
The consistent social media narrative

Branding is the key to market a successful product. Branding in politics is also very successful in branding a person or in tainting a person. Just keep the narrative going, the unthinking and the sycophants would sing in chorus. Better to have a few cheer leaders to lead a few young punks to jump high and low when the chorus is sung. It always works. Among the notables that were branded and have to live with the tags on them are the 3 doctors, actually more, JBJ, Tang Liang Hong, Chee Soon Juan, the Marxist Conspirators, and lately Roy Ngerng and Han Hui Hui

Today there is another very strong narrative in the social media. And they are singing the same songs daily, more vociferous and scandalous, more vicious than anything the main media could print. The narrative is unprintable. The adjectives used to describe the victims are also unprintable. The point is they are singing a different chorus and there are no short of cheer leaders and their teams of dancers and followers to do the same.

I am restraining my self, with all my fingers taped and bound, to resist typing out the things that were floating in the social media. Like they said, there are two sides of the coins. What you can do I can do also. And the effect is just the same. The believers to this new narrative are growing. The believers of the other church just have no replies, their feeble attempts and whimpers just could not be heard.

When people are being branded as stupid, idiots, clowns, traitors, and much, much worse, and spoken often enough, some would believe they are the truths, and some that used to think otherwise would have their doubts about what they were told before.

The battle of the hearts and minds are fought daily, started long ago, in the internet. Alternative opinions and views are offered, often unchallenged, (except ineffective, stupid and shameless personal attacks on the authors) just like those views and opinions in the main media. Many are new converts to an alternative narrative and an alternate truth. The thinkings are hardened, back by testimonies and hard data.

Call it psy war, call in propaganda, half truths, untruths, brain washing, the battle ground is now more level.

Kopi Level - Green

TTSH dismised Pinoy

Singapore Hospital Corrected Wrong Medicine.
TTSH Took Corrective Action to Remove Human Contagion.
Many Questions Remained Unanswered:
Have the Human Contagion been Totally Destroyed?
Have all Co-conspirators, if Any, been Identified and Eliminated?

Reports of a Statement by the Hospital on 9 Jan 2014 announced that Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) has dismissed a Radiologist Nursing staff member, one Ello Ed Mundsel Bello [Facebook nick: Edz Ello], after he had admitted to “offensive comments” made last year (2014). The pattern of similar derogatory anti-Singapore remarks on his Facebook were in fact discovered only AFTER more recent, and possibly criminal, inflammatory threats to “kick out Singaporeans” and “prayed (wished) for Singaporean deaths” were made on 3 Jan 2014, also on his Facebook.  

The Statement particularly mentioned that this decision, coincidentally by the New Top Hospital Management, was NOT related to the more serious Threats to National Security posted by the Staff on the 3 Jan 2014.  I am baffled and wondered why the need for this Caveat since these threats is not a laughing matter.  

TTSH had earlier wrongly placed the Staff on administrative duties, pending police investigations of the recent Threat instead of the standard HRM practice of suspending the Staff pending the police investigations as well as an Internal Inquiry.

TTSH was founded 170 years ago on the spirit and values of compassion and care for the people as personified by its Founder Tan Tock Seng.

That a Staff of TTSH should harbor such murderous thoughts regarding Singapore and all things Singaporean had understandably shocked our Nation this week.

Yet this Week, in the face of obvious death threats and a fellow co-worker’s desire to inflict possible personal harm to Singaporeans, TTSH Singaporean staff continued to report to work and attend to the hundreds of Hospital patients and visitors, trusting the Authorities to do the Right thing.  This resolute spirit of TTSH Staff in caring for its patients this week is legendary.  And Singapore is once again reminded of their similar bravery and courage which touched us across the island when SARS hit Singapore in 2003.

