Dignity is not the money you are earning, but the value or worth of the person, what is he contributing, able to contribute to country, organisation or society. The indignity part comes when one is earning ridiculous salary and contributing nothing.
The million dollar, oops, multi million dollar salaries of Singapore's politicians is becoming a joke and the talk in town. No one has anything good to say about this indiscretionary abuse of public money to pay such humongous salary that it is becoming so glaringly clear that it is not right. People who are being paid in the millions but are seen to be contributing nothing or contributing foolishly with silly ideas would never have the dignity associated with the million dollar salary. What they have is indignity and disdain. Instead of the awe and respect they should be receiving, people would be shaking their heads in disbelief when they appeared. And many smug and unceremoniously remarks would be uttered at the indignity of such million dollar salary recipients. They have become walking exhibits of ridiculous and pompous duds. There is no dignity.
Below are a few of the remarks copied from comments in the TRE in an article posted by Phillip Ang on ministerial salary. This is what some people are saying and ridiculing the ministers for the million dollar salary that no longer makes sense and deemed inappropriate and senseless. What dignity can one talk about when the reverse is the reality? I could have copied more of the unsavoury and spicy comments about the indignity of being paid multi million dollar salary when one is undeserving.
FOR A LONG LONG TIME IMMEMORIAL, Ministerial pay was a SCAM – benchmarked to top private sector earners. The top private sector earners are a ROTATING POOL including businessmen or CEO’s of privately-owned business who have built their family business for decades.
IT IS A SURE-WIN BET of no risks and WORST STILL NO PERFORMANCE relevance. In private sector, if no performance, your family business KAPUT.
So how can ministerial pay be benchmarked to private sector earnings of any descript? It is RIDICULOUS TO ABSURDITY.
And I don’t understand why our multi-millionaire Ministers need to be paid hefty and ridiculous bonuses. Bonuses should be scrapped for Ministers. It’s merely a way to enrich themselves while leaving us clueless as to how much they are actually paid per year.
If we count the total package as is always done in hr, it will not be
just $1.1m. It’s not just the ministers but also board chairmen and
perm secs. What exactly are their contributions or failed performances
for the amounts they make ? Being a leader in the team that cannot solve
transport woes ? Being the chairman of a losing sovereign fund ? Or
being a board director who failed in oversight of corruption ?
even in PRIVATE SECTOR, a guy running a big bank such as JP MORGAN
would logically be paid much more than a bloke running a smallish outfit
by and large.
are the PAP folks telling us and the whole world that RUNNING SG is manifolds harder than for the POTUS to run THE MIGHTY USA or that IT IS EASIER for xi jin ping to govern CHINA?
perhaps the PM should compare his pay to that of the PM of PAPUA NEW GUINEA???
are the PAP folks telling us and the whole world that RUNNING SG is manifolds harder than for the POTUS to run THE MIGHTY USA or that IT IS EASIER for xi jin ping to govern CHINA?
perhaps the PM should compare his pay to that of the PM of PAPUA NEW GUINEA???