
New York and Chicago flattened by nuclear bombs

New York and Chicago were hit by two nuclear bombs from North Korea. Seoul and Tokyo and several cities in South Korea and Japan were also hit. North Korea was totally wiped out by a series of attacks launched by the Americans from the Pacific Strike Groups. There is no more North Korea. North Korea has been turned into a nuclear waste land. And there is no more New York and Chicago, no more Tokyo and Seoul.

This is about the least destruction that would happen should the mad Americans and a reckless Trump go ahead with his military action against North Korea. The nuclear attack on homeland America and the losing of two or more American cities to nuclear attacks are not fiction and could happen. Millions of innocent Americans that could be having their hamburgers and watching baseball would not be around any more, to go along with the millions of North Koreans taken out by a foolish American preemptive strike on North Korea.

At the moment many, including dumb Americans, are still thinking that a military strike like what Trump did to Syria would be the same and the Americans could laugh about it, could brag about it after the event. It was fun. Taking on North Korea is a different proposition. It is like dancing with black death. Death and destruction would be invited to American homeland, to Japan and South Korea. There is no other version of living happily forever. Yes, the North Korean problem would be solved forever.

While everyone, the Koreans, Japanese and Americans are having peace and living their good lives, going about daily enjoying life, this could be all over if the mad and reckless Trump and his idiots in Washington think they could get away with murder. The world would be very different after a military attack on North Korea. The North Koreans would not go away quietly after being attacked. They would let go everything they had. It is the same thinking, fire everything or there is no time to fire them. 

Are the Americans prepared for this disaster in the name of peace, in the name of provocation, when they are the most provocative warmonger, to start a nuclear holocaust that would bring along millions of Americans, Koreans and Japanese as war collaterals?

This is not play school thing. This is real, murder at a global scale. The Americans should not think they could play the big bully game with the North Koreans. The North Koreans have been preparing for this and are ready to face the Americans when all hell breaks lose.

Would sanity rule the day and save the millions of Americans, Japanese and Koreans that would otherwise be history?


The Evil Empire versus Rogue Regime

The Evil Empire struck at Syria and walked away chuckling, leaving Putin red faced and Assad looking so hapless. What can Putin or Assad do after being kicked in the ass except to say, ‘if you do it again we will hit back’. This is so lame, and what a loser could do anyway, and always be a loser. Assad could not hit back to risk a total wipe out. Putin dares not hit back for lack of will and fear of the fire power of the Evil Empire. And the world tolerated or accepted the bullying of the Evil Empire as if it is its right to attack any country it wants, for the right or wrong reason, for real or fake reasons, for lies and fabricated truth. The chemical attack by Assad was not even proven except by the accusation of the Americans just like the WMD. What if it was the Americans behind the chemical attack and put the blame on Assad?

And the Evil Empire told the world that it attacked Syria because Syria was bad, Syria used chemical weapons. Who really used chemical weapons on the Syrians? Anyone knows? Oh the Americans said so, just like Iraq had WMD. The treachery and arrogance of power to bully smaller states are what the Evil Empire is good at and has been doing it for decades after becoming the number one super power.

Now the next target is North Korea. The Evil Empire has branded the North Koreans as a Rogue Regime just because it was developing its own weapons for its own security. This is not allowed. Only the Evil Empire is allowed to have a monopoly of the world’s most destructive and deadliest military weapons, chemical weapons and nuclear weapons. Having such weapons for a smaller country is bad behavior, unacceptable and it is right for the Evil Empire to attack and even invade the country for the possession of such weapons.

The right to attack any country is the right of the Evil Empire. The Evil Empire can attack any country by saying its national interest is at stake. No other country can do that and get away with it. Now after the successful attack of Syria under another fake news or fabricated incident, the Evil Empire is on another mission to attack North Korea. The Evil Empire is a peaceful Empire, a benign Empire? When it attacks another country, it is for peace.

What would the Rogue Regime do if it is attacked? Mind you, the Rogue Regime is in possession of nuclear weapons as well and can deliver the nuclear bombs. Whether the bombs could be delivered to the USA homeland may still be questionable, but delivering to Japan is a piece of cake and Yokosuka is an American military base, just the right target. If the Evil Empire dares to attack the Rogue Regime, the North Koreans would behave exactly as what the Americans branded them, like rogues, and fire their missiles with nuclear or conventional warheads into Japan for sure and maybe to the USA.

