
“To Preserve and Protect the Honour of Singapore”

Our Sacred Duty to Respond to Threats Made to Our Survival

TREmeritus (3 Jan 2014)

The post essentially taunts Singaporeans and wishes them ill. A person by the name of “Edz Ello” wrote that he prays for “disators” (sic) to strike Singapore and wants to see more Singaporeans die. He also wants to kick all Singaporeans out of Singapore so that Singapore will become a new Filipino state:

Well, Edz Ello claimed that his Facebook account has been hacked.  He should file a Police Report and also urged Facebook to investigate his complaint thoroughly.  We are a Nation of Laws, and so the burden is on Edz Ello to prove that he did not threaten to “kick out Singaporeans” and “prayed (wished) for Singaporean deaths”, both I believe must be criminally offensive to warrant Police intervention as a matter of normal routine follow-up. 

To our Home Team: There should be vigorous Police screening of his background, beliefs, values, social habits, known associates (Pinoys and others), telephone conversations,  as well as everything that he had touched, eaten, seen, heard or smelled with whom, when and why during the times he has been in Singapore.

Interestingly in the United States TODAY (Mon, 5 Jan 2014), the Court Trial began for one of the 2 Tsarneav brothers who set off two bombs that killed 3 and injured 260 more people at the Boston Marathon on 15 April 2013.  Some had their legs or other limbs amputated. Many are considered “Disabled” today. The older brother was shot and killed by Police when he resisted arrest.  The Tsarneavs were foreign immigrants from Russian Chechen to the USA some years earlier.

Could Edz Ello and his friends or associates be like the Tsarneav brothers?  

A former politician scolded the more than 2,000 Singaporeans who reacted angrily to Edz Ello’s post and chided them as “petty”, “insecure”, “thin-skin”, too sensitive and “easily offended”.  Seriously, Mr Calvin Cheng?

Mr Calvin Cheng, who was a Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) from 2009-2011, would just “laugh it off” when someone (and his associates) threatened “death” and “disaster” on his love ones, friends and family.  Say, Mr Calvin Cheng, Edz Ello even threatened the end of Singapore!  

Well, the Tsarneav brothers in their discovered notes also threatened the United States and death of Americans.  To Mr Calvin Cheng, “a great nation (like the USA?) should just ‘laugh it off’’.  

Dear Calvin, please “laugh off” the Boston bombing with the parents of Martin Richard (age 8); Krystle Campbell (age 29) and Lingzi Lu from China; and the other 260 injured, including the amputees.

Singapore is not just a Great Nation; we are also An EXCEPTIONAL People that provide Exceptional Value to the World, including good paying Jobs for our Neighbours including The Philippines.

Edz Ello‘s words clearly exceeded the meaning of mere “insults”.  They balk at and deny our hard-fought Right to Survive – No Proud Singaporean would “just laugh it off”. 

As a Singapore politician, Mr Calvin Cheng did Singapore the greatest disservice when he trivialized our collective sense of duty, honour and national pride.  As a National Serviceman, he has so easily forgotten that he, like millions of us, had also vowed to Preserve and Protect The Honour and Independence of Our Country.  


We can Only hold our heads high as we continually Assert Our Right to Live among the Nations as a Sovereign Nation Deserving of Their Respect, Friendship and Admiration.

Kopi Level - Blue, thank you


Singapore 2015 (1) – The Beginning

Some Ramblings of a 50-year-old Nation

In a flash, we will be celebrating our beloved Singapore’s 50th (S50) Birthday.  For a nation, our history is very brief and yet so exciting and rich for one little boy who lived through this epoch.  Having passed my own half-century a while back, I can understand the festive joy amidst the angst, trepidation and expectations accompanied by our perennial national past-time of worrying about important trivia and inconvenient mundane stuff, punctured occasionally by serious matters of the heart, community and the world in that order.

This Post shall kickoff a series of free flowing thoughts through the events and policies in the past 50 years, before capturing the transformative imagination for our beloved country in the next 50 to 500 years.  

We shall begin, as usual, from the beginning.

