Mahathir is crying out loud like he used to be without any real basis but his gut feel, or because he chose to depend on his own lack of intellect to understand anything more than politics. In economics, science, engineering, or even in business and finance, this man is completely lost, out of his comfort zone.
He is blaming China for all the projects signed by Najib as unfair. How were they unfair? Is Mahathir saying or confirming that all the ministers and civil servants involved in negotiating and signing projects with China were all stupid, unthinking, uneducated, unqualified dumb asses, that they did not know that the projects and agreements were unfair? And only Mahathir knew that these projects were unfair because he thought so without even reading them or understanding them? Perhaps his main thesis in the Malay Dilemma is true, or he still believes that the bumiputras are really stupid. How could these leaders and senior civil servants be so stooopid to sign projects and agreements that were unfair to Malaysia without anyone point a gun at their heads?
If indeed the projects and agreements were really unfair to Malaysia, then those signatories and leaders who approved them must be really stupid. In that case they must all be prosecuted and sent to jail for their stupidity. This is a good ground to jail the stupids for signing unfair agreements and approving unfair projects.
The saddest part of it all is that the new people he is sending to renegotiate the contracts for a fairer agreements would likely to be just as stupid and the new agreements signed would still be unfair to Malaysia, at least in the eyes of Mahathir other than for China to build the projects for free. Why is this so? Mahathir should know better. How can an education system produce intelligent people and not stupid people when admission criteria is not based on merit and academic grades?
Mahathir should jolly well take the blame himself as the leaders of Malaysia today were the products of his past education policies. Remember GIGO in computer lingo? In education system, if you put in rubbish, out will come rubbish.
How many of you really believe in Mahathir that all those people that signed 'unfair' agreements were really so stoooopid that they did not know that the agreements were unfair or they did not know they were stupid?
China should simply ignore Mahathir and say it is ok to cancel all the contracts, just pay compensation as provided in the agreements like Singapore, and cut off Malaysia from the BRI.
Singapore’s problems are all self inflicted
Singapore is facing a lot of problems that would snowball into a
disaster if the policies causing them are not stopped quickly. The
serious problems bugging Singapore are high cost of living, high
inflation, high property and rental prices, high car prices, high
transportation cost, high PMET unemployment, shortage of space, shortage
of water, shortage of energy etc etc. The thing is that these problems
would not be there if the govt does not blow to high population balloon.
Think of the time of Adam and Eve. They have the whole earth to themselves. They have plentiful of everything, literally did not have to work a day with the wealth of the earth to themselves. No shortage of land and space, no food shortage, no water shortage etc etc.
In Singapore the situation is reverse. 6m people in a tiny piece of rock and more coming in with some jokers claiming that it is good to have 10m, 20m or more. For what I dunno. Is the purpose of a piece of land is to fill it to the brim with people so that they end up killing each other for a bit more space?
Singapore is a tropical island with rainfall all round the year. We used to have three tiny reservoirs in the central catchment area that have enough water for everyone. Now we have more than 15 reservoirs and each is bigger than the 3 reservoirs combined, and still not enough water. And every donkey is braying that water is precious and we need to teach people how valuable and scarce water is and people must be made to pay a high price for water. That is not the end. We even conned the people that they should be drinking shit water because we don’t have enough water. And they have to invest heavily in equipment and technology to recycle shit water for consumption when we have one of the highest rainfall in the world, a tropical island paradise that rains, no, monsoons, water pouring down from the sky like cats and dogs, except for some rare dry seasons. And we have shortage of water? How, why?
There is no reason for Singaporeans to be crying for more water, to pay so much for water that is free, coming down from the sky, and to be forced to drink shit water. There is no reason why we have no space for bigger homes. There is no reason why car prices are so high, and so few people can own cars as a proportion to the population of the island. In the 60s, it was so easy to own a car and so much space to drive around.
All our problems are self created, self inflicted and could only get worse over the years till the day we self destruct by implosion, because of bad and stupid policies of squeezing more people onto this piece of tiny rock. No one can blow a balloon incessantly without it exploding.
