
Asean US Summit - Contempt of Asean

 8 Asean head of states, Presidents and PMs, took 2 days off to fly to the US for a summit meeting with their counterpart, the President of USA. All they had of Biden's time was a dinner and a 2 hour meeting with second rung leaders like Blinken and Sherman. To add insult to injury, the Asean Presidents and PMs were treated like second tier national leaders, no individual meeting with the Emperor. The Emperor had no time to see them individually.

During the two hour meeting with the 8 Asean head of states, the table arrangement was demeaning. Normal protocol would have leaders of similar seniority facing each other in two long tables. In this case, all the Asean heads of state were on one side facing a couple of minister level American leaders. The Emperor was sitting at one end of the tables, looking down on the two rows of tables like presiding over them. The Americans did not miss the chance to tell the Asean head of states that Biden was the Emperor and was gracious enough to share a couple of hours with them when they paid their homage.

And the Emperor was so generous to throw some crumbs to the poor Asean leaders that travelled from thousands of miles just to take photographs with him, all US$150m as a gift or less than US$15m for each Asean country. The Asean leaders must be lapping up the crumbs with joy.

This honorarium did not come free with no conditions. The Emperor would henceforth send his Coast Guard patrol boats to patrol Asean waters as part of his Empire. And Asean leaders cannot say no. The Emperor said so and that is it. The Emperor did not have to consult the Asean leaders to do this. And Asean leaders must be grateful for the Emperor to send his Coast Guards to protect them, from who? The Asean waters are so dangerous and needs the Empire's protection. I am still wondering whether Asean is going to take this gesture kindly, that they are now part of the American Empire as they cannot protect themselves...and the Asean waters now belong to the Empire. This is not a subtle move by the Americans to control the waters of Asean. The Emperor claimed it right before the 8 Asean leaders that it belongs to the American Empire. Now one Coast Guard boat, and this will increase over time to many Coast Guard boats in Asean waters.

Can you imagine this? The Asean leaders travelled all the way to the USA to take orders from the Emperor and to agree that Asean is now under the protection of the Empire!

What did the Asean leaders gain in return? A free dinner with the Emperor and a chance to have a photo op with the Emperor to bring home to frame it up?


A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

This is damned disgraceful!

What kind of messages are they bringing home?

To bluff their people that they have been treated honorably or to face a chorus of discontent?

Anonymous said...

Here's Russian reply to US sanctions:

'Russia’s lower house of parliament, the State Duma, is planning to discuss the potential withdrawal of the country from the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO), according to Pyotr Tolstoy, the vice speaker of the parliament.

Russia has just started the process to withdraw from Council of the Baltic Sea States.

Previously they canceled membership in the Council of Europe.

We are also waiting for a formal announcement that from now on, oil will also have to be paid for in Rubles.

These are major changes in our world configuration.'


Anonymous said...

Out of the US$150 million, US$60 million will be dedicated to maritime programmes led mostly by the US Coast Guard, which means using for the US operations themselves !

Anonymous said...

When the USA and the West continue to lie about threats and forced leaders to believe in their lies, there will come a time when such lies no longer will work. Other leaders just grew tired of too much lying, just like too much winning for the USA over the trade war with China.

If the USA did not resort to arm twisting and veiled threats, such as you are either with us or against us, not many sensible leaders would be following them meekly and blindly. Even some Europeans within NATO are now having second thoughts on the war in Ukraine. Analysts have come to the conclusion that NATO will not last till the end of this decade. So, Sweden and Finland joining is just hogwash just to show the world their fake solidarity to create new fake threats for Russia.

They also lied about Vietnam, creating fabricated fears that if South Vietnam falls, the rest of South East Asia will fall like dominoes. Well, now that South Vietnam has fallen, did the countries of South East Asia fell to the communist? Did this happen even when they already fled with tails between their legs and left SEA to the communist? That was one big lie.