9 August 1965 – The Day of Infamy which No Singaporean should Forget.
We were at the edge of our Hope, the end of our Destiny and the Dissolution of our Vision. Earlier, we had fought and won our Battle for Merger with Malaysia.  It was to be our finest victory!  But, it was short-lived.  Looking back to my 2 years as a Malaysian “Singapore” Citizen, I am glad that it was not a very long victory.  I was not even entitled to Malaysian citizenship!  A longer victory would have been very bad for me and millions of fellow Singaporeans.   

It was better this way, Really. The early joy of Merger Victory had been followed by two years of love-hate, bittersweet honeymoon disputing the conflicting visions of a meritocratic, multicultural “Malaysian Malaysia” vs a Malay-dominant, racist, ethnic supremacist “Malay Malaysia”. With no ethnic group then exceeding 50% in the population, a Malaysian Malaysia would have made the most sensible choice, but not to the powerful Malay political elites and their interest groups.  A saline mixture of fresh and sea water would still taste salty, even if we had remained in Malaysia.

The Promised Land of Malaysia two years earlier had turned into a Desert of Acrimony. The Mirage of Mutual Prosperity clouded the Reality of sandy Political Interests.  We could not be forced to drink the sand of political racism to quench our thirst for justice and equality.  And we refused to mistake it for the precious water needed to nurture our dream of Nationhood.

National Day 9 August 1965 – Leaving Our Future Behind
From the Ashes of a Failed Vision, we had emerged more Prosperous, Stronger, more Rugged, more Resilient, more Robust and Independent.  Our RIGHT to Survive with Independent Sovereignty CANNOT and MUST NEVER be compromised or sacrificed. Our Authenticity as a Nation providing Exceptional Value to the World MUST Always be visibly Demonstrated without Any Equivocation.

Our Greatest Moment as “One People, One Nation” was in picking up the Pieces of our young Nation when so Many had written us Off.  We had Believed in One Another when we Failed in our Merger Victory, and we Prevailed.  It is always easier to keep our faith and believing when we are succeeding.

In 2015 as we approach our Jubilee 50 years old, and grappled with new Survival issues, let it not be forgotten that we once had a Difficult Birth, a Risky Delivery, a Vulnerable Existence And a daunting Struggle to continually assert Our Right to Live among the Nations as a Sovereign Nation Deserving of Their Respect, Friendship and Admiration.   

We must continue to believe in Each Other and Ourselves as we march into the next 50 Years and beyond.  Together, our strengths always synergise in the face of Adversity, and we become stronger, more united and more resilient when we trust and depend on one another.   

Kopi Level - Red

Get out of my elitist face!

Tommy Koh, Ngiam Tong Dow, Lim Chong Yah, and several others have been talking about the inequalities and the flaws and faults in our social political system. They are just a few in between, too few to count. They could be the few proverbial black sheep in the pen.

What would be the real thinking in the minds of the elite? By the look of things, they are all thinking alike and all very pleased with the great jobs they are doing and probably congratulating themselves for the millions they deserved to be paid. They worked for them. And what have they done that was so good for the people and country? The daft Sinkies may disagree as their mental capacity would not be able to understand the goodness of the policies crafted by the elite. Never mind, they would just do what they think is right.

The big population drive, to bring in more and more people here, to convert them quickly to be citizens, must be top on the list as an essential policy for growth and prosperity for the people. You want growth or not? Sure you want growth.

With growth, a little inflation is normal. Inflation is good. Without inflation, how to inflate the prices of your homes and cars, the former can be relied on for retirement. These are carefully designed plans and policies, not child play.

Income equality is natural, and good. Must be. How would you expect our super talented ministers to promote policies and income inequality if they are bad? They may be arrogant, but not stupid or clowns as the daft may want to call them.

As for the PMEs losing their jobs, good riddance. They deserved it. They are not talented and still demanding to be paid like super talents. How can that be when millions of hungry and jobless foreigners who can’t find employment in their screwed up countries, are begging to take over their jobs? Just keep quiet, and let the PMEs kpkb until they are no more. Let them be security guards and taxi drivers and be grateful to be working. This country does not belong to them, it belongs to us, the elite.

