
1969 Apollo technology more superior to China's 2024 Chang' e technology? - American Exceptionalism at its best

 While the Americans are still engrossed in their wars, fighting wars, starting wars, provoking and inciting more wars, China quietly went to the far side of the moon and returned with 2 kg of moon soil samples for research and to understand the conditions on the moon. And without fail, the Americans resort to demonise the Chinese scientific exploration of the moon and accusing China of wanting to claim all the resources on the moon, to colonise the moon.  What else is new from the warmongering American terrorists? The trouble making Americans have a budget of US$1.5b just to write negative articles and narratives against China.

The Chinese Chang'e 6 mission took a total of 53 days to return to earth with the moon sample. This is a far cry from the 8 days that Apollo mission took to visit the moon, landed on the moon and return to earth. The duration taken by Apollo must be indeed much more advanced and sophisticated than Chang'e 6. This is how superior the American technology was, but not today. Or was it that the moon then was much nearer to earth than the present moon? Since this is not possible, then it must be the more powerful and advanced Apollo rockets that could cut the time travel to less than 7 times the Chang'e 6 took. American 1969 technology was the best, better than what China has today.

America's 1969/70s space technology and computers are definitely more superior even to their latest technology used in the Artemis mission that even failed to land properly on the moon. It must be a case of the American technology getting from world best to ordinary. Instead of getting better and more advanced and more sophisticated, the American technology is falling down into a black hole day by day.

As they said, the truth can be stranger and more fascinating than fiction. Which is the truth and which is fiction?



Chinese should thank Mao for not becoming like the natives of America, now an endangered specie

 Chinese everywhere must realize how fortunate that China had not be torn to pieces by the eight nations in the 1900. Had that happened, Chinese in China today would now be like the Native American Indians and the Australian Aborigines, having to live in reservations aka concentration camps in the Gobi Desert, under Anglo-Saxon White control. There have been repeated attempts to tear China apart by the West and Japan, but more than five thousand years of tenacity and wisdom saw to its survival against all odds. China is retaking its position in the world today.

The Japanese, thinking that they will control China, had conducted massacres in Nanjing in 1937, probably hoping to exterminate the Chinese population altogether. They even conducted biological tests on Chinese victims intending to end the Chinese population for good. That was what the Nazis did in its attempt to cause the extinction of the Jews in Europe.

For that, Chinese everywhere must remember Mao Tse Tung, who was instrumental in throwing out foreign forces inside China. Mao may have made some mistakes, but his getting rid of foreign forces destroying China was something that the Chinese population are forever thankful for and never will be forgotten. His portrait hanging proudly at Tiananmen square is testament to his importance in Chinese history to the Chinese population. As Chinese, are we not thankful for what Mao did? Only 'Orang China Bukan China' will rubbish that.

And for throwing out the foreign forces, Mao had been demonized to no end by the West. They picked on his mistakes and magnified them, like the famine under his policy. Likewise, Xi Jinping will be demonized for his part in causing the fall of the US$ hegemony and the USA as the sole superpower. 


Silly American colonies in Japan, South Korea and Europe wanting to sanction their biggest customer, China!

 Japan cannot follow de-dollarization as it is under the thumb of the USA. Even trying to prop up the Yen is not allowed. Janet Yellen warned Japan against over-reacting, knowing Japan will sell its US treasuries to buy Yen. Japan is a total puppet on a string.

Kishida thought that by raising interest rates from zero will change the situation. It failed miserably, despite Japan even spending billions to prop up the falling Yen. Japan is a very sick country economically today, all because of the USA's control of its economic direction. Yet Japan is following the USA's dictate to sanction China. Just like the EU, Japan is going to sink into oblivion. Only 10.4% of Japanese in a poll wants Kishida to remain as PM.

It is ironic that some countries have still not realized the consequence of following the USA after seeing what the EU is turning into just by sanctioning Russian energy. Russia is not yet on the level of China in economic strength and clean energy innovation. Sanctioning Chinese EVs is a slap on the face of the USA and the EU.

BYD is pulling out investments in Europe and migrating to Mexico. The Mexicans are welcoming them with open arms. Jobs will be created and EVs made in Mexico will flood the South American and Global South market. BYD is perceptively distancing itself from investing in the USA and Europe for good. There is a bigger market in the Global South, which it is eyeing and will dominate. What are USA and EU EV makers going to do to compete? Cost wise they are unable and unthinkable to do so.

And with China also erecting tariffs against USA and European cars entering the Chinese market, it is a no brain move by the USA and EU to raise tariffs against Chinese EVs to the heavens. It will hurt their own carmakers more than China. And it will certainly hurt their own consumers buying expensive cars that others in the Global South are paying much less for.

Suffice to say, shooting their own feet seems to be the intention of the USA and the West. So be it.


America continues to perpetuate genocides in Gaza and Ukraine

 The Ukraine War started well before 2022, but the USA and the West are trying to promote the Ukraine War as a Russian invasion without provocation. The War against Russian speaking Ukrainians in the Donbass region started in 2014 or even earlier in 2008. But this part of history is never invoked to give a real picture of the background. Those who took the Western propaganda at face value will condemn the Russians as invaders for no reason. That was supposed to be their 'Principled' stand.

The Israeli/Hamas war followed the same pattern, just promoting the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th, 2023, as without provocation. All those years of Israeli forced occupation and seizing of Palestinian lands to build Israeli settlements was never mentioned as the real cause of the Hamas attack. Hamas was just taking up the cudgel on behalf of the Palestinians in Gaza, just like the Russians in the Donbass region. Again, those who took the propaganda at face value will condemn the Hamas attack of October 7th on Israel as unprovoked.

Strangely, unprecedented, overwhelming and overreacting Israeli attack on a smaller state was not considered an 'Unprincipled' invasion. It was genocide on every scale to extinguish the Palestinians for more land to build Israeli settlements. And who was behind the Israeli action? It does not need a three-year-old child to figure that out, LOL.

In the language of the USA and the West, those opposing them are accused of being terrorist. And the MSM and cronies will repeat the chorus over and over again. The irony is that such propaganda will stick for those not wanting to find out the truth.


Mahathir destroyed, Anwar builds. Mahathir drove away Malaysian talents to Singapore

 The irony is that when Malaysia gets a good leader, Singapore will bear the consequences. All the years of the Mahathir Government principally provided Singapore with all the advantages to grow and prosper at Malaysia's expense. Mahathir was not leading the country forward but nitpicking on issues and feathering his and his children's pockets, creating racial disharmony to remain in power and harming the country. While Anwar Ibrahim was more forward thinking as his deputy, that did not end up well for him in the eyes of Mahathir. He was punished with trumped up charges.

Anwar Ibrahim sounds like a good leader now leading the country forward. But the problem is that he has not yet garnered the full support in Government and has to rely on the tainted UNMO to form a coalition. This is preventing him from exercising his leadership role without hindrance. And the opposition, PAS in particular, and Mahathir are dead set against him. An IS plot against the Malaysian King and Anwar has just been uncovered and arrest made. Who is behind it is going to be interesting. Mahathir had earlier been associated with another plot dubbed 'The Dubai Move' to remove Anwar. Of course, Mahathir denied all links to that attempt.

Talents from Malaysia who came to study in Singapore refused to return to serve the Malaysian side. Most stayed behind, became citizens and contributed to Singapore's growth instead. With incentives like jobs paying multiple times what they can get in Malaysia, who does not want that.

Past leaders like Goh Keng Swee (born in Malacca), Hon Sui Sen (born in Penang) and Howe Yoon Chong (born in China but migrated to Malacca) were also Malaysians who remained behind after separation, providing Singapore with the talents and insights in Government. But of course, they would never be given the opportunity to contribute their talents under the racially biased UMNO Government ruling Malaysia.



Taiwan - Only a military coup can save the Taiwan Chinese

 Lai ChingTe's pro independence gang has hit a road end. The Americans have told them that independence is no go. The Americans by now have assessed the situation thoroughly and know that the Chinese could easily send them into the bottom of the Pacific Ocean in an open war. The Americans would not sacrifice the life of a single American for Taiwan, an island that has little strategic importance to the American Empire. It makes no difference if Taiwan were to return to the motherland. It is only useful as a tool to irritate China and make the stupid Taiwanese pay by the billions without having to deliver the weapons they bought.

What is happening in Taiwan today is as good as a bunch of drunkards and imbeciles thumping their chests and dreaming of taking Taiwan away from China. The only consequence in this silly antic is that up to a point, China would have to step in by force to bring about a reunification. It could lead to a few days of bloodshed before the imbeciles and drunkards know that their wet dream would just be that, that they cannot change the fate of Taiwan.

The best thing to happen to Taiwan, to prevent a bloodbath of the reckless and unthinking Taiwanese is for the Taiwan military to step in, arrest all the DPP and pro independence leaders in a bloodless coup and negotiate with China for a peaceful reunification. Many lives would be saved, Taiwan would not be turned into a wasteland, everything would remain intact, life could go on as normal without hanging on a limbo.

