
Washington clowns regretting their folly for chasing away Chinese scientists and engineers. Too late, they will not come back

 Are these people in the USA really serious? After creating all the fabricated lies against those Chinese scientists and engineers for spying and forcing them to leave their positions in research facilities and Universities in the USA, and returning to China, the USA now wants them back? Trump's first term was the start of a massive anti-Chinese movement that caused many of these scientists and engineers to return to China to helm its research facilities and University positions as well as industries.

If I were one of those being targeted earlier, would I even think of returning to the USA? The USA is just like a deranged mad person, which we Chinese would call - 'A person whose mad behavior arise at every three-hour interval'. The USA administration will overturn polices at their whims and fancies without regard to consequences. They still think they are exceptional, that the whole world must look up to.

These people in the USA have no morals, changing their stance, thinking that the Chinese are that gullible to believe them. Trust and credibility once lost cannot never be recovered. They can debate all they want until the cows come home, but I believe all is now an exercise in futility. Spilt milk can never be made to return to the cup, and it is no use crying over it.

Having said that, why are these people not trying to debate about welcoming more Indian scientists and engineers instead of resorting to recalling top Chinese scientific and engineering minds? Isn't that something that escaped their attention, or are they now realizing the quality of Indian scientists and engineers? Indian engineers were recruited to helm Boeing after Chinese engineers were discriminated against and left. What is happening to Boeing now? Indians were presumably at the helm of the USA AI conglomerates and suddenly found themselves blindsided by Chinese AI innovation. What is happening? Is there now a rude awakening in USA circles?

Indians are now the majority of students studying in US Universities, after Chinese students were also discriminated against and not wanting to remain in the USA after graduation. Perhaps the USA business fraternity should go after the Indian students instead of focusing on those Chinese students. Chinese students are now preferring to study at Chinese Universities at home, paying fees that are so cheap, that it makes some USA citizens crying hysterically after being left in debt to the tune of hundreds of thousands studying in USA Universities. The very fact that Luo Fuli, the mastermind of DeepSeek's innovative AI was a student at Beijing University must be another wake-up call for the USA, knowing that Chinese Universities are no longer playing second fiddle to USA Universities in the quality of education. This will undoubtedly be a draw for students from foreign countries having a much cheaper alternative than studying in a USA University.

More Chinese students too are now returning home after their studies in the USA, knowing that they will not be discriminated against in China, and now have all the opportunities to make full use of their skills and improve their knowledge with all the innovations going on in Chinese industries.

The USA can continue to suffer pangs of jealousy after losing all the Chinese scientists and engineers to China. But it is too late to regret.



Anonymous said...

The collapse of the USA is picking up steam with Trump in office. This is the reality and cannot be reversed, even if the USA make all the attempts to prolong the inevitable. It is too little too late.

Anonymous said...

'The biggest fear was that USA would turn into country that ''celebrates ignorance and rewards stupidity' - Carl Sagan.

This is what USA has become.

Anonymous said...

Applies to the red dot as well.