
Gaza Genocide - Arab leaders still trusting the evil Americans would secure peace for them? This is so ridiculous

CAIRO: Arab leaders adopted an Egyptian reconstruction plan for Gaza on Tuesday that would cost US$53 billion and avoid resettling Palestinians, in contrast to US President Donald Trump's "Middle East Riviera" vision, according to a copy of the plan.

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said that the proposal had been accepted at the closing of a summit in Cairo.

Sisi said at the summit he was certain that Trump would be able to achieve peace in the conflict that has devastated the Gaza Strip.

The major questions that need to be answered about Gaza's future are who will run the enclave and which countries will provide the billions of dollars needed for reconstruction....

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who heads the PA, said he welcomed the Egyptian idea and urged Trump to support such a plan that would not involve displacing Palestinian residents....

Any reconstruction funding would require heavy buy-in from oil-rich Gulf Arab states such as the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, which have the billions of dollars needed.  CNA

So, the Arab leaders came out with a plan to rebuild Gaza. My bet, before any work is done, West Bank would be obliterated into the same shape as Gaza. Anyway, they are still banking on the evil Americans to support this plan, while knowing that Trump has his own plans to take over this land for his son in law, a Jew, as family asset. This is the sad state of affair of the Arab world, weak and powerless, and always hoping for the evil Americans to save them and knowing very well that the Americans were responsible for the destruction of Gaza and fully behind Israel in the creation of a state of Israel without Palestine, and eventually a state called Greater Israel. How gullible can the Arab leaders be?

The next point, in Ukraine, the Ukrainians, Europeans and Americans are demanding that Russia pay for the reconstruction of the destroyed land and infrastructure. Russia bombed them and Russia must pay for them. In the case of Gaza, the lands were bombed to the ground by the Israelis with American bombs. The Arab leaders did not want to know and afraid to call out the Americans and the Israelis. Ahem, ask the other rich Arab countries to foot the bill, so easy. Why not the two culprits, the Americans and the Israelis to pay for them? How to, too weak and too meek to open their mouths. Now sheepishly wanting the rich Arab nations to pay for the damage?

This is the pathetic state of the weak and hapless Arab world. Only chasing after shadows. And they will be in this state forever. But the worst is waiting for them, when they would lose all their lands, and people massacred by the Americans and the Israelis to create Greater Israel. Now they are living by the day, hoping that that day would not come, or pretending that it would not happen.

It would be better and less painful, less loss of lives if they let Trump and his son in law have Gaza and turn it into a piece of expensive real estate. Trump may even say thank you and invite them for dinner at the White House. And better still, all the Arab population starts to migrate to Eygpt or Africa before the Arab Holocaust starts, let Israel take over their land without a fight, without any more unnecessary death and there will be peace in the Middle East under Israeli rule.

Be warned, the day the hostages are released, the next round of genocide of the Palestinians will start. The Israelis and Americans would create all kinds of excuses, false flag incidents to justify the massacre. Netanyahu is getting impatient and in fact has started the killing of the Palestinians.

Stupid hillbillies in Washington regret for chasing away top Chinese scientists and engineers

 It is too late for the USA to cry over spilt milk. USA nuclear research and development, rocketry, cutting-edge semiconductor developments were all contributions by top-notch Chinese scientists in the past. Some may have come from Taiwan, but still also Chinese, like Morris Chang.

Most have now returned to mainland China, to teach and nurture younger Chinese scientists and engineers, in universities, research facilities and private enterprises like Huawei, SMIC, BYD, Alibaba, Tencent and others. There is no shortage of opportunities for them in China today. The sky is the limit.

When the USA talks about trying to lure these scientists back to the USA by making working environment safe and welcoming for them, I just could not stifle my laughter at their stupidity. First you chase them out with atrocious claims and punishments and now asking them to return is no more than a sick joke.

Moreover, China is building universities like no tomorrow and needs talents to staff critical departments. And these academics are well versed in the English Language, which is a bonus for China in its attempt to lure foreign students to study in China. What is now a growing stream of foreign students in Chinese universities is going to become a flood very soon. And that is going to be detrimental for Western universities charging sky high tuition fees that have become unaffordable even for USA students.

The fact that China now holds the greatest number of patents in science and technology is not lost on those scientists, engineers and academics still working in the USA. More will return, knowing that China is where the action and innovation is happening.

Perhaps the day will come when the USA might go ahead to accuse China of overcapacity in providing university education for the rest of the world. Never underestimate the mindset of the Hillbillies.


Ukraine War - Mickey Zelensky found a new sponsor in Europe to fight Russia

 Putin has his conditions for Ukraine before any peace can be reached. And it will not be easy for Zelenskyy and the Europeans to agree. Trump knows that a truce cannot come about if Zelenskyy or the Europeans are involved in the negotiations. Trump's only resort is to force Zelenskyy's hand with threats. Zelenskyy was just like a schoolboy during his meeting with Trump in the White House, with Trump lecturing him together with Vance, threatening him and telling him he has no cards to play. Oh, Trump already stressed earlier that Zelenskyy is 'overplaying his hands', a stance that only Trump himself can do at will. Only he can outplay anyone, including grabbing pussies.

Russia will not surrender any territory it now holds in Ukraine. No NATO troops will be allowed to be in Ukraine, which includes NATO peacekeepers. And of course, Ukraine cannot join NATO, which is the reason for starting the war.

NATO is already thinking of having peacekeepers in Ukraine, knowing that it is definitely not agreeable by Putin. Now, having NATO peacekeepers in Ukraine is undoubtedly a backdoor to station troops on the ground in Ukraine, which is possibly a trap for Putin to fall into.


Ukraine War - How much was given to Ukraine? US$500b or US$150b?

 Asking for more and more aid and weapons was so good for Zelenskyy every time he opened his mouth carrying his begging bowl into Congress. Now the shit has hit the fan. Trump is asking for payment for all the aid that the USA has given, not really clear how much, but certainly much less than US$500 billion that Trump plucked from the air. This issue had been raised many a time about how Ukraine is going to pay back for all the aid and weapons. Now, we are seeing how that question is being answered. What about the Europeans going after Zelenskyy, following the USA.