The DPP and pro independence gang could not make any headway except to talk big about their wild dream of independence, to agitate the Taiwanese to want to knock their heads against a wall. But many Taiwanese are pragmatic people and would not want to die for a hopeless cause. Some may choose to die, but their deaths would not change anything.

On the other hand, there is no real and charismatic leader in Taiwan to lead the Taiwanese home. Taiwan would just be an apple rotting from inside, going nowhere. And the noose would be tighten day by day. The Taiwanese are waiting for a decisive leader to end their anxiety and move on. And since the political leadership is so weak, and running out of ideas, the military is the last hope to put an end to this dilemma. Once the military steps in and takes charge, the majority of the Taiwanese would go along with the reunification. Anything is better than what is happening or not happening in Taiwan now.

The Taiwanese people are waiting. Why is the Taiwanese military still hesitating? The political leadership is clueless and helpless, except talking like drunkards and imbeciles and making themselves look silly.

American colonies in same situation as China in the 1930s


 In the early 1930s in China, with many territorial concessions given to the foreign invading powers, China was cut up into pieces like a water melon. The 8 western powers, Japan was one of them, had their own territories in China which they called their own, administered by their respective police forces, their own laws and their own soldiers. Japan was particularly notorious with a huge army operating inside China, ruling over China like a colony within a colony. They employed the Chinese to work for them under Japanese rules and laws. And with their military forces, they planned to take over China by force, to colonise China with the help of the Chinese in their employed, with traitors and willing Chinese conspirators. China's sovereignty was at stake with the enemies inside China, on Chinese land.

The situation of many modern states with foreign military bases are very similar to the concession territories in China. The foreign powers actually own the land in the bases, have their own laws, police and soldiers to protect themselves, and if necessary, to take over the countries concern with their military forces. Can you imagine what a foreign power can do with their own military bases, airfields or ports, to stock up all the weapons needed to serve their interests, not the interests of the host countries?

What is happening in Europe is a stark reminder to other countries about having foreign military bases in their land. Japan and South Korea are two very unhappy occupied countries, with many American bases forced upon them, in the name of protecting them, but in reality, turning them into American colonies. Their military presence means they can decide who would be the leaders of the respective states, ie leaders that are pro America, like propping up Zelensky after initiating a coup in Ukraine. Any leader that is not pro the foreign power ie Americans, would be removed by regime change. Saudi Arabia is in a similar situation. They cannot get the American bases and soldiers out of their country.

Today, the Philippines are happily inviting the Americans to set up more military bases, up to 9 from 4 bases, to turn the Philippines into a de facto American colony. And the Pinoys are very happy about it. Or at least they are not protesting like how they protested to chase the Americans out of Subic Naval Base and Clark Air Force Base in the 80s. Now they are welcoming the Americans soldiers back with open arms. Maybe they are planning to be the 52nd state of the USA. 

The Americans are now in a position to decide who would be the President of the Philippines, and now working with Marcos to change the Philippines Constitution to allow him to be president for two terms. Another option is to raise tension and declare martial law like his father and rule the Philippines for as long as he likes. The Pinoys are increasing losing the right to decide what is good for the interests of the Philippines and another dictator Marcos is in the making.

The era of independence movements, independence fighters is over. Fighting for the independence of a nation state, to rule themselves, by their own people, is no longer a desirable thing to the Philippines. They chose to be ruled by the Americans. Similarly, the Taiwanese are very happy choosing to be ruled by the Americans and the Japanese. Who else is next, to want to invite foreign military forces to reside in their own land and to rule over them, to decide who should be their national leaders, with the approval of the foreign power?

Is cocaine in the White House American Exceptionalism?


 Do not forget that USA 'exceptionalism' extends to everything, even lying, cheating and stealing. What is a little cocaine in the White House after all? It is just cocaine and if USA can invoke 'exceptionalism' at its whims and fancies, why not Joe Biden?

A little cocaine in the White House is insignificant, affecting only Joe Biden and maybe his beloved son. Compare that to the walking dead on Kensington Ave, Pennsylvania, with a whole street full of people high on drugs. And that is not the only location. It is a nation-wide drug addiction problem. It probably is good that drug addiction extends from the ground right up to the top of the pyramid, so no one can complain, right? So, why try to blame China?

Give old Joe a break, will ya! Poor old Joe is suffering elderly abuse at the hands of the Democrats and has a pile of problem regarding his son, his own health and how to deal with gangster and ruffian Donald Trump. What Joe really needs is a nice place in an old folk's home, undisturbed, not having to be pushed around by handlers telling him when to sit, when to stand, when to turn around, when to walk and when to fall, oops. 


American colony South Korea begging to be screwed

 What Yoon Suk Yeol is doing to South Korea is no different from what Olaf Scholz is doing to Germany. Both are totally beholden to the USA and bending over backwards to please the USA. The way Yoon was groveling at the feet of Joe Biden during his recent visit to Washington was disgusting to say the least.

Germany is already tasting it's just deserts for following the USA's agenda in Europe. Yoon is doing the same to South Korea in East Asia. He wants to escalate the situation on the Korean Peninsula by supplying weapons to Ukraine, thinking this will gain favor with Joe Biden and the USA war mongers. Now he is caught in a bind. Putin is supplying arms to Kim Jong Un and that is bad news for South Korea. He is still threatening Putin when he was already warned earlier.

South Korea supplying weapons to Ukraine will not change the war in Ukraine one bit. It is the same as other NATO countries pouring 'game changing' weapons and achieving nothing positive. The USA and NATO had been doing it for more than two long years and South Korea is hoping to change the situation with a few dozen pieces of howitzers? What has South Korea achieved for its involvement with the USA in Vietnam? Still on the losing side, despite supplying more than 300,000 rotating troops fighting alongside the GIs.

This time around, if hostilities break out on the Korean Peninsula, it will not just be China on the side of the North Koreans. Russia has a security arrangement now with Kim that if one side is attack, it will involve the Russians too. NATO can do it, so does Russia, China and North Korea. The sword cuts both ways. 


Bankrupt European states wanting to conduct trade wars with their biggest market? How silly can they be?

 The Europeans are spooked by China's imposition of tariffs on European cars entering China. That is not all. China is intending to do to the EU what it did with agricultural products from the USA at the start of Trump's trade war. China is no more just taking it lying down. China has shown its ability to retaliate and that frightens the Europeans.

Who stands to lose the most? German car makers will face the biggest hit. Other EU countries will be hit by products like pork. I believe that is just the beginning of China's retaliation. China has found alternative markets in South America and Russia and is mending relations with Australia and New Zealand as well. The recent visit of Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang to New Zealand and Australia is not for exchanging T-shirts to quote LKY. China is too big a market for them to resist.

If Russian cheap energy crisis is already crippling Europe, can the EU afford another disaster happening with its agricultural sector? This is not a shortage of agricultural products befalling Europe. It is the shortage of demand from the Chinese market that is the problem. European farmers are already at wits end trying to compete with outside producers like Ukraine. The recent farmers protest says it all. It is no use for the EU trying to export its agricultural products to the USA, which is just like 'Carrying coal to Newcastle' to quote an outdated saying. Newcastle itself already had so much coal and sending more coal there is a pointless action.

Elsewhere in South America they are producing just as much agricultural products for export to China, and already competing with the EU. Mess with China and suffer the consequences is something the Europeans better learn.


Tools of the evil American Empire

 I observe with apprehension the dangerous ways Singapore leaders are acting against the interests of ASEAN countries in issues vis-avis between the warmongering and hegemonic West headed by the evil Anglo-Saxon United States and the rest of the world's global south countries which include Iran, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, China and Russia. Singapore has allowed the USA to use its puny territory as a military base without thinking that it will undoubtedly affect the security of ASEAN countries in which Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand are its closest neighbours. Don't the imbecile Singapore leaders know that the West headed by the Anglo-Saxon USA and England are incorrigible warmongers which have been attacking and invading other countries non-stop for the last over five hundred years. The West headed by the USA and UK have every intention to bring the whole world under its slavery bond and total hegemonic control.

They are using all kinds of tricks and hybric warfare to bring the global south countries under its domination. It uses divide and rule tactics pitching unsuspecting countries to fight against each other by creating petty territorial disputes or sowing dissension and religious antagonism. Then it will reap rich financial rewards by selling weapons to both warring parties.

One of its most toxic method to bring the global south countries under its control is the use of the patro dollar and the tight illicit control of the World Bank, The IMF and the SWIFT agency. This has resulted in its bringing the whole world under the financial slavery of the Anglo-Saxons.

Besides using the military, the Anglo-Saxons Americans also use trade sanctions, tariffs and blockades to bring others down to heel for their slavish domination and control.

Knowing how wicked and bellicose the Anglo-Saxons are, Singapore political leaders should not have blamed Russia for the Ukraine War and should not have subsequently joined the USA and the West to sanction Russia.