They also lied about Iraq, fabricating evidence of WMD and chemical weapons possession. They fabricate videos of trucks carrying pipes claiming those were to be used for making missiles. They fabricate fake videos showing white powders manufactured by factories and bombed those factories to kingdom come. These factories were later found to be baby milk powder factories and in consequence depriving Iraqi babies of their feed. This is a war crime and genocide. They were never investigated.

Now, they have fabricated all the lies about Ukraine where they were hiding biological weapon labs and using neo Nazi elements to get rid of Russians in the East. There was genocide committed against Russians in the Donbass and Luhansk region, which was denied all along. Putin had no choice but to step in.

Wonder whether people have noticed that there is now a media war being hatched against the Philippines over the election of Marcos Jr, who is making a beeline towards China. The USA will be funding the opposition, NGOs, and more CIA involvements in destabilising the Philippines.

Anonymous said...

Without the US$15 million handout, out of the US$150 million donation to beggars, the Philippines is going to be surrounded by other ASEAN countries using USA sponsored patrol vessels. The Philippines will be a big threat to ASEAN, so says the USA now. All because Marcos Jr is looking towards China.

Anonymous said...

Will the US Coast Guard be operating out of Singapore base to patrol the South China Sea?

Anonymous said...

Right you are Anon 9.29

Let the Americunts day in and day out schemed and tried to sabo all and sudry with their wasted energies.

Whilst others expend their time building up cordial relatuimships and progress.

M.O.T. when their own are in deep shits with their own shits nation in deep shits, then we will have what's Nancy Pepsi and Cola exclaimed what' s beautiful sights when their own started riots and killings.
They broke up the Soviet Union with their plots and evil schemes.
Now be their turn to be broken up in splinstered states.
Just enjoy the beautiful rights of their own riots and they killing amongst themselves.
Karmas now befallen on them soon.

Anonymous said...

'The Americans think they can take down China..

7.38 into this utube link from Gonzalo Lira:


Anonymous said...

Texas and California are going to break away from the USA. Hawaii would want to be independent too. Several others are also looking at this option. The breakup of the USA is coming soon. Trump and his white supremacists would make America difficult to exist as a single entity. The blacks, Latinos and other coloured people would want to be free from the white supremacist now working hand in glove with the neo Nazis.

Trump is a Nazi, Fauci, Bolton, etc etc are all Nazis.

Anonymous said...

It is not without reasons that for many decades till today, the United States of America to many Middle Eastern people is the Great Satan, the Devil !

Anonymous said...

The Philippines, once a colony of the Americans and then their closest ally with the biggest American bases in SE Asia, is now breaking free from the clutches of the Americans. But the evil Americans would not let them go so easily as they have cultivated many traitors in the Philippines armed forces to do their bidding.

Now in the dying days of Americans being completely chased out of the Philippines, they are going to resort to open violence to remain in the Philippines, to continue to keep the Philippines as their colony to dominate the Asean region. Things are going to hot up in the Philippines.

Anonymous said...

During the summit the Americans set the agenda to discuss war crimes in Ukraine, but only alleged those committed by the Russians, not by the neo Nazi Ukrainians against Russian speaking Ukrainians.

The two biggest Muslim countries in Indonesia and Malaysia did not raise about the war crimes in the Palestine committed by the Israelis supported by the Americans.

Anonymous said...

The Americans are raising this red herring of China threat to bring in their warships to control their so called Indo Pacific region. If Asean is stupid enough to be conned by the Americans, then they would move in to set up military base here as the hegemon of the Indo Pacific region with India, Australia and Japan as their barking dogs.

China is a threat, China is a threat, we are the protectors and policemen of the Indo Pacific region, to 'protect' the weak Asean countries from China. And we will become the big gangsters here and be their big boss.

Asean countries so easy to con? Some Asean countries like to be ruled by the white men and happily sing along and accept this red herring threat to invite the Americans here, to be the policemen in the region. Inside Asean there are traitors working for the Americans.

Anonymous said...

