

I was listening to the news in CNA when it came to the announcement of a Chinese player that won his first round at Wimbleton against a seated player. The name flashed across the screen, Zheng Jie. Then came the horror, the newsreader read Jie Zheng! And the newsreader was an overseas Chinese who obviously knew what Chinese name are and how it should be read. Zheng Jie became Jie Zheng! And this is in CNA, not BBC, CNN or some American news agency. Why are the Chinese confusing themselves and in the process confused the world? Chinese name should be written and read the Chinese way, especially in Channel News Asia. Otherwise everyone will be confused as to which is the right order. Kuan Yew Lee, Jin Tao Hu???? Who are they? When I read George Bush, I know Bush is the family name. When I read Lee Kuan Yew, I know Lee is the family name. I will be terribly confused if I have to guess if Lee is the family name, or is it Yew? And so will the rest of the world.

The brutal and unforgiving internet

Gone were the days when people can expound their stupid theories of rights and goodness in 'the old media' TOM with impunity. Gone were the days where readers were treated as fools, to lap up all the rubbish and silly wisdom by people with access to TOM. Gone were the days when the fettered people have no way to talk back. Today, the internet has given the people the right to talk back, to question and to ridicule silliness and stupidity of anyone. People who think they are extraordinary and want to talk down to the people better make sure they make sense. The internet has a very low level of tolerance for nonsense. Not only the people will talk back and tear down stupidity into bits and pieces, it will be aired in cyberspace around the world. People who spout nonsense are advised to shut up before they make a fool of themselves. The only truth that is acceptable in the internet is the truth that people understand and accept as reasonable. Tooth is never acceptable and will be rubbished together with the soothsayers.

Cyberspace is No Man's Land

The internet is in virtual space and does not belong to anyone or any govt. Do not assume that it belongs to the govt. Once you adopted that position, you are conceding cyberspace to the govt. What is important is not to be seditious, don't commit crime, or cause racial or religious strife. Some may want to be scandalous or libellious. Go ahead and face the consequences if one has the money to take on anyone in the courts of law. Other than violating other people's right, the internet is fair game and should be left that way. Live and post freely and abide by some reasonable moral codes of decency. I think that should be good enough. Why invite the govt to impose laws to regulate your rights and freedom of expression? Never surrender your rights voluntarily for no good reasons. Any addition rules or laws on the internet is one law too many.


Practise what you preached

After Mah Bow Tan, Lim Swee Say met his residence and provided the most brilliant arguments so far for all the price hikes and high cost of living. He looked so earnest and sincere. He told the audience that there was no reason for the Govt to want to make life difficult for the people. The price hikes were necessary. The Govt worked on the principle of market forces. The Govt did not want to meddle with market forces and people must be prepared with the consequences of market prices. As for ERPs, it was a separate issue. It was done to curb traffic congestion. I think they are planning ahead, for a 6.5m population. Otherwise, with the high cost of petrol, no one is going drive around just for fun and will cut down on driving when possible. This will take place even without the increase and hikes in ERP toll rates. In other words, there will be lesser driving around. He also revealed that the high cost of living was affecting everyone. I believe him. Those holidays in the US or Europe are going to cost more. Those children studying overseas are going to ask for more pocket money. Got to feed the limousines more, the aircons, and pay more ERPs. Now these are expensive things and even millionaires will have to pay more. Pity them. OK, the Govt is not going after more revenue by all the increases. It is just market forces. Then can we let market forces determine how many people go over to JB by removing the 3/4 tank rule and the tax on purchases bought over there? In fact we should practise this market force principle fully. No more subsidies for housing and medical fees, or education fees as well. Let the market decides how much it should be. And no more compulsory savings. These are against market forces. Was Lim Swee Say able to convince those people listening to him? For one, I am not convince even a little bit.


Lions still far from Asia's top 10

This is the headline for Singapore's football dream. The other grander dream was to be in the World Cup in 2010. It is very clear that the dreams are fading away and time to wake up. Fear not, according to national coach Raddy Avramovic. There are some shortcomings and if we can overcome them, we will get there. Very encouraging words. Very good for engaging more foreign talents and more foreign coaches, and to spend more money, for a childish dream. Let's face facts and be brutal about it. Midgets cannot dream of defeating giants that are well drilled. Period. But there is hope. Genetic engineering. This can be done by buying good thoroughbred world class footballers' genes and infused them into the embryos of potential footballers. In 20 or 25 years time, we will have our team of physically big and gifted players to play for us. Minimum 6 ft tall, strong, like horses, and with stamina that only world class footballers have. If they still can't get the picture, go to the US. They have the formula for genetic breeding which they have perfected during the years of slavery.