The irony is that all that gloating about the rich rare earth and other essential minerals that Ukraine has on its soil is being exposed as a scam, floated to keep NATO and the USA stuck in helping Ukraine to keep out Russia. Most of the, albeit minor mineral deposits, are said to be in Eastern Ukraine, all under the control of Russia. The sad truth is that even if Zelenskyy signs the mineral agreement with the USA, the latter is going to find out that the loot is not going to be as lucrative as being worth US$500 billion to be seized. What is going to happen then? Zelenskyy will have a bleeding arsehole if the USA finds out it has been scammed.


PS. War is very big business in the US. There are many possibilities to how Trump got his US$500 billion figure. This could be what was recorded in the American book. Zelensky is not so stupid not to record what he received.

What happened to the difference? A lot of people on the take, both the Americans and Ukrainians. A few hundred billion are missing. Whose pockets did they gone to? Go figure why the American terrorists in Washington are crazy about fighting wars.

EU stepping up to replace US in application of gangster 'Rules Based Order'

 The EU countries had been thinking that by supporting the USA's 'Rules Based Order' they are going to enjoy the same standing and exceptionalism as the USA and that it will benefit all the Anglo-Saxon Whites clinging on the USA's coattail.

By being sidelined in peace talks between the USA and Russia and being economically destroyed by supporting the USA in Ukraine, it is time for them to realize that everything is all geared towards looking after the interest of the USA alone. Every other country that helped the USA and suffers calamity is just considered as collateral damage. The USA could not care who they are stepping on as long as the goal is in the USA's interest.

Having said that, I do not think the Europeans have learnt any lesson so far. Instead of upgrading their defense capabilities themselves by action rather than just talking, they still think that without the USA they cannot survive with Russia at its doorstep. Who is threatening whom by trying to expand NATO? This is giving Trump an ego boosting sensation that is going to make the USA look down even more on the Europeans.



American's gangster Rules Based Order expounded by gangster Trump in a Joint Session speech

 I have just finished watching the greatest comedy Made in America, starring D grader Donald Trump and accompanied by a bunch of empty head hillbilllies who were hilarious at Trump's jokes throughout the whole session. The Democrats sitting on the other side of the aisle were not amused and stomped out of the hall the moment Trump finished his act. Trump has just outshone the Ukrainian comedian who is no longer in the mood to crack jokes after the disaster he caused to his country and people.

In this Joint Session in Capitol Hill, Trump and his hillbillies proved one startling fact. Just because a person holds a big title with a lot of power, and wears expensive suits, it does not mean that he is smarter than you. In this case, Trump was outrageously humourous without the need to make sense and contradicting himself all the time. And what to expect from the dumb hillbillies? They enjoyed every juicy bit of his senseless jokes and jumped up and down like a cheer leading team.

When Trump said he was going to take Greenland by whatever means, it was a done deal, with no respect to international laws but in accordance with American gangster Rules Based Order, the hillbillies cheered like little boys and girls. You can see that in their facial expression, that taking over another country is the right of the American gangsters. And they cheered louder when Trump talked about taking back the Panama Canal, all in the name of American national security and interests.

How would the Singapore Parliamentarians react if Trump would use the same gangster Rules Based Order and logic and claim that he is taking over Singapore for the national interests and security of America? Would our Parliamentarians cheer and giggle like the hillbillies in Capitol Hill?

Under this wild gangster Rules Based Order, the American terrorists can simply take over any country, land or sea by claiming that it is in the interest of America and American national security. Not true? Trump is now arrogantly applying this gangster Rules Based Order to grab territories at will. What is Singapore's principled position on this gangster Rules Based Order? Has Singapore jumped the moment Trump declared that he is taking over Greenland, the Panama Canal and Canada? Or Singapore is thinking very hard how to respond, on the grounds of principle or on the grounds of national interests?

What do you think?

Trump starts to devalue the dollar

 Understand from reports that Trump is coming out with a US$250 dollar note with his portrait. It is claimed that Trump is among the greatest USA President in history that deserves to have a note to honor his contribution. Of course, there are no shortage of sycophants who supported the idea. Are we at all surprised?

After the US$250 note, will there be a US$500 note, followed by a US$1,000 note and so on and so forth. With an unpayable debt of US$36 trillion, and borrowing getting more and more difficult, the USA needs to print larger denominations instead of printing small denomination notes of US$1, 2, 5. 10 and 20, which will take up lots of time, ink and paper. The frenzied 24/7 printing cannot catch up with demand and the USA needs to print more notes in larger denominations, LOL. The USA will soon overtake countries, like many in South America, where citizens need to use a cart to take their money to buy things they need. Is the US$ really falling into the same cliff edge when de-dollarization moves forward successfully?

In Chinese religious festivals, like the Seventh Month Ghost Festival, they burn hell notes denominated in tens, hundreds of thousands and even millions. Perhaps they should, in time to come, be burning more valuable US$, say in ten-thousand-dollar denominations, with portrait of Trump.


Europe looking for new leader to replace rogue USA

 The USA had been playing with boomerangs for decades and never seems to learn to be humble. If the EU break ranks with the USA, the USA is really going to be truly isolated. Canada is joining the EU in trade. There is now a rude awakening around the free world, which I thought would never happen. Europe is looking for a new leader of the free world. That is truly crass to say the least. How things are changing within the just the last couple of weeks.

In other words, the USA is going to be left with maybe seven Asian allies to play around with - India, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Australia and New Zealand. They can now form the new G8 to fight against BRICS.

Truth be said, the exercise of 'exceptionalism' is no longer the prerogative of the USA. Untouchable in the past, it now looks fragile, fragmented and tottering.

It is really surprising that Karma is indeed working, but in mysterious ways.


