
EP - A nightmare in the making

While the reality of a minority president made possible by tweaking the system is just a matter of time, regardless of meritocracy, did the govt understand the complexity and difficulties in administrating this minority issue?

There are many questions to ask like what or who qualifies as a minority candidate and who should be the ultimate authority to decide if the candidate qualifies. In the case of the Malays, what organization should be the authority, the high court, the registry of birth, the ICA that issued the IC, or the MUIS? The Malay community would have their own definition and reservation on who should represent them as their minority candidate. A Chinese, an Indonesian or a Pinoy, non Malay Muslim or a mixed parentage child could register at birth as a Malay. Would that be acceptable to the Malay community?

The Indian community too would want a say as to who qualifies as an Indian. The complications come not just because of mixed parentage but there will be the Sri Lankans, the Pakistanis and many others.

And what about the Eurasians? The earlier formula is a mixed parentage of Asians and Europeans. What about Europeans and Europeans, or mixed Asians that were neither CMI but Pinoys, Myanmese, Indons, Viets etc etc? Would they be classified as Eurasians, as Others?

What would happen when a candidate is being challenged to represent a minority race, and the racial group refused to recognize the minority candidate as their rightful representative?

Would the MPs be raising such issues in Parliament to clarify what is a minority, what is a Malay, what is an Indian, an Eurasian/Others? Who would be the authority to decide on such issues and complaints?

In today’s msm it is stated that the govt would set up a committee to decide who would qualify as a minority candidate. Would there be a clarification or a definition to determine this minority candidate? Would the minorities accept such a committee to be the ultimate authority on such matters? How would the identity of a candidate reflected in the birth certificate or IC affect the status and qualification as a minority candidate? Are these identification of any value or still subject to dispute and can be overruled by such a committee?

Administrating this minority issue is going to be a nightmare or an avenue for racial discontent for sure.


Enough of western myth


They are still spreading it like wild fire and many Asia leaders and so called intellectuals and analysts are lapping it up like honey without thinking what the stuff is. I am talking about the myth that China is going to start a war with the USA, and underlining this silly myth is the assumption that the Chinese are stupid and did not know that such a war would invite the termination of the Chinese civilization by the American nuclear arsenal that have enough nuclear warheads to wipe out China hundreds of times over. How would supposedly thinking and clever people be blinded by this dastard truth, that any country, including Russia and China, would court self annihilation in a nuclear war with the Americans and any sensible leader would avoid a war with the Americans at all cost, unless being forced to do so?

Nevermind, the myth has been spoken too long and is now part of the psyche of the unthinking Asian leaders, intellectuals and so called analysts. They forgot that the Chinese too have common sense, the North Koreans too, that they would not invite total disaster to their country and people by having a war with the Americans. But the simpleton leaders and pseudo intellects and analysts would be harping at this silly notion till the cow comes home.

China would want to replace the Americans as the world hegemon or at least the Asian hegemon, and China would do so to attack American military forces, and stupidily these ‘thinkers’ forgot to think a bit further, that it would mean China’s own destruction. Now why would China want to do so when it does not need to start a war and already gaining influence and recognition as a superpower that would overtake the Americans in the long run, if there is no war and China could continue to develop and grow peacefully through trade and infrastructure development all of the world?

This is not the only reason why China would not want to have a war to replace the Americans as the Number One super power. The unthinking ‘thinkers’ too knew that China had no reason to do so and they would give all the real reasons why China would be courting death for doing so. Their reasonings in this area are logical, at least they are not completely dumb and blind. The Chinese military is decades behind the Americans in sophistication and destructive power. And a war with the Americans would likely see the Americans triumphant or at least the Chinese forces would be defeated. How then and why then would a militarily weak China want to challenge and start a war with the Americans? Silly logic isn’t it? Only dumb thinkers and analysts could keep on screaming that China is the expansionist and aggressive power that would start a war with the Americans.

