While the reality of a minority president made possible by tweaking the system is just a matter of time, regardless of meritocracy, did the govt understand the complexity and difficulties in administrating this minority issue?
There are many questions to ask like what or who qualifies as a minority candidate and who should be the ultimate authority to decide if the candidate qualifies. In the case of the Malays, what organization should be the authority, the high court, the registry of birth, the ICA that issued the IC, or the MUIS? The Malay community would have their own definition and reservation on who should represent them as their minority candidate. A Chinese, an Indonesian or a Pinoy, non Malay Muslim or a mixed parentage child could register at birth as a Malay. Would that be acceptable to the Malay community?
The Indian community too would want a say as to who qualifies as an Indian. The complications come not just because of mixed parentage but there will be the Sri Lankans, the Pakistanis and many others.
And what about the Eurasians? The earlier formula is a mixed parentage of Asians and Europeans. What about Europeans and Europeans, or mixed Asians that were neither CMI but Pinoys, Myanmese, Indons, Viets etc etc? Would they be classified as Eurasians, as Others?
What would happen when a candidate is being challenged to represent a minority race, and the racial group refused to recognize the minority candidate as their rightful representative?
Would the MPs be raising such issues in Parliament to clarify what is a minority, what is a Malay, what is an Indian, an Eurasian/Others? Who would be the authority to decide on such issues and complaints?
In today’s msm it is stated that the govt would set up a committee to decide who would qualify as a minority candidate. Would there be a clarification or a definition to determine this minority candidate? Would the minorities accept such a committee to be the ultimate authority on such matters? How would the identity of a candidate reflected in the birth certificate or IC affect the status and qualification as a minority candidate? Are these identification of any value or still subject to dispute and can be overruled by such a committee?
Administrating this minority issue is going to be a nightmare or an avenue for racial discontent for sure.