
True blue Singaporeans are only early migrants

A letter by a Gavin Chay in the Today paper, posted earlier in Todayonline, took the view that true blue Singaporeans are only here earlier. That is the only difference and the new migrants are here a bit later. And between the two, both have equal rights to have his space to make a living in this island. And if early migrants are not competitive they have to make way for the more competitive new migrants. The early migrants have no right to ask for more privileges, to ‘demand for more pay, protected jobs, cheaper housing and COEs and freebies of all kinds, that the current debate is fuelled more by a sense of entitlement than who we are as Singaporeans’.

If I read it correctly, Gavin Chay’s position is that new and old migrants should have equal rights to a good life here in this island we called home. How many of you agree to this view? I respect Gavin Chay’s view. He is entitled to his view and hopefully this is not the media’s view or the govt’s view.

I also like his confidence that he and his type are competitive and will take on the world’s migrants who want to come here and compete on an equal basis, the 1.3b Chinese and 1.1b Indians and the rest of SE Asia and Europe and America. Personally, I don’t think Singaporeans will be good enough to take on even a country like India or China, not talking about the rest of the world. To be confident is one thing, to be foolhardy is another, to willingly give away one’s birth right as a citizen to a migrant is…I leave it to you to suggest. To ignore and give up the effort, contributions and sacrifices of our forefathers, our NS men, and say we should compete on an equal basis with foreigners and let them beat the shit out of every Singaporean is stupidity of the highest order.

I rest my case. Who says Singaporeans are not daft?

Eng Hen – Speak up for the future Singapore

Eng Hen is asking the young Singaporeans to speak up for the kind of Singapore they want to live in when they grow up, or grow older. The young Singaporeans must join the Natcon and tell the Govt what they want. Older Singaporeans, please, not your call and don’t say anything. Only the voices of the young are important.

This seems to be the message coming from Eng Hen, that the young Singaporeans are not talking and the Govt does not know what they want. Speak up now for your future or it will be too late. The White Paper was passed without any feedback from the people, from the young. How come? Is it too much to ask the young for their views or it does not concern the young? Why were the young not consulted if their future is at stake? Why calling for them to speak up after the event is over?

All the kpkb in cyberspace have not been heard by the Govt. The Hong Lim Protest, what protest, was there a protest? Maybe the voices in cyberspace were those of old cocks and old hens. And those at the Hong Lim Protest were also oldies, don’t matter. Eng Hen is only concerned for the young who will be the owners of the future Singapore. The Govt wants to hear from them, not the ‘has been’ oldies. The oldies cannot be speaking for their children. Only the young know what they want and their views are important to the Govt.

Selective hearing? What do you think? No young people speaking and the Govt is being kept ignorant of their aspirations?


US playing with insanity

The Americans thought they could push the North Koreans into a hole. They may also think that the South Koreans will join them to decimate the North Koreans. They kept provoking the North Koreans with more and bigger military exercises simulating an invasion of North Korea. The North Koreans responded in their no nonsense and standard approach. You up the ante, we will follow and see your cards. The only thing in the North Korean’s favour is a very strong conventional military backed by a few pieces of nuclear weapons. The Americans were trying to call the North Korean’s bluff. Now the North Koreans are calling the American’s bluff. They openly announced that they will strike with full force on American targets if they were forced to. The Americans are now the chicken.

The Americans can wipe out the whole of North Korea in no time. They have the most power array of nuclear weapons that the North Koreans have no reply and will simply be sitting duck. But the US cannot risk one or two North Korean nuclear bombs on the US mainland. The Americans know that the North Koreans are willing to go for broke and the risk of taking one or two nuclear hits is just incomprehensible. Better to tone down and stop raising more tension.

Flying an ICBM into space will be immediately picked up by the North Koreans and if they read that as the opening American salvo, they could just fire theirs. The Americans are not taking any chances and will not take any chances. They are delaying their test of a Minuteman III ICBM till later. Launching one now will be too risky and they could not anticipate what the North Koreans will do.

Playing with insanity, beating the drums of war can be a deadly proposition. The North Koreans have called the American bluff. The Japanese are still gearing to go, to intercept North Korean missiles. They still fail to see the devastating destruction of modern warfare with modern weapons at the disposal of the adversaries. It is not a repeat of WW2. It is not computer games. The price is too high to pay even for the US. Japan still thinks it can afford to do so, forgetting the lessons of the two Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This time it would be hundreds of times more monstrous. It could be Tokyo and Osaka, Kyoto and Kobe.

