
What an EP was supposed to be

Anyone can recall the original ideals of what an elected Presidency was supposed to be? There was a time when there was a fear that an elected govt could turn rogue. So a second key in the form of an elected president was conceived to check on the elected govt. Please register this word ‘elected’ into your brain, hard wired it as it is the crux of the whole elected presidency. The elected president must be elected to have the mandate from the people to check on an elected govt. Simple to understand? A non elected president, one that is not elected, does not have the moral and legal authority to check on an elected govt.

The reason is simple and logical. How can a president that is not elected, does not have the mandate from the people going to check on an elected govt? The elected govt will show the president the middle finger. Who do you think you are? Where is your authority? Who gives you the authority when one is just appointed by political convenience to be the president? See, an elected president is the key to what an EP is all about. If a president is not elected, on what ground could he check on the elected govt?

So the EP schemed was born and an election is mandatory, even if against a non interested candidate in the first EP election. The people must cast their votes to give the president the authority and mandate, even if it is 35%, it is better than none. Some may question whether a 35% EP has more mandate than a publicly elected govt with more than 60% or more popular votes. See the slippery part about this thing called elected and mandate of the people?

We have seen two walkovers in electing an EP. Both Nathan and Halimah were not elected by the people. So got mandate over an elected govt?
Things get more fuzzy and slippery when an EP, elected by the people, with the mandate of the people, can be overruled by a Presidential Advisory Committee made up of appointees that were not elected by the people. What mandate or authority does a bunch of appointees, unelected, over an elected President, elected by the people? You tell me lah? Gila or not?

And the latest Malay President that is technically and legally not a Malay, at best half a Malay, is the elected President. Oops, not elected, because it is a walkover. Got mandate or not? What happened to this crucial mandate that was necessary to have the authority over an elected govt? Never mind? Not important anymore? Walkover also can as long as he/she is the EP. Never mind for he/she can be overruled by a non elected PAC.

What is happening? Is this the EP that was originally designed, to have the mandate of the people to exercise a veto right to checkmate an elected govt? Does a walkover EP have the moral authority over an elected govt? Or this is no longer important anymore since the EP, even if elected, can be checkmated by a non elect PAC?

What happened to the word, ‘elected’ and mandate of the people? Walkover also means got people’s mandate, elected by the people?

What do you think?


Flash Athletic Meet at Bishan Stadium on 7 Oct 17

Some shots taken at Bishan Stadium. Unfortunately there was a heavy downpour and the meet was postponed to next Sat. So no pics of the masters athletes in action.  If any coaches are viewing these pics, one strange thing about baton passing, why are the receiving runners always stretched their hands to the sky? How are the other runners going to pass the batons to them? I have many pics showing how they fumbled in this basic act of baton passing.

What jam? Walk, and that’s what Jokowi did

When President Jokowi was caught in a traffic jam, he decided to walk after
30 minutes. He did not complain about the jam. Jam is good, jam is
progress. Jokowi ended up walking 2km to attend a military ceremony in
When a President can walk for 2km and did not complain about the jam, I
think Singaporeans should learn something from this. When the MRT jammed,
walk. What’s wrong with walking? Stop complaining. When the trains jammed
it means it is overworked. When the trains are overworked, it means the
economy is vibrant, a lot of people taking the trains. It is a good thing.
It is progress.
So next time when one is caught inside a train, when the train is not
moving, cannot move, alight and walk. Be like Jokowi. Stop kpkb, stop
blaming everyone and everything.

Singapore NTU to End a Decade of Shame?

In 2008, an external, profit-making, foreign, non-academic organization adjudged and condemned NTU to pariah status, after she have nurtured thousands of Singaporeans (and non-Singaporeans) and transform them into top-class engineering, science, business, social science and other professional graduates in great demand by renowned global corporations, and who have decisively contributed to Singapore’s economic and social development journey from 3rd World to 1st World. 

To satisfy the World University Rankers’ preference for foreign students and faculty members, NTU embarked on a systematic purge of local Professors, never mind that many are tenured, have accomplished internationally, and have served the University with distinction, and denied admission to many qualified Singaporeans by increasing foreign students admission, and forcing those from better income families to seek admissions to, ironically, top Universities overseas.

