
Living for the moment or living for the future?

The Americans are best in living for the moment, spend now, with future earnings and be happy. Sinkies are told to save and save and save for the future. Have a lot of money in the savings and never mind if today got no food to eat, or no money to pay the medical bills. Tomorrow, the future, is more important than now, the moment.

And the govt is more or less guaranteeing that the futures of our children will be a pot of gold. Their savings will definitely be enough for retirement. I am not so confident about that even if I set aside 50% of my income, to think that the real value of money will still be there in the future and the money would not be worthless. I am no God.

But it is good advice, prudent, to keep saving for the bright future. But I rather be one that is collecting millions today and spending like a dude now and living life like in paradise. Who cares about the future when tomorrow is also not guaranteed? Who is sure that he will wake up tomorrow morning? But one thing I think I can guarantee, the price of HDB flats will continue to up and up till the lease expires.

I thought saving for the future is with spare cash available and not by forgoing one meal and to go hungry now so as to have some to live on in the future.

Abolishing this and that, ISA, PSLE, death sentence….

Are we entering a phase of history in the making when the mantra of the day is to abolish everything, or slaying everything? Maybe it is good huh, destruction is the mother of creation.

A couple of days ago there was this big news calling for abolishing the PSLE. Why don’t abolish examinations altogether. Why must there be winners that are so happy about their achievements and losers that feel so sore and painful even in sports? Give prizes to everyone and make sports a game for happiness, no winners and no losers. Give every child a degree of his choice. Won’t that be wonderful?

Today’s big hit is the withdrawal of a letter by the Archbishop Nicholas Chia of a letter to a group called Function 8. The letter was purportedly in support of the abolition of ISA. And it seemed that the Archbishop had had several visitors and invited for tea before he changed his mind and withdrew the letter.

What is really important about the ISA and the PSLE or for that matter, the death sentence? They are all instruments that are invented for some purpose, presumably good. They were useful before and could still be. Should they be abolished or replaced, and replaced by what? If they have a purpose for their existence, abolishing them would only see something else cropping up to take their place.

Actually these are neutral tools and in the hands of the good and wise, can do a lot of good and save a lot of lives. In the wrong hands, in the hands of the wicked, in the hands of people who think about their own vested interests first, these instruments, or any instrument, could be misused to do harm.

What really matters is a good heart, good intention and a little wisdom. Without them, even a simple thing like building homes for the people can become a big problem, messing people’s lives. Or an excellent savings scheme can become a pain to many, a farce to many. Without good intention, even the civil servants or the soldiers/police who are there to defend country and people could be turned against the people.

Stop beating around the bush and barking up the wrong tree. It is the people in control, applying the rules and laws that matters. Do you people believe the rules and regulations for purchasing of inventory for the civil service is so flawed? Or is it the people that are flawed?

Can a banana think?

Someone posed me this question, ‘Can a banana think?’ The answer is quite obvious. A banana does not even have a head. It does not think, nor is there a need to think. A banana does best is to act as a sponge, just absorb and reproduce, parroting. That is a very easy thing to do. And when they believe the media, especially the western media, is a source of authority on anything, especially warped political views with hidden agenda, while some do not see any need to hide their agenda, the banana just choose the convenient and easy path, just say what the media say. It is so easy, no need to think. Let others, the media or reporters, think for them.

The continuing barrage and attack against China for violation of human rights like it is in their genes never seem to slow down. And the banana is the most vocal about it, forgetting that they share the same gene with the Chinese. If anyone would to ask for proof, they would simply point to the Cultural Revolution and Tiananmen Square Incident. They somehow could not remember the genocide of 100 million Red Indians, millions of African slaves and the slaughtering of natives in the name of God across the world. But those were histories and even people with a normal brain would have difficulties remembering them, can’t really blame a banana can we?

But what about the slaughtering that is going on today in the Middle East, in Afghanistan and the infamous Gauntanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib? The innocent fathers and mothers, the children and babies, the oldies, and the murdering of two dictators and their families? Hey there was a big war against WMD that was proven to be false and so many died for it, and a country invaded.

The common catchphrases of the banana are, China is a human rights violator, China is a threat, to who?, North Korea is mad, abject poverty, oh recently I even read that Chinese or North Korean leaders would often seek to assert their control of the military by conducting wars against their neighbours. The Chinese leaders launched wars with India and Vietnam just to consolidate their positions in power. And Kim Jung Un is going to do so too. It was all their faults and their private agenda. There were no external provocations or threats. When the Americans and the West conduct war, it is to save mankind, for human rights.

Would any banana open their eyes to look at the human rights violation in the Middle East, the fermenting and support for dissidents to start civil wars and the countless unnecessary death of the innocents? Or would they want to know why East and Southeast Asia are facing more tensions and threats of war? Oops, I forgot again. Not only banana has no brain to talk about, they don’t have eyes to see too. But they could read whatever was printed in the western media as gospel truths and sing the same song, would be very safe and very right. The conventional western wisdom of the day can only be right. It is written in the media, the authoritative source of news and information.


Mitt Romney - The fake politician

Mitt Romney has always come across as a fake politician. The latest gaff he made revealed it all and there is no where for him to hide. He is as good as finished in the presidential race. And this is what he said in private to his close aides.

‘There are 47 percent who are with him(the President), who are dependent upon govt, who believe that they are victims, who believe the govt has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to… you name it.’

Now what did Romney meant when he said that? This is what he said of this group of people, ‘my job is not to worry about those people.’ I think this is going to be very costly for Romney. He is trying to do some damage control which is really beyond him now. No matter what he did, the votes have gone from him.

He has now confirmed that he is a political opportunist, and a politician who said one thing in public but has a very strong disgust for the voters.

Protection against QE3

The printing of the greenbacks continues unabated. More American dollars will be flying all over the world and definitely some will land here, to gobble up some of our choice properties. Actually it is like exchanging banana currency for our real assets. It is not surprising that many of our good quality properties would be exchanged for going to be worthless paper currency called the greenbacks or the American dollar.

What is the govt going to do about this development? The Americans could just keep printing and buy up everything here. And it is not just the greenbacks as the dollar is linked to many other currencies and all will be bloated.

One thing the govt can do is also to print money Sinkie dollars to buy up more valued assets overseas, not junk stocks or bankrupt companies. And this could spare the need to fall back on the savings in the CPF. Just print like the Americans do. They buy up our island, we buy up the American continent.