
scenic bridge or cynic bridge

the people who came out with the new name to replace the crooked bridge must be applauded for their ingenuity. and they cannot escape the brilliant mahathir who instantly recognised what they meant. all said, mahathir has not lose his sense of humour by jumping onto it first. ha, scenic or cynic, he asked.

hsien loong's new year pledges

reported in the paper that hsien loong pledges to review policies on public housing, public transport and medical fees. unfortunately he is only referring to the older folks. i hope hsien loong will take this opportunity to make a thorough review and introduce changes take will benefit the whole nation, especially the lower income groups, rather than just the older folks. this is the time for him to make a real difference, to turn around some of the errorneous policies of profit comes first and people suffer never mind. many of the presumptions and policies of the pap were totally out and he is the man to make the change. but if it continues the way it is, support for pap will only go one way. and while he is reviewing the $1 bil assistance for the lower income, he should also consider all the mothers and grandmothers who are technically unemployed but actually gainfully employed in looking after babies and little ones, and without income but a little allowances. they should also be considered together as those who are employed and earning less than $1,000. will hsien loong make the difference?


charity organisations: top exec salaries no need to disclose

the inter ministry committee has introduced a series of measures to improve corporate governance in charitable organisations. and these include not insisting on the disclosure of the salaries of the top 3 executives. why is it that the salaries of the president of singapore, the prime minister of singapore and the top civil servants are disclosed but not charitable organisations whose income comes from donations? practically all civil servants or public officers' salaries are known to the public. there is no reason why the top executives of charitable organisations be an exception. there is every reason for this to be transparent. it is not tax payers' money. it is money given by the public for a generous activity and accountability in the use of such funds is that more important and necessary. why should the top executives of these organisations be uneasy in disclosing their salaries? is it because they are ashamed that they are overpaid? or they are ashamed that they are underpaid? if the former, then more it should be disclosed. if the latter, then don't call it salary. call it an honorarium, if that makes them feel more comfortable. people working in charitable organisations must expect their salaries to be reasonable, maybe competitive but definitely not excessive or be paid very well compare to money making organisations. their organisation does not make money and are not supposed to make money.


a new year greeting to all my contributors, visitors, guests and all my friends. Wishing you Happy New Year !! Must be happy!! For the past one year, if I offended anyone, please forgive me. I am still gentle and nice, so don’t be angry with me.

crooked bridge is a blessing

let's count the blessing from the crooked bridge. 1. it takes away the grouching and bitching between the two countries. let them build it and be happy. they have to appease their own people. and we need not finance a bridge that we do not want. 2. probably they will have to terminate the railway at jb. the train can't possibly climb the crooked bridge. we can then join up with our mrt, maybe under the causeway if it is demolished. 3. a good tourist attraction for both sides. 4. the cost of paying new toll may persuade casual singaporean visitors not to go in unless it is worth the trip. this will help to ease the jam. 5. hopefully when the malaysian side raise the toll fee the singaporean side will not do so as the cost of the bridge is borne by malaysia only. but singapore side can charge a fee for a view of the infamous bridge.