Stupidity has no cure.
Think of the time of Adam and Eve. They have the whole earth to themselves. They have plentiful of everything, literally did not have to work a day with the wealth of the earth to themselves. No shortage of land and space, no food shortage, no water shortage etc etc.
In Singapore the situation is reverse. 6m people in a tiny piece of rock and more coming in with some jokers claiming that it is good to have 10m, 20m or more. For what I dunno. Is the purpose of a piece of land is to fill it to the brim with people so that they end up killing each other for a bit more space?
Singapore is a tropical island with rainfall all round the year. We used to have three tiny reservoirs in the central catchment area that have enough water for everyone. Now we have more than 15 reservoirs and each is bigger than the 3 reservoirs combined, and still not enough water. And every donkey is braying that water is precious and we need to teach people how valuable and scarce water is and people must be made to pay a high price for water. That is not the end. We even conned the people that they should be drinking shit water because we don’t have enough water. And they have to invest heavily in equipment and technology to recycle shit water for consumption when we have one of the highest rainfall in the world, a tropical island paradise that rains, no, monsoons, water pouring down from the sky like cats and dogs, except for some rare dry seasons. And we have shortage of water? How, why?
There is no reason for Singaporeans to be crying for more water, to pay so much for water that is free, coming down from the sky, and to be forced to drink shit water. There is no reason why we have no space for bigger homes. There is no reason why car prices are so high, and so few people can own cars as a proportion to the population of the island. In the 60s, it was so easy to own a car and so much space to drive around.
All our problems are self created, self inflicted and could only get worse over the years till the day we self destruct by implosion, because of bad and stupid policies of squeezing more people onto this piece of tiny rock. No one can blow a balloon incessantly without it exploding.
Stupidity has no cure.
Singaporeans are getting richer, not taking public transport
SMRT announced that it had made the first loss after years of profit
making to the tune of $86m in FY2018. Among the reasons given for the
loss were “higher maintenance staff costs, parts and material costs,
depreciation of rail assets and other rail maintenance related operating
expenses.” And another big item, falling ridership.
Operating expenses gone up from $785m to $838m or up $53m. Revenue fell from $791m to $743m or down $48m. Squaring these two items would see a loss of $101m ($53m + $48m). To end up with a net loss of $86m would mean that there were profits coming from other non train operations like rentals or extraordinary items.
Let’s look at the numbers again. In 2017, revenue($791m) less expenses($785m) should give a profit $6m. Similarly for 2018, revenue($743m) less expenses($838m) should give a loss of $95m. Presumably these numbers did not include other non train operations. But this is not true given the data in the above paragraph that show a difference of $15m ($101-$86m). In 2017, SMRT declared an after tax profit of $26m, thus saying the non train operation profit was $20m. Extrapolating the data, non train operation profit also fell from $20m to $15m.
Data can be very confusing indeed.
Another interesting number is that SMRT made $81m after tax profit in 2016, $26m after tax profit in 2017 and now $86m loss in 2018. What contributed to the big turnaround in numbers? Falling ridership? High maintenance expenses?
What is surprising is the announcement of falling ridership despite the population rising every month and moving towards the 6.9m number. Why the rise in population did not turn into more ridership? Perhaps the new citizens and immigrants were of the rich type, the millionaires or billionaires, so they did not take public transport. But his is unlikely the case given that most of the new arrivals were poor jobless third world type coming here to steal the jobs of citizens. So they were more likely to take public transport than buying private cars that cost a bomb that many Singaporeans too could not afford.
Then again this could be untrue and could point to the fact that Singaporeans were getting richer and so could afford private cars and thus no need to take public transport.
The other possibility was that the cost of private transport had gone up so much while income fell as more and more Singaporeans became unemployed or underemployed and thus could not afford to take public transport. Thus ridership of public transport like trains fell accordingly.