Trump tried to swallow Ukraine but vomited out. Now it's Europe's turn

 What struck me was Trump waiting at the White House door for Zelenskyy's arrival. Compare that to Modi's visit to the White House, where a female aide was at the door to usher Modi into the White House. It is clear as daylight what India means to Trump. Okay, I am not going to belittle India, the up-and coming superpower to deflate Modi's and Palki Sharma's ego.

Having said that, Trump was seen arrogantly teaching Zelenskyy how to behave and using threatening gestures to silence his disagreement. It all shows who is the real dictator. Remember the gloating by Trump that if he becomes President, he will end the war in 24 hours. That is coming back to haunt him. Wars do not end just because Trump says so. Trade Wars are not so easy to win as gloated by Trump as well. And tariffs are not that easy to put China down. There are so many things to be sorted out to settle a war - concessions to be negotiated, territories to be settled. and is not all up to the USA to dictate. Zelenskyy, a cornered rat is not even giving in, not to talk about Putin.

Now the Europeans are playing the game as well, by telling Zelenskyy that even if the USA throws Ukraine under the bus, they will still support Zelenskyy. Too little too late or just being heroic? What does that indicate to Trump? Oh, sorry, they could not throw Trump under the bus, right? Only the USA can throw other countries under the bus.

As Anon 11.43 said, it is going to be a beautiful sight to behold going forward.


Revival of colonialism is easy when every other country is weak

 Revival of colonialism is easy when every other country is weak as in the past. African countries were weak, South American countries were weak, India was weak and South-East Asian countries, particularly Indo China, were weak. The Whites just walked in and divide them according to their fancies. Where they could not use discovery nonsense to justify their claims to annex weak countries, they used force to colonize them. They tried that with China and failed.

This is not the old days. There are nuclear countries all over the world. There is Russia. There is China, North Korea, India and Pakistan which are all nuclear nations. And adding Iran will make a big difference to the balance of power. And these countries are not inside the Anglo-Saxon colonial clique.

And even small countries fight back today as in Africa. Iran is also fighting back, but that cannot be said about other Arab and Muslim countries in the Middle East. Therefore, the Middle East is viewed as the best place to start the recolonizing and imperialist re-expansion.



Taiwan leaders trying to convince themselves with self serving logic. 'Kar ki kong, kar ki song' in Hokien or Minnan dialect.

TAIPEI: The United States cannot abandon the Indo-Pacific because the region is part of its "core national interests", Taiwan's Defence Minister Wellington Koo said amid concerns about US security commitments to Taiwan. CNA

Taiwan is a core interest of American Indo Pacific strategy? Really? Is this what the Americans told him? This was true a few years ago. A few years ago, the American warships were patrolling the Straits of Taiwan. A few years ago, American aircraft carriers were part on the eastern coast of Taiwan. Are they still there, are the American warships still patrolling the Taiwan Straits?

The reality today is different, and the Americans know and have withdrawn from the first island chain. The Americans are not that stupid to fight a losing war. A few years ago, the Americans were promising Zelensky to defend Ukraine for as long as it takes. Trump has washed his hands, not America's problem. America was not responsible for the destruction of Ukraine.

Trump just want the mineral resources in Ukraine. Trump has struck a deal with Putin, Trump will have the mineral resources, Putin can have the land. In the case of Taiwan, Trump would also strike a deal with Xi, Xi can have the land, Trump can have TSMC. Period. The only thing useful to the Americans now is TSMC, not Taiwan. Taiwan is no longer defensible, not even Japan and South Korea. The Americans will be retreating to the third island chain in Hawaii. Soon, Guam would just be a tourist resort.

The Taiwanese leaders are still having their wet dreams and dreaming pretty. Taiwan is so important to the Americans. The Americans would send their boys and girls to die for Taiwan. Wake up, the Americans even sold Ukraine to Russia. And Ukraine is white men. Taiwan is not white men, mainly Chinese that the Americans cannot trust, and some mixed Chinese/Japanese. The Americans also did not trust the Japanese. After trying out a Japanese Admiral as their Indo Pacific Commander, the Japanese Admiral nearly snooked the Americans into a nuclear war with North Korea. He was fired almost immediately.

The Taiwanese leader should stop deluding themselves that they are important to the Americans. The Americans knew the game is up. China would defeat them in an open war. So, they are quickly grabbing TSMC, the only thing of value to them, and replant it in American soil. The best thing to do for the Taiwanese leaders is to prepare their escape route quickly before it is too late. The jails they built in Taiwan would be where they would be kept once China launches the reunification of Taiwan with the motherland. Militarily it is a mismatch. And all the military commanders know the hard truth and are preparing to change their uniforms like the last KMT commander of North East China. It is pointless to fight a losing war. Beijing was saved from destruction by the KMT commander in Beijing. The commanders in Taiwan must save Taiwan from destruction by uniting with China. This is the new reality.

A war with China would be over before anyone knows that it has started. Stop lying to yourself and stop deceiving the people of Taiwan like Zelensky did to the Ukrainians. Without the Americans, the only thing behind the Taiwanese leaders is the deep blue ocean. At least Zelensky still can hope for the Europeans to support him to fight for a few more months, provided there are still Ukrainians left to die fighting. 

How many Taiwanese are prepared to die like stupid Ukrainians? Would the Americans or Japanese want to die for Taiwan? Maybe can rope in the Mickey Mouse in the Philippines with their museum warships that may not reach Taiwan before sinking on the way.

Ukraine War - Zelensky wanting to negotiate for Peace?

This is shit! I threw it out of the White House.
Can you believe it, Mickey Mouse Zelensky now wanting to negotiate for peace? In the first place there was peace in Ukraine. No one is attacking Ukraine. It was Ukraine that set up this war of destruction. Oops, it was the Americans and the Brits that mastermind this war. After one week into the war, Putin was ready to sign a peace agreement with Zelensky. But Mickey Zelensky was stupid enough to listen to bozo Boris and tore the peace agreement to shreds. He believed that the AngloSaxon savages were behind him all the way to ensure a victory. He believed that the AngloSaxon savages would foot the bill, send him everything he wanted to win this war. 

