M&A will not help selling snake oil
Many financial freaks and fraudsters tried to pass themselves as financial genius by scrambling for more M&A to grow their sick companies. They tried to acquire or merge with other presumingly better managed and viable companies by using their cash hoards. In the short term it looks good on paper that the company is so much bigger and with more products or services available, and more sources of income.
The problem is that what is real is real and what is snake oil is still snake oil. Companies selling snake oil will see their customer base dwindle and their revenue falling daily. The customers either got fed up with the snake oil and refuse to buy anymore, or may have been poisoned and are dying or dead. Without a broad base of customers to support a company, to buy and consume its products and services, no amount of gimmicks in M&A will work or will last. What is the point of a mammoth company through M&As, offering more snake oil when there is no customer?
A rotten company selling snake oil is still a rotten company selling snake oil and will lose its customers in no time. Customers can be cheated once, twice but not thrice. Those who continue to be cheated will also ended up in the critically ill list.
Companies have to be real and sell the real stuff, the good stuff, the stuff that are of real values to their customers. Cheating customers with snake oil is like cheating themselves. The company will be run to the ground. The only survival, unfortunately, will be the snake oil sellers that come and go, peddling their snake oil as the panacea to all company ills. How long can snake oil sellers hold their bluff? It depends on the real owners of the company, the employers. If the employers are dafter than the snake oil sellers and willingly be deceived by the snake oil sellers, the bluff could be sustained for a long time as the daft owners would not know that they are being duped. By the time they worked up it would be too late.
Think Barclay, JP Morgan, think New York Stock Exchange, and many more. And when nothing is done to flush out a rotten system and getting rid of the snake oil, no amount of feedback and window dressing can help.
When tolerance becomes unbearable
Are the people angry with the govt? The govt will conveniently say, ‘What do you think?’ And they will say no problem when they did not hear any complaints, deliberately, by choice or being shielded by their feedback organs from hearing the complaints.
The Sinkies have been very tolerant of the abuses against them, their CPF being treated like tax and taken from them without their consent, the ridiculous high prices of public housing, the outrageous COE prices that put many average Sinkies out of reach to own a car when a car is an essential item to make life easier to get by. The influx of millions of foreigners that was shafted down their throats as good for them when everyone knows who they are good to and who really benefitted from this excesses. The high cost of living, the penalties and discriminations of being citizens while foreigners are given all the advantages to live better, get better jobs than the locals. Some given citizenship and appointed to high positions just to show that they are Sinkies and not foreigners. Despite all the flaws in obviously stupid and nonsensical policies, the citizens swallowed them like bitter pills as long as they could bear with them.
The tolerance of the citizens is breaking. A point is reached like the straw that broke the camel’s back. Everything, every nonsense, every ridiculous policies and their flaws will no longer be tolerated. The people used to be very polite by acting dumb and ignorant and allowed jokers to blare how clever they were. Now the Sinkies are so angry that they are calling a spade a spade, a donkey a donkey. Flawed policies and idiots are being paraded boldly.
Take the example of a letter by Tan Kin Lian, I think this is the same Tan Kin Lian who stood as a presidential candidate, in Today’s Voices. He not only made suggestions about what needs to be done to make the COE more equitable and fairer to all citizens, he pointedly spoke about the flaws of lesser intelligent and responsible people making those policies and regulations. How this flawed system could go on for so long is a manifestation of how tolerant Sinkies are.
Many have written to the media with very good and practical recommendations but all ignored by the gods. The gods only think that they are capable of making good decisions and policies. Whatever written by the people in the media, or spoken up to be heard were ignored. Then they would come out and shout from the podium, please tell us, please give us feedback, please help us to solve the problems. All the comments and recommendations in the main media and social media were not comments, recommendations or feedback. It is as if the people have all been so quiet and did not tell the govt of their pains and complaints.
Feedback is only feedback when they asked for it, and must be channeled to the little hole they put up. Only then would they regard them as feedback. But what happens to this feedback, only god knows.
The issue of housing and car ownership are hurting the people very badly and personally. The people are saying enough is enough to the rubbish regulations and policies which they all know are stupid and flawed but were willing to bear with them as long as they are within a certain threshold of pain. Now the tolerable is no longer bearable and the anger is showing.