But then again, given the number of happy and contented Singaporeans posting how happy they were with their lives and incomes, I must conclude that more Singaporeans are getting richer and going back to take private transport instead of public transport.
Or could it be due to the pervasive influx of bicycle sharing companies that Singaporeans were taking to bicycles or Grabs and Ubers? When one becomes a Grab or Uber one actually has the privilege of owning a private car to move around.
What do you think?
Operating expenses gone up from $785m to $838m or up $53m. Revenue fell from $791m to $743m or down $48m. Squaring these two items would see a loss of $101m ($53m + $48m). To end up with a net loss of $86m would mean that there were profits coming from other non train operations like rentals or extraordinary items.
Let’s look at the numbers again. In 2017, revenue($791m) less expenses($785m) should give a profit $6m. Similarly for 2018, revenue($743m) less expenses($838m) should give a loss of $95m. Presumably these numbers did not include other non train operations. But this is not true given the data in the above paragraph that show a difference of $15m ($101-$86m). In 2017, SMRT declared an after tax profit of $26m, thus saying the non train operation profit was $20m. Extrapolating the data, non train operation profit also fell from $20m to $15m.
Data can be very confusing indeed.
Another interesting number is that SMRT made $81m after tax profit in 2016, $26m after tax profit in 2017 and now $86m loss in 2018. What contributed to the big turnaround in numbers? Falling ridership? High maintenance expenses?
What is surprising is the announcement of falling ridership despite the population rising every month and moving towards the 6.9m number. Why the rise in population did not turn into more ridership? Perhaps the new citizens and immigrants were of the rich type, the millionaires or billionaires, so they did not take public transport. But his is unlikely the case given that most of the new arrivals were poor jobless third world type coming here to steal the jobs of citizens. So they were more likely to take public transport than buying private cars that cost a bomb that many Singaporeans too could not afford.
Then again this could be untrue and could point to the fact that Singaporeans were getting richer and so could afford private cars and thus no need to take public transport.
The other possibility was that the cost of private transport had gone up so much while income fell as more and more Singaporeans became unemployed or underemployed and thus could not afford to take public transport. Thus ridership of public transport like trains fell accordingly.
But then again, given the number of happy and contented Singaporeans posting how happy they were with their lives and incomes, I must conclude that more Singaporeans are getting richer and going back to take private transport instead of public transport.
Or could it be due to the pervasive influx of bicycle sharing companies that Singaporeans were taking to bicycles or Grabs and Ubers? When one becomes a Grab or Uber one actually has the privilege of owning a private car to move around.
What do you think?
Singaporeans have a lot of reasons to be grateful to Gan Kim Yong
The latest scheme from Gan Kim Yong is that Singaporeans suffering from severe disability can start to withdraw cash from their Medisave. Can you believe that, taking out your savings in the CPF earlier than you are entitled to? In the past the money in the Medisave is as good as money gone forever, stuck in the Medisave and minimum sum schemes. Now, is this not generous of the minister, to recommend that Singaporeans, severely disabled only, can take their money out in cash, before they die?
There is a small condition though, that before they are allowed to withdraw from their Medisave when they are severely disabled, they must also have at least $5,000 in the Medisave. According to Gan Kim Yong, “When a Singaporean is facing severe disability and, at the same time, facing financial difficulties, I feel that we can afford to be more flexible.” He is truly a very kind man. And this change, to allow disabled Singaporeans in financial difficulties to withdraw $50 a month from their Medisave also did not mean that there will have to contribute more to their Medisave. Heng ah. And more heng, those with $20,000 or more in their Medisave will be allowed to withdraw $200 a month! This is like money falling from the sky.
And to provide more protection and a bigger safety net for Singaporeans, there will be more new schemes like ElderFund and Careshield Life to help the Singaporeans. CareShield Life will be compulsory of course for those 40 year and younger. The scheme is so good that those older are encouraged to join on a voluntary basis.
And the govt will also help by giving subsidies to the tune of 20 or 30 percent of the premium. Singaporeans are so lucky to have such caring govt.