No need to apologise to or pity this Mickey Mouse. He deserved what he is getting now. Only the innocent Ukrainians have to pay an extremely heavy price, for losing their country and millions of men, all for nothing. Millions have escaped from this hell hole. Caveat, the majority of the Ukrainians left in this war torn country deserve it as well as they are behind this Mickey Mouse. They are the neo Nazis and very blood thirsty.

Ukraine is now worse than going back to square one. There is no road home. No country is in a position to negotiate for peace when it is losing. And clown Zelensky now even rejected Trump's offer for a peace deal where he could retain a small part of his country. Those that were lost to Russia cannot be taken back. The Russians paid for them with the lives of their soldiers.

Maybe to this clown there is still hope. Europe is still eager to back him up in this war. The Brits are impatient and wanting to send in their boys and girls to die for Ukraine. The French too wanted a piece of the action. Maybe can count in Germany as well. Not sure about the rest of the European states. One thing is quite sure. If the Americans completely wiped their hands off this war, the Brits would have their tails between their legs and sheepishly disappeared from the scene, just like bozo Boris Johnson, not to be found and let the silly Europeans fight the Russians on their home ground.

And knowing how big the brain of a Mickey Mouse is, Mickey Zelensky would throw in all his hope on Europe, a collection of bankrupt countries, and again thinking he could win this war. Trump told him in his face, he has lost the war. Period. But Mickey Mouse Zelensky thought he can rewrite the script, rewind the video and start all over again, like in the cartoons.

There are not many Ukrainians left on the shelf.

The Americans were the first devils that started this war. The world may think that the Europeans were meek sheep coerced by the Americans to take part. Now we will see the real devils in Europe that are fully behind this war. The Brits and the French have shown their hands. They want the war to go on.

Trump's insanity is Top Secret, cannot be disclosed or spoken...worse than Biden's dementia

 Now the most delusional comment by Trump just left me flabbergasted. Trump wants Afghanistan to give back all the weapons the USA abandoned, supposedly destroyed, when it fled Afghanistan. Next, he may want Russia to give back all the weapons it exhibited in Moscow, supplied by the USA and NATO, which Russia seized from Ukraine. Trump is acutely delirious, bordering on madness, to even think of such a move. Trump is just like a headless cockroach, not knowing what to do and coming up with ridiculous and fallacious ideas.

Oh, not to forget that Trump changes his mind like changing his underwear. He called Zelenskyy a 'Dictator' just days ago and is now walking back on his words by denying the accusation. This is the kind of leader that does not stick to his words and action. I now honestly believe the USA is at the end of its tethers under Trump and will become irrelevant.

If a push resulted in a shove and force is used, about Trump wanting the weapons back, what could the Taliban do? The Taliban could destroy those weapons and turn them into scrap metal again and let the USA have them back. But what secrets the Taliban already sniffed out of those weapons cannot be returned, right? After all, they were already destroyed when the USA fled with tails between its hind legs. This will probably benefit China going forward by providing the Taliban with more updated weapons and influence. China is reported to be selling its fighter jets, the J10, to Egypt, although denied by China, now that an expanded Middle East War is on the cards. China has been selling weapons to Egypt all along. Arising from this, any conflict will no longer be a 'Six Day War' as in the past. Hamas had proven that overwhelming power with support from the USA and UK are no guarantee of an easy victory.

Ukraine is already lost and cannot be expected to carry on fighting. A peace deal may be possible, as the USA is eyeing the rich mineral resources. It all depends on how much Putin can extract from the other side. I do not expect that Putin will agree to have NATO's participation in peacekeeping efforts in Ukraine, if peacekeeping missions are necessary and to be agreed upon. Allowing NATO's participation in peacekeeping efforts in Ukraine is basically allowing NATO vis a vis the USA to have boots on the ground in Ukraine, which Putin is strongly against. Not that this has not happened discreetly, which Putin also knew very well.


China investing heavily in education

 The saying that investing in education cannot be taken away by theft, scam, sanctions and banning is very true. All other material possessions that money can buy can be lost in a jiffy, just like the US$300 billion that Russia had in its reserves. And even the gold in Fort Knox is now under speculation about its existence and status.

China must use its massive reserves and not keep them invested in USA treasuries and USA and Western assets. Those are very risky investments, not as safe as being touted in the face of the USA's agenda to put China down.

China already saw the value of investing in education long ago, in fact learning is a trait that the Chinese value very much. That is why China invested heavily, first in sending Chinese to study in overseas universities, and now building universities like no other. The BBC, the propaganda arm of the UK, even said that China has been building the equivalent of a university in China every week. This is part of a silent revolution that China is undergoing as more foreign students are flocking to China to take advantage of the cheap and high value education standards that China is building up. The average cost of fees studying in a Chinese university as disclosed by Chinese citizens is US$2,000 per year. This is atrocious compared to the hundreds of thousands that even USA citizens have to pay studying in the USA to graduate. Does that make sense that foreign students from South America, Africa and Middle East are flocking to study in China? With the rise of AI and DeepSeek and others, the whole world now realizes the standard of Chinese universities being able to turn out top-notched students that outperforms those educated in the West. People are asking, what else is being hidden by the Chinese that has not yet been revealed to the world.


Canada and European monkeys taken to the cleaners by the Americans. Will Asian monkeys learn?

 No use pruning the European powers now. When the USA tree falls, all the European and Asian monkeys will just scatter. All the European and Asian monkeys providing their hands to the pump to save the USA superpower and the US$ hegemony will come to naught by propping up the wrong tree.

The European monkeys have been taken to the cleaners now. They are licking their wounds. Canada, the closest monkey to the USA is facing tariffs a few days later. The Canadian monkey is facing Karma now after doing the dirty work for the USA against China. Any regrets? Too little too late to think about it.

The Asian monkeys are looking on. Will they be taken to the cleaners to be cleaned up next? One thing is clear. They have not yet been used fully against China, which is next on the card. After that, they will be just like the Europeans, discarded after serving the USA purpose in Asia. But I guess lessons are never learnt until it is their turn to discover it is too late. No sympathies needed for them really.