The biggest humanitarian crisis is now happening in the Middle East. The Saudi/Yemen war has displaced tens of millions of Yemenis as refugees, much more than in Ukraine. But this has never been the focus of attention in the MSM of the West, nor Western Governments. All they talk about now is how much suffering the White Ukrainians are going through.

Suffice to say, the MSM of the West does not even want to talk about the problems in the USA itself, the homelessness, drug additions, inflation and food shortage and instead focusing on Ukraine, China and Russia. Now hammering away at the COVID19 situation in North Korea after having castrated China for it's zero COVID policy.

Of course, when even the President of the USA is not talking about the falling apart of the USA and instead of how he can help his own citizens, he is sending tens of billions of US$ in aid to Ukraine.

Anonymous said...

The UK in its geopolitical struggle with China provokes Beijing by openly undermining and sabotaging its Achilles'heel, which is Hong Kong, and has become Hong Kong's enemy. 'Former colonies like Singapore and Malaysia severed ties with Britain's justice system decades ago and never looked back'. -- SCMP Chief News Editor, May 17


Anonymous said...

"You know that creepy ex who keeps stalking you after you've moved on with your life? That's the UK for Hong Kong, insisting it still has a right to dictate how its former colony should run, and obsessing like a jilted lover in a fatal attraction reduced to rabbit-boiling animosity."

- Opinion by SCMP Chief News Editor

Anonymous said...

The world now calls the UK 'Little Britain' or 'Little Mouse"'. It is still trying to poke the Russian Bear and the Chinese Dragon when the whole world has brushed them aside as inconsequential nuisance. With just an island and a half left to brag, they have still not realised how much they have shrunken in the eyes of the world.

Anonymous said...

Both Northern Ireland and Scotland have told England of their intent to be independent states.

England would be reduced to the size of West Malaysia and would be booted out of the UN permanent member of the Security council. Little England is the size of a hen's egg, no right to be in the Permanent Member of the Security Council.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the descendants of Trump are all Neo-Nazi. They have made themselves to the White House for only one purpose - i.e. to make the White Supramacist rise again, just like during Hitler's Time, to live for another period of glory?

Once Trump takes over for the second term, ousting Joker Biden, he will ensure that the entire system of government changes.

Anonymous said...

The dirty USA Security Agency is actually a rubber stamp for the White House.

Anonymous said...

This is still an improved treatment of foreign leaders by POTUS. In one the summit meeting between 2 leaders, Trump was seated behind his big desk at the Oval office, Serbian President Alexaner Vuccic was seated in a chair facing Trump, not unlike a mischievous schoolboy called up to the headmaster's office for questions and discipline.
That incident probably led Serbia to be even more pro - China and Russia than ever before.

US has no respect for foreign countries and leaders unless they require their help.
Now, they are talking friendly to Venezuelan president Moduro because of their oil when before US tried regime change and sanctions to unseat him.

Anonymous said...

Senile President Joe Biden called the US-ASEAN summit the beginning of a "new era" in the relationship.

The "new era" will last two years till 5 November 2024 - the next US Presidential election - which would most likely see the return of neocon neo-Nazi Trump . .

Anonymous said...

How close will the Philippines be to China after Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr's presidential election victory on 9 May ? You gauge . .

It was September 1974. Then President Marcos Sr sent his wife Imelda Marcos (an admirer of Mao Zedong) to China, where she met Mao, who by then was 81, weak and ill. When they met, Imelda put Mao’s hand to her cheek. Surprisingly, Mao put Imelda’s hand to his lip and lightly kissed it in a classic Western gesture.

The scene was captured by photographers, and became what the Chinese media described as “the number one kiss in the world” and “the only photograph of Mao Zedong kissing a woman”.

People focused on the interaction between Mao and Imelda; few noticed young Marcos Jr, at his mother’s side, exuding an aristocratic air. After Mao kissed Imelda’s hand, Marcos Jr also excitedly went up to Mao and kissed his cheeks.

Forty-eight years later, that youth is now about to govern the Philippines, as probably the only world leader who has kissed Mao Zedong.

