The USA is a benign and
peace loving super power. And here are the facts that the fools believed in as
their justifications..
1. In the last 30 years
they have engaged in more than 30 wars, and wasting US$14 trillion dollars on
2. They invaded Iraq,
Libya and Syria, under fabricated info or false premises.
3. They murdered two
Arab Presidents, Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein.
4. They are still
fighting wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and several countries in the Middle
5. The grow, breed and
feed rebels and terrorist organisations all over the world.
6. They built 1,000
military bases with offensive weapons of wars the fools believed are for peace.
7. They have 4,000
military bases in the USA, also for peace.
8. They have the biggest
nuclear arsenal in the world that could destroy the earth many times over, but
for peace of course.
9. They have 10 aircraft
carrier groups armed with hundreds of offensive aircraft and nuclear weapons,
for peace too.
10. They have military
forces, special forces, some in civilians all over the world training and
feeding terrorist groups and organisations.
11. Their military
budget is US$600 billions annually, for peace.
12. They formed military
alliance everywhere.
13. They conduct
provocative war games at the door of countries they labelled as unfriendly or
14. They called names
and branded countries as evil, aggressive, expansionist except themselves.
15. They arbitrarily
imposed sanctions, blockades and arrested ships of other nations in
international waters and called for freedom of navigation.
16. They placed offensive
military weapons and soldiers at the borders of other countries.
17. They threatened
smaller countries with wars and regime change.
18. For many decades
they have been assassinating heads of states and govts with their covert
operations all over the world.
19. They are the biggest
arms merchants, selling arms everywhere by provoking and raising tensions for
that purpose.
20. They are the biggest
smugglers and traders of drugs.
21. They are the biggest
money launderers.
22. They committed the
most crimes against humanity all over the world.
And they are the most
peaceful, friendly and benign super power that only the fools could believe in.
Please do not disagree with the believers of these myths. The facts are
indisputable. Please do not dispute these myths that the American Empire is the
most peace living Empire in the world. Please beg them to come and protect you
and maintain peace. Please beg them to come to Asia to balance against the
China, to the Americans and the fools, are the most dangerous rising power, not
now but tomorrow.
China is belligerent,
aggressive and waiting to conquer and rule the world. If only China could match
what the Americans did above, then China may qualify and be seen as peace
loving, peaceful. Alas, China can never match what the Americans have and had
done over the last 70 years. So China is bad and the USA is good.
Amen. God is so loving
and kind. Let's bow and praise God.
PS. Many American
intellectuals and righteous Americans have seen through these myths and are
denouncing and rejecting this evil Empire. They have set up their own news
platforms to educate the American public and the rest of the world, to remove
their blinkers and stupidity, to see the real and ugly American Empire.