Trump has problem with Ingrish and needs translator


Trump's Indian Translators. This 4 min clip of Trump's bromance with Macron. They like to touch each other, so loving, so touchy. There is also a little part on Trump meeting Modi. Modi was speaking English to Trump but Trump insisted on having translators. And both translators were Indians translating Ingrish to Trump. What a joke.

Arabs and Muslims need a NATO. Call it AMTO or MATO

 The fate of the Arab and Muslim nation states is precarious. The American and Israeli terrorists have been planning for years to invade and take over their lands to form Greater Israel, comprising all the Arab and Muslim states in the Middle East. This is not a secret. It is open secret. Just because they did not talk about it every day does not mean it is forgotten or not going to happen. Of course the Arab and Muslim states are praying and hoping that the Americans and Israelis would give up on this idea. That is all they can do while not really doing anything to protect themselves from being obliterated by the two vicious savage tribes, one the world's number one terrorist state, infamous for genociding more than a hundred million native Americans, and the other, calling themselves God's chosen people, and with God and the Bible to justify their mission to create their Promised Land from the lands of the Arabs and Muslims.

Why would the Arab and Muslim states be so hapless, and willing to put themselves at the mercy of these two vicious savages and wishing and hoping that it would not happen, that they would be spared? Why don't they help themselves from being decimated in this modern century when the balance of power has changed, when they could not only count on themselves but also other countries to be on their side to save them?

The vicious lies about Iran or their neighbours harbouring ill intention against them were American and Israeli lies. The real threat to their existence is the Americans and the Israelis. And every day they are working towards their elimination, one by one, sowing discord to keep them at odds with each other, divide and rule, with one final goal, Greater Israeli. It is unbelieveable that the Arab and Muslim states could go to sleep every night without thinking about their tragic ends, when what is happening in Palestine and the Palestinians would be happening to them, every one of them from the sea to the river! Do they think they have time to survive this Arab and Muslim holocaust by not doing anything?

The only way to survive and protect their sovereignty, independence and their lives is to unite, to form a military alliance like NATO, to tell the Americans and the Israelis that an attack on one is an attack on all. Is that so difficult? Are the Arabs and Muslims so stupid that they could not put aside their differences for their own survival? 

Israel alone is no threat to the Arab and Muslim states, Israel is as big as a Mickey Mouse without the evil American Empire. But the American Empire is no longer the superpower it used to be, invincible. The combined strength of China and Russia would be good enough to take it down. And the Arabs and Muslims can count on Iran, North Korea, Pakistan and many countries of the Global South to be on their side against the evil American Empire and the Israeli Mickey Mouse. The Global South have had enough of being oppressed and bullied by the evil American terrorists and wanted to break free and be truly independent states, to live their own lives, not being controlled and dictated by the white men.

It is time to put down all the differences to unite and defend themselves against an existential threat that could turn them into slaves of the evil Americans and the Israelis, if they survived the Arab and Muslim holocaust being planned for them. An Arab Muslim Treaty Organisation or a Muslim Arab Treaty Organisation is their only hope to survive. Let them be no delusion, no disillusion. It is a live or die situation and the window is closing quickly. Let this organisation have one key mission, an attack on one state would be an attack on all, and all will unite to fight against the enemy. All other differences can be set aside, be put down just to form this organisation.

Inshallah, the Arabs and Muslims would unite to save themselves, with the help of the Global South and the people of the world. There is hope if there is a will to fight and live.

PS. Stop believing in the Americans or the white men. They are up your ass. They cannot be trusted! Stop wasting time talking to them. And Israel continues to attack Syria and West Bank, and scheming to continue to massacre the Palestinians in Gaza. The fake ceasefire would not last until all Palestinians are dead or driven out of Palestine.

Trump's trade world against the world would destroy the USA first

 With manufacturing of consumer goods in the USA not yet taking off, Trump thinks his 100% tariff threat against BRICS countries is going to work to disintegrate the bloc. He is just as delusional as ever and is falling into a trap set by China.

China cutting off exports to the USA in critical materials is already one area that the USA cannot afford to face. This is going to affect manufacturing, such as setting up battery production facilities as an example, under which graphite is controlled by China, and almost totally controlled by BRICS countries. Sure, Trump can think about 100% tariffs on graphite as well, but at what cost to its manufacturing ambitions. And any attempt to gather supplies from alternative sources is going to take years to come to fruition.

Cutting off Titanium export by China is another critical item that will cripple USA manufacturing such as weapons production, fighter jet engine production, civilian plane production, EVs and semi-conductor usage. Boeing is being crippled by the substituting of cheaper aluminum for titanium by the Indian suppliers to Boeing. The damage it has done to Boeing is already showing.

And we are not yet talking about China cutting off its exports of consumer products to the USA when the USA has not yet found any alternative suppliers in quantitative and qualitative proportions as substitutes for its domestic consumption. What this means is that USA retailers like Walmart and Amazon will face empty warehouses and retail outlets. This is something that the USA Government is going to face its citizens going forward if the trade war really escalates to unimaginable proportions.

What is Trump going to achieve by imposing 100% tariffs on just the above two items? It will ramp up the cost of production, which will mean more expensive batteries and very expensive weapons that will cripple the USA military and its Military Industrial Complex.

And what does it do to other BRICS countries? They can always divert exports to other BRICS countries and the Global South to avoid paying the tariffs. Who is going to suffer with the 100% tariffs? USA manufacturing and USA consumers will bear the brunt of the increased tariffs. Are they going to take it lying down? Time will tell.


Trade War - USA already lost and lost big

 The USA already lost and lost big. That is why it is desperately using the last resort of starting a new trade war to cripple China. Trump still thinks that the USA is the only destination for Chinese goods and does not realize that China already expanded its market outside of the USA. Agricultural products are no longer going to hold China hostage, as China has already position itself to rely on many sources for food. It is the USA agricultural sector that is being held hostage by China today. And food is a National Security issue for all countries.