Anonymous said...

Xi Jinping talks with Philippine president-elect Marcos Jr over phone

BEIJING, May 18 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping had a phone conversation with Philippine President-elect Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos on Wednesday morning on bilateral ties and regional development.

Xi congratulated Marcos again on his election as president of the Philippines.

He stressed that Marcos has participated in and witnessed the development of China-Philippines relations, calling Marcos a builder, supporter and promoter of the China-Philippines friendship.

Citing a Philippine saying "If you do not know where you have come from, you cannot go far," Xi urged both countries to carry forward the friendship of the two sides and stay true to their original aspiration.

The Chinese president said the two countries should also grasp the general trend, write a grand story on the China-Philippines friendship in the new era and follow through the blueprint for bilateral friendly cooperation, so as to usher in an even brighter future for the bilateral ties.

Marcos Jr’s victory is indeed a headache for the United States.

In 2011, Marcos Jr and Imelda were both found guilty of contempt of court by a judge in Hawaii and fined US$353 million, in connection with a human rights class suit against Marcos Sr in 1992. For the past 15 years, Marcos Jr has evaded the judgement and has not set foot in the US.

patriot said...

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was
invited to the Whitr House before the ASEAN Leaders
were invited collectively.
That went to show how special Sin got
respected, at least the Chief of the State got
sprcial priviledge.

Anonymous said...

The breakup of the USA will come. Never presume that it will not and cannot happen. Who could have predicted the fall of Hitler or other untouchable leaders or the fall of Rome or the British Empire?

Maybe Donald Trump will have the honour of presiding over it, just like what Gorbachev did for the Soviet Union. Remember the prophecy that Trump, the 45th President will be the last USA President. Maybe they misinterpreted the prophecy that it is the return of the 45th President who will see the end of the USA. Trump will return to finish his wish with MAGA or Make America Go Away.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The Americans' gravest mistake was to write off the Marcos and to get the Hawaiian court to fix them with heavy fines, yes US$353m, and also to return US$2b to the Philippines. Such rash acts by the Americans were as good as trying to finish the Marcos family. the Marcos would never forget these ungrateful acts of the Americans.

Well, the Americans might have not thought highly of Bongbong, but he is back to become the President of the Philippines. How on earth could the Americans mend fences with the Marcos for what they had done to Bongbong and his mother? America is as good as gone case to Bongbong. No amount of apologies could undo the harm and humiliation inflicted. Period.

Imelda and Bongbong were greatly received by China and Chairman Mao, a great historical titan of his time. And given what China can do for Bongbong and the Philippines, the choice is obvious.

During Duterte's rein, China was hesitant as the next pro American President could undo all the good work and investments in the Philippines. With Bongbong in charge, and another Duterte in line to resume the good relations, China can be confident of 12 years of opportunity to help develop Philippines into a prosperous country to show the benefits of good relations with China. After 12 years, the results would show, and there would be no more doubts of the benefits of such a relationship.

12 years could also see the passing away of the pro American elites and for a new generation of nationalist political leaders to emerge. Barring any regime change by the Americans, the Philippines could now look forward for more good years of economic development, to return to become the richest country in Asean as before.

Anonymous said...

Marcos Jr would have been arrested like Huawei CFO on the order of the USA, if he had travelled to any European country.

Now, of course, as the President elect of the Philippines, he will enjoy diplomatic immunity and avoid arrest. Not so for Imelda I suppose.

Whoever heard of US$353 million fine for contempt of court? Must be a court in Hell!

Anonymous said...

If PM Lee's dinner with Biden was to represent Asean and with pre consultations with Asean leaders, it would be a positive thing.

If the visit was initiated by Biden, to have a pre Summit briefing on what position to take, it might not be seen as a good thing by the Asean leaders.

Anonymous said...

It is a court in Hellwaii after all.

Anonymous said...