What is the truth? What is China doing and what are the Americans doing all over the world? The Chinese are building infrastructure all over the world to facilitate transportation and trade. The Americans are building military bases and forming military alliances all over the world, including conducting provocative war games at the doorsteps of targeted countries. And the Americans are engaged in wars for the last 5 decades all over the world, including now with their mighty military presence in the wars in the Middle East. How much of these are not spoken, or blind to the dumb thinkers and pseudo analysts?

China is progressing very well and getting richer and stronger without the need for war. China needs peace to progress, to get rich and bring a better life for its people and for the people of the world through trade and investment, not through wars. And when China is rich and prosperous, when China is the richest nation in the world, why would China want to start a war with the Americans to destroy everything that it has built and achieved? What kind of foolish thought is that?

If there is a war between China and the US, it is likely to be provoked by the Americans in desperation to cling on to their Empire and to continue to be the Number One hegemon in the world by military might. China is rising, by economic and peaceful means. Not by military might and the need for war.

It is time to put an end to this silly western myth perpetuated by the West and continued to be spread by silly Asian leaders and so called intellectuals, thinkers and analysts, that China is set to want to go to war with the Americans. China will rise peacefully and needs peace to rise peacefully, to be the richest nation on earth. War will destroy everything, will put an end to the China Dream.


Another October crash?

Read below article. It is so important that I am quoting the whole article here.
Dear Family,

With the Year Of The Jubilee On Oct 3, 2016 comes the “divine reset”. Over the years I have been teaching @ PATMOS that Europe will soon come under divine judgment for what they did 70 years ago. When we speak of Europe we can’t help but speak of the EU the heart of Europe and when we speak of the EU we can’t help but speak of the soul of the EU – Germany. And in speaking of Germany we can’t help but speak of the spirit of Germany – the Deutsche Bank.
Has the judgment begun – we will have to wait and see BUT for now the handwriting is on the wall. Read on.
Ps. George Annadorai

Deutsche Bank Collapse: The Most Important Bank In Europe Is Facing A Major ‘Liquidity Event’ ( Bloomberg )

Posted: 30 Sep 2016 04:42 PM PDT

The largest and most important bank in the largest and most important economy in Europe is imploding right in front of our eyes. Deutsche Bank is the 11th biggest bank on the entire planet, and due to the enormous exposure to derivatives that it has, it has been called “the world’s most dangerous bank“.

On September 16th, the Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. Department of Justice wanted 14 billion dollars from Deutsche Bank to settle a case related to the mis-handling of mortgage-backed securities during the last financial crisis. As a result of that announcement, confidence in the bank has been greatly shaken, the stock price has fallen to record lows, and analysts are warning that Deutsche Bank may be facing a “liquidity event” unlike anything that we have seen since the collapse of Lehman Brothers back in 2008.

But the size of the fine is not really the issue now. Shares of Deutsche Bank have fallen by more than half so far in 2016, and this latest episode seems to have been the final straw for the deeply troubled financial institution. Old sources of liquidity are being cut off, and nobody wants to be the idiot that offers Deutsche Bank a new source of liquidity at this point.

As a result, Deutsche Bank is potentially facing a “liquidity event” on a scale that we have not seen since the financial crisis of 2008. The following comes from Zero Hedge…

The more the stock price drops, the faster other financial institutions, investors and regular banking clients are going to want to pull their money out of Deutsche Bank. And every time there is news about people pulling money out of the bank, that is just going to drive the stock price even lower.
In other words, Deutsche Bank may be entering a death spiral that may be impossible to stop without a government bailout, and the German government has already stated that there will be no bailout for Deutsche Bank.

Banking customers have a total of approximately 566 billion euros deposited with the bank, and even if a small fraction of those clients start demanding their money back it is going to cause a major, major crunch.

One of the reasons why Deutsche Bank is considered to be so systemically “dangerous” is because it has 42 trillion euros worth of exposure to derivatives. That is an amount of money that is 14 times larger than the GDP of the entire nation of Germany.