Tariffs will only force China to sell more to BRICS and Global South countries, a market out of reach by the USA, even if it manages to lure all manufacturing back to the USA. The USA manufacturers cannot possibly compete outside of the country. And what does that scenario sound for those setting up factories in the USA? Selling to USA citizens alone is not going to solve the problem. USA citizens are no longer the people thought of as having the greatest spending power in the world. That is long gone, and with some USA citizens having to work at two or three jobs to survive, what kind of spending power are left for them?


Africa following the Chinese model to develop themselves

 The Africana are just bidding their time, just like China, quietly undertaking what is of priority and let the gloating and grandstanding of the USA and the West burn itself out.

The USA used to look down on the Chinese, the Chinamen only good for being cooks and laundrymen, capable of nothing more than that. The century of humiliation does not go unrepaid. It took China just about thirty years to rise to where it is today. Africa, hedging on the experience of the Chinese may take even a shorter time to rise, with African students flocking to Chinese universities to study, learn and prioritize what is needed for Africa.

With China doing the infrastructure in Africa and providing and transferring its knowledge and expertise, who is going to bet that Africa will remain backward as the 'dark continent'. It is the same way that the West just wants to look down on Africa by calling it the 'dark continent'. If one is prepared to work for it, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Progress and development are not the sole prerogative of the Anglo-Saxo Whites. It is a universal goal sought by every human specie.


USA wasted trillions fighting wars and fighting China. China spent the same money building infrastructures and in high tech

 While USA was investing lots of money in wars, churning out propaganda, instigating regime changes, carrying out assassinations, funding the creation of unrest, sanctioning every Tom, Dick and Harry, China was undertaking more productive investments with its money. And Elon Musk is now peeling away the facade of money wasting endeavors by previous USA administrations over the decades that achieved nothing. The revelations just add to the derision of the USA's dirty tactics and criminal activities worldwide.

China's investment is getting more bang for the buck, literally. Just looking at the scientists and engineers China has trained, now repaying all the investments that China made over the decades. Now, this does not come about by chance or at warped speed. It was all planned and thought out over the decades, a generational move, when China decides what it needed to do for it to rise. Manufacturing was the path chosen. It provided the jobs needed to be created, the economic benefits of exporting finished goods and the rest is history.

What has the USA achieved in underwriting the war in Vietnam? Did Vietnam become democratic after all the lives lost?

What has the USA achieved in Afghanistan? After dumping US$2 trillion into going after the Taliban, it turns out ironically that it was the Taliban that finally chased them out. That US$2 trillion could have been used more meaningfully to eradicate homelessness, rebuilt failing infrastructures and provide a better life for USA citizens. But the USA chose to waste it on wars.

What has the USA achieved setting up the propaganda machine that was being used to demonized communism, Russia and China. In one swift unintentional move, Rednote exposed all the lies of the USA dream by showing USA users the real China that their Government and MSM had tried to lie to them for decades. Foreign vloggers also helped to dispel the propaganda trotted out by the West about conditions in China. The US$300 million investment had been all wasted for nothing.



Jeffrey Sachs lectured the EU to grow up and take charge of their own future

Jeffrey Sachs, one of a few rare clear thinking professors left in the western world, schooled the EU parliamentarians like school children for one and a half hours. And they sat there quietly listening to his wisdom and painful truths and nodded their heads in agreement. For so long, they castrated themselves and willingly let the American terrorists dragged them naked across the streets, threatening them, bullying them, and forcing them into wars, and the infamous bombing of the Nord stream pipeline, their livelihood depended on it. And the children in the EU dared not breathe a word, still have to accept all the fabricated lies the Americans made when they knew fully well the Americans were the culprits.

Trump is now breathing down their necks, Vance calling them stupid and refusing to admit that the Ukraine War was started by the Americans against the Russians. Vance in a straight face, told the Europeans it was their problem for making Russia their enemy and they had to wipe the shit themselves.

Now Sachs is telling them without holding anything back. The Americans have their own plans all worked out to control the world as the only superpower and the plans include destroying all adversaries like Russia and China... and Europe. Sachs also disclosed how the Americans were fighting the wars for Netanyahu to take full control of the Middle East, including provoking a war between the USA and Iran. But would the foolish EU children, oops, they are supposed to be the leaders of Europe, behave differently, to stand up to the Americans? They are looking more stupid by the day.

Throughout the whole lecture and discussion, not once was the mischievous gangster catchphrase 'Rules Based Order' ever mentioned by anyone present. Jeffrey Sachs repeated at least a few times on International Laws. Rules are what gangsters used to bully weaker countries. Only American cronies and ball carriers think it fit to mention Rules Based Order, to want to live by American gangsters' rules, when there are international laws to abide and live by agreed upon by nation states under the UN Charter.

Ukraine War - The real devils owning up

 When Boris Johnson told Zelensky not to sign the peace treaty with Russia, the impression was that Boris was an American emissary and America was the real devil behind the war. Nobody then would have thought that the real devil was the Brits. No doubt the Americans were the main devil to bankroll the war then. 

Today it is clear that the Brits were not just a secondary player tagging along. The Brits were an equal partner in pushing for war against Russia. This evil ex empire still think they still got it to start wars and fight wars when their economy is about to collapse. Now that Trump wants out, the Brits immediately step in to take over the lead role by Starmer's warm welcome for Zelensky after the latter was booted out of the White House. And Starmer immediately offered Zelensky a US$2.8b war fund to stay in the fight. Never mind if this sum may at most last for another month before drying up.

The French, Germans and Italians are just as eager to want to keep the war going. Weren't the Europeans meek American puppets being dragged into the war unwillingly by the Americans? Not at all. With the Americans wanting out, the sneaky Europeans are forced to the front to take on the Russians. They cannot play the role of unwilling collaborators anymore. It is now Russia against the European devils. No more pretences. With Trump and Putin not wanting to fight each other, Putin would have an easier task dealing with the European devils. Let's count which other European devils would stand out to join the Brits, French, Germans and the Italians to fight Russia. These four devils had all invaded Russia in the past, Italy during its Axis with Hitler in WW2.

