
my first enlightenment

After being kept in the dark for so long and unable to figure the logic of this urgency for more citizens, finally I was enlightened. I am so glad to have discovered the truth. Singaporeans are in great demand overseas, which means that they will all be moving out to be foreign talents. Then what? There will be a big vacuum left behind, including a lot of empty flats and houses. If these are not taken up, then property prices will fall. Now you see why we need all the foreigners to become citizens, to buy up all the slacks and prevent a hollowing out of our talents? Now no more Singaporeans are not talented craps. We need foreign talents not because Singaporeans are not talented. It is exactly the opposite. Singaporeans are so talented that they are now a rare specie in their homeland, poached by other countries. Let me quote Straits Times reporter Sue Ann Chia, 'It is opportunities galore for Singaporeans.' Not to say that those who are left behind are the not so talented.

a possible scenario

A scenario to ponder. We are living in blissful peace. We gripe about some issues that are close to our hearts. We are unhappy, sometimes over very small things. We begrudge other people earning more money than us, and some even take actions to make sure other people do not earn more money than them. And the grumbling goes on and on. But seriously, the quietness in the internet really tells a story. There is no big issues that will work up the masses. There is a lull before the storm. The north wind in blowing. Let me paint a possible development in the north. Mahathir wins a nomination to the UMNO Conference and blasts at Badawi and his son in law. Half of his old comrades switch side and Badawi's govt is crippled. And so is the dream of Khairy of ever becoming the youngest Prime Minister of Malaysia. This young upstart is rattling a lot of nerves among those in the queue for premiership and the possibility of they ganging up to remove him is always there. In desperation Khairy could stir up a racial storm. The blame is placed squarely on the shoulders of the non bumiputras, with a little exaggeration. A few stone hurling and car burning incidents could turn into racial tension. Riots break out here and there. The country runs to a halt. People flee. We have refugees amassing at the second link and the causeway. Non bumi Malaysians flooded into the city states with all their cash and gold. All the industries come to a standstill. Funds pack up and go home. The Malaysian stock market collapses. All the billions in paper money go up in smoke. The Malaysian govt goes bankrupt. And more violence follows. Singaporeans wakes up to see a nation in arms, trying to keep the problems outside our shores. And this can happen. Just a little exaggeration.

myth 62

'Money can solve all problems' This is actually another way of looking at the same issue mentioned in Myth 62. We are so rich. Temasek just announced another whopping profit of $12.8 billion! Wow, there is money everywhere. What to do with so much money? We are indeed a very fortunate nation driven by very able leaders that put us in such a privilege position. Yes there are gripes and complaints everyday as if we have severe problems that will bring the country down. Actually there are no earth shakening issues that could do us in in the near term. We have grouses just like any other countries. But ours is of a nature arising out of having too much money. And often we think money can solve all problems. And it is very easy to throw money at problems. Not much thinking needed. And that is why, despite pledging something like $10 billion during the last election (hope my memory is correct) and $500 million alone to ComCare, we are still hearing very sad stories on TV. We are still seeing people, our own citizens, living in abject poverty, living a life in misery and had to embarrass themselves in front of the whole nation, pleading for mercy, for a few dollars. This kind of problems are actually very simple problem and can be easily solved, and yes, by throwing money at them. The unbelievable thing is that so much money have been thrown at them and nothing solved. And we need to rely on charity shows, year after year, to raise a few millions for these peopel. It is really a shame.


tycoon li ka shing

'In Asia, our traditional values encourage and even demand that wealth and means pass through lineage as an imperative duty. I urge and hope to persuade you, especially all of us in Asia, that if we are in a position to do so, that we transcend this traditional belief. Even if our government structure is not yet geared towards supporting a culture of giving, we must in our hearts see building society as a duty in line with supporting our children.' The above quote is from Li Ka Shing after he received a lifetime award in recognition of his entrepreneurial achievements at the 6th Forbes Global CEO Conference at the Shangrila Hotel.

good times are back again

I just got this feeling that there is going to be a big round of pay rise across the board. Then follows by everything up and back to square one for many. And in the case of the bottom feeders, it will be sinking even deeper. How so? Let's see, everyone gets a 10% increase and everything also 10% increase. Ok the lower earners may get 10% plus $50. So that could be more than 10%. Sounds good. But all the bread and butter stuff are going to go up by more than 10%, maybe 30% or more. It does not make sense to raise the price of a 70c item by 10%, needs to round it up. A cup of kopi cannot be 77c, so make it 80c or $1, neater that way. Is this forthcoming pay rise a good thing? If I am earning a million, sure must be good, it means another $100k increase. Can do a lot of wonders with that kind of money.