
Singapore expels racists and trouble makers

Avijit Das Patnaik, the Singapore permanent resident who shared on social media an image of a Singapore flag being ripped to reveal an Indian flag has come under fire for accusing Singapore of having racist practices.

The 46-year-old who is originally from India took to LinkedIn to criticise Singapore.

In a post on Tuesday (May 19), he claimed Singapore is practicing racism by separately reporting Covid19 cases as numbers of foreigners and numbers of locals and permanent residents.

The former vice-president at DBS started his post with the hashtag ‘#RacismBeginsWithsingapore’.

Above pic and quotes are from www.theindependent.sg.

Recently we have many incidents when new citizens, PRs and foreigners working here because of our kindness, graciousness and generosity or stupidity, took liberty accusing Singapore as a racist country, with the Chinese majority being the centre of these attacks. It is really regrettable that these ungratefuls sought to smear Singapore and the majority Singaporeans here after being given a chance to good jobs, good life, good pay (and for stealing our jobs and lunch), to spew hate against us.

The govt cannot ignore these allegations and wild accusations without reacting and continue to sleep and think this would go away, or not important, never mind, these are very nice people. There is no reason to be generous and kind to asses, especially the racist type and continue to let them live here and work here and stirring shit.  These shits should go to the USA and enjoy the racism there.

I would suggest that the govt put its foot down once and for all by making these mischievous racists persona non grata, withdraw their citizenship, their PRs, their Employment Pass or Work Permit and deport them, ban forever from entering Singapore again. And if they are caught re entering Singapore under a new passport, a new identity, mandatory caning and imprisonment before throwing them out of Singapore.

Singapore cannot live with the 'Stupidity has no cure' mentality, allowing these racist asses to attack us as and when they like after we have been so kind to them. Fuck them all.

Below is from www.theindependent.sg on what MOM did to foreigners violating safe distancing rules, work pass revoked, deported and banned from working in Singapore. Which is more damaging, smearing Singapore of being racist or violating safe distancing rules?

 'Singapore — The Ministry of Manpower has, in a statement issued on Monday (June 1), given the assurance that foreigners who violate safe distancing rules will have their work passes revoked “regardless of nationality”....

Singaporeans reacting to the photos urged the Government to deport the expats who blatantly broke the law, just as it deported foreign workers who flouted circuit breaker measures.

In April, the ministry revoked the work passes of 24 foreign workers, deported them and permanently banned them from working in Singapore after they breached the safe distancing rules. They were caught eating, drinking and gathering in groups near Tuas View Square.'

To stop all the spurious and mischievous accusations, fake news and smearing of Singapore, the govt needs to deport these racists from our shores, put the news on the front page of the media to send a message to the racists that this is unacceptable and would not be tolerated.


Psychopath Trump & the psychopathic US white supremacist leaders

     Trump is a psychopath  and a white supremacist. Killing of non-whites is in his genes. His grandfather was a leader of the Ku Klux Klan. He has extreme inherent hatred of non-whites especially the native Americans and the African Americans. He is expert on killing native Americans, African Americans and Mexican Americans without seeing blood himself because he is good at using other whites to do the job. In his administration he has surrounded himself with cohorts of white nationalists and white supremacists who like himself are psychopathic killers of coloured people especially killers of  native Americans and  African Americans. Some examples of his colleagues who share his traits of extreme hatred for non-white people are Pompeo, John Bolton, Steve Bannon, Peter Navarro and Elliot Abrams. They are all American Jews and Trump himself it seems has Jewish blood from his Jewish German ancestors.

Trump like all previous US presidents hate the African Americans to the bone. Like his previous precedents Trump wants to get rid of black people in the United States. President Abraham Lincoln was not that noble a person as he was shown to be vis-a-vis the African Americans. He too wanted to get rid of the negroes in America. Under Abraham Lincoln's administration, the United States bought a chunk of territory in North West Africa, just next to Sieera Leone, a territory of about thirty thousand square kilometres. The United States named this territory Liberia. Abraham Lincoln persuaded all the African Americans to emigrate to Liberia. He promised to pay for their passage to Liberia and in addition each emigre would be paid a small sum of money to tie them over the interim period. Many of the white slave owners in the southern states like South Carolina, Virginia, Texas and Louisiana objected to Lincoln's scheme of things. But Abraham Lincoln would not budge because he and his white nationalists in his administration were serious in wanting to get rid of the African Americans albeit in a more human manner. So the American Civil War broke out over the issue of the African Americans.  The northern industrial states like New York, Philadalphia, New Jersey represented by Lincoln were serious in wanting to get rid of the African Americans out of  America because they did not need the slaves labour but the South agricultural states were adament to keep the slaves because they needed them in their cotton and tobacco plantations.