This is a good thing for Russia. It would now see clearly who their real enemies in Europe are and who should deserve a few tactical nuclear warheads to teach them not to be silly.  It is another replay of Mickey Mouse trying to take on a superpower. The counting starts now. And Trump and Putin would be watching them closely.

One thing is confirmed, the white savages have not changed over the last century. They are still as warlike and primitive as before and war is in their blood and hating Russia, wanting to destroy Russia is also in their blood. Putin and his Russians must have no more delusion that the Europeans would leave them alone. Let the show continues and let Europe burns. Putin has no reason to be nice, to want to sell cheap oil and gas to Europe anymore, and to think he can have peace with Europe. The four evil European imperial powers of the last century have stood up to be recognised.

Trump has done a big favour for Putin, to let him know who wants to destroy Russia other than the Americans.  It is not Napoleon alone, not Hitler alone, not England alone, but all together, including Italy and maybe Poland.  And there is clown Zelensky eagerly wanting to win this war.

We have watch them on TV with our pop corns. Let them fight.

D grader Trump furious that Xi refused to talk to him and started to act like a mad man

 Trump may be thinking he is going all out to punish China. He knows what he is doing alright, but he does not know what the consequences will be like. He is just taking a big risk trying to start a massive trade war with China. He will fail miserably.

Now, as many political watchers have said, China is more well prepared to take on the USA today than at any time in the past. This is a reality that Trump has not considered, and he thinks everything is going to work the way his warped mind thinks. China is too big, too advance, too big economically to fall to the USA. And China has very pragmatic leaders able to figure out solutions to counter USA moves.

Why do we think China is able to move away from buying USA agricultural produce like corn and soya bean? It is not a move that China can just make on the spur of the moment. It is a well calculated move over many years of cultivation of new sources of supplies. In addition to this, China is revitalizing desert areas and using them to add new land for agriculture, which is already producing fruitful results. All along we miss the real reason as to why China is reclaiming desert areas, and it was certainly not just to beautify the landscape. When China does something, there is an underlying reason for doing it.

China now also produces 40% of global aquaculture demands like fish, crustaceans, molluscs etc. China is even breeding the sturgeon fish to corner the world market for caviar and is now the biggest producer as well. How did China managed to do all this? By thinking ahead and walking the talk, not fixated with bringing others down so that it can stay on top.


American hillbillies still spreading lies about China stealing their obsolete technology or technology they did not have

 And they USA claims that everything China is able to come up with is stolen from them. How can those be stolen when the USA and its allies like Japan are keeping out China from participation in cutting edge technologies for decades.

Did China steal their Space Station and therefore the USA has to continue to use the outdated Russian International Space Station as its own. Can we safely say that the USA stole the ISS from the Russians? Now, that is a death trap for astronauts wanting a long holiday in space.

China stole their high-speed rail which is why the USA has no high-speed rail of any proportion left to boast of. How could a country that have no such capability to show off its achievements have anything worthwhile to be stolen?

China must have copied their moon landing model of the sixties, which is why China could land on the moon and send a probe to Mars. These space explorations are critical technologies, out of bounds to China's participation, so how could China have stolen them, knowing that they are totally obsolete technology. Moreover, the USA itself today is having problems with another moon mission, not to talk about rescuing two astronauts stranded on the International Space Station for more than 9 months. They are trying to spin the narrative that these two astronauts are enjoying their extended holiday on the ISS. What a sick joke? Why would China want to follow the USA with its failing space monopolization?

One day, the USA would accuse China of copying the USA in eating, talking, breathing, bathing, sleeping and wearing clothes. As someone pointed out, the USA had copied the scientific achievements of the Europeans before them, innovating and moving ahead. The Japanese also did the same in the past, copying, innovating and overtaking the Europeans and the USA.


Trump's delusional US$5 million gold card visa

 Trump has come up with another serious outbreak of delusion. He claims his US$5 million gold card visa is going to attract people like crazy. Can you honestly believe that?

Earlier, Trump's MAGA silver coin with his portrait crashed 35% after his election win and left many people licking their wounds. That was a massive scam. Those who bought the coin did not remember that Trump was and is a habitual conman, who had already conned many victims with his six bankruptcies.

How many can honestly be able to afford US$5 million just to get a visa to enter the USA? Certainly not the Indians. And certainly not many Chinese when they already realized on Rednote that the USA is a worse country to migrate to than the hype of living an American Dream. Why would Chinese citizens now want to enter the USA to be discriminated against? Rich criminals may take the bait to avoid prosecution by the Chinese Government. For others, if they have US$5 million, they could easily live in China like a Duke with the low cost of living - cheap housing, cheap cars, cheap education, cheap groceries and an environment that only USA citizens can dream of. Oh yes, the American Dream is falling to pieces and will only get worse under Trump. Dare to take the bait?


Dump Trump sending back Indian talents

 USA and India are now bonded tightly with super glue. Modi has nowhere to run except into the arms of the USA. It is a going to be a death hug for India. India's superpower ambition is dead, as the USA will never allow India to become another competitor to its sole superpower status.

I know it is not nice to talk about India, but the boasting of the Indians is getting people really upset and resentful. India and Modi have mammoth problems going forward. India chooses the wrong path by focusing on being a country doing outsourcing work for the West like call centers, rather than adopting manufacturing as its priority. Now, trying to do manufacturing is too little too late, with the need to source for manufacturing inputs, ironically mainly from China with its well-oiled supply chains. This is the chain that is difficult to be broken any time soon.

India needs job creation desperately with an expanding population. An expanding population is a bonus for a country like Japan with its industry short of new workers. India is at the opposite end of the spectrum, with poverty unresolved, infrastructure stuck in the age of British colonization, outdated laws inherited from the British, manufacturing in its infancy and adding to the misery is an expanding population. All that talk of a 'population dividend' is just a Western hype without looking at the real situation.