Would Emperor Trump pull the trigger to test the Rogue Kim and see how Kim will respond? Trump may think his flexibility is an asset, Kim’s unpredictability also an asset. You can hit me, I can hit you. Let’s see how the Evil Empire starts this war with the Rogue Regime and see how far the war will escalate.

Would Trump dare to pull the trigger and bring upon a nuclear holocaust? How mad are the Americans, oops, I mean how mad is Trump or how mad is the Japanese Commander commanding the American Pacific Command? Would it lead to the Evil Empire and the Rogue Regime killing each other or would it lead to the Rogue Regime unleashing all its might on Japan?

This is not a game for small boys but for seriously insane people. One thing for sure, Kim would not be so mad to be the first to pull the trigger. The only mad guy to pull the trigger first would be the mad Americans commanded by an equally mad Japanese Commander that has a hidden agenda, to drag the Americans into a war with China and Russia.

PS. The deadliest combination is a bunch of mad Americans led by a treacherous Japanese with a hidden agenda and with all the nuclear weapons at their disposal.


Elected President - How stupid it can be

When life was simple, when a Malay was a Malay, a Chinese a Chinese, an Indian an Indian, it makes sense to talk about a Malay President, an Indian President, a Chinese President or an Eurasian President. Or at least in those times, the racial divide or ethnicity was fairly obvious though when dig deeper, there would still be some adulteration.

No one has any doubt or misgivings about President Ishak, Sheares, Nair or Nathan as to who they were and their ethnicity. Fast forward 50 years, how many Malays, Indians and Chinese are really Malay, Indian or Chinese? One day Vivian Balakrisnan may be standing for the EP, or his children, or children of Dhanabalan, Yaacob, Tarmugi, Mah Bow Tan, Tharman or any of those who have mixed parenthood, what ethnic group would they be representing? Some may have grandparents of Arabs, Indonesians, Chinese, Indian and every other race on earth, their DNAs could be so mixed, with 4 or 5 ethnic tribes in them, they could claim anything they want to be but would they be acceptable?

The children of a first time mixed parenthood could go forth to marry again, what ethnic group would they become? A simple example is a Malay Chinese or an Indian Chinese family. Would their children be called Malay, Indian or Chinese?  What would their children be called if they marry into a minority race or a majority race?

Life is getting more complicated and messy by the days and this EP is looking more foolish by the days as the rojak culture gets stirred and mixed up more vigorously. The claim to ethnicity in the future is going to make many people looked very silly when they have to prove how Malay, Indian or Chinese or rojak.

The globalisation and open leg policy of the govt is going to make this issue more funny and queer than you think. Everyone would be more aware of their parentage and ethnicity all because of this EP thing or would be questioning whoever claims to be a minority. Their ancestry would not be spared and there will be calls to dig and dig about the past.

This EP thing is so unbelieveable! And to think that it is a clever thing when it is going to be a joke in the future. More important, it would be the most divisive thing in the Constitution and portends for more troubles to come to divide this nation.


China – Protection of ethnic Chinese around the world

After 150 years of humiliating and falling victim of western invasion and semi colonization, China has risen to take its rightful place as a major world power, not to be invaded, humiliated or intimidated again. Any country thinking of invading China today must be insane. Not even the Americans would covert such a devious plan and intent to invade China ever again. The thought of it is simply unthinkable today.

During the darkest days of China and the Chinese Civilisation, the Chinese diaspora was scattered all over the world, mainly to the USA and Southeast Asia. This diaspora fell victims in their host countries through racism, discrimination, exploitation, violence and even genocides.  China could only watch from a distance haplessly, unable to lift a finger to protect its overseas Chinese. The victimization and discrimination of the disapora continued till the late 20th Century with many fallen victims to massacres in SE Asian countries.

China today has stood up to claim responsibility to protect the well beings of the Chinese disapora by enacting a new law for all Chinese whether they are citizens of China or other countries, whether they are born overseas after several generations of naturalization. Regardless of citizenship and country of birth, all Chinese will be protected as long as they belong to the Chinese Civilisation.