All Singapore's actions and open support for the United States and the West are ultra vires to the interests of ASEAN countries. Now Russia and China have made it clear that among the ASEAN countries only Singapore and the Philippines are not allowed to join the BRICS organisation of the South. Does that show clearly the dismal future of Singapore?

It is of the utmost urgency that Singapore needs to correct its wrong ways and decisions and repent so as to get in line with the interests of the countries of the South. Failing which it will be seen as digging its own graves. Singapore must stop misbehave or else face being booted out of ASEAN too.

Lee Tai Chong.


What is global norms?


Commentary: Trash balloons another sign of North Korea's refusal to act within global norms

North Korea sending trash-filled balloons to the South reflects its insouciance and recklessness when interacting with the rest of the world, says Robert Kelly of Pusan National University. CNA

Above is a typical western narrative of what is acceptable behaviour to the West that they called global norms, like freedom, democracy, human rights, freedom of navigations, freedom to incite social unrest by terrorist organisations like the CIA, NED, NGOs etc etc.

North Korea is condemned as violating global norms by sending trash filled balloons to the South. But why did the North Koreans did that? What did the South Koreans do before the North Koreans returned them the compliment? This, the western troublemakers and provocateurs would not say. It is like screaming out loud that Russia invaded Ukraine, but not saying what the Ukrainian Nazis did to the Russian speaking Ukrainians ie genocide. It is like saying the Gaza Genocide was started by the Hamas on 7 Oct and ignoring the military occupation of Palestinian land, massacres, genocides of the Palestinians over decades in Palestinian homeland.

Innocent readers that did not know history, did not bother to know the past, would take these biased and skewed narratives as the truth. The North Koreans are violating global norms, misbehaving, while the South Koreans were the nice guys. Who were the gangsters that were conducting repeated war games on the borders of North Korea, threatening to invade North Korea? The angels of God? The provocations and war games are for peace, for freedom, for democracy which the North Koreans did not have?

Innocent readers are warned of the daily publishing of American and western propaganda by a trillion dollar budget to demonise innocent states, to incite wars, to distort the truths, that terrorists are called angels, and innocent parties are called aggressors and terrorists.

Remember, the number one terrorist state in the world is the USA, at wars with every country, fighting wars everywhere, inciting and provoking to start more wars, and the main architect in the genocidal wars in Ukraine and Gaza. These are the global norms, demonise other states, to spread disinformation, to incite wars, provoke wars, fight wars to destabilise the world.

India needs more silly governments to sign CECA to export its unemployed

 CECA issues

Allegations have erupted across India over widespread cheating and corruption tainting the results of the country’s fiercely competitive national medical entrance exam.

Allegations of cheating and test leaks in the most recent National Eligibility Cum Entrance Exam Test – Undergraduate (NEET-UG) surfaced after the exam results, released on June 4, showed an unusually high number of students receiving top marks, affecting the overall benchmark for admission.

Every year, over 2 million students in India battle it out to get one of just 110,000 available spots to study medicine. Of the total seats available, around 60,000 are in state universities, with the rest in private colleges.

According to the 2024 India Employment Report published by the International Labour Organisation and the Institute of Human Development, the share of educated youth among the unemployed rose from 54.2 per cent in 2000 to 65.7 per cent in 2022.


Scary indeed !

Malacca Strait would not be a choke point if neighbouring states did not allow America to operate a military base to threaten China

 Red Dot can sashay another few years and will be like the Brits, Japs and USA, stagnant in GDP growth and just straggling along. Red Dot is now facing a peer competitor in China, just like what the USA and the EU is facing. China is going to eat Red Dot's lunch. That is why fear mongering by the USA's anti-China mantra is working so well against Japan, South Korea, EU and Red Dot that they have to snuggle close together to contain China.

Malaysia is joining BRICS for a bigger Global South market. Malaysia is also expanding its Ports for a bigger bite of trade using the BRI. Thailand is still undecided about the Isthmus of Kra project, which if China gets involved, is going to be green lights ahead. Thailand will benefit just like the Panama Canal benefitted the Panama Government's coffers. And that puts into question the validity of the Straits of Malacca's choke point which is instrumental in the event of hostilities between the USA and China. Red Dot depends on its strategic position and had been able to benefit from it for centuries. What if all this is just depleted even without being taken away?

Right now, the intention of the Nicaraguan Government and Chinese Government's joint interest to open up another channel to rival the dying Panama Canal due to climate change, is already causing concern for the USA's ability to have its military transit between the Pacific and Atlantic with ease and in a timely manner. There is now a long queue of ships waiting to cross the Panama Canal due to cutbacks and shipowners are crying over loss of revenue and heightened costs from such delays.

This Nicaraguan Canal will be totally beyond the control of the USA. And like the benefit to Thailand with the Isthmus of Kra project, the Nicaraguan Government will benefit if they open up an alternative channel to enable ships to cross the Atlantic into the Pacific with ease and vice versa. 


PS. China's fear of being choked by the Malacca Strait turns into Malaysia's advantage over Singapore. Malaysia could further leverage on this by keeping Singapore out of the Malaysia, Thailand, Laos and China high speed rail network.

America throwing Japan, Germany and other European states under the bus

 Why blame Russia or Iran for the missiles fired by the Houthis? What about the USA missiles fired by Ukraine and Israel? Must blame the USA also, right?

What if the Russians shot down and found parts of drones made by DJI, bought by Ukraine from Walmart, launched by Ukraine and hitting Russian troops? Must Russia blame China too or blame Ukraine?

The twisted thinking of the West is so warped, that it is unbelievable. Now Japan is trying to sanction Chinese firms doing business with Russia and China is retaliating. China is Japan's largest trading partner and Japan is taking suicidal action against Chinese firms just to please the USA. The Japanese puppet has been screwed around by the Puppeteer without realizing its own interest is being compromised, just like the stupid Europeans.

People in glass houses should not throw stones. Japan is in deep trouble with its economy and the Yen slowly turning into rubbles, and still thinks it is a global economic power trying to please the USA, its master puppeteer. What is laughable is that a crippled Germany can still overtake Japan to become the third largest economy in the world. Further slide in the Yen may see Japan slipping further into the sewers.

If this is not a display of 'stupidity has no cure' syndrome, what else is?


Why China must ban Americans from its Tiangong Space Station

 Let us also not forget that Chinese are not allowed on the International Space Station because they are well, Chinese. Who made that decision to exclude China? The USA of course, the troublemaker anywhere it goes, even in space.

Now China has its own Tiangong Space Station and China is doing the right thing by denying the USA's application to join others in research on China's space station. China slapped the USA by saying that the USA has nothing positive to contribute. That is quite true, considering the USA is still intent on hanging on to a 26-year-old space junk that is falling apart.

China must choose carefully who it will allow to set foot on its own Space Station. Whatever complaints that others may make, China must tell them it is for 'National Security' reasons, LOL.

China is also looking at the possibility of setting up a manned lunar base as soon as this decade. That will put China firmly in a position to dominate space exploration as well. 


PS. The Americans accused China of violating international law for not using the international space language ie English, in its Tiangong Space Station. This is American rules based order and the Americans set the rules. China just show its middle finger to the Americans and continues to use Chinese in its space station.


Asean should review its membership criteria

 As an organisation of small nation states wanting to preserve peace in the region through neutrality, Asean is always face with the challenge of big power interference, wanting to take control of Asean to do their bidding, to be coerced to take sides and become pawns in big power rivalry. One clear evidence of this is the continuing bickering within Asean to want to poke its fingers into the internal affairs of Myanmar, a position that the founding fathers of Asean clearly did not want Asean to do. Asean must not be allowed to interfere with the domestic affairs of its member states.

Who is behind this fetish behaviour, pushing Asean to poke into the affairs of Myanmar? The answer is quite obvious. Then again, knowing shallow some Asean leaders are, some may unconsciously be duped or persuaded to do the bidding of big powers, some willingly, knowingly, some innocently, some stupidly without know they were doing it.

As an organisation that wants to be free from big power rivalry, Asean wants to be friends of all countries, all powers, but not to the extend of becoming their crony. Asean welcome all big powers to be here, but to leave Asean alone, not to coerce Asean member states to take sides. In this matter, the US has been the biggest culprit forcing Asean to take sides. But the US cronies in Asean would instead call out China as the guilty party coercing Asean to take sides. No prizes for guessing who are the American cronies.

Asean and the region is increasing being dragged into America's hegemonic war plan. And tension has been rising and reaching new heights in the South China Sea with American crony, oops, American new colony the Philippines provoking China under the egging of the Americans. The Philippines has even offered more military bases for the Americans to strengthen their military presence in the region, an act that is contrary to what Asean stands for.

Asean may want to look into this development and review its membership criteria, to forbid Asean member states to host military bases of foreign powers. This should be an important criteria for membership in Asean. If Asean compromise on this, then with more American colonies and crony states within Asean, it would be very difficult for Asean to maintain its neutrality in big power rivalry and would be dragged to become pawns and pay a heavy price like Ukraine.