US$353m fine is daylight robbery. You can expect that from the Americans robbing from the Marcos family that had lost power and in their mercy. They were trying to skin the Marcos and rob them of whatever they could get. The Marcos were defenceless.

This is a very shameful and disgraceful act against the Marcos family.

Anonymous said...

What will other ASEAN leaders think of the pre summit between Biden and Lee? Will they feel slighted? Duterte's absence at the meeting certainly is a discreet message that he is not on the same wavelength.

Anonymous said...

Very mean of the Americans. Hitting a woman when she was down and out.

Anonymous said...

What to expect from the Americans? They did the same to Najib also when he is down.

Anonymous said...

The Philippines is still holding about US$53 billion in US Treasuries. Hope they do not end up like Afghanistan, Venezuela and Russia. Better to be safe than sorry when the shit hits the fan.

Anonymous said...

They also did that to the very poor Afghans, stealing their $7 billion sovereign reserves even when the Afghans were living in very squalid conditions . .

patriot said...

Indonesia will be a great economic power, if its' leader and people maintain peace and stability as it has sustained
under Presidents Yuddoyono and currently by Joko Widodo.
Indonesia is richly-endow natyrally and is an old civilization that stands the Test of time.
I like to say that if lndia
China, Russia and ASEAN
for their own people and collectively
for the World, there shall be much jou and happiness for all.
The Most Unfortunate
Human Flaw is the Supremacist and lmperialist Ambition ingrain in some cultures

Hopefully, humanity could become more enlightened though it may require a great catastrophe for the Humankind
to want to work
towards one.

Anonymous said...

The meek shalt inherit the world.

All the oppressed and bullied people of the world that suffered under the brutality of the whites shall work together to be rich and prosperous and inherit the world.

Let the white savages kill themselves. Do not be deceived by double talk white savages.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anon. NOT Aids.

Debts to be paid for the war arsenals.

Bare truth said...

Biden is an Obama puppet

White Savage said...

Everyone reading too much into the seating plan. They need to consult a protocol expert.

Anonymous said...

@Bare trut - please try consolidate your thoughts into one meaningful post. This isn't Twitter where you post something everytime you fart.

Anonymous said...

The USA thought they have finished off Marcos Jr's ambition with that Hawaiian Court decision, and never thought he could be elected the next President of the Philippines. The fact that they made that decision in the Hawaiian court with such hilarious claims and fines indicate that they see Marco Jr's chances at the Presidency unlikely. They betted wrongly.

Now they have a Gordian Knot to untie, seeing that Marcos Jr is leaning heavily towards China, which makes it even more difficult for the USA to continue to have good relations with the Philippines.

With Laos and Cambodia betting on China and Vietnam and Philippines not rocking the boat in their relationship with China, the USA's task of reining in ASEAN will be that much more difficult.

Anonymous said...

Marcos Jr is leaning heavily towards China, Lee Jr is leaning heavily towards US

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

USA blackmailing of others is not called blackmail. It is called sanctions.

Ukraine is also good at playing with words nowadays. The Azovstal fighters 'surrendering' to Russia has been touted as an 'evacuation'. No wonder they called Ukrainian defeat on many fronts and occasion as 'Ukrainian Victory' the last three months. The massaging is hilarious and must be painful for these fighters that surrendered.

LKY's Left Eye said...

Marcos Jr is leaning heavily towards China, Lee Jr is leaning heavily towards US

Let's see who wins. Son of a corrupt dictator who lies about having an Oxford degree , or the person who had "the greatest intellectual achievement attainable in Britain" who is voted in by a nation with the highest IQ. LOL!

Anonymous said...

So confusing. Which one is the dictator?
Which one lied about Oxford degree?
Which one has the greatest intellectual achievement attainable in Britain?
Which one has the highest IQ?

Tsingtao said...

Anon - drink your beer and don't ask so many questions. You are confused enough.

B.Seng said...

Will the US Coast Guard be operating out of Singapore base to patrol the South China Sea.