The complete and total collapse of Deutsche Bank would be an event many times more significant for the global financial system than the collapse of Lehman Brothers was. Global leaders simply cannot afford for such a thing to happen, but without serious intervention it appears that is precisely where we are heading.


Public forum on Elected President cancelled

For the first time, a public forum organized by Reach, a govt organization, has to be cancelled due to poor response. This is despite that Shanmugam and Chee Hong Tat being the key speakers. What does it say, no Singaporeans bother to know what the changes to the Elected President are all about, or Shanmugam could not attract enough people to listen to his important talk?  Is PAP losing the ground, that a PAP talk had to be cancelled due to poor response?

Actually how many people signed up and how many people were they expecting to decide that attendance was poor and therefore better to cancel it to avoid the embarrassment of Shanmugam and Chee Hong Tat talking to 4 people or 20 people? So far it was reported that an Adrian Tan and his family had signed up. Who else had signed up? How many people had signed up? Not sure.

Oh, I just found out that Adrian Tan is actually Tan Cheng Bock, the ex PAP MP, one of the 4 presidential candidates in the last President Election, and the only one so far that had announced that he would be standing for the EP election. And everyone knows that he is likely to be disqualified this time. Unfortunately Cheng Bock did not know, or he did know and want to clarify or confirm with Shanmugam during the forum if he is still qualified to stand.

Actually it would be so easy to get a few bus loads of senior citizens or RC members or even PAP supporters to attend. Just send down a directive would do the trick. Oh, have they forgotten about the chicken rice trick?

I hope the poor attendance is not because the forum was not important. I also hope it was not because the people are fed up with the PAP and boycotting the forum. Now who were these people that were boycotting the forum, supporters or opposition believers?

This sounds like another miracle. A PAP organized event had to be cancelled for poor attendance.Really unbelievable. Or is it because someone is not welcome in PAP functions?


What is the true meaning of military alliances?


Many countries are signing military alliances with the Americans and having war games with the Americans, practicing how to conduct joint attacks against American’s enemy countries. The war games sound so innocent, like playing computer games but actually a preparation for war, to attack and invade

Not many people are thinking about the significance of war games and military alliances with the Americans. Duterte is standing up to enlighten the unthinking about military alliances and war games. Signing military alliances with the Americans is as good as signing up your enemies, identifying your enemies and declaring to your enemies that they are your enemies. And conducting war games is now very clear. It is about attacking and invading your enemy countries.

The Americans are practicing to conduct war with their allies. And when the Americans go to war, the allies will be part of the American coalition of invaders. And all the soldiers and military hardware of the allied countries would come under the American command. Now it makes sense why they sell weapons to their allies. They did not only make money from it, the weapons would be used eventually to fight on the side of the Americans.

Duterte did not want any of it. Duterte did not want to sign up enemy countries. Duterte did not want to antagonize other countries by conducting war games against them. A friendly country does not keep provoking its neighbours by conducting war games and signing military alliances that said we are your enemy.

Why would countries preach peace, but sign military alliances, conduct regular war games and sell military weapons everywhere? For peace?

Now the Philippines are being threatened by the Americans to honour their treaty obligations. If not more pressure will be exerted on ‘abuses’ especially on human rights and killings of drug lords and peddlars. The Americans are also threatening to rein in the purse strings, ie, no more aids, no more antique warships for the Phi8lippines. Can the Philippines get out of the military treaty signed? It is a case of you can say you want out but you just cannot leave, once you are in?

One funny question to ask, who had invaded the Philippines and colonized the Philippines in the past? China! Wrong, idiot. Next. China! Wrong again, stupid. The first country that invaded and colonized the Philippines was Spain. The next country was the USA. The Americans did the same, conquered and colonized the Philippines. Anymore? It’s Japan. The Japanese also conquered and colonized the Philippines and in the process massacred hundreds of Pinoys like the Spaniards and the American invaders. And some daft Pinoys are asking the Japanese and the Americans, their colonial masters and murderers of their forefathers, to protect them from China!

Has China ever invaded and colonized the Philippines?