How things can change overnight. Many great arguments, uncontested and unchallenged, were elevated to become the daily mantras of Sinkies. Overnight, after a heavy storm, the dull Sinkie minds seem to have brightened after the rain water flooded them. Now they are calling all the mantras high falutins. They don’t believe in any of them anymore.
The first to fall is the high salary for super talent. This brought along the demise of high salary to prevent corruption mantra. This is amazing. As they said, real gold is not afraid of fire. But gold plating is a different thing altogether. How many high mantras are going the high falutin way?
Maybe the Sinkies are going crazy and the old mantras are still valid but the Sinkies could not appreciate how valuable they were.
Welcome to the Third World
Is this what is happening to Singapore? Or is it just a case of a little bad govt for the testing to remind the Sinkies not to pray pray with what they already got?
For nearly 30 years, the train was running quite near to clockwork precision or as good as you can get. Any disruption was minor and not something to be expected. Over the last few weeks, train faults, delays, slow down etc etc were a daily affair and is now expected. A trouble free ride is something that one can count to be lucky to experience.
What the shit is going on? It looks like the whole system has been allowed to decay and finally everything is breaking down, irreparable. Or all the parts have reached their shelf life and either the whole system be replaced or living with a rackety train system is the new normal?
A crisis like this needs a superman to appear at different places at any time to get things done and get going. Are Sinkies ready to live with slow mass rapid transport? I am seeing many are already readjusting their expectation of what a mass rapid transport system is all about, a bit slow, frequent interruptions and delays, long waiting time, and a crowded platform and train whenever there is a disruption.
The slide down to Third World is moving faster by the day.
For nearly 30 years, the train was running quite near to clockwork precision or as good as you can get. Any disruption was minor and not something to be expected. Over the last few weeks, train faults, delays, slow down etc etc were a daily affair and is now expected. A trouble free ride is something that one can count to be lucky to experience.
What the shit is going on? It looks like the whole system has been allowed to decay and finally everything is breaking down, irreparable. Or all the parts have reached their shelf life and either the whole system be replaced or living with a rackety train system is the new normal?
A crisis like this needs a superman to appear at different places at any time to get things done and get going. Are Sinkies ready to live with slow mass rapid transport? I am seeing many are already readjusting their expectation of what a mass rapid transport system is all about, a bit slow, frequent interruptions and delays, long waiting time, and a crowded platform and train whenever there is a disruption.
The slide down to Third World is moving faster by the day.
The new corporate raiders
Soros and his company were once the typical corporate raiders the commercial world was used to. They have been superceded by a new brand of corporate raiders that are running and ruining many corporations to bankruptcies. The new corporate raiders are the senior management of corporations, hired to run the corporations but ended up raiding the corporations.
The lack of accountability and the dilution of ownership of the majority small shareholders who could not cast their votes together to prevent the corporations from be robbed from beneath their noses is happening to all big organisations that are public listed. The new owners are actually the senior management working hand in glove with the board of directors.
With full power and authority in their hands, the two groups pay themselves crazy with all kinds of justifications, through share options, bonuses, golden handshakes, severance pay, and perks. Can’t imagine anyone could contribute so much to earn $100k a month, while some of these turkeys conveniently helped themselves with a million or more a month. Would these turkeys be able to tell how productive they are to earn their keeps? Imagine paying one $10m a year which will add up to $100m in 10 years!
Oh, they made decisions that are worth billions. True. But the billions are not only OPM, they could lose billions and not having to pay a single cent for it and still collect their ransoms. It is a disproportionate reward system where the turkeys keep filling up their pockets with the funds of the organisation no matter if the organisation is making or losing money. They could even cook the numbers to feast themselves. And they pay themselves over the moon when there is a little profit, genuine or fictitious. And when they lose millions or billions, they will argue that the organisation could lose more if not of their expertise and contributions. It is a head they win and tail you lose formula. The security guards of Fort Knox should be paid millions too.
The real owners of the organisations have been robbed daily, under bright daylight by these corporate raiders all across the world, using the western model of operation and system. Never have employees been allowed to dip into the coffers of organisations at will, and help themselves to as much as they want.
So British PM David Cameron is trying to curb these abuses, to return control of organisations back to their rightful owners, the minority shareholders. The same formula can be applied to running countries when rogues took over the govt. The citizens, the real owners of the countries would lose all control of their countries to the minority of rulers who just help themselves to the wealth of the nations as if it belongs to them.
Would David Cameron be successful and right this corporate corruption and change the ethos of corporate governance and the reward system?