Playing with insanity has an extremely high price to pay.

May Day protest for what?

My article posted here and reposted in TRE received fairly enough comments and generated some awareness of this coming event. Many Singaporeans are rooting to be there and calling for other Singaporeans to be there, to bring their friends as well. Many see the event as a critical moment to determine the future of Singapore and their children. They do not agree with stuffing this island with more foreigners that are mostly a bunch of parasites, the super rich and real talents excluded, here to feast themselves and provide unnecessary and undesirable competition for their children. And the Singaporeans have already been called racists and xenophobes for their unhappiness with all the parasites. It is not a race to the top but a race to the bottom especially for the average Singaporeans. Not many Singaporeans are that talented and not many have parents that are ministers or multi millionaires that could buy a few properties for them to collect rentals and no need to work for the rest of their lives.

The people, at least those who indicated that they are going, and the silent majority, do not agree with the plans of the Govt, or the plans of the 77. Whose wisdom is right, the masses or the 77 is debatable. Also it may not be an issue of right or wrong but a matter of what the majority wants and what the 77 wants. Should the majority give way to the tyranny of the 77?

In the first protest rally, the theme was ‘Say No to 6.9m’. This looks like the natural them for the second protest, a continuation and persistent theme that says the people did not want a big population. Any Tom, Dick and Harry will know that it is fatal if we just rely on increasing population for economic growth. That is an easy and sure path to self destruct. We need growth but through other means.

Many other slogans have been suggested, eg The Day We Say No to 6.9, The Day We Stand Up For Our Children, The Day We Stand Up To Tyranny, Say No To The 77, and many others.

This May Day is important to the future of Singapore and to the children of the Singaporeans. It is about their well beings, their dominant position as owners of the islands. It is also about capitulation, allowing foreigners to take their place, take their jobs and their livelihood. The foreigners are coming for their second chance for a better life. We can empathise with them. But when a better tomorrow for them is a sadder tomorrow for our children, should the parents of our children stand up and say no to this change? Some say it is a kind of genocide, the extinction of true blue Singaporeans, being dispossessed of their homeland, being driven out of their own country by foreigners who come to claim their rights to a better life at our expense.

Singaporean parents, are you that daft or irresponsible to not do anything when you can? Would you Stand Up For Our Children, Say No To Singaporean Genocide, Say No To Our Extinction? I can hear them cry. May Day can be the day Singaporeans close ranks to fight for their own existence and their children’s future. It is idiocy to let in foreigners, give them a pink IC and claim that they are one of us, and to take away food on the table, the food that rightfully belongs to our children. Come May Day, will Singaporeans be fighting for their future, a better future for their children? Quite silly really. Why should they be fighting to claim back their country? Who is the real enemy that is doing this to the Singaporeans? Like they said, ‘With friends like these, you don’t need enemies.’

May Day, May Day, May Day! What does this day mean to you? Were you there or did you walk away?

Get more women to work

The reason for being living in paradise is to work. More women are encouraged to work not because they wanted to, needed to, but because the Govt wanted them to. The old aunties and uncles too are encouraged to work for the same reasons though some have no choice but to keep working. To many Singaporeans, other than the landlord class, many would simply live a life working just to live in paradise.

The whole socio economic system today is that everyone in a household, every able body, must work to support the increasing high cost of living. Housing in particular, is designed to feed on the dual incomes of a household, and may end up feeding on 3 or 4 incomes eventually. Not working is no longer an option today.

The earlier generations went through a period of single income household and could live quite well too. A middle civil servant or middle management level employee could bring up a family on his single income, live in landed property, owned a car, supporting parents and several children at the same time.

How could it be possible then and not now? Today, anyone thinking of living on a single income and to support parents and children, even if he is in senior management level, is a big hassle. Only people in top management or ministers could afford such a privilege, and those who have inherited wealth and owning a list of properties. The majority of the average Singaporeans would have to live a life working to make ends meet.

Can the socio economic system be fine tuned, tweaked or whatever, to return to a single income family when the quality of family life was much better, when children have their play time and mothers to watch them while they grow up. What is happening to day is that everyone is on his own, parents working furiously, children studying furiously or playing furiously without the watchful eyes of their mothers but foreign maids to keep them company. The mothers have a duty not only to bring in the bacon and pay for the mortgages, but also as a national duty to turn the economic wheel and to produce more babies at the same time.

Getting more women to work is a serious thing, a necessity. Gone were the days when women can afford to choose whether to work or to be home maker. They have only one choice now, work.