
hota - a tough call

The other day I mentioned that I have no objection for not opting out of Hota and they can have my organs. But Hota, the Human Organ Transplant Act was put to the test in Sim Tee Hua's case a few day's back. He was brain dead and the hospital wanted to harvest his organs. But the family pleaded for two extensions, hoping for a miracle. The first request was approved but the second turned down as doctors feared further delay would make the organs unusable. This is a tough call on everyone, the families and the doctors. And critics and moralists can argue until the cow comes home on the rights of the doctors and the rights of the deceased. I would not want to be put in such a situation.

new budget and gst goodies

New budget will be goodies galore Charles Chong said, "Prime Minister aLee Hsien Loong had earlier said that the poor will receive 'far more' than what they pay in higher prices. So I think we can expect a very generous package for them, othewise the point of raising the GST will be lost." Just keep your fingers crossed

debate, complaints or whining

After so many years, this is the first time a debate of such high caliber appears in the MSM. The subject in contention is not what many people would be able to participate but not necessary that many people cannot follow. And the contestants are supertalents, all professionally qualified. This debate will give a buzz to the exceptionally quite academic scene when compliance and not speaking out is the safest thing to do. Wei Ling is taking the lead as an individual and a professionally trained medical practitioner to engage the Govt on this issue. And the Govt is responding. If both parties can be objective and set aside the personality part, which is difficult as they are all very passionate about this subject, the public can look forward to an education. Lets have more of such debates. Not complain or as some like to put it, whiners.


My name is Naomi Lourdesamy

Red Bean please do not mention my father (ignatius lourdesamy) in this blog. My name is Naomi Lourdesamy and he is my dad. If you do not do so by March 2007 there will be consequences I received the above post. I cannot locate where it is posted. Naomi, please enlighten me on where did I mention your father ignatius lourdesamy in my blog. I am still scratching my head. It is not my intention to get personal with anyone and I do appreciate what a daughter would feel. I will gladly remove them. Who is ignatius lourdesamy? Can someone tell me?

the magic of liberalisation

Liberalisation of Singpost The first thing the news reader commented was that we could look forward to lower mailing cost. Whew, I didn't know that liberalisation is such a magical word. We should go ahead and liberalise everything including the govt. Then all our cost will come tumbling down. HDB, LTA, hospitals, education.... And we can have all the locals to run for govt and the civil service. After all locals are also kaki lang now.