It will be good for my friend's food business. He supplies to the US Navy ships when they are here, so I think he will be able to also get the Coast Guard business. He make a lot of money. Always pay for us when we go out. :):)

Anonymous said...

Can't agree more with your comments.

Anonymous said...

The Rest of the World's Leaders are just too afraid of the Mafia Gangsters. Lost all their balls when summoned by the UAssA. Now only North Korea, China,Russis and Iran dared to point their middle fingers to the Americunts.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, our PM seems to be very please to be a stooge of the US.

Anonymous said...

Knowing our PM, of course.

Anonymous said...

US Coast Guard ships are not US navy ships. Hitting the Coast Guard ships wouldn't be considered as act of war. Fake pirates may target and sink it.

Anonymous said...

But even fake pirates will be construed as false flag by China by the lengthy stretch of the imagination that they will fabricate.

Again, if they can fabricate evidence to start a war in Iraq and Libya, what else is beyond them?

Boonee said...

What emperor, a terrorist nation!

Anonymous said...

This is classic no free lunch in the Whitehouse.
ASEAN countries are in different stages of economic strength and development.
Those which are bold enough, like the Philippines, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand, to move out of the US orbit and work with China, may eventually break free.
For Malaysia and Singapore?
I have my doubts.

patriot said...

ASEAN Members are on the Same Bed but having different dreams.
Some are wary and even fearful of Fellow Members. It is normal, as there are differences not only in development and culture, there are also different affiliations with the Super-powers who are
at odds with one another.
I do not see
ASEAN Members having to be wary amongst themselves.
South East Asia
is a region on the Rise and most are richly endow with sparse population. It is also relatively
safe from major natural disasters.
Mosy have more than enough to live on.
The Younger Grnerations World-wide are less interested in war. Yhey want to live in peace and with more travels to other countries, the Youngs
are more alien friendly.
It shall be a great and grave mistake for any
country to allow foreign interference in their domestic affair
and or alliance.
It is vital to avoid and prevent becoming the stooge
of the Super-power and get oneself hold
ransom by it.
It is pure stupidity to make oneself a victim of any bully, especially one with nefarious intention. Period

Anonymous said...

We are now in a multi polar world. With the rise of China and Russia, and the decline of individual European countries, the USA is no longer the unchallenged super power. Small countries can now exercise freedom of choice without being swallowed or invaded by the Americans, or through regime change.

The fear of the number one terrorist USA is now lesser. In fact the Americans would have to try to win the affection of smaller countries, not by brute force or you are with us or against us.

Anonymous said...

YB Ismail Sabri our PM also no guts to go against
He is a puppet in Malaysia.
Gone are the days

Anonymous said...

Insult for spore to accept share of 150 million. City state has much more worth.

Anonymous said...

A lot of comments from Singapore.They have forgotten that they are theclosest puppet of the US now the most critical.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Was there no agenda? Knowing the agenda, for what did the ASEAN leaders go there......

Anonymous said...

They should consider withdrawing from security council of the United Nations as well

Anonymous said...

USA is a big bully. Under the sleepy Joe Biden it is worst because everything is done by staff in the name of Biden. US is a mess. ASEAN should not waste time to listen to US over our local waters.

Anonymous said...

US gives USD40 billions to Ukraine. USD150 MILLION is for ASEAN. USD60.0 MILLION is for US coast guard operations in ASEAN waters. What is this. Peanuts for "slave"? What USD40 BILLION for White Race Unity for supremacy?

Avatar said...

Any one country in Asean can easily close USD1.0 billion by signing a single deal with China based on mutually beneficial terms and conditions. The Americans should just keep their "generous USD150 million"

wonderingdotcom said...

Get Trump back

Anonymous said...

Ukraine is a country whose people have blonde hair and blue eyes

Anonymous said...

Thank you for saying as it is. The emperor has neither clothes nor brain. Looks like only stooge leaders are clambering to be associated with them.

Anonymous said...

Agreed LHL remains a stooge for USA by sanctioning Russia off tangent to the rest of ASEAN.