Our expensive medical and education are expensive because they are the best. You need to pay for quality, there is no other way. And our standards are still not high enough, that is why we need to import foreigners from better schools and with medical trainings to take over the industries and professions. We must quickly raise the cost of education and medical services to keep up with the 3rd world countries or they will take over everything. And that is also good, no choice.

Oh, a little secret, just con the daft that no car is good. Make them believe that they should cycle to work or take our world class super efficient public transport in style. Never mind the smell and the squeeze, by unseen hands. They should be thankful. If not careful, they would be hanging on the outside of trains and buses if the population goes up to 10m and 20m.

It is a must to keep the roads free for the expensive million dollar cars that we elite are driving. We need space to drive in comfort. We also need space for our mansions. The public flats must be built taller, and the rooms smaller, to save on space for us to live a bit more comfortably.

And the best part, not only the elite would be thinking in these terms. The sycophants that are taking public transports, with their jobs waiting to be taken over by foreigners, are also thinking the same. Either they think they could be the elite of the future, or they may be thinking the elite would look after them in times of need. They are feeling really comfortable and feeling very grateful. Servitude is a privilege and an honour.

I must say the above are mere fictions of my imagination. Our elite are very caring and selfless people. They are all working so hard, cracking their brains, to make life better for the daft and the unthinking, on one condition, their good life must not be affected. The rest can be make beliefs but who cares. Their great sacrifices must be worth it for themselves and their families.

I am elite.

Kopi Level- Red

No where to RIP

10 million anyone? At 5.4m, we are already facing the crunch of a different kind. The would be residents going to move into Sengkang West’s BTO flats are getting nervous and furious. They are not going to live side by side to a, though someone proudly proclaimed a state of the art columbarium. It must be an offshoot of our smart cities. You would not need high tech computers with pre programmed timer for the lights to come on and off. The lights would be on and off anytime the residents in the columbarium desired.

Bukit Brown is going in a matter of time. Bidadari is history. How long would Chua Chu Kang remain in service? We are eating up the space used by the wild, the flora and the fauna, and the dead. And you know what, when we invade and take over their place, they are left with no choice but to live among us. And Sengkang is only the beginning. More columbaria would be built in housing estates, more hospices and nursing homes too. They need space just like the living.

Can you imagine what would it be like with 10m living people and the unceasing process of people needing places to RIP? Having columbaria at the edge of housing estate or inside housing estate is anything but peace. They would not find peace like in Bukit Brown or Chua Chu Kang. The living will be creating too much din to make it unbearable to them to rest in peace.

When planning for 10m living, think of the more than 10m gonna to be dead, the dying and the undead. Going home late at night may not be so lonely after all. Does anyone understand why they are protesting and demanding money back?

Kopi Level - Red


Mirror mirror on the wall

How many of you are comfortable looking at yourself in the mirror?  Many people don’t like what they see in the mirror. If they looked on a little long, it is likely to squeeze out a pimple or trying to contort their face to look better. For those who enjoy looking in the mirror, many are deluded to think they are looking at a movie star.

It is quite uncomfortable really to look at our flaws and blemishes. Some choose not to look at the mirror. Some did not even bother to hang mirrors in their homes.

The reason attention on the AHPETC is a case saying that many people did not look at the mirror or did not have mirrors at home. So it is very easy to tell others of their flaws and faults and exaggerated them but not of their own faults. It is not a case of them not knowing that they are just as ugly as the people they are criticising. They simply did not know or did not want to know. Or maybe their friends and fans have been flattering them, telling them how good looking they are. In their deluded state they gained enough confidence to think they are really good looking and can go around criticising others.

Some got a rude awakening when they were shown the mirrors. They could not believe what they saw, just as ugly as those they condemned. I think some ran away, some went into hiding. Some may be reflecting or may consider buying a mirror to look at themselves carefully. It is advisable for them to have a mirror at home. Their friends and fans should buy them a gift, a mirror.

Unfortunately friends and fans are only good at flattering and would not want to say the truth. And these people may continue to think there is nothing wrong with them. A mirror is indeed a very useful object of vanity and also for self reflection. It may make a conceited fool come down to earth and feel that he is just like those people he criticised, sama sama.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? Do they sell mirrors to the rich, powerful and vain? Or these people really think that they are so beautiful that there is no need for mirrors?

Kopi Level - Green