Every subsequent American president after Lincoln too, tried to get rid of the African Americans. Their methods were more drastic and draconian. Direct killings and lynching of African Americans were common and often supported by the state , the police and the military. Ku Klux Klan the extreme white supremacist organisation were responsible for most of the killings of black people and other coloured people in America. Ku Klux Klan is funded by rich white racists and supremacists who are also secret members behind the Ku Klux Klan operations and  modus-operandi.

Donald Trump has the mind set of the Ku Klux Klan. He is extremely hateful of non-whites and surround himself with ilks of his kind like Pompeo, John Bolton, Peter Navarro, Steve Banon and Eliot Brahms. He doesn't even care to pretend that he is a white supremacist because he is boastful and proud to be one of that category. He will kill a coloured person be it a native American, African American, mexican American or a Chinese American without blinking an eyelid.

Trump is a psychopath who strongly supports torture of prisoners and detainees. He will not be the last president to do so because it is all in the draconian system of the United States racist government.

In 2018, in Iraq, an American naval officer by the name of Edward Gallagher openly stabbed an Iraqi teenager detainee repeatedly in the throat and then posed for a selfie with the child's corpse, holding its head by the hair. When two other naval officers reported the murder to their superior , Gallagher threatened to kill them. With Trump's intervention Gallagher was never charged for murder. Trump boasted that he had defended a great warrior and vowed to bring along Gallagher to his re-election campaign rallies.

Trump has made killing and torture crimes of prisoners and detainees as the United States policy. As there is nothing to restrain him Trump is free to turn torture and murder into a political spectacle. Trumps is thus able to use his presidency in the Oval Office to recruit sadists to serve the thirst of American imperialism.

Trump and his cohort of one percent elites are rogues, crooks and scoundrels who have no conscience at all in depriving the people of the world of their livelihood through illegal sanctions, trade blockades and exercising of illegal extra-territorial rights in exacting illegal and illicit fines of billions of dollars thus infringing and depriving their  human rights and democracy .

Below are some factual quotations from  'Counterpunch.org' regarding Trump .

Resisting the Mind Games of Donald Trump and the One Percent.

" Trump is a smooth talking con-artist. "  He has a get rich quick scheme to skim off the people of their money . However, before the people can realize his money cheating ponzi scheme they would have been duped and conned off. Trump and his elites rogues scooped off more wealth from the people than you can imagine."

"Trump tries to profit off people's hopes and fears. He and his gang are successful purveyors of lucrative lies and false promises  including some of the denizens of US palatial estates and corridors of political power. They are never on the run despite the misery they leave in their wake."

"The United States is beset by extreme and  distressing inequality. But Trump the premier hustler sold the electorate a wagonload of beguiling and deceptive tales about what has gone wrong , who is to blame and how he will make things begtter."

"Trump persuaded not through rational argument, analysis and truth telling, but rather by manipulating our imperfect reasoning and our unreasoning emotions. Trump is a master of this manipulation technique."

"Trump's unanticipated success dramatically shows the importance of understanding the 'mind games' he played on the electorate that allowed him to win despite his breaking of every rule of evidence, logic and propriety. Trump and his elites scoundrels use psychological appeal to maintain or  extend their extraordinary wealth and power. They target five key concerns in our daily lives such as issues of vulnerability, injustice, distrust, superiority and helplessness."

Trump plays on the vulnerability of the people. As a result people are susceptible to manipulation by Trump and those who misrepresent dangers in order to advance their own agenda.

Trump and the US politicians know an external perceived threat is useful for their using the possibility of war to consolidate power and distract the electorate from their corruptions. They manipulate and perfect their deadly technique to serve their own agenda.