Here is the new Chinese Law on the protection of the Chinese Civilisation, all Overseas Ethnic Chinese – Amendment articles 50 and 89(12) of the People’s Republic of China Constitution enshrine the Law of Return for ALL ethnic Chinese who have emigrated abroad, even those who did so before the proclamation of the Republic, and covers ALL their descendants born in other countries and holding other nationalities and who have never stepped foot in China before. In the unlikely event that a definable community of ethnic Chinese outside China is threatened with racial violence or genocide, China would provide all assistance to the oppressed community, whether in the form of diplomatic pressure, economic sanctions, or limited military action to secure the safety and effect evacuation of the said community whose members are all welcomed to return to China to settle there as full citizens with special constitutional privileges granted on to returnees.

This China’s Law if Return is similar to that of Israel and Germany.  See http://qwb.sh.gov.cn/shqb/english/laws/userobject1ai1252.html . This law and the protection of its citizens/ethnic Chinese are likely to be similar to what the Americans are also doing around the world to protect American citizens. China is now able to and in a position to do the same for all ethnic Chinese around the world, to protect them and to offer them to return to China if necessary.

China is now staking its rightful claims to be responsible to all ethnic Chinese around the world, that they belong to the Chinese Civilisation and will henceforth come under the protection of China should they fell victims to violence, discrimination and genocides.  China is now a world power standing up to protect the Chinese Civilisation in all corners of the world.


Emperor Trump's act of war

Like all American Emperors, Trump has to prove that he is another emperor that would use military force against any country the Americans branded as enemy. The slimy Emperor Obama was even awarded a Nobel Peace Prize on his first few months in office and subsequently went on to engage in more wars and destruction in the Middle East, killing more Arabs and Muslims and destroying their lives. Trump cannot be outdone given his aggressive temperament. All he needed was an excuse, a false flag incident, no need for any proof, to attack Syria. The earlier reasons for the Americans to be fighting in Syria were to support the rebels and to fight ISIS. Now it is an attack on a country, Syria, using devious and questionable reasons.

Assad has all the reasons not to use chemical weapons on his people. He is riding the wave of military victories over a depleted, defeated and about to expire ISIS and rebel groups. It is only a matter of months before he wipes out the ISIS and rebels to bring peace to his country. His chemical weapons, whatever was left, had been transported to Russia in compliance with international and American pressure to rid his country of chemical weapons. And Assad knows that the Americans would need the flimsiest excuse to attack him. Why would Assad use chemical weapons at this time?

It is totally illogical and rubbish for Assad to do that to invite an attack from the Americans, just like all the false flag incidents against North Korea that could easily precipitated into a similar attack by the Americans. The Americans are fabricating this story just like the WMD crime committed by Bush and Blair. The intent is so obvious that it was another black ops executed by the Americans to justify its attack on Syria. The Americans have all the reasons to strike to protect the ISIS and rebels that are running for their lives to avoid annihilation. The Americans must stop Assad fast to protect them.

Putin is going to be furious and he has no option but to strike back at the Americans. He must or he would lose all credibility as a leader of a major power nation. Trump has just slapped his face in front of the world spectators, and telling Xi Jinping personally he just did it, in glee. Knowing Putin, and knowing that he has just been humiliated and cornered by Trump, he would lash back. Political rhetoric would not be enough for Putin to stand tall, to be seen as not a push over.

Emperor Trump and the American military must expect a counter blow, a body strike from Putin in double quick time. Trump has just started WW3. Though the Americans would try to say that it was an isolated attack and nothing more to try to limit and manage the stage of war, it is not up to the Americans to dictate the nature and scale of war and where and when the Russians would hit back. Some mad Americans are still chuckling about this act of 'I can hit you, you can't hit me' operation and declaring that America should do more attacks.

The Americans must have no doubt that the Russians are more than capable of hitting back and would hit back. The Russians must hit back and this incident would quickly escalate into a full clash between the Russians and the Americans, and their allies would soon be dragged into the fray.

Well done Emperor Trump. You have proven to be a hot blooded American Emperor like the rest of the American Emperors and would be getting your Nobel Prize for Peace very soon. And you may be honoured in perpetuity as the American Emperor that started World War 3.