world is unfair. So accept it. There will be those who are able and become
extremely rich. And there will be those who are unable and become extremely
poor. The income gap is unavoidable. High property price is unavoidable. High
COE price is also unavoidable.
I am not against an unfair world with an unfair system, as long as I am
enjoying the unfairness and benefitting from it. Anyone who is benefitting from
an unfair system has no reason to complain. They should actually shut up and
pretend that nothing happens. Or better, just convince the losers that life is
good and everything is affordable. Like $1000 pm income can afford a 4 rm flat
or this is the best place for poor people.
is a natural truth, a hard truth. Another hard truth is that those who are not
receiving their fair share of the unfair system should kpkb. This is also
existence of both groups is like the thesis, anti thesis and synthesis of
dialectical materialism. The wider the income gap, the quicker it reaches the
climax, the greater will be the anti thesis forces to forge a new synthesis.
This is also a natural hard truth. But those beneficiaries of such inequality
would not or could not see this, refuse to see it or try to prolong this state
of affair for as long as they could, and be on the right side of the
you know why winners have no issue with inequality but losers have. The tug and
pull is an ongoing process. It is normal that the winners will have all the
resources to keep the status quo for their benefits. No need to apologise for
it. It is just a hard truth and is unfair. So what? So what can the losers do
about it? Only winners talk about hard truth as a reality in their comfort zone
and that losers must accept it as the status quo and be grateful that it is not