East Timor is also waiting at the door for membership. East Timor has also allowed the Americans to build a military base in its island. One American colony is bad enough. Two would soon become three and Asean could lose its way and its original purpose, as a neutral regional organisation free from big power interference.

As it is, the Americans are worming into the organisation. A gap has been breached and could get bigger and Asean could sleep walk into becoming a pawn of the Americans.

Lockheed Martin offers very long range radar for Singapore's defence

 This is good news to Singapore. The 3D AESA TPY-4 radar has a detection range of 1,000km, and its functions include airspace monitoring, unmanned aerial system surveillance, ballistic missile detection and monitoring, maritime area surveillance, and satellite monitoring, functions that a super power like the USA needs.

With the TPY-4 Singapore would have the capability to detect aircraft and ballistic missiles coming from China and enemies 1,000km away. It would even be better if Singapore acquires something that can monitor space to detect aliens and meteors to protect its citizens. Singapore would thus be able to defend not only enemies on earth but also aliens from outer space. It definitely would be money worth spending. Hope the Americans are not treating Singapore as a rich cash cow to milk. Maybe they can offer some ICBMs to Singapore as well to defend against imaginary enemies.

Not sure how much is the TPY-4 radar system going to cost Singapore. Offering does not mean it is free. But Singapore must be very grateful as such great defence system would only be offered to good friends like Singapore, and not offered to our neighbours. And the Americans think Singapore needs it. Not sure if Singapore believes it needs such a great defensive radar situation, to protect against what?

By the way, who is Singapore defending against? Singapore got enemies 1,000 km away?

Chinese suffering from 'Stupidity has no cure disease'

 Why are the Chinese still investing in India when they are obviously not welcomed?

Direct passenger flights between China and India have been suspended for four years and have not yet been restored.

As the two most populous countries in the world as well as neighbors, not having direct flights is obviously extremely abnormal. At present, India still imposes strict visa restrictions on Chinese citizens. Chinese people applying for business visas are faced with all kinds of difficulties.

Most Chinese students admitted to Indian universities fail to obtain Indian visas.

Chinese journalists in India have also encountered discriminatory treatment such as rejection of visa renewal applications and forced departure within a time limit. There are no permanent journalists between the two countries and media exchanges have been thwarted.

In addition, since India tightened restrictions on investment from China in 2020, about 200 investment applications from Chinese companies are still waiting for approval by the Indian government.

Not welcomed, but thick-skinned Chinese still want to go to India and then complain about mistreatment ! 


Useless UN would soon be replaced by BRICS

 The UN wants Russia to comply with sanctions against North Korea. Who imposed sanctions against North Korea? Not Russia or China, so why should they comply to help the USA and the West? After all North Korea is now an important strategic partner of Russia and China, just like NATO is to the USA. The Russians, Chinese and North Koreans do not call it 'iron clad' alliance, but just all-weather partners, that cannot be eroded by rusting.

At the UN, not every country must comply with UN declaration. Not all countries voted to sanction Russia over the Ukraine War. The UN deliverance is often skewed in favor of the USA and the West, and this is well known and often been taken up by many UN members of the Global South.

What about the UN asking USA and NATO to stop sending weapons to Ukraine and Israel? Genocide is ongoing in Gaza and had been committed in Eastern Ukraine against Russian speaking Ukrainians. The UN just closed its eyes and mouth - seeing nothing, saying nothing and doing nothing. Who does the UN represent? The USA and the West or the Global Community at large? It is time for BRICS and the Global South to have its own world body with neutral jurisdiction. No country must have a bigger say just because of its bigger contribution. That is bribery by any other name. 


Rise of the South Korean Klowns

 South Korea summoned the Russian ambassador over Putin's visit to North Korea and his threat of supplying the North with weapons.

Russia's ambassador should ask the South Koreans what about South Korea supplying weapons to Ukraine to fight the Russians, despite repeated warning from Putin. The South Koreans think they are also bestowed with the same 'exceptionalism' as the USA doing what it likes without consequences. The Russians are just paying back the South Koreans with the same coin. Russia is now telling the South Koreans that nothing that the South Koreans can do against Russia is without consequences.

Vietnam likewise must not forget that during the Vietnam War, South Korea was the biggest supporter of the USA, with more than 300,000 rotating troops in Vietnam fighting against the North. 


Free loading Americans think the dollar will forever be the reserved currency

 Everything the USA did is just shooting its own foot. But they do not think it is important. The USA is around just to take all the benefits today and the future will look after itself. Their toilet paper is going to remain the global reserve currency forever, or so they think. They were wrong and found out too late.

The USA wanted to take advantage of cheap 'slave labor' and moved their manufacturing to China. They enjoyed the cheap products for decades, made by Chinese and also their companies paying just 'slave wages' to Chinese workers. It was a wonderful arrangement, with others producing and USA citizens just merrily freeloading.

Then China progressed by leaps and bounds over the last three decades and they were caught flat-footed and suddenly they woke up and screamed that China stole their jobs. They also accused the Mexicans and South Americans of entering the country and also stealing their jobs. Jobs that their own people do not want were stolen by Chinese and Mexicans among others.

When they needed Chinese and Black slaves to work their mines, build their railroads, work in their cotton fields, no leader in the USA complained about Chinese, Blacks and others stealing their jobs in the USA itself.

Now, the USA is throwing subsidies to attract EU manufacturing to the USA. Is the USA stealing jobs from the Europeans? Of course, the EU will not say so. After all, what can vassal states say to their master? Even told to bend over backwards, they will just take it in the arse. 



Angmoh tua kee wall mural promoting smoking

SINGAPORE: The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) is re-evaluating its position over a Chinatown shophouse mural depicting a young samsui woman smoking, due to recent public feedback.

The authority had earlier given the landlord a deadline to erase the cigarette from the artwork....

The initial order by URA to erase the cigarette came to light after Mr Dunston highlighted the incident on Instagram two days ago, sparking plenty of debate and discussion online.

His post went viral, garnering more than 3,000 likes as of Saturday morning, with many people leaving comments supportive of his work. CNA

Wow, 3,000 likes shocked the URA to review this wall mural that is directly promoting smoking when smoking is practically banned in most parts of the island. Singapore has been progressing very well in ridding the city state from this foul, dirty and smelly habit that is as anti social as chewing gums. Other than the foul smell and stench of butts that affect everyone in the vicinity, even in HDB flats, the cigarette butts, plastic lighters and associated waste and leftovers are all over the island, in lifts, in street paths, roads, parks, beaches, carparks, staircases, corridors, void decks, everywhere.

Only Lee Kuan Yew has the stature and determination to stamp out this dirty and smelly habit. No one dared to smoke in his presence. This is one of his legacy that would be well for his clean and healthy city state. Now because of an angmoh and 3,000 likes, URA's legs are wobbling. How can offend an angmoh and his 3,000 likely supporters? Who would likely be the supporters of a smoking young woman disguised innocently as a samsui woman?

What is the subtle message behind this mural? Some see a young prostitute with a cigarette in hand,  a reminder of the sleazy past of Keong Siak Road. The samsui women of the past were weather beaten and harden women, and most of them did not smoke and would not pose like prostitutes. They were proud of themselves as independent and hardworking women, proud of their profession. It is insulting to depict them looking like prostitutes.

Would the URA slap Lee Kuan Yew in the face now that he was gone? Bring back smoking and the sleaze that he had removed from the public eyes and reinstate them proudly in giant size wall mural, to please the angmoh and smokers? How about painting more rainbows and marihuana plants on the walls of HDB flats to beautify the estates and call them art, like this mural? It would even be better to relocate this wall mural to the memorial site of the founding fathers of Singapore....and allow cigarettes to be sold openly, complemented with advertisements and big revenue for the tax department. Media Corp production can also have actors and actresses smoking like prostitutes and gangsters of the past.

What is the intention of the painter? Many painters have hidden messages in their works. Hope URA is not so naive to be duped into doing something undesirable for Singapore. Lee Kuan Yew would be turning in his grave.

What do you think? A single post like this would not be able to defeat 3,000 likes in Instagram, ...and the smoking young prostitute, oops, smoking young samsui woman, would remain untouched, unedited. It would be a great tourist attraction in Chinatown.

Real growth tech companies are run by Chinese entrepreneurs

LAUSANNE, Switzerland: At 61, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang is not your usual Silicon Valley tech rockstar. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg achieved stardom before age 30, as did Bill Gates and Steve Jobs. This week, Nvidia overtook Microsoft and Apple to become the world’s most valuable company, at about US$3.34 trillion.

It’s not like Nvidia builds products that consumers can easily relate to: Unlike iPhones or Facebook, most of us never directly buy or even see Nvidia’s graphics cards or artificial intelligence chips. CNA

No one could expect this to happen, a Chinese owned tech company to worth more than Apple and Microsoft, to the tune of US$3.34 trillion. Jensen Huang is a Chinese American who came from Taiwan, China. 