The CPF scheme is improving all the years with all the scheming in place and more schemes akan datang. It has changed from one that the people can withdraw at 55 years to the present scheme when getting a few dollars early is like a big blessing, like striking lottery. There will be more improvements going forward and Singaporeans can be assured that they would never be able to finish using their CPF savings as the govt will make sure the savings are protected by many layers of firewalls to prevent Singaporeans from squandering away their hard earned life savings. They can be sure that when they die, there will still be a big pot of gold left unspent in the CPF. Not sure who would benefit from these leftovers when the people contributing them, and should be the main beneficiaries, could not benefit from them.
Singaporeans are truly lucky people. One big question, how many insurance does a person need? How many compulsory insurance schemes would the govt force onto the people using their CPF savings that is already not enough for retirement?
PS. On a side note, Najib has been arrested for stealing the people’s money and retribution is catching up with him real fast. There is no running away when the time comes to pay back for stealing the people’s money.
When stealing the people’s money becomes habitual, it becomes second nature. There is no sense of guilt.
The Day 4th July, Marks the Birth of An Evil White Nation In America
The day 4th July marks the birth of an evil white country in America with catastrophic ramifications for the Native American Indians and for endless troubles and aggressive wars against other countries on earth.
With the birth of USA on 4th July,1776, it marks the beginning of white American compulsion to endless expansion and conquests.It is the beginning of turmoil and endless suffering not only for the natives Americans but also for the whole world.
From this day 4th July,1776 , White Americans put into vigorous sinister practice of their established evil militant religious political doctrines of expansion and domination via the Doctrine of Christian Discovery and the Doctrine of American Manifest Destiny. From these doctrines the White Americans justify their compulsion for expansion, conquest and domination.
They started with the planned systematic elimination and genocide of millions of native Americans and replacing the eliminated natives with imported immigration of millions of whites from all over Europe especially from England, France, Germany, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Russia and the Baltic states.
During its independence on 4th July, 1776 USA consisted only of thirteen states with a total territory of about six hundred thousand square miles. It soon overran all the self-governing native Indian states which were somehow still nominally under British control. With the conquest of Indian territories came simultaneously the systematic killings, murders, massacres and genocide of the natives .
After the conquest of all the native Indian states , US went on the next phase of expansion. With each new expansion of territories under its control US would encourage and import countless more millions of Europeans to emigrate to America. The next target for US expansion began somewhere between 1840s to 1890s and the target was the coveted rich provinces of Mexico. US would always create an incident to provide an opportunistic basis for starting a war with a weak Mexico. With this insidious evil methods US was able to wrench by coercion from Mexico more than one million six hundred and fifty thousand square miles of Mexican territories in the provinces of Texas, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Florida and California.
The Evil Empire appetite for further expansion has not been saturated. It began to look for expansion overseas across the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. From 1895 to 1905 it planned the invasion of Hawaii. The native Hawaiians put up a fierce resistance before they were overcome with the massacre of over two hundred thousand Hawaiians. Eventually Hawaii was swarmed with hundreds of thousands of white people from mainland America and Europe. Hawaii was illegally annexed by US in 1950s inspite of active native Hawaiian objection.
In 1898 under the ruse of liberating Cuba , Puerto Rico and the Philippines from Spanish colonial rule US declared war against Spain. With the defeat of Spain US refused to grant independence to Cuba and Spain for it reserved the right to inherit the mantle of Spanish Imperialism in these territories. Of course the Cubans and the Philippinos put up a fierce fight to evict the new white American imperialists. Hundreds of thousands of Cubans and Philippinos were cruelly slaughtered by the white Americans in their fight for freedom. Eventually after the Second World War , US was forced to give independence to Philippines in 1948 but with the hidden proviso that US should be allowed to maintain military bases in the Philippines. Cuba too had gained its independence after giving US a hard fight except it still couldn't evict US from the illegally held military base at Guantanamo.