"Trump and his rogue colleagues also use fear mongering to galvanize support and consolidate power .Being authoritarians at heart their mandate is to guarantee their entrenchment in power forever. develop narcissistic tendencies that led them down a path of an incessant need for power, reward and fame, a lifestyle of extravagance, wastefullness and corruption. "

Trump and US politicians manipulate the mass media to give the people misinformation to divert attention from corruptions and critique.

Trump, a satanic white supremacist partner with the darkest and most extreme elements in America to ill-treat the coloured people especially the native Americans, the African Americans and the Mexican Americans.

Trump's national policy against coloured people and the US foreign policy of gingoism, hate and distrust of other countries has triggered worlwide concern and anxiety. Trump and the United States is using China and Russia as convenient scapegoats for all USA's ills, economic and political respectively.

Trump like all  previous USA's presidents focus on US first to the detriment of others. America has now refused to help third world countries economically. China is now doing a good job to help poor countries and the United States is not happy. China has to win over allies to stand with her less USA mafia of western allies will gang up against China as what happened to China in the Opium Wars of 1830s to 1860s.

Trump and the United States like to accuse China, Russia or other countries of a lot of falsehoods. Their accusations are always one sided. USA must know that this world  is made of the principle of "actions and reactions." What is right for America may not be right for others. So US should not bulldoze its threats on others. This American attitude is both sick and absurb. The United States is now taking the same sick approach to China.

The United States is a monstrous world hegemony and and has no sense of fair-mindedness. It is dictated by evil hawkish bellicose doctrines.

The United States may  still be the world's strongest military power but it is no more invincible.


Wednesday, 3rd June, 2020

China must answer to the call for help by the oppressed Americans

China, it is time to do something to help the victims of American white racism.

Stand up, speak up for the blacks and coloured Americans.

Stand up and speak up for the native Americans.

Stand up and speak up for the Arabs and Muslims in the Middle East.

Stand up and speak up for the Palestinians.

Stand up and speak up for the North Koreans, the Iranians, the Venezuelans, the Cubans, the Yemenis, the Colombians, the Somalians, the Diego Garcians, the Hawaiians, for the people of the world oppressed by the Evil Empire.

Trump carrying a bible to order troops to quell the demonstrators

'He also called on state governors to "deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets" before heading on foot for a photo op at the riot-damaged St John's, the two-century-old "church of the presidents" across from the White House.

He stopped in front of boarded-up windows at the yellow church, where many presidents have attended services, along with several members of his administration, including Attorney General William Barr, national security Adviser Robert O'Brien and other top aides.

As an acrid smell still hung in the air, Trump held up a Bible for cameras before walking back to the White House, but took no questions from reporters.'  CNA

This picture says it all and why I have to always talk about God, invoke the name of God to talk to these so called God fearing gangsters and murderers.  Whenever they are in the mood to shoot and kill, they will bring out the bible, invoke the name of God to justify their killing. It is blasephemy!

In this case Trump went there just for a photo op. He did not to the church to pray. The priest of the church and a bishop slammed him for his fakery. Trump is trying to con his Americans that he is a man of God, carrying a bible to guide his actions.

Now that God is against their wickedness, they are still oblivious to it. Killing coloured people, especially the blacks and Arabs and Muslims are authorised by the Christian Doctrine of Discovery. All non believers and natives are sub human beans and can be killed in the name of their God.

Trump is calling the demonstrators as terrorists. What about calling them heroes like the Hong Kong rioters? 

'WASHINGTON: Police fired tear gas outside the White House late on Sunday (May 31) as protestors again took to the streets to voice fury at police brutality, and major US cities were put under curfew to suppress rioting.

With the Trump administration branding instigators of six nights of rioting as domestic terrorists, there were more confrontations between protestors and police and fresh outbreaks of looting.'  CNA

Below are some beautiful pics from the American cities posted in CNA.
'He denounced "acts of domestic terror" after nationwide protests against the death of an unarmed African American George Floyd in police custody devolved into days of violent race riots across the country.