The lack of accountability and the dilution of ownership of the majority small shareholders who could not cast their votes together to prevent the corporations from be robbed from beneath their noses is happening to all big organisations that are public listed. The new owners are actually the senior management working hand in glove with the board of directors.
With full power and authority in their hands, the two groups pay themselves crazy with all kinds of justifications, through share options, bonuses, golden handshakes, severance pay, and perks. Can’t imagine anyone could contribute so much to earn $100k a month, while some of these turkeys conveniently helped themselves with a million or more a month. Would these turkeys be able to tell how productive they are to earn their keeps? Imagine paying one $10m a year which will add up to $100m in 10 years!
Oh, they made decisions that are worth billions. True. But the billions are not only OPM, they could lose billions and not having to pay a single cent for it and still collect their ransoms. It is a disproportionate reward system where the turkeys keep filling up their pockets with the funds of the organisation no matter if the organisation is making or losing money. They could even cook the numbers to feast themselves. And they pay themselves over the moon when there is a little profit, genuine or fictitious. And when they lose millions or billions, they will argue that the organisation could lose more if not of their expertise and contributions. It is a head they win and tail you lose formula. The security guards of Fort Knox should be paid millions too.
The real owners of the organisations have been robbed daily, under bright daylight by these corporate raiders all across the world, using the western model of operation and system. Never have employees been allowed to dip into the coffers of organisations at will, and help themselves to as much as they want.
So British PM David Cameron is trying to curb these abuses, to return control of organisations back to their rightful owners, the minority shareholders. The same formula can be applied to running countries when rogues took over the govt. The citizens, the real owners of the countries would lose all control of their countries to the minority of rulers who just help themselves to the wealth of the nations as if it belongs to them.
Would David Cameron be successful and right this corporate corruption and change the ethos of corporate governance and the reward system?
Obama fighting for more money
He told the Americans that this is a tough battle. He needs money, and more money. And he has to fight Congress for it. No, he is not fighting for his own pay. If he does, I would recommend him the Singapore formula and the Singapore system. Just tell Congress that there is this wonderful model that works, and it pays the head of govt a basic of $3m with 27.5 months of variable bonuses as backup in case he performs well in his job.
He can then submit it to Congress to do all the cuts Congress wants. A 50% or 70% cut will still find him richer than the miserable $600k he is getting now. Unfortunately the American Congress is not so easy to deal with. There are opposition camps, there are also many checks and balances, above which, no one is allowed to write his own pay check or approve them.
My apologies, I digressed. Obama is fighting for more money for the American soldiers to conduct wars everywhere. As an American President, the top responsibility and the most important job is to conduct wars to feed the war industry and the soldiers. Nothing is more important than this. Not even fighting for his own pay rise. Anyway, his pay will only be decided by Congress and even if he admired the Singapore system and wanted it, he would not be able to do so.
It is a different culture. Asian culture is such that everyone is presumed to be corrupt. To be corrupt is in their blood. The only way to protect a guy from being corrupt is to legalise his payouts at whatever amount he thinks it will be needed to prevent him from being corrupt.
Can’t imagine Obama or any American President go in front of Congress or the American people and demand to be paid in millions to keep him from being corrupt. The Americans will laugh themselves to death before they could even put it to a vote. That is how strange their culture is. They don’t believe in corruption and will not pay for corruption.
He can then submit it to Congress to do all the cuts Congress wants. A 50% or 70% cut will still find him richer than the miserable $600k he is getting now. Unfortunately the American Congress is not so easy to deal with. There are opposition camps, there are also many checks and balances, above which, no one is allowed to write his own pay check or approve them.
My apologies, I digressed. Obama is fighting for more money for the American soldiers to conduct wars everywhere. As an American President, the top responsibility and the most important job is to conduct wars to feed the war industry and the soldiers. Nothing is more important than this. Not even fighting for his own pay rise. Anyway, his pay will only be decided by Congress and even if he admired the Singapore system and wanted it, he would not be able to do so.
It is a different culture. Asian culture is such that everyone is presumed to be corrupt. To be corrupt is in their blood. The only way to protect a guy from being corrupt is to legalise his payouts at whatever amount he thinks it will be needed to prevent him from being corrupt.
Can’t imagine Obama or any American President go in front of Congress or the American people and demand to be paid in millions to keep him from being corrupt. The Americans will laugh themselves to death before they could even put it to a vote. That is how strange their culture is. They don’t believe in corruption and will not pay for corruption.
Who should public institutions serve?
This is a non issue for commercial enterprises selling hamburgers, shirts, mobile phones or chicken rice. Their primary preoccupation is to serve their customers, make them happy with their services and products to boost their bottom lines. And they can only boost their bottom lines if the customers are satisfied with their services.
