
USAID - The evil Americans would not stop destabilising and destroying peace and stability across the world

 The world already long knows where USAID went to - regime changing, destabilizing governments, creating chaos, sabotaging countries all using the CIA, NED and USA supported NGOs on the pretext of providing humanitarian aid. Apart from that are also the funding by evil people like George Soros, doing the dirty work of the USA.

Thailand wanted to enact a new law to force NGOs to reveal their source of funding, which will all point to the NED, and faces human rights violations and freedom of whatever nonsense accusations, resulting in fightbacks. Humanitarian aid is just the cover on the surface of those NGOs, but the real motive is destabilization when the time comes to do it, using its connections to work the ground up. In every country there are always people working against their governments, even in the USA itself. Think about the Red and Yellow Shirts that carried out those protests in Thailand few years back. Think also about the protests in Hong Kong and the fabrication of mistreatment of Uyghur Muslim minorities in Xinjiang. This is all part of the work of what USAID is doing all over the world.

Having said about the dismantling of USAID, the other part of the darkness of the issue is the merging of USAID with the State Department as reported, which will just be pulling wool over people's eyes, while maintaining the same policies of destabilizing other Sovereign States. It is just old wine being put into new bottles to fool the unwary.


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