The normally quite, unassuming, unthinking and apparently daft Sinkies are standing up and saying, ‘We are not stupid’. The policies are daft, flawed and like what Tan Kin Lian said, ‘Let us have responsible people to make the judgement of appropriate COE prices, rather than leave this to market vagaries and speculations. He fell short of saying people who made the flawed policies are irresponsible.
Why would an obviously intelligent girl….
Why would Darinne Ko kiss and tell? She is smart, got her good grades and the future is all so bright for her. She could become a top notch lawyer, be called up for tea and may end up as a law minister. Why would she want to ruin everything? Now with her name in everyone’s lips and her photograph pasted every for all the wrong reasons, what good is she going to get from this laundry drying except maybe write an autobiography that nobody wants to read?
When all efforts were applied to protect a prostitute for plying her trade, why is it that this young lawyer is being made to defend herself, her dignity and integrity? Why is she being thrashed around doing something that is not really a crime and probably a common indiscretion? Where is she going after this episode hits the ceiling fan? Would she lose her good grades and law degree? Would she be allowed to practise now that she is seen as a person of low repute if all the things said are true, yet to be proven. Has she been fixed?
Where are these things coming from? The underage prostitute is bringing down nearly 60 professionals, the sex for contracts another few, this kiss and tell is going to bring down a few more. Soon there will be no more local talents left in Sinkieland and more FTs will be needed to fill up the gaps.
Looks like an exercise to replace the locals if not for the law professor who was a Malaysian PR. But he is a Sinkie by now I think.
Let’s have more sex
Critics of Sinkieland have been proven wrong these few weeks,
that this island is a dull and lifeless place, no action, no fun and no play.
What appeared in the media is only a scantily peep into the interesting lives
of Sinkies, and the truth and the whole truth are much more exciting and
pervasive among the supposedly no nonsense priests and monks populace.
And the govt is screaming its head off asking the people to
indulge in more sex and apparently in vain. What the govt did wrong was
actually in the way it is saying it. Babies! Didn’t the govt know that ‘babies’
is a frightening word like mother in law? The govt is asking for more babies
and not more sex. How can there be babies with no sex? Change the lines, and
talk about sex and babies will come naturally as a consequence.
While the govt is so obsessed with the utilitarian purpose
of having babies, the populace are having fun in a different way, in having
sex. But how come no babies? That is an interesting question isn’t it? So much
sex but so few babies.
The fault lies in how sex is conducted, in car parks and in Paris
and in budget hotels are not too conducive to produce babies. And paid sex is
less likely to give the desire results.
There are two more serious issues. The men have a fetish craving
for sex with the sweet young things. Anything above the legally permitted age
is not desirable. Isn’t this serious? The wives better start thinking. If this
is true to the majority, marriage is too late as the spouses are far from the
desired age group to have sex… and babies.
Another discouraging fact emerging from all the cases in Havelock
Road is that the men not only paid for sweet young
things or strayed, their only interest is oral sex, no penetration. And they
paid good money just for that kind of unorthodox indulgence. How to make babies
when the desire fell into the wrong hole?
Sex education must be failing in schools. They are teaching
them the wrong things. Sex for babies is done differently and the natural thing
is to aim low and not high to score As.. These guys are doing it all
wrong. Or maybe there was no sex
education then. The govt needs to seriously look at the syllabus for sex
education and do a revision to teach the real stuff and the right things to do.
And if they want babies, make sure it is all about hetero.
This is another new danger that is being encouraged, homo sex. And if this
trend bites, the babies aren’t going to come.
Funny, so much sex, so much fun, and so few results, and so
few babies. What’s wrong with you guys? Putting the money where the mouth is?
Runway 2020 - Fashion out of this World
This is my Runway 2020 Series with models in fanciful hats, hairdos and dresses. They are rar art pieces created by the Art of RAR Technique. I have a collection of more than 30 pieces of this series conceived and created totally by Mother Nature. It is fashion out of this world. A rare treat of what Mother Nature is able to do in fashion designs.
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