Some laws are also possibly broken with regard to the constitutional protection of Singaporean Professors from age discrimination, but no one in authority really cares enough to intervene in the irrational, mindless and bloody frenzy of the cultural revolution which spares nothing for the sake of meeting the Criteria of what the United Nations’ UNESCO has already adjudged to be a Bogus Ranking Standard of Dubious Excellence, in order to obtain a Brand of Questionable Authenticity.

A few hundred Singaporean Professors were purged from 2007 to beyond 2010. And more than 6,500 Singaporean students, or about 1,700-1,900 annually, were denied NTU admission through an arbitrary cut-off point into various 3-year and 4-year Undergraduate Programs from 2009-2013 for their places to be allocated to preferred foreign students.

Finally by 2014, NTU was ranked as the Top Youngest University in the World by QS Ranker, and ranking just 39th Worldwide.  Indeed, what a “climb” from 77th in 2008!  By 2013, foreign students made up 28% of the total undergraduate population from just 5% less than a decade earlier.  By the end of the cultural revolutionary purge of Singaporean Professors and staff in 2010, NTU proudly announced that Singapore Professors, including new Singapore citizens, formed ONLY 44% of the faculty with 56% of NTU faculty being foreigners from 56 countries worldwide including Singapore Permanent Residents. Never mind the fact that most Universities in the World actually have a majority of local Professors, even in the top Universities.

Given the dodgy nature of World University Rankings and their questionable deliberate fabrication of unreliably unscientific methodologies, NTU victories to their top ranks are in essence as pyrrhic as winning a beauty contest; the mere appearance of uncertain meaningless quality.   Indeed, what a wasteful use of time, management and financial resources!

Never in the history of Singapore has so many Singaporeans been forced to become collateral sacrifices in return for nothing of any value to our nation or the world. 

We should stop participating in the essentially beauty contests of the fraudulent World Universities Rankings, so as to stop lending them our credibility by endorsing bogus standards of dubious quality excellence.

Come 2018, would NTU’s Decade of Shame end with a new NTU President?  In 2018, a new era must begin in Singapore Universities with Professor Subra Suresh as NTU President. The first step should be to cease reliance on and pursuit of a bogus standard of questionable excellence. We must return to authentic impact as the measure of excellence for our premier institutions of higher learning.


Don't Trust Mainstream Newspapers And The Mass Media

If you don't want to be sychoed by the Mainstream Papers and The Mass Media you must read from other sources in order to get a better perspective of news or events around the world.

The following websites provide rich , enlightening and very informative reading. In these websites you can read interesting articles by many famous writers who will debunk fake news, lies, half truths, misinformation and disinformation by evil governments and mainstream papers and mass media own by elites in Washington, Wall Street, Rothschilds Zionists, The Illuminati, CIA and The Pentagon.

Some of the Websites are as follows:

1.   Counterpunch

2.   The 4th Media

3.   The New Eastern Outlook

4.   SOT #64 Jeff Brown

5.   Saker Podcasts

6.   RT

7.. Press TV

8.   Global Times

Some of the famous and more well known writers in the above stated websites are :

1.     Paul Craig Roberts                                    10.    Noam Chomsky     

2.    John Pilger.                                                 11.  Toni Cartalucci

3.    F. William Engdahl                                     12. Stephen Lendman

4.    Pepe Escobar                                               13.  George Cardin

5.   Andre Vitchek                                               14.  David Vine

6.    Jim Kavanagh                                               15.  Phil Butler

7.    Christopher Black                                         16. Jeff Brown

8.   Jeffrey St. Clair                                              17.  Steven Cohen

9.   W.T. Whitney                                                  18.  Milos Kovic

Most of the above writers are either professors in renowned American universities or highly qualified professional intellectuals in their various field of studies. Many have retired but are still writing as a form of interest and responsibiliy to awaken the American people and the people around the world of the danger to the world posted by  the insidious actions and activities of  the evil American government.

Remember to go into these websites everyday. You will find it rewarding and enlightening and don't forget to pass the information to all friends far and near.


Friday, 6th October, 2017