Why is the American Empire in rapid decline? The scholars would have a field day listing out the errors or mistakes committed by the clowns in Washington that brought about the impending collapse of this obsolete and evil Empire that depends on wars and more wars to destabilise the rest of the world for its own interests. Actually, one of the key factors causing the decline of the American Empire is a dysfunctional democratic system that failed to deliver the best men and women to lead and manage the Empire. Every election would bring about a bunch of clowns, half bakes, charlatans into the White House and they acted as if they were the most brilliant men and women in America. Even the Congressmen and women or the Senators are equally misfits, elected by a flawed electoral system.
American leadership is not about meritocracy but about salesmanship, liars and about popularity contest. It has gone so bad that criminals, conmen, gangsters, murderers, morally corrupt individuals, D graders, evil men and women, were even considered good enough to lead, and an electorate of ignorant hillbillies would not question their abilities and integrity to be the leaders of their nation and the American Empire. Many were elected because they looked like the movie stars popularised by Hollywood, not because of talents or abilities.
I will just mention a few major factors here to elaborate my point. With poor, incompetent and intellectually challenged individuals as leaders, these charlatans resort to lies to lead or mislead the Americans into the abyss. And this is helped by the equally ignorant hillbillies with1960s mentality, fed with lies by the conmen and women and happily go along thinking that the liars could make America great again. One election after another, one president and his bunch of clowns after another came and gone, and the only consistent pattern is down the slope of decadence and decline.
The demonisation of China, spreading the lie that China is going to invade the mighty American Empire from across the ocean, when China is militarily and economically so much weaker, is a sick joke that only the hillbillies would believe wholesale. They even believe herdsmen from Afghanistan and farmers from Somalia are a threat to the Empire. And they believe in these vicious lies like unthinking believers, ignoring all the historical facts and evidence that China was never an expanding empire even when it was the most powerful and richest country on earth. China was in fact a victim of white colonialism, invaded, looted and almost colonised for more than a century. China was a victim of white savages, not the aggressor the savages made China to be.
With such a belief, it was easy to fabricate more lies to bolster the bigger lie. China's trade surplus is raping America and hurting America. What utter rubbish. America is benefitting from all the trade with China. America is using pieces of printed paper to exchange for all the goods and products from China practically for free except for the cost of ink and paper. Also, the trade deficit needs not be so. It is the Americans that intentionally caused the trade deficit by refusing to sell high value tech goods like chips and machinery to China. And this is a double whammy to the American economy. Not only it creates an artificial trade deficit, it is also strangling its own high tech industries, impoverishing and bankrupting high tech companies by not allowing them to sell to the biggest customer, China. American trade deficit vis a vis China is a big lie, a big fake situation.
In the capitalist economic system, it is a natural process for the developed industrialised countries to move up the value chain and discard the low value industries as they progressed. China is also doing it now, divesting all the low value, labour intensive industries to lower cost countries. America's strength was to stay on top of the high value ladder. America's dominance in chip industries is a case in point. While achieving that, America is not benefiting from it by no wanting to sell the high value chips to China, thus making it an empty victory. To make matter worse, Trump wants to bring back all the lesser and obsolete industries to start production in America, like obsolete legacy automobiles from Europe etc etc. How would this help the high production cost in America, with high labour cost to boot to become competitive? The race should be to the top, to stay ahead of the rest in new tech and leading edge industries. This leaves China free to run ahead in new technologies and industries to stay in high value manufacturing.
The inept leaders and clowns in Washington would not be that stupid not to see this truth. But they chose to keep on lying to control the narrative to mislead the dumb hillbillies that their lies were the truths. It ended up with the American regime initiating all kinds of trade and tech wars, sanctions against China, including weaponising the US dollar. The clowns could not appreciate how advantageous the American Empire was in with the US dollar as the main currency for trade, the reserve currency of the whole world. This special privilege allows the Americans to feast on the rest of the world that worked and sweated furiously to feed the Americans for free. If the Washington clowns had not killed this golden goose, Americans could go on and on printing worthless papers to exchange for all the desirable goods the world is producing without anyone being wiser. And they can have all the best mobile phones Made in China, Chinese EVs, real 5G, Chinese high speed trains, all for a song. Yet, the clowns must spoil the party and ended the clever scheme devised by the American leaders in Bretton Woods. And they are still blaming China, using China as the convenient strawman to whack and for the hillbillies to have an enemy to fear and to hate. Talk to any empty head hillbilly and you can feel the intense hatred for China and Chinese without them knowing why, without knowing that they are the real losers today and going forward.
Just one more interesting point. The clowns keep on repeating the same mistakes over and over again and thinking that they would get a different result. Maybe they have not awakened up from their naughty and vicious myth that Chinamen are stupid, no talent and would forever be lesser beans than the superior white men. So, they banned the Chinamen from participating in the space programme, believing that the Chinamen would not be able to think through and discover the science and engineering of space technology and would be left behind in the dark ages, backward and impoverish. This was the second failure in underestimating the Chinaman.
The first failure was to lock up the real father of American rocketry in the 1950s, thinking that after a few months he would become a retard, forgotten whatever he stored in his brain. After abusing him, locked him in the dark room, in isolation for months, they thought it was sufficient to destroy this Chinese genius. They traded him for a few American prisoners of war held by China. This Chinaman, Qian Xuesen, became the pioneering scientist to launch China's space programme and also had a hand in the development of China's nuclear weapons. He was not only the lead scientists but also trained hundreds and thousands of Chinese scientists and engineers to continue his work in space exploration and missile technology.
Trying to keep China down strategy did not work in the past, would not work today as well. But the clowns continued and tried to sanction Huawei in 5G technology instead of welcoming and cooperating to use this advanced technology. Not only did Huawei leapfrogged ahead and now developing and using 6G, but the poor Americans are also still stuck with using 4.5G tech that they lied to the hillbillies to be 5G. How pathetic.
The clowns did not stop at Huawei and continue to repeat the same mistake with each mistake making China stronger and stronger. They started a chip war with China, banning sales of high end chips to China hoping to kill the Chinese chip industry and to stop China's progress in these areas. Again, they failed and made China stronger. China is about to surge ahead or at least on par with the American chip makers. Actually, all the chip makers are Chinese. Nvidia, AMD, TSMC are Chinese companies using Chinese engineers and Chinese technicians to develop high end chips.
The clowns still did not learn anything. Continue to war with China, this time trying to contain China in AI. They went on to build an American wall of chips costing trillions of dollars thinking that this would fend off the Chinese challenge and keep the Chinese behind in AI. On the day chief clown Trump announced his US$500 billion dollar wall to keep China out of the game, or stop China in AI technology, China pulled a rug under his feet, offered a US$5.6 million dollar AI app, DeepSeek, that sent the US$500 billion wall crumbling down in one clean sweep.
The clowns and the hillbillies still cling on to their beliefs that the Chinamen are inferior to them in intelligence, and they can build walls, start trade or tech wars to keep China from progressing and be better than them. They still believe that they can succeed to contain and isolate China and keep China down, forgetting that in the process, the American Empire is crumbling to pieces by their own neglect, instead of competing, they thought war would save the American Empire from decline.
Keep repeating the mistakes over and over again and hoping for a different result? Oops, better to let the clowns continue to repeat their mistakes over and over again. And let the hillbillies think they are superior and have a better life than the Chinese and the people of the world. Chief clown Trump would make America great again.
One more point, the Washington clowns committed another grave strategic mistake by pushing Russia into the arms of China. The combined strength of Russia and China would be a formidable force to deal with. They would not be pushed around by the Americans. Period.