hours, the crowded train is still a normal thing.
This puts into conflict the prohibition against social visiting. This is still banned but cramming in trains is ok. When confronted by this kind of questions that is conflicting and contradicting, this is what Lawrence Wong's reply, introducing a new phrase called 'transient risks'. Below is quoted from
'Mr Wong, who is the co-chair of the Government’s multi-ministry COVID-19 taskforce, explained that the Government is taking other precautions like stepping up cleaning, making masks mandatory and asking commuters not to talk on trains since it will be difficult to maintain physical distance on public transport.
Asserting that current precautions minimise the risk of virus transmission on trains, the ruling party politician went on to qualify public transport journeys as “transient risks” for COVID-19 since they are generally not long.
Social interactions, however, “are of a different magnitude of risk all together,” according to the Minister. Explaining why the Government implements strict restrictions on gatherings, Mr Wong said:'
Transient exposure is surely a relative term. How long is transient ok and how long is not ok. Is 30min exposure in a crowded train ok, less risk of being infected versus an hour or two at home with visitors that are friends or relatives?
According to all the reports on Covid19, as long as there is an infected person around, symptomatic or asymptomatic, a few minutes are all it takes to be infected. So who is wiser? Perhaps if our Slow MRT is moving a bit faster, the exposure time could be lessen and the risk equally lessen. Until the day when our slow trains move at a faster speed than a snail, then this 'transient risks' could be more meaningful, I think.
What do you think? Are 'transient risks' an alternate truth? A risk is a risk. A calculated risk, a no choice risk, a risk forced upon us because of the unthinkable population density that is going to double when the population hits 10m?
Another new political party called Red Dot United
In a virtual press conference on 29 May 2020, political veterans Ravi
Philemon and Michelle Lee announced the formation of a new political
party - Red Dot United. Ravi Philemon and Michelle Lee shared the goals
for their party, and explained the need for another credible voice in
Singapore's political landscape.
Instead of joining existing parties, Red Dot United was created because there is distinct space in Singapore's political landscape for their party to bring new perspectives, ideas and methods. There is also a need for a party to keep asking hard questions and to seek solutions. With Red Dot United, Singaporeans will therefore have another good choice to consider for future elections.
- More at
This is another piece of good news for Singaporeans and for democracy. In democracy, the most important element is the right to vote, the freedom to choose your own representative to Parliament. Right to vote is number one, whether the person one voted goes to Parliament is secondary. It would be good if he goes to Parliament, a bonus. If not, never mind, just feel good that one has the right and chance to vote.
Singaporeans are so lucky, with so many choices of political parties and people standing for election. And so many voices to be heard, inside and outside of Parliament. This is an exemplary form of democracy. The best on earth.We should tell the world we are number one in number of political parties per 100,000 people.
I think we, all of us in this blog, can also form a political party called Redbeans United.
Our mission should be talking cock about Singapore and International Affairs. We would also be offering an alternative voice to be heard. The voters also would have another choice to vote for a new party and its candidates. The Singaporeans would be very thankful to have another new political party and more political rallies to attend.
I would encourage all the members of political parties that are not happy with their parties for whatever reasons to resign and form new parties. The more the merrier. And they can all become little Indian chiefs and maybe by a stroke of luck or accident, they can also become millionaire ministers and PM. The thought of it is so intoxicating, like day dreaming, building castles in the air. Pure entertainment. Better than viagra.
What do you think?
Instead of joining existing parties, Red Dot United was created because there is distinct space in Singapore's political landscape for their party to bring new perspectives, ideas and methods. There is also a need for a party to keep asking hard questions and to seek solutions. With Red Dot United, Singaporeans will therefore have another good choice to consider for future elections.
- More at
This is another piece of good news for Singaporeans and for democracy. In democracy, the most important element is the right to vote, the freedom to choose your own representative to Parliament. Right to vote is number one, whether the person one voted goes to Parliament is secondary. It would be good if he goes to Parliament, a bonus. If not, never mind, just feel good that one has the right and chance to vote.
Singaporeans are so lucky, with so many choices of political parties and people standing for election. And so many voices to be heard, inside and outside of Parliament. This is an exemplary form of democracy. The best on earth.We should tell the world we are number one in number of political parties per 100,000 people.
I think we, all of us in this blog, can also form a political party called Redbeans United.
Our mission should be talking cock about Singapore and International Affairs. We would also be offering an alternative voice to be heard. The voters also would have another choice to vote for a new party and its candidates. The Singaporeans would be very thankful to have another new political party and more political rallies to attend.
I would encourage all the members of political parties that are not happy with their parties for whatever reasons to resign and form new parties. The more the merrier. And they can all become little Indian chiefs and maybe by a stroke of luck or accident, they can also become millionaire ministers and PM. The thought of it is so intoxicating, like day dreaming, building castles in the air. Pure entertainment. Better than viagra.
What do you think?
Satellite images of White House parking lots showed Trump having orgies
images of hospital parking lots in Wuhan, China, as well as internet
search trends, suggest the coronavirus may have been spreading in China
as early as last August, according to a new study from Harvard Medical
The study, which has not yet been peer-viewed, found a significantly higher number of cars in parking lots at five Wuhan hospitals in the late summer and fall of 2019 compared to a year earlier; and an uptick in searches of keywords associated with an infectious disease on China's Baidu search engine.
The reseachers note they can't directly link the traffic volume to the virus; even if there was an increase in traffic to hospitals, it doesn't mean a new virus was the cause. There has been no other evidence to show the virus was circulating in China in the late summer....
Paul Digard, a professor and chair of virology at University of Edinburgh, told the Science Media Center in the UK that using hospital traffic images to detect disease is "an interesting idea with some validity."
"However, it's important to remember that the data are only correlative and (as the authors admit) cannot identify the cause of the uptick," Digard said. "By focusing on hospitals in Wuhan, the acknowledged epicentre of the outbreak, the study forces the correlation."
Following the silly logic of the above report, an increase in the volume of cars in the White House parking lots can also be interpreted as Trump and his gangsters were having wild parties and orgies in the White House. Or at least like the professor Digard said, "an
interesting idea with some validity" at best.
For CNN to report this as serious news, for the researchers to publish this as scientific research papers, shows how bankrupt the American media and academia have become. They are grasping at rubbish and shit to put up stupid reports to push their mischievous agenda at all cost and making their readers to believe in them. The readers of such media would only get dumber and dumber if they did not think and allowed themselves to be manipulated and led by the nose by western media.
PS. Beijing has blasted this report as disinformation. In my view it is typical mischievous American fake news.
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