There are many more top tech companies owned and run by people of Chinese ethnicity, Morris Chang of TSMC, Lisa Su of AMD, Ren Zhengfei of Huawei, Liang Mong Song of SMIC, Wang Chuan Foo of BYD, William Li of Nio, He Xiaopeng of Xpeng, Lei Jun of Xiaomi, Robin Zeng Yuqun of CATL, Zhang Yiming of ByteDance/TikTok, Jack Ma and Joseph Tsai of Alibaba, Sky Xu of Shein, Colin Huang of Pinduoduo/Temu, Frank Wang Tao of DJI, etc, etc, etc.....

These are all growth companies in the tech industry. What about the likes of Apple, Microsoft, Google, X, Meta, etc etc? They are in decline after being taken over by their Indian CEOs. These companies are not growing anymore and would soon be just another company. The only American company that is still growing is Musk's Tesla and his SpaceX tech company. Musk just bought over Twitter to save Twitter from declining by sacking the Indian 'talents' in Twitter now renamed X.

The growth of Chinese owned tech companies is just beginning and the sky is the limit. The western media would not breathe a word about how successful these companies are and how capable is their Chinese leadership and management. The test is in the results, with innovations and new products flowing profusely out from these companies. The Chinese would not blow their own trumpets to tell the world how good they are, but keep on working diligently, quietly, endlessly, to be the best they can be.

Wang Yi mediated the peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran - Not worthy of Nobel Peace Prize?

 Wang Yi should be given the Nobel Peace Prize for bringing about the peace agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran last year. That was a game changer in the Middle East, a feat that only Wang Yi can pull off.

But no way. Wang Yi will not qualify, perhaps by inventing the reason that he is a member of the CCP, just like the TikTok issue. The deed does not matter, the race and political association is a more important criterion. To qualify, one must be a dissident of a country that the USA does not like or is against. And that person must be chosen by lackey entities of the USA, approved by them, and submitted to the Nobel Prize Committee.

Just like assessing the happiness ranking of a country, the farce must be there. It must be a European or White ruled country. Socialist countries, like China cannot qualify as the happiest country in the world, even though the metrics tell us so, because it will make democratic countries look shamefully inadequate, even though it is the truth that China should be number 1 on the list.

China cannot be No. 1 in anything. Militarily, economically, innovatively, even happiness wise, and anything under the sun. Chinese must be propagandized as ignorant, poor, living in poverty, suffering under socialism and can at best only be cooks and laundrymen, not even chefs, LOL. Those positions are reserved for the Whites, particularly the USA.

I rest my case.


Has India gained anything from confronting China all these years?

India has still to rely on China's supply chains for the raw materials for its manufacturing, be it electronics, pharmaceuticals, smartphones and computers. This makes India impossible to compete with China in finished products, as its costs will be much higher and quality lower.

The Chinese are not foolish. India may try preventing Chinese finished products like computers and smartphones from entering the Indian market, but Chinese supply chains know how to go around the system by marking up the raw material prices supplied to Indian manufacturers. Why is there a need to sell finished products to India when more money can be made in supplying raw materials instead?

Chinese businesses are doing the same in other areas. Where tariffs are erected against Chinese made products by USA, Chinese manufacturers will shift production offshore to escape the tariffs. Joint ventures can be set up in Vietnam or Mexico, using Vietnamese or Mexican manufacturing set ups to manufacture the same Chinese products to enter the USA and EU market to avoid the tariffs.

Even Russian oil is entering the EU, mixed with oil from other sources, though how it is done is beyond us to know the technicalities involved. 


PS. The answer is yes. The Indians mandated compulsory buying of 51% of all Chinese mobile phone manufacturers in India. This shows how stupid the Chinese are. Still want to invest in India? Just make in China and sell across the border. Why the need to throw good money into India to be cheated and robbed? 

After so many bad experiences still refused to learn. Stupidity has no cure.

USA bombed the following countries - USA the most peace loving country ...and demonising China as aggressive

 The Chinese Embassy has published a list of states that were bombed by the United States of America after World War II:

• Japan 6.08 and 9.08 1945
• Korea and China 1950-53 (Korean War)
• Guatemala 1954
• Indonesia (1958)
• Cuba (1959-1961)
• Guatemala (1960)
• Congo (1964)
• Laos (1964-1973)
• Vietnam (1961-1973)
• Cambodia (1969-1970)
• Guatemala (1967-1969)
• Grenada (1983)
• Lebanon (1983, 1984) (hitting targets in the territories of Lebanon and Syria)
• Libya (1986)
• Salvador (1980)
• Nicaragua (1980)
• Iran (1987)
• Panama (1989)
• Iraq (1991) (Gulf War)
• Kuwait (1991)
• Somalia (1993)
• Bosnia (1994, 1995)
• Sudan (1998)
• Afghanistan (1998)
• Yugoslavia (1999)
• Yemen (2002)
• Iraq (1991-2003) (joint US & British troops)
• Iraq (2003-2015)
• Afghanistan (2001-2015)
• Pakistan (2007-2015)
• Somalia (2007-2008, 2011)
• Yemen (2009, 2011)
• Libya (2011, 2015)
• Syria (2014-2015)

There are more than 20 states on the list.
China urged "never forget who is the real threat to the world."

Were there outrages from the Western community regarding the United States?

Were there loud accusatory cries?
Were there sanctions against the United States at least once?

This whole hypocritical world caudle sits quietly with its tongue in one place, when the USA nightmares countries like a real bandit.
Not an exclamation, not a shadow of reproach, not a glimmer of indignation.
Cowardly, shameless, hypocritical creatures!
I would spit on everyone in his hypocritical mug and would poke his nose into this list.

This list should be broadcast on all possible channels 24 hours a day, continuously.
Make videos that would gouge all this Western riff-raff, would not let them sleep peacefully!
Pound them and peck, remind every fact of the US crime against other countries.

Help spread👍👍👍


PS. And many unthinking sickos, especially Singaporeans, are berating China as an aggressive country,  China is going to invade Taiwan, Russia is going to invade Europe. They did not want to know all the countries that were bombed by the Americans, and China has yet to bomb one of them. China is aggressive because the Americans told them so. And they just want to believe in their evil white gods, without question, cannot question, cannot think, cannot doubt the white gods. White gods can kill for the good of the believers.

Russia and Vietnam - Vietnam War allies in warm embrace

 After seeing the adulation that Putin received in North Korea and Vietnam, the USA is distraught and angry.

The USA thinks it had Vietnam in the bag with all the visits by its leaders a year or two ago. What else happened after those visits? All quiet on the Western front.

Now that Putin has visited Vietnam, making deals including security, the USA is panicking. The USA is practically paralyzed and unable to accept the warm welcome that Putin received in Hanoi. It was a slap on the USA's face again, showing the USA and the EU that Russia does have friends.

Now the USA is talking about its focus on deepening ties with Hanoi. Just believe in the opposite of what they will do, as what journalist Nury Vittachi of 'Fridayeveryday' advised. It would be more realistic that the USA will now be thinking of ways to punish Vietnam economically, with investment pullout and more barriers against Vietnamese products. You can bet on that.

The USA has now been given a taste of its own medicine, sending high ranking officials to Taiwan to antagonize the Chinese. Now the shoe is on the other foot, with China and Russia sending top leaders to friendly countries. Li Qiang just visited New Zealand and Australia. Putin went to North Korea, receiving the same warm welcome and had the same reception in Hanoi. Two months ago, Xi went to France, Serbia and Hungary and was welcomed in style and making more deals.

Does all this give us a clue as to why so many countries are queuing to join BRICS? Vietnam is not in BRICS yet but has been invited to join the summit in Kazan, Russia in October. The chances are it will be joining BRICS soon. Vietnam is important as it has the second biggest reserves of rare earth that the USA is eyeing. The USA is not interested in Vietnam for any other reason, and we can be sure of that. 



Professor Richard Wolff - The true history of American savages...get an education


30 min clip of American history and its decline, with a bit on Ukraine War and the American agenda to carve up Russia.

This piece is essential reading for many young Singaporeans to get educated on what the real Americans are. It is also recommended reading for the old tortoises that called themselves western educated elites to clean up the trash implanted in their brains by decades of American fake news and disinformation.

No one is more qualified than Professor Richard Wolff, an American, a clear thinking American scholar to tell it as it was and as it is. The most important part of this clip is the history of America, a country built on savagery, genocide and slavery. It is an important clip to launder the stale and unthinking minds of many Singaporeans educated in the English media, not knowing much about history, and fed with fabricated history of the European savages in their books, media and Hollywood movies.

This is the time to put the heads inside the laundry machine and get them cleansed for good, by Professor Richard Wolff.

Free people of the Global South rebel and unite against the oppressive Evil American Empire

 Why are so many countries from the Global South rushing to join the BRICS camp? Simply they have had enough of American military intervention, oppression, bullying, threats, sanctions, interference and assassination of their popularly elected leaders. The free people of the Global South are rebelling against the coercion and oppression of the warmongering Evil Empire.

