
Be like North Korea, no American sanction can cause any harm, be free from American coercion

 Iran's Supreme leader just said that any nuclear talks with the USA 'are not intelligent, wise or honorable'. What does this indicate? Does Iran already in possession of nukes? Hard to say. Many are of the opinion that Iran can have nukes in a matter of months if they want to. And with Russia behind, who knows.

Trump is going to relive his romance with Kim Jong Un to try to do another de-nuclearization move against North Korea. It is not going to happen. North Korea already just stated that de-nuclearization is a non-negotiable issue. That is throwing the ball into Trump's courtyard, telling him not to waste time and not to make another attempt. Trump is threatening more sanctions and tariffs against North Korea if it does not cater to his demands. He is delusional and grabbing at straws. What is North Korea exporting now to the USA, with all the sanctions imposed over the decades, which makes tariffs a non-issue in reality? What can the USA sanction North Korea with after all those decades of sanctioning? Kim Jong Un is not short of anything that he needs and looking at him, he is showing signs of more prosperity. Of course, North Koreans are affected by shortages, but this is not making them turn against Kim's regime. On the other hand, it could be making the people more patriotic and resentful of the USA and the West, just like in China.



Anonymous said...

Be like Russia too. Further sanctions do not rattle Putin. Tariffs will not work against Russia that is exporting nothing to the USA, on the surface of course. Under the radar, we know that some very essential elements like enriched Uranium for nuclear power plants are still being imported from Russia. To openly admit that would be making allies ask big questions about all the fallacies of sanctioning Russia wholesale.

People no longer bite the propaganda regarding Putin's ill health. Putin was supposed to have passed away long ago, but he appears as healthy as before and probably is still a martial arts proponent and is not dying. He may outlive Biden and Trump; the latter looks terrible over the last couple of years.

If you are aware of the long-standing hype regarding 'The Collapse of China' as gloated by charlatan Gordon Chang, you will understand the purpose of such negative news, which all are being generated by a propaganda machine funded by the USA. Trump probably already knows the useless nature of such propaganda and that they are money wasting and doing nothing positive and is disbanding them piece by piece.

Trump is even going after the CIA and FBI, which begs the question of how long he is going to survive without being assassinated. These are very dangerous entities, with assassinations inside and outside the USA part of their dirty portfolios. The CIA was called the 'assassination arm' of the USA Government, or should I say the Deep State instead.

War mongers in the USA and Netanyahu are probably waiting for that to happen, given the justification to go after Iran to start another war. Trump is setting the time bomb for this to happen, having said that if he is assassinated, the USA should go after Iran as being responsible.

Anonymous said...

Trump wants to con Russia and China to cut down their military spending. Russia and China must not fall into this trap to marginalize their military upgrading.

Trump is reported to be touting about cutting USA military spending by half. Can you honestly believe that? So, he will probably be asking China and Russia to cut their military spending also by half. Remember that Trump unilaterally pulled the USA out of a nuclear treaty with the Russians six years ago, in order to go on a building spree. Of course, to do that the USA will always find ways and means to cook up the fabrication that Russia violated the terms of the treaty. Fabrication is a weapon that the USA has innovated into an art. Nobody can beat them in terms of funding and execution.

Having said that, all that spending by the USA on its military is the result of massive corruption within the military itself. How to honestly justify spending US$9,000 for a small plastic bag of metal rings, US$1,200 for a cup and US$600 for a toilet seat cover? Therefore, cutting off a massive chunk of the military budget is not going to harm the USA military if strict controls are exercised to rein in corruption and prevent military contractors from ripping off the Pentagon blindly.

Trump could see that despite the massively smaller military spending by China, the latter has managed to garner more bang for the buck, with rollout of 6th generation fighter jets and aircraft carriers, with two other nuclear submarines reported to be under construction.