In the case of Puerto and Guam they were too small to put up a fight and so they are still now under US imperialistic rule. US has been using Guam as a huge full fledged military base for further aggression against other Asian countries like Vitenam, Korea and China.
US has been posting endless troubles , instabilities and wars worldwide to achieve their compulsion for total world domination and hegemony.
US is now coordinating with its Western European allies to disseminate its chronic endless messages of hate, mass fake accusations and wild vitriol fake propagandas against Russia and China because these are the only two countries capable of stopping white Americans the Evil Empire from conquerinng the whole world and from subjecting every country on earth under its total control and hegemony.
Let the free world unite to take down the evil white Americans - the Evil Empire.
Wednesday, 4th July, 2018
With the birth of USA on 4th July,1776, it marks the beginning of white American compulsion to endless expansion and conquests.It is the beginning of turmoil and endless suffering not only for the natives Americans but also for the whole world.
From this day 4th July,1776 , White Americans put into vigorous sinister practice of their established evil militant religious political doctrines of expansion and domination via the Doctrine of Christian Discovery and the Doctrine of American Manifest Destiny. From these doctrines the White Americans justify their compulsion for expansion, conquest and domination.
They started with the planned systematic elimination and genocide of millions of native Americans and replacing the eliminated natives with imported immigration of millions of whites from all over Europe especially from England, France, Germany, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Russia and the Baltic states.
During its independence on 4th July, 1776 USA consisted only of thirteen states with a total territory of about six hundred thousand square miles. It soon overran all the self-governing native Indian states which were somehow still nominally under British control. With the conquest of Indian territories came simultaneously the systematic killings, murders, massacres and genocide of the natives .
After the conquest of all the native Indian states , US went on the next phase of expansion. With each new expansion of territories under its control US would encourage and import countless more millions of Europeans to emigrate to America. The next target for US expansion began somewhere between 1840s to 1890s and the target was the coveted rich provinces of Mexico. US would always create an incident to provide an opportunistic basis for starting a war with a weak Mexico. With this insidious evil methods US was able to wrench by coercion from Mexico more than one million six hundred and fifty thousand square miles of Mexican territories in the provinces of Texas, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, Florida and California.
The Evil Empire appetite for further expansion has not been saturated. It began to look for expansion overseas across the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean. From 1895 to 1905 it planned the invasion of Hawaii. The native Hawaiians put up a fierce resistance before they were overcome with the massacre of over two hundred thousand Hawaiians. Eventually Hawaii was swarmed with hundreds of thousands of white people from mainland America and Europe. Hawaii was illegally annexed by US in 1950s inspite of active native Hawaiian objection.
In 1898 under the ruse of liberating Cuba , Puerto Rico and the Philippines from Spanish colonial rule US declared war against Spain. With the defeat of Spain US refused to grant independence to Cuba and Spain for it reserved the right to inherit the mantle of Spanish Imperialism in these territories. Of course the Cubans and the Philippinos put up a fierce fight to evict the new white American imperialists. Hundreds of thousands of Cubans and Philippinos were cruelly slaughtered by the white Americans in their fight for freedom. Eventually after the Second World War , US was forced to give independence to Philippines in 1948 but with the hidden proviso that US should be allowed to maintain military bases in the Philippines. Cuba too had gained its independence after giving US a hard fight except it still couldn't evict US from the illegally held military base at Guantanamo.
In the case of Puerto and Guam they were too small to put up a fight and so they are still now under US imperialistic rule. US has been using Guam as a huge full fledged military base for further aggression against other Asian countries like Vitenam, Korea and China.
US has been posting endless troubles , instabilities and wars worldwide to achieve their compulsion for total world domination and hegemony.
US is now coordinating with its Western European allies to disseminate its chronic endless messages of hate, mass fake accusations and wild vitriol fake propagandas against Russia and China because these are the only two countries capable of stopping white Americans the Evil Empire from conquerinng the whole world and from subjecting every country on earth under its total control and hegemony.
Let the free world unite to take down the evil white Americans - the Evil Empire.
Wednesday, 4th July, 2018
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