No more deceits and lies about the fake free world, fake democracy, fake human rights. The free people of the Global South want real freedom, freedom to choose who are their friends, freedom to trade with whoever they want, freedom not to be forced into wars, freedom to use whatever technology they want, freedom to choose to use their own currencies, and freedom from wars and oppression.

BRICS will give everything the people of the Global South want.  They need not be forced to impose sanctions on any country ordered by the Evil American Empire. Russia has just made an announcement that one of the main criteria for BRICS membership is no unilateral sanction against any BRICS participants, especially against Russia. 

This criteria will rule out all the American colonies and cronies that had imposed sanctions on Russia. All the BRICS countries would be free from American sanctions, and free to trade among themselves in their own currencies or BRICS currencies.

The people of the Real Free World United are rebelling against the oppressive and Evil American Empire. No more wars, no more massacres and genocides.

PS. The freedom to trade, to choose which technology to use, who to be friends with, are also NOT available to the American colonies in Europe, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and American crony states. They were coerced and not allowed to buy cheap and good EVs from China, cannot use good and cheap 5G from Huawei and have to use fake 4.5G pretending to be 5G, cannot buy excellent high quality Huawei mobile phones, have to use sub par AIs, cannot use Beidou, the best global positioning system, etc etc.

American universities losing their attractiveness due to racist and bigot policies

 The USA thinks it is smart to target Chinese scientists, engineers and academics working in the USA, erecting barriers, accusing them of spying and discriminating against them in visa applications. Thousands of Chinese scientist and engineers have been forced to leave the USA for China. What is the effect? It is a strategic loss for the USA and a strategic gain for China.

China is benefiting from all the top scientists and engineers leaving the USA and being welcomed back, moving into its scientific establishments and contributing to its innovation.

USA trained Academics are moving into Chinese universities, creating avenues for setting up English based programs for foreign students. That is a godsend, with China building universities like Lego bricks fast and furious. Chinese university standards are also rising and attracting foreign students.

With quality education and affordability beckoning, besides being welcomed with open arms, foreign students from Africa and Middle East are flocking to China to do their studies. And Chinese students no longer have to pay an arm and a leg to get into top USA universities and getting discriminated against.

Even top-rated USA universities are now suffering monetary losses with Chinese students avoiding them. Why would Chinese parents risk sending their children to an unsafe environment after paying a king's ransom for a place in a top university in the USA?

Only the stupid would do that.


Putin bringing North Korea, Vietnam and China closer together

 Kim Jong Urn rolled out the red carpet to welcome Putin to North Korea, and the USA and the West started to get nervous and jealous. Then they also started to invent negative narratives about what is Beijing thinking regarding Russia's warming relations with North Korea. They were trying to throw spanners into the relationship among the three allies. Not so fast as China and Russia are not that stupid like the EU.

Why should China find anything negative about Russia's warming relations with North Korea? China has no issue with that. China fought on the side of the North Koreans during the Korean War with huge sacrifices. In fact, it is a clear-cut blessing for China with another common ally closing ranks. This should be more of a problem for the USA, the West, Japan and South Korea. When Putin and Kim later rode in an open-top limousine, the USA was said to be insulted or something to that effect, LOL. Like children expressing jealousy.

Now, Putin was also given a warm welcome on his arrival in Vietnam. How can the Vietnamese ever forget about the aid that Russia gave them during the war against the USA in South Vietnam. Help should be repaid with gratitude. The Vietnamese understand about Asian values, not barbarian values.

The USA thinks that the Vietnamese have forgotten the damage that it did to the country during the Vietnam War - the carpet bombing, the biological damage from agent orange and the thousands of children born deformed because of that, the use of napalm bombs that maimed thousands, the millions of land mines that had to be detected and detonated, and of course, the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases among the Vietnamese or 'Vietnam Rose'. Those are what the USA did for Vietnam, nothing positive.

Back to the narrative that Russia has no friends. Are North Korea and Vietnam now not telling the world they are friends of Russia? In fact, Russia has more friends that what the USA and the deluded West are claiming. Russia has friends in Africa, Middle East, South America, Central Asia and within BRICS. It is the USA and G7 that is being isolated slowly and perceptively. 


EU thinks only it can impose sanctions. China also can.

 Already we have seen farmers protesting in the EU because of cheaper imports from outside the bloc. European farmers could not compete on price and are losing market share. Farmers in Europe are losing money and closing shop. How are they going to survive?

The whole idea of the EU ruling body was to get rid of small farmers in Europe to allow the biggies like Nutrien, Dupont and others to corner the market and expand production globally. As in the USA, caring for the top 1% is more important than the smaller fish swimming in the crowded pond. And what will those small farmers do without their farms?

China's retaliative moves against the EU over investigation of its EVs is going to make it even more detrimental for European farmers. EU leaders are spooked, and some are already flying to Beijing to seek help. China should tell those leaders that if they want to play with fire, they will get burned themselves. China has been working over the decades to secure alternative agricultural products, mainly from South American countries and now also from Russia. China already is prepared for any moves made by the USA and EU and will be able to respond positively. China is known to think decades ahead of what it will do ten to twenty years further down the road.

This is also happening in India and Indian farmers are not taking it lying down. We have seen the protest just months ago. Modi is trying to win over farmers, but we do not know how. India is predominantly an agricultural economy, with 58% of the population involved in farming. Replacing their livelihood with other jobs is beyond India's capability, not when India is still not yet a diversified and an industrialized economy. Furthermore, younger Indians are joining the workforce by the millions every month and how are mostly illiterate farmers going to compete? India has big problems ahead.


Nitwit ocbc reporters and journalists

 I have previously pointed out that many local OCBC so-called reporters or journalists have frequently echoed CIA or Western mass media demonisation of China and the Chinese people in their articles in the local newspapers or in Channel News America. Many of their articles denigrate China and the Chinese people and if it is a report concerning issues between China and the West or the US in particular they tend to slant against China or nuance in a way to put China and the Chinese people in a bad light. We wonder what kind of nit-wit brainless OCBC reporters these people are. Don't they have any self-respect or dignity? It may be so and we do suspect because of that they may be paid agents of CIA and the Western countries.

Danson Cheong must not in his statement or statements implicate other Singaporeans in his western oriented hatred of China and the Chinese people. The government must seriously look into the matter before the OCBC anti-China writers do any further harm to the relationship between China and Singaapore.

A few Singaporeans have asked if it is possible to take these OCBC writers to court for the harm they are doing to Singapore in general and to Singaporean Chinese in particular.


PS. ocbc means orang cina bukan cina


Putin's glove is off - You want a nuclear war, bring it on

 The Evil American Empire has been bullying the whole world, now specifically Russia, with the mantra that the Evil American Empire can attack or go to war with any country, and can arm or gang up with all its allies to attack a country, and no country can come to the aid of the victim of the Evil American Empire. The whole of Europe, and American colonies and cronies all over the world can supply weapons, financial aid, propaganda support, and sanction Russia, but no one can do the same for Russia.

Russia would have to fight Ukraine and the whole Evil American Empire plus colonies and cronies alone. Anyone thinking of supporting Russia would be attacked by the Americans, be sanctioned, be cut off from the American banking system, have their assets and funds in American and western banks seized by the Americans.

And the monkeys of the world agree to this American Rules Based Order. The rules are set by the Americans, for the Americans and of the American Empire. Not a single monkey would dare to question if this is the right thing, a good thing. Or they are incapable of thinking after being drugged by the Americans or coerced into compliant doggies by the American terrorists, unable to think anymore.

Putin has had enough of American terrorism and has taken off his gloves. You want to play with fire, let's play. Putin is not only going to arm his allies and friends, he is declaring that all the countries supplying arms to Ukraine are combatants in a war against Russia, and he has the right to hit back, and not ruling out using nuclear weapons. His nuclear forces are now on high alert. Any monkey itchy enough wanting to have a taste of nuclear bombs on their cities and homeland?

To hell with American Rules Based Terrorist Order. Putin will set the order. Everything is on the table. Putin will be the first to fire a nuclear bomb if needed to, if Russia is being attacked. He is not going to be the silly gentleman standing there to be kicked and killed, with hands tied behind his back. Bring it on, American savages! You want it, you can have it.

North Korea, Iran and friendly Arab countries would be getting all the weapons they need to defend themselves against the American and European savages. Trust Putin, he would deliver his nuclear bombs when the time comes.

Basketball bully - Tit for Tat


1:40 min clip on how to deal with bullies by letting them taste their own medicine.

Naked meritocracy will destroy and bury Singaporeans alive!

 Some quarters are chirping merrily about meritocracy in Singapore and some even really believe in this myth as the best thing for Singapore. Such unthinking people, Singapore has a lot of them, even calling themselves western educated elites, benefiting from restrained meritocracy to be where they are today, but breathing naked meritocracy every day, probably because they did not have to live with the consequences. They would be all dead and gone.