None of these enterprises can hope to compete and exist in the market if their only interest is profit to please the shareholders. And the shareholders know too, that without the customers, they can forget about profits and the business.
In a monopoly, things get a little hazy. They can dump the customers, cut corners, provide substandard services and products and still get away with it. The customers have no choice. And they can blatantly carry the shareholder’s interest around to spank the customers. ‘We are answerable to the shareholders you know!’
If they are selling IPad or IPhone that are in demand, and the customers die die must have, no issue. Willing buyer willing seller, even if it is a monopoly, they can still have their cake and eat it. What if it is a public service like transportation? I can see eyes popping out now.
A public transport company has to serve the customers and the shareholders and also the national interest. Let me take the first two first. Between the shareholder’s interest and the interest of the customers, which is more important? Silly me to ask. If it is a monopoly, they can screw the customers and tell them they need to make profits for the shareholders first. Customers come second or third. What can the customers do? This is the reality of life, just lump it.
What if the money to build the facilities and the business first came from the customers, indirectly through the public coffer? Now this will make the customers angry for sure. Using public money to start a monopoly business and tell the public that the first priority is to serve the shareholders.
Do they care if the customers are transported to their destinations fast, comfortable and safe? Can any of these be compromised? You tell me.
The more important role of public transportation is to provide an efficient transport system to lubricate the economy and social activities. The economy depends on the efficient and safe transportation of people and workers all over the island, for economic and non economic activities. Failing to do this is undermining the economy and the social fabric of the society. A country can be crippled by a major breakdown of public transportation. Can a transport company carry the shareholder’s interest on its head and say, my shareholder’s interest comes first, the train can be slow, uncomfortable, unsafe, these are secondary? Can a transport company price the fares so high that people find it too expensive even to travel, or to go to work?
The top priorities of a public transport company, started with public money, must be national interest, the moving of people safely and efficiently, at a reasonable cost, and also the comfort and interest of the commuters. The shareholder’s profit must come last, and incidental to providing a good and efficient service. The shareholder’s interest cannot be the first and top most priority of a public monopoly. But this is just my opinion. I may be wrong or I am wrong. The shareholder’s interest is all that is.
And don’t forget the uniquely Singapore logic that it can only be efficient if it is privatised. No wonder non privatised institutions are so inefficient.
None of these enterprises can hope to compete and exist in the market if their only interest is profit to please the shareholders. And the shareholders know too, that without the customers, they can forget about profits and the business.
In a monopoly, things get a little hazy. They can dump the customers, cut corners, provide substandard services and products and still get away with it. The customers have no choice. And they can blatantly carry the shareholder’s interest around to spank the customers. ‘We are answerable to the shareholders you know!’
If they are selling IPad or IPhone that are in demand, and the customers die die must have, no issue. Willing buyer willing seller, even if it is a monopoly, they can still have their cake and eat it. What if it is a public service like transportation? I can see eyes popping out now.
A public transport company has to serve the customers and the shareholders and also the national interest. Let me take the first two first. Between the shareholder’s interest and the interest of the customers, which is more important? Silly me to ask. If it is a monopoly, they can screw the customers and tell them they need to make profits for the shareholders first. Customers come second or third. What can the customers do? This is the reality of life, just lump it.
What if the money to build the facilities and the business first came from the customers, indirectly through the public coffer? Now this will make the customers angry for sure. Using public money to start a monopoly business and tell the public that the first priority is to serve the shareholders.
Do they care if the customers are transported to their destinations fast, comfortable and safe? Can any of these be compromised? You tell me.
The more important role of public transportation is to provide an efficient transport system to lubricate the economy and social activities. The economy depends on the efficient and safe transportation of people and workers all over the island, for economic and non economic activities. Failing to do this is undermining the economy and the social fabric of the society. A country can be crippled by a major breakdown of public transportation. Can a transport company carry the shareholder’s interest on its head and say, my shareholder’s interest comes first, the train can be slow, uncomfortable, unsafe, these are secondary? Can a transport company price the fares so high that people find it too expensive even to travel, or to go to work?
The top priorities of a public transport company, started with public money, must be national interest, the moving of people safely and efficiently, at a reasonable cost, and also the comfort and interest of the commuters. The shareholder’s profit must come last, and incidental to providing a good and efficient service. The shareholder’s interest cannot be the first and top most priority of a public monopoly. But this is just my opinion. I may be wrong or I am wrong. The shareholder’s interest is all that is.
And don’t forget the uniquely Singapore logic that it can only be efficient if it is privatised. No wonder non privatised institutions are so inefficient.
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