"I want the organisers of this terror to be on notice that you will face severe criminal penalties and a lengthy sentence in jail," Trump said as police could be heard using tear gas and stun grenades to clear protestors just outside the White House.' CNA

Trump is turning his soldiers to attack his own people, Americans. Can China denounced the domestic terrorism in Hong Kong and punish the organisers with severe criminal penalties and a lengthy jail sentence like what Trump did? Or only the US can do this and right to do this but not China?


Covid19 - Xi Jinping, emergence of a world statesman showing firmness and decisive leadership

The treacherous infiltration of this coronavirus into the Wuhan, the heart of China at a critical and vulnerable time was aimed and timed to cripple the Chinese economy and bringing untold misery to the people of China with thousands of death and disease ridden people. China could be bogged down with millions of people infected by this highly contagious virus and would be destroyed for the next few decades as the new Sick Man of Asia as proclaimed by the Wall Street Journal. That was the script of the evil American leadership. When trade wars failed, biological warfare was the ultimate weapon to bring down the rising China, to destroy China at all cost.

When the virus struck, China was caught in a whole new situation, an unknown enemy from an unknown source. China could not blame anyone but to deal with the virus as best as it could. When the Chinese scientists found out how deadly and destructive this virus was, kudos to them for knowing the danger of this new and unknown threat, this was immediately raised to the highest level of the Chinese leadership. It was an extraordinary threat to the existence and survival of the Chinese people. Any carelessness and mismanagement of this danger would not be acceptable. It was a matter of life and death of a civilisation.

In such a crisis it demands extraordinary leadership to make tough and fast decision. Not a day was wasted and Xi Jinping had to make a decision that horrified the West. The lockdown of Wuhan and Hubei was unimaginable, draconian, the West condemned. How could Xi make such an undemocratic decision to lock down 55m people with no respect for the human rights and freedom? Harsh and unacceptable, but it must be done and quickly enforced. The decision gave the evil men in Washington a free hand to condemn the Chinese leadership claiming that this could only happen to a communist country, an authoritarian regime. They vilified the communist party , the CCP of China, demonise the Chinese leadership and flame their actions as contrary to everything in democractic West.

China's Wuhan and Hubei province went under a lockdown order, including several other cities. This was not praised but accused by the West and bad and undemocratic and against individual freedom. China had no choice after assessing and concluding that this virus is very dangerous.  The rest is history. Today, after 3 months of fighting this virus, China is virtually free from it, he only safe sanctuary in the world while the rest of the countries literary burnt and cowered in fear.

Trump and his clowns continued to clown around, making unpleasant noise and did nothing. The clownish leadership led to a hapless USA struggling with the spread of this virus. The rest of the world understood the danger and decided to follow what Xi Jinping and China have done. Xi has shown the leadership the world needs in a major crisis, a pandemic. Xi and China have shown the world what to do and the leaders of the world took the lead and did the same without question. This is the way going forward to save their people and the world.

Not a single leader in the world is following the clown President and his circus in Washington by doing nothing.  Everyone is showing what tough and decisive leadership is all about, to make tough decision quickly to protect their people and country.  Many American governors and mayors too decided to do what Xi had done to protect their people.

While clown Trump continues to lie and lie and the USA fell under the grips of this virus, all able and competent leaders of the world took actions to lockdown their countries to save their people, doing what Xi and China did, draconian, undemocratic or whatever, they just do it. Not doing anything is not an option except for the clowns in Washington.

Xi Jinping and China have shown the way to be responsible, to save the lives of their people for the rest of the world to follow suit. No responsible leader would want to stand up to look like clown Trump.  Everyone wants to be tough and decisive like Xi.

In the latest struggle for world leadership, Trump's threat to breakaway from the WHO saw a quick response from Xi. Trump's threat of withholding or not contributing $100m to WHO was met by a $2b offer from Xi to support the organisation.  Below is a quote from CNA.

'During his three years in office, Trump has criticised many international organisations and quit some. Still, European diplomats said they were taken aback by Washington's decision to stand aside at the WHO while China is boosting its role.

"It was so striking to see Xi Jinping seizing the opportunity to open up, with broad (cooperation), and make a proposal for US$2 billion, and say if ever there is a vaccine they will share it with everyone," a European diplomat said.

"It's exactly what we feared: the space liberated by Washington will be taken up by China."'