What is naked meritocracy? This is a path taken when the best in the world should be given the best and top jobs based on one criteria, merit. This, in practice, can be seen in many American and western companies, when foreigners were employed to take over the top jobs and also the whole companies. Yes, naked meritocracy has no constraints, only the best would be hired to take over everything the predecessors built. 

Caveat, the truth is that it is not the case. Naked meritocracy only applies in an ideal situation, when nothing else matters, citizenship, race, religion etc etc do not matter. In other words, naked meritocracy will be practised when the daft are in charge. In practice, this did not apply as the top dog would dictate how naked is the meritocracy. The top dog can bring in his whole village and family but give a superficial treatment to meritocracy to deceive the daft and the unthinking that it is all about meritocracy.

In an ideal state of naked meritocracy advocated by the shallow and unthinking, like some in Singapore, every top position in Singapore, in the govt or in the private or commercial sectors, will be replaced by a foreign talent with the best talent for the job.  Singapore has only about 3 million citizens. How are they going to compete, in naked talents, with the best from 7 billion talents out there? For every top job in Singapore, there will be millions of top talents that will be better and smarter than a Singaporean and must be hired over the Singaporeans. Statistically, all the top jobs would be given to a foreign talent, real or fake. All the rest of the senior positions below the top job would also be taken up by foreign talents with millions of talents to spare.

Naked meritocracy is like digging our own grave, voluntarily, willingly and stupidly, and saying it is good for Singapore to continue to be the best city state in the world, minus the original Singaporeans. Naked meritocracy is an existential threat to the existence of Singaporeans.

Who is yelping for naked meritocracy? Who is yelping for meritocracy that is good for Singapore but will bury every Singaporean alive? In reality, no country would practise naked meritocracy unless they suffered from the 'Stupidity has no cure' disease.

Looking at the growing number of Singaporean graduates being unemployed or underemployed, it is a sign that naked meritocracy is gaining traction in Singapore. As they said, the fools would soon part with their money. In Singapore's case, the fools would soon part with their inheritance...and country. And even pledge to defend their country with their lives.

Empire of Lies being chopped up piece by piece

 War is the USA's only economic savior, and the USA needs enemies. All the advantages that the USA held in the past after WW2 are gone or have been overtaken by others.

The USA could not compete in manufacturing as it had been hollowed out due to greed. The USA no longer controls the oil trade in US$. The USA lost its geopolitical influence in Africa, South America, ASEAN and Central Asia. The USA lost its edge in space exploration, renewable energy, ship building, high tech innovations and soon will also lose its last legacy in semiconductors.

What the USA has left is a huge propaganda machine that everybody knows is generating nothing but fake news. But that setup has practically lost its last sliver of credibility. The war in Iraq exposed the extent of the propaganda that the USA can generate, and how dangerous it was to believe in it.

The USA's global military bases will not last if the US$ hegemony falls apart. And the US$ hegemony is about to be defanged when the de-dollarization movement picks up with the expansion of BRICS.

Slow and steady is how BRICS is dismantling the US$ hegemony.


4G-led Singapore is shut out of BRICS ! Rest of ASEAN countries can join BRICS !

Russia names main condition for BRICS membership - any country seeking to join the BRICS group should not participate in illegal unilateral sanctions, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov has said, emphasizing that this is a key criteria for Moscow to welcome new members.

Speaking at a press conference in Moscow on Tuesday, the diplomat touched upon Russia’s vision for the further enlargement of BRICS.

“For us, one of the key criteria for admission to BRICS and welcoming partner states is non-participation…in the illegal sanctions policies, illegal restrictive measures against any BRICS participant, first of all, of course, against Russia,” Ryabkov stated.

This stance is met with “full understanding” by other BRICS members, Ryabkov noted. Moscow expects such a position to maintain its “core nature” as the group grows in the future, he said.


PS. Singapore is proud of its principles and American rules based order or rules of law. Singapore would be happy not to join BRICS?

Covid19 - India will not learn

 Even not exposed, it does not come as a surprise. China's vaccine had been demonized by all Western states even though recognized by the WHO. China had all the vaccines to help poor countries in Africa and isolated states. And what did the USA do? It ordered India to counter China's vaccine diplomacy. Mind you, the agenda was not asking India to give a helping hand to those poor countries, but to counter China's vaccine diplomacy. And the stupid Indians complied.

Little did the Indians expect that they would end up being caught with their pants down and unable to have enough vaccines available when the COVID19 spread beyond their expectation, killing hundreds of thousands.

And did the USA rush to India's aid? Even with repeated pleas for help, the USA refused to allow the manufacture of its patented vaccines to be made available for Indian production. Looking after the interest of their big Pharma is more important than saving lives. It was only when other countries started sending vaccines to India that they finally saw themselves being seen as untrustworthy. We only hope that the Indians have learned their lesson.

The point to note is never trust the USA under any circumstances. Those who trust them will live to regret sooner or later. Just look at the Europeans today. What have they gained by following the USA in confronting Russia?


Mercy for Joe Biden

 For Joe Biden, I will suggest 'mercy killing' rather than a 'painless killing' using euthanasia.

The man is a pain to watch, subjected to elderly abuse and made to suffer indignities and shame. It is perhaps fortunate that he is suffering from dementia, able to forget what he hears or say, and is thus able to bear with all that shaming. This could only happen in the USA, the so-called beacon of democracy that it wants the world to follow.

Word has discreetly been thrown up, in unofficial circles that is, that the Democrats are now panicking and finding ways to pull Biden out of the Presidential race. At this late stage, it is quite impossible for any aspiring candidate to rise up. Will Obama be back to take on Trump. Otherwise, Trump will just sleepwalk into the White House. Good or bad, we shall see.

Suffice to say, the one that takes over the White House will have a mountain of trouble awaiting. Two wars to support, another war brewing, mounting debts, more decoupling and derisking failures, more loss of the China market and having to deal with a rising BRICS and its de-dollarization momentum.



Biden Trump Debate - The mother of all debates that would embarrass Biden beyond any imagination


2 min of delusion from Jill Biden and how she was told to face the truth point blank.

How cruel can the Americans be after being the world's number one terrorists, starting wars everywhere, everyday, forever, killing and massacring innocent people all over the world for world dominance and the evil American Empire?

The Biden Trump Debate that they are pushing out beats everything else, is the cruelest thing ever that humans can do to a mentally half gone old man. Biden should be sent to a nursing home for tender loving care than to be propped up and be slaughtered by scoundrel Trump. It is a mismatch both physically and mentally. In his present condition, Biden does not have the mental and physical strength to stay alert for more than 5 minutes, let alone standing and in a serious debate that would sap every little ounce of juice left in his dried brain.

The only plan available, and very dangerous, is to inject him with drugs to make sure he stays awake mentally and his legs would not wobble...and to have triple layers of pampers to hold his uncontrollable urine and poo during the debate. The organisers need to put a lot of highly scented flowers around him to conceal the stench.

Not only that Biden would be sapped of all his mental and physical energy just to stand up and to listen to what Trump is saying, a process that would cause undue stress on him, now he has to face the consequences of being over drugged. The viewers must be prepared to see Biden behaving like a zombie on stage, behaving bizarrely.

Poor chap. How could his handlers be so cruel to him? How can his wife and family members allowed this to happen to husband and father of his children? This is cruelty beyond redemption, beyond forgiveness.

The world divide, gap widening and fast

 That threat is over with Saudi Arabia's move to sell oil in other currencies than be tied to the US$. The USA and the West may downplay the effect as they like, but the consequence cannot be that simple.

With this move taken by the Saudis, other oil producing countries are not going to just stand idle as their market share is bound to be affected. When all oil producers start to accept payments for oil in other currencies, you can see the effect in its appropriate proportions. No use denying and hoping to retain the status quo.

Now, oil is not the only problem for the USA and the West. Metals and agricultural production are moving into a whole new Trading Exchange Bloc set up within BRICS, away from having to conform to entities like the London Metal Exchange, European Energy Exchange and others, with BRICS countries setting its own pricing and conducting trade in its own currencies outside of the US$.

The fact that the Global South is tremendously rich oil reserves, in mineral resources, agricultural output is not to be sniffed at in terms of its effect on the US$. Within BRICS currently, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Russia are already important players in energy resources. When Iran and Venezuela join BRICS later, the control of energy is almost total.

Russia and Brazil are already major players in grain production in their own right. Africa and South America are rich in mineral resources, mostly in the hands of the Chinese and favoring the Chinese moving forward.

Now China is investigating pork dumping by the EU in the latest escalation. No problem says the EU. Well, left to be seen. 


Dumb Americans still think they are the Empire ruling the world

 If the Democrats and Republicans are treating the USA voters as fools, the voters are indeed fools kept in the dark, still believing that they are the smartest people on earth.

Sure, the USA and the West have the best universities in the world, but the best education favors mostly foreigners, while the local population are not the brightest. Just look at the people in the scientific world of the USA and they are basically foreigners educated in the USA, choose to remain behind in the USA and contributing to the USA's rise in the past.

