
Talk to your neighbours

Talk to your neighbours This is the latest war cry in Singapore. We are living so closely to each other but not talking to each other. In fact many quarrelled instead. The objectives of building a closer knit society where everyone knows each other and feel as a member of the sociey, as friends, to share and help each other, especially the old, handicap and lonely. Who can quarrel with such a great idea? But then, do people want to talk to their neighbours? What is so great about your neighbours when some will get to your nerves with their antics, unhygenic ways, unsocial mannerism etc? Lifestyle of 21st century and city life are changing rapidly. Every home is a self contained unit for entertainment and to rest or to keep to one's own privacy. Everyone has a different lifestyle, different likes and dislikes, different tolerance than before when the neighbour's living area is also your living area, sharing kitchen, toilet and many common facilities. For the old and lonely who needs people around them, having helpful and caring neighbours is a great bonus, no doubt. But such community bonds and relationship cannot be enforced. They can only be fostered, encouraged and need time. And conditional upon whether the neighbours are those who want to help and come up close. Making efforts towards this direction is necessary but cannot be overdone when it becomes fake. There are still calls to play hops scot, marbles, five stones, chatek etc. These are good to reminice but hold no value and unlikely to capture the interest of a new breed of children brought up in a push button for satisfaction world.


when 8 As are not enough

I have read a reply in the Straits Times forum by Choo Lee See, Director of PSC Secretariat. She said that students vying for PSC scholarships should have 11 or more subjects (at presumably O levels). When 8 As are more than adequate, I thought it would be better for the bright students to spend their times exploring the stars or some other interests, maybe smelling the roses, instead of chasing for more As. These students, with a min of 8 As are already exceptional students and academically need not have to prove that they can do even better. What is lacking is probably the development in other areas, humanity and character building and other interests. Their extra time should be allowed to be spent in things other than more muggings. It will help to reduce more exam stress. And PSC could assess them better as a whole person.

happy old singaporeans

'I love being served by older workers...they have smiles from their faces that really come from the heart.' Jo Anne Lee Actually I was wondering whether to put this in the myth column, about the mythical Singapore and mythical Singaporeans, all happy, especially the young, and very happy to be served be equally happy old Singaporeans. Old Singaporeans nowadays don't retire into happy villages or be bored by highly spirited grandchildren, or a world cruise round the world to the sunset. Happy Singaporeans are those cleaning up tables and serving at MacDonald counters. And their smiles are genuine. They are so lucky. I think I will submit my application to MacDonald for a happy retirement job. And who says old workers are not wanted?

myth 95

'HDB flats are too small' A Ms Sangeetha Bysheim wrote to the media complaining, oh no sorry, feedback, that HDB flat is a squash for more kids. How wrong can she be. In a 3 room flat, it can take in easily and comfortably 10 people, father and mother and 4 children to a room. And there is still space in the living room to park maybe another 4 bodies when lights out. And Ignatius Lourdesamy from the HDB rightly replied that our flats are big, bigger than in Hongkong, Tokyo and Seoul, and bigger than private apartments. Singaporeans should not be complaining about small flats. They did not know how good life is in Singapore. Go to Africa and see those natives living in thatch huts or in open space! 'HDB flats are also designed for more efficient use of space.' Now this is very important in land scarce Singapore. What Sangeetha should suggest is that all flats and houses must also be designed to save space. After all we are going to have 8 million residents in years to come. Maybe there should be a law to regulate the size of space entitlement for each citizen. As an example each person is entitled to 3 by 3 metres of bedroom space, no matter whether it is HDB flat, private flat or landed properties. If hardlanders are deemed fit to be squeezed into a small hole, or in public transport, then anyone who thinks that such condition is acceptable should also be prepared to be in the same shit hole. There is a saying that you need to be in the same shit to appreciate what it is like. Try living it is one way. There are still people who believed that Singaporeans can survive on a household income of less than $1000, or a big family to live inside a pigeon hole of 50 to 90 sq metres.

GST - The realists and the cock teasers

GST - The realists and the cock teasers The GST increase will be debated in Parliament early next year. Debate for what or about what? The realists know that debating the GST in Parliament is but a waste of time. So they are now concentrating on preparing the people to accept the increase and how to adjust to it, or what the Govt can do to share the loot. The cock teasers will still be trying talk about alternatives to GST. There are many other ways to raise fund than raising GST. Yesterday's teaser was to legislate a $2 levy on every working people and use it to help the poor. Today's teaser is by a Roger Tan who suggested that a better way is to sell Govt bonds. I am yawning again.