Now, hugging the USA, instead of getting help, is putting India in more serious trouble. Trump is deporting Indians by the planeloads, about to impose reciprocal tariffs on India, and now also discriminating against Indians trying to get into the USA to study and work. The same treatment that the Chinese faced after their contribution to the development of cutting-edged technologies of the USA. Now there is a realization that the USA is losing top Chinese talents to mainland China, helping China to break to the forefront of cutting-edged technologies.



Ukraine War - The price of being a Mickey Mouse

 Ukraine War is a good confirmation that the brain of a Mickey Mouse is as big as a pea brain. The Americans made so many promises to Mickey Zelensky and he believed everything. His little pea brain could not process what is true what is false and the consequences if all the promises were simply lies. His pea brain wanted to believe that all the promises would be true and would be honoured, and he would win the war. Now Mickey Zelensky is walking around like a Mickey Mouse when everyone can see that he was sold by the Americans, and the Americans is expecting him and Ukraine to pay up. America is tearing Ukraine apart for its resources. Mickey Zelensky did not see this coming, now having no choice but to sign away his country to the Americans.

What did the Americans promise him? Admission to NATO and America would support him with a blank cheque for as long as it takes. Biden has gone to sleep, did not want to know what he and Blinken promised the Mickey Mouse. And the fat clown from Britain that duped Mickey Zelensky to walk away from a peace deal is nowhere to be seen. And Trump told him in his face, no NATO for Ukraine.  What? What?

For three years, Mickey Zelensky really believed he was given a blank cheque to defeat Russia. He strutted around ordering and demanding the Americans and Europeans for all the weapons and money he needed without asking if it was all for free. He simply assumed that he did not have to pay back, free aid! In the White House he was too ashamed to ask Trump that it was meant for free. It would only expose his stupidity to think it was for free.  

There is no free lunch. All the Mickey Mouse better open their eyes wide wide. Free missiles for the Pinoys? The Americans have yet to send in the bills.

2025 - Made in China

 2025 is going to be the year that will see China coming out and making all the news that are going to be really eliciting 'shock and awe'.

AI is already clearly trotted out for all to see, and DeepSeek's rollout is just the beginning of the sighting of the tip of many other icebergs. Huawei and Alibaba among others have still not yet opened their cards on the table. There are undoubtedly some strategic moves on hand arising from the meeting between Xi and leaders of technology companies in China. The timing was no accident, right at the start of 2025.

2025 will not just be about flexing the economic and technology muscle of China. China is also no longer playing cat and mouse regarding it military expansion with the rollout of its 6th generation fighter jet and the Fujian aircraft carrier with two nuclear subs on the way.

There is a hue and cry over China's naval exercise in International Waters of the Tasman Sea. This is International Waters, right, and is not infringing on anyone's territorial waters. What the USA and West can do in International Waters close to China, China can do the same as well. All is fair in love and war. What is sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander. China should do it more often - in Gulf of Mexico, Indian Ocean, Sea of Japan and Philippine Sea and let them have a taste of what it feels like when their warships do naval exercises near to China.

I believe China is confident enough to be more assertive in safeguarding its rights and protecting its turf. It is no longer prepared to play goody two shoes against all the Mickeys thinking they have the great USA behind them.


Ukraine War - Zelensky sold Ukraine after sending Ukrainians to the Russian grinders

 Zelenskyy and Trump have agreed on minerals for settling war debts. Now, the war is not over yet, with negotiations still ongoing and the final say by Putin not yet disclosed. Trump is looking at the rich mineral resources in Ukraine and has already succeeded in squeezing Zelenskyy like a rag, taking it by force, all done pending a settlement of the war. What is in it for Ukraine? Any benefit towards the country's reconstruction?

This move is great for gloating, but getting out the minerals under the ground, assembling the skilled workforce to do it, building the mining infrastructures all takes time and heavy investments. Then there is also the cost of setting up refining facilities to get the final product usable, which also needs time and funding. At the end of the day, how about being able to produce those essential minerals to compete with China?

Sure, however expensive those essential minerals sourced from Ukraine may eventually be solely for use by the USA. How does such more expensive cost eventually figure in those fighter jets, weapons, drones, semiconductors that the USA wants to sell to others. Would they be cheaper or more expensive? How competitive would they be against similar products from Russia and China?

The theory is easy to understand. Get it, refine it and use it. Very simple. One political analyst said that the USA is a country led by very simple-minded people with no deep-thinking leaders. Leaders that can think ahead, not just about creating more wars, subterfuge, assassinations and instigating regime changes.


Trump only respects strong and effective leaders like Xi, Putin and Kim

 There are weak leaders and there are strong leaders. Weak leaders can be threatened easily by the USA. Strong leaders do not bow down easily and are disliked by the USA. They will always be branded as Dictators, cruel, uncaring towards their people. Yes, Dictators come also in all shapes and sizes. Dictators in China today are vastly different from paid Dictators cultivated by the Anglo-Saxon Whites in some African countries.

That stamp of cruelty and uncaring template certainly does not fit into the narrative with respect to Xi. He lifted more people out of poverty than the whole USA population, more than two times over. Does that indicate Xi, a so-called Dictator, is cruel and uncaring? How about USA users of Rednote, now looking at the living standards of the Chinese in Mainland China and getting rather envious. And they are now looking at the state of homelessness, the cost of living and the USA Government's uncaring stance, which makes the comparison really shocking for those Rednote users. And they are comparing their democratic dream against a socialist state that had been demonized for decades.

Strong leaders like Putin, Xi, and in the past the late Lee Kuan Yew are no pushovers. The USA does not like them. The only exception is that Trump seems to like Putin. And, of course, he likes Kim Jong Un and wants to ignite their bromance. Kim is not in the mood for that anymore.

Trump knows Putin and Xi cannot be threatened into submission, unlike some others. He is trying to split the two, hoping to reap the benefits if that happens. Putin should be very wary of the trap being set for him.