That thinking of the White's superiority complex may hold centuries ago, but the dumbing down has succeeded in raising whole new ignorant generations further down the road, brainwashed by continuous lies that worked very well.

If we dug deeper into history important facts surfaced. Up until the early 18th century, China and India were the two biggest economy and the two richest countries in the world. Their decline coincided with the rise of the Anglo-Saxon Imperialist Whites. They came, they saw, and they plundered using force and that led to the decline of China and India, to be overtaken by the West. As history tends to show, what goes up must also come down, one way or another.

The Wheel of Fortune is turning and cannot be stopped. China and India will rise yet again. And after them will be Africa. It cannot be stopped.


Ukraine war - Evil American Empire versus BRICS

 When the Ukraine War started, the clowns were claiming that Russia will be isolated and have no friends. Dementia Joe even gloated that the Russian Ruble would turn into rubbles and that Russia will collapse.

It now looks like dementia Joe will collapse even before Russia does. They Democrats are panicking finding it realistically impossible to continue pushing him as a candidate for the Presidency, with everybody watching every misstep that dementia Joe is displaying every day.

On 24th February 2022 the Ukraine War started. On 25th February 2022, the very next day, Imran Khan, the former Pakistani President held a meeting with Putin in Moscow. And from the word go, Russia already had a supporter, who showed the USA and the West he is Russia's friend. And we know why Imran Khan was deposed for not keeping to the Russian isolation mantra and showing the world it was just a blatant pack of lies. Ouch!

More than two years into the war and who are still Russia's friends? China, North Korea, Iran, South Africa, Brazil and even India are still Russia's friends. And not to forget that all those countries joining BRICS are also friends of Russia. Unfriendly countries of Russia will not join BRICS for sure. Their master will forbid them using coercion and threats. And those forbidden to join are basically only the G7 and most other European countries. France's display of interest earlier is only testing the waters and should not be taken as a serious intention. Macron knew France will be rejected.

Many countries are now queuing up to join BRICS and this cannot be stopped. The avalanche has started and is only a question of vetting who is trustworthy to join and who is not. BRICS must exercise caution as some countries harbor ill intent.

The Secretary General of NATO, Jans Stoltenburg, talks a lot but devoid of facts. He is sleeping under a rock. Stoltenburg claims that Russia is depending solely on other Dictators for help in fighting the war in Ukraine. He is referring to China and North Korea. India is also helping Russia by buying oil from Russia and is not a Dictatorship. It has often by touted as the biggest democracy in the world. The EU, all democratic countries, are still discreetly buying Russian oil mixed with other oil. Are they not helping Russia in stealth mode? What say you, Jans?

So, what is wrong with China and North Korea helping Russia when Ukraine is depending on 32 inapt NATO countries to fight the war against Russia and yet not winning. Because the USA and NATO does not allow China and North Korea from helping Russia? Jans Stoltenburg can go back to sleep under his favorite rock.


Huawei and BYD are not Alstrom or Toshiba

 When only one competitor is around, and totally a vassal state, the USA could get rid of it by underhand tactics. Alstrom of France found that out. Toshiba of Japan also found that out. But what can doggies do? Their government just caved in without a whimper. Like a dog being scolded and retreating quietly into a corner, unable to retaliate.

The USA tried that same trick on Huawei, intending to put it out of business. It failed because they were dealing with China behind Huawei's back. Huawei fought back and is now a competitor for Apple and also for USA, Japanese and South Korean chip makers. The USA and the West should not have messed with Huawei and are now stuck at 4.5G pretending to be 5G. They claimed to be on 6G now, but we know better.

But the USA never learn its lesson or refused to. It is now going after Chinese EVs by raising tariffs to as high as 100%. Who are they punishing actually? Tesla and German EV makers in China are worst hit. BYD's export numbers to USA and Europe are minor and not yet dominating. The USA may be trying to nip Chinese EVs in the bud but does not realize it is killing its own EV makers in China. Stupidity has no cure.



Daft Sinkies need to justify to the whites that they are not Chinese, not want to be associated with China


 Danson Cheong had this to say:-

"Sorry but we're Chinese Singaporeans- not your compatriots " ST

Why on earth must some Singaporeans feel a need to keep yelling that they are not Chinese? Do they have to justify to everyone that they are not Chinese? Or are they being pressured by the white men to prove that they are not Chinese but imitation whites?

And why specifically pointing to the Chinese in China that they are not their compatriots? Of course not every Singaporean would share this kind of stupidity. So, please do not put all Chinese Singaporeans in the same breath. There are many Chinese Singaporeans that are very proud of their ancestry, to be the descendants of the Yellow Emperor, the longest, continuous civilisation in human history. 

There is nothing to be ashamed of this lineage. The once most civilised and developed Chinese Civilisation has resurrected itself after being suppressed by the white savages for more than a century. Only unthinking Chinese outside China would still be ashamed of being Chinese. But soon they would realise their stupidity when China surpasses the white men in every field of endeavour, to become the most respected and welcomed civilisation in the world. 

The Chinese, despite being demonised by the white savages for centuries, would not become like the white savages, everyday plotting, scheming and inciting for wars, committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. The genocide of the Palestinians is going on daily. Only evil, stupid and the unthinking cannot see how cruel the white men are towards the Palestinians and the Arabs and Muslims, and still mouthing peace, human rights and all the craps. When China and Russia are destroyed by the white men, the Chinese that think they are not Chinese would be treated like the Palestinians and all coloured people, like the days after the white men defeated the Qing Dynasty.

Singapore and China may be two different nation states. But China is not an enemy of Singapore. There is no need to thump your chest like Ah Meng to prove that you are not Chinese. Your ancestors came from China. Or are they saying that they don't have ancestors or their ancestors are white men?

The white men must be laughing at the stupidity of such yellow skin men with squint little eyes and wanting to be like white men, or be loved by the white men. If one cannot respect his own colour and race, no one would respect him, not even the white men.

The duckweed is very lucky to have been born in Singapore and can talk and act silly. The overseas Chinese that were born in countries where they were the minorities were very thankful that China is big and powerful to protect them from being bullied, beaten and even killed because they were Chinese. Duckweed needs to be beaten because they were duckweed to understand what is the meaning of being Chinese and having a strong and powerful China guarding their backs.

The silly Hongkies that ran away from their Motherland to their beloved England are suffering untold miseries for their own stupidity. They are the typical duckweed, no ancestors, not Chinese.

Zelensky Circus was a big flop. From Peace Summit to Piss Summit

 Clown Zelensky invited 160 nations' leader to visit his Circus and see him perform personally in Switzerland. Only 92 countries sent a rep. Only the head of govt of the G7 and 4 other states sent their heads of state to watch the Circus. The rest sent low level staff as a token of support. After all, they cannot refused or their masters, the Americans would be angry and might kick their asses. Caveat, 3 European organisations were included as countries, ie European Union, European Parliament, European Commission, anything but countries.

After the performance, Zelensky produced a joint declaration for the attendees to sign. It was reported that only 80 countries signed the declaration. This was reduced to 78 when Jordan and Iraq confirmed they would not sign. Minus the 3 European organisations, it meant only 75 countries signed.

What were in the declaration? Item one, security of nuclear energy facilities. Item two, safety of food production and supply. Item three, exchange of prisoners. Of the three items, only one is related to the Ukraine War but nothing to do with securing peace. What happened to Clown Zelensky's Peace formula?

Why did Zelensky's number one backer, Sleepy Joe, refused to attend? Is it yoo degrading to listen to a clown, and had to fly all the way to Switzerland, wasting his precious nap time to watch a circus clown? The President of the USA would not lower himself to be in a circus with a clown. He only ordered his cronies to attend. How many cronies were arrowed by the Americans to attend?

And many national leaders too would not lower themselves to make this foolish and time wasting trip to Switzerland. India, South Africa, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Thailand, Mexico and UAE refused to sign the joint declaration. And India is America's great ally! Oops, got to include Jordan and Iraq.

Anyway, Clown Zelensky claimed that it was a big success. Did he mean he is winning the Ukraine War or peace is on the way? Or he was able to collect enough donations to live happily ever after? The Circus is an embarrassment for those that attended. Many Swiss said so.

Any political system can be good for the country and people if run by good people

 Vietnam is another socialist country doing good. Whatever political system a country adopts, it can thrive with good leaders and good people willing to work hard, learn and innovate.

Even a country under Dictatorial rule can do just as well as one under a fake democracy on the surface. A Dictator that works for the good of its people, eradicating poverty, uplifting people's livelihood is better than an elected leader doing nothing for his people and the country as a whole.

The mantra that democracy is good for a country is only providing opportunities for the further enrichment of the top 1% to the detriment of those at the bottom. The USA and other democracies have now not only destroyed the lower class but also the middle class as well. Only the top 1% are doing better than ever.

Everyday boasting about a US$3 trillionaire and overtaking another trillionaire is not helping those who are struggling to pay their rent, electricity and put food on the table. The owners of the biggest companies in the world may dwarf companies in other countries, but