There is fear of a big change for the
worst. The question is whether Singapore
has reached a point that we are already at the worst. Many would not agree when
we are celebrating SG50 with plomp and plenty. Look ahead, with the population
size and growing, with so many foreigners that would change our identity and
demography, our way of life, with so many of our locals being sidelined from
the main stream of activities, discriminated by foreigners in job
opportunities, with the high cost of living and housing, with your CPF being
turned into another form of taxation, with university places going to
foreigners instead of Singaporeans, top jobs going to foreigners with funny
degrees from funny universities despite our top students graduating from the
best universities in the West, what is the future for Singaporeans? No problem,
the foreigners will be Singaporeans overnight by issuing them pink ICs!
Today we are starting to hear the Govt
acknowledging that the population is too big to handle, but still many are
talking of 10m and more. And knowing that there is no other formula for growth
except population growth, you are not too far wrong to expect the population to
keep increasing at an intolerable rate after the GE. We are also hearing the
lost of a Singapore identity and Singaporean core? Did these things happen
yesterday? Who caused them? Nobody knows, I bet you, nobody knows how and when
did they happened, just like nobody knows that we are marching towards the
cliff. Everyone will swear they did not know.
Can a new party in power with a new PM be
worse than the direction we are going? At least there is hope in a new party
and a new PM to change course, knowing that the cliff is just ahead. And why
should a PM Low Thia Khiang or PM Sylvia Lim or PM Chee Soon Juan, or PM Tan
Jee Say be a problem? They will inherit a system with some of the best men we
have in the govt service, in all the services. These bright men and women will
still be there to serve the new govt and PM. What is needed is a new direction
with new emphasis on Singapore
and the well beings of Singaporeans.
With a new govt and a new PM, the script
will be rewritten. The population growth with be halted, the number of foreigners
in high places will be monitored and reduced, Singaporeans will be favoured and
in charge, not discriminated brazenly. The new govt will run the country for
Singaporeans. And the formula, instead of going all around the world to hunt
for foreigners when a problem pops up, the new govt will rely on our own top
talents to deal with the problems. The new PMs will get the best men and women
to assist him in the execution of his pro Singaporean policies.
Is this different from what the present
govt is doing? Got problem, set up a committee, pay for expertise. Go to the
whole world to find the experts to solve our problems. Our million dollar
employees only need to manage and know how to find foreigner talents to solve
their problems. The new PM can do the same, but with the heart in the right
place, to think Singaporean first. We are Singaporeans, we are good enough to
solve our own problems, especially problems that we created for ourselves.
What is the point of having so many top
talents from the best universities of the world for? To collect money and not
to solve problem, cannot solve problems and needing foreigners paid a fraction
of their pay to solve problems for them? I believe we have the best talents to
look after our own problems, to solve our own problems like we used to do to
build this great city and home before it is turn into another 3rd
World slum, run down by 3rd World talents and 3rd World
mentality. Lee Kuan Yew said we must have the confidence to look after
ourselves, not everyday looking for foreigners to help us solve our problems.
Singaporeans better get used to PM Low Thia
Khiang or Sylvia Lim, or Chee Soon Juan or Tan Jee Say and look forward to a
better future for themselves and their children. The people in the eastern part
of the island have seen the light and know what they want and are voting for
their future in a new hope. Going forward is a treacherous affair if things are
not going to change for the good of Singaporeans but for the good of