Singaporeans fondly recalled TTSH as our “Ground-Zero” bastion in the Battle Against the Deadly SARS Virus in 2013.  SARS had also inflicted many Healthcare workers including 49 nurses, 13 doctor and 22 others (attendants, radiographers, housekeepers, a porter, and a cleaning supervisor).  Healthcare workers constituted more than 40% of those who had contracted SARS.  This week, we too remembered the TTSH heroes who died from the disease, and the many more heroes in TTSH who made invaluable contributions and sacrifices.

Many Questions however remained Unanswered:
How did this happen?
Are there more like-minded “Hate Singaporeans” Foreign Talents?
Have the Human Contagion been Totally Destroyed?
Have all Co-conspirators, if Any, been Identified and Eliminated?
Are Singaporeans NOW Safe?

It is critically important that we should not treat this lightly as an isolated case. We need to be clear-headed and study the circumstances for such a human contagion to flourish right under our very eyes and noses.  It is NOT a call for a witch-hunt for “Sook Sing” [or “Kill Singaporeans”] serial-killers among foreign talents from any particular country.  The end of our Post-mortem must be to send an unequivocal, categorical and yet loud message that Singaporeans WILL NOT laugh away any threats to our nation, community and loved ones. 

An unmistakable example must be made out of this incident to project no doubt that Singaporeans will respond swiftly; and as totally, resolutely, strongly and decisively to any Threats to Singapore and our way of life in the same ruthless manner that we had dealt with the SARS virus.      

Kopi Level - Green


Condolence to Charlie and the victims in France

While everyone is in the mood to cry for the 12 victims in the French massacre, calling it an act of savagery and all the strongest words they could find in their vocabulary, I would also like to offer my belated condolence to all the innocent Iraqis that were butchered by the most savage crimes against them in their country, by the invading Americans. How many hundred thousands were killed, maimed, and their lives ruined? How many children were left crippled, orphaned and homeless when their parents were murdered by the flying smart bombs? Their homes flatten, their country and economy in ruins. No more schools, no more play time and many lying in hospitals.

Please offer your condolences if you think your heart is in the right place and ready to show a little kindness to the innocents in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria, in Afghanistan and next, the most savage of all, the impending invasion of North Korea.

Ask yourself, what has this country done to you or anyone except wanted to live their own lives within the boundaries of North Korea? Why are the Americans preparing to invade this country, to kill the innocents that never even speak to you or about you, and did not know who you are?

And here is my condolence to the North Korean people in advance, the young and the old, for whatever crime the Americans are going to convict them and to kill them in the name of freedom and democracy.

Who are the real savages? Or the Arabs don't count? Are they not humans?

Kopi Level - Blue, Thank you.

Singaporeans, use your votes wisely

The Real Singapore is an aggregator and has been reposting some of my articles there when they found them suitable. I am reposting one of their articles which I think Singaporeans should read and know. Singaporeans must learn to protect themselves from the invasion of foreign talents that are infesting the banking and finance industry, academia and IT too. You do not want to panic like when the rats are running all over Bukit Batok to say enough is enough. It may be too late then. Actually it is already too late. Here is the article titled,

‘Deutsche Bank hires many Indian nationals in high paying positions.
Yesterday, we wrote about Sambath Kannan who came from India to Singapore to work in a high-paying position but derided Singaporeans and said he pitied them. He was later castigated by other Singaporeans and it was also found that the bank that Mr Sambath works at also hires many Indian nationals in high-paying positions.

Mr Sambath Kannan came from Pondicherry in India and is a Vice President at Deutsche Bank.

Yesterday, he wrote a comment on the People's Action Party Facebook page.

"Let us not wait for others to do everything for us. Let us each do our part and give it all that we can," he quoted prime minister Lee Hsien Loong as saying.

Then he chided Singaporeans….

He lamented about how Singaporeans complain about housing and jobs.

"I am really concerned and at times I pity them," he said of Singaporeans.
He then added, "Those born, had education and experience in other countries migrate to Singapore, utilise the opportunities available, create the opportunities for Singaporeans, they grow, they help Singapore to grow. Some of them consider Singapore as their home."...

After the backlash against his comment, he has taken down the post and clarified that he is a Singaporean. Mr Sambath is also a new citizen.

But he also criticise Singaporeans.

"But, some of the Singaporeans are yet to realise the opportunities available and yet to realise their own potentials. They waste their time and energy by criticising the government," he said.

This got many Singaporeans riled up.

Other commenters did not take to Mr Sambath's words kindly.

"So, you are a new citizen, Sambath Kannan? You come here, enjoy the fruits of the hard work of native Singaporeans which made Singapore what it is today and you want to pour caustic comments on us?" one commenter said.

"Do you even know how the bottom 20% of Singaporeans live?" another asked….

This led Mr Sambath to say, "Please try to understand I am not blaming any body. I feel hurt when the public make negative comments about our ministers or Singapore govt."

Indeed, Mr Sambath earns a good salary in the Deutsche Bank and might not understand the plight of ordinary Singaporeans who earn much lower salaries….
What is more, netizens later discovered that many of Mr Sambath's colleagues at Deutsche Bank are also many Indian nationals who hold positions of vice-presidents and directors, like he does.

This angered even more Singaporeans.

Questions have been asked about why Deutsche Bank hires so many foreigners in their high posts and why the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) hasn't yet taken action against the bank.

It is known that the financial industry in Singapore is being taken over by foreigners and replacing the jobs that Singaporeans use to fill….’

Singaporeans should not get angry unnecessarily. Singaporeans should not get angry with this Sambath Kannan. He and Deutsche Bank are just symptoms of the disease affecting this island. Think carefully about what all these meant to Singaporeans and their children and vote wisely. Only Singaporeans can help themselves and protect their children’s future. Singaporeans must decide and decide quickly if this is good for their country and children. No one is going tell you the truth on how this will impact them in the negative and will hit them flat on their faces. Your future and the future of your children depend on what you think should be done to this high population problem and where you want it to go.

Kopi Level - Blue, thank you

Dr Goh Keng Swee resurrected

A forummer Edmund wrote this, (full article in TRE under the title, ‘Dr Goh did warn about dependence on FTs for growth.’)

‘Yes, Dr Goh did warn about Singapore’s dependence on FTs for growth way back in 1972. At the time, he was speaking in his personal capacity at a symposium.
He had previously discussed and sought the advice of his adviser, Dr Albert Winsemius. Their views were similar. So, Dr Goh felt that it was his duty as a Minister to air his views as a common citizen.

He warned that if Singapore was too obsessed with the rapid growth, this would result in a state where it would be out of control (not sustainable and probably irreversible).
Dr Goh asked then, “To be precise, at what point should we stop importing foreign workers and cease to encourage foreign entrepreneurs and capital to come into Singapore?”

“Because of our limited land area, industrial expansion together with population expansion that goes with it, will produce overcrowding to increasingly uncomfortable limits,” he added.

How prescient Dr Goh was in his prediction back in 1972. Some 40 years later, Singapore is exactly in the situation Dr Goh has described – “overcrowding to increasingly uncomfortable limits”…..’

Goh Keng Swee might not say anything about jumping out of his grave, but by revisiting what he said, his warning of the future, ie today and forward, is as good as him standing up to talk to the Singaporeans to heed his advice. What he said in 1972 is very relevant today and the seriousness of his thoughts about the consequences is there for all to see. Only fools will ignore his wisdom and that of Dr Winsemius. Our children will pay dearly for ignoring Dr Goh’s warning.

Yes, Dr Goh Keng Swee has stood up again. Ignore his words at your own peril. The problem is that his advice and warnings have been ignored for the last few decades and the problem is now so huge and intrinsic that it cannot be reolved. We will all have to live with this self inflicted problem. The only way to avoid the problem blowing up in our face is to kick it down the road. Keep inflating the population to have fictitious growth and ignore the consequences, don’t look at them, don’t talk about them.

The govts in the future will have to face this problem squarely and would have to take very drastic actions to save our country and future from an implosion.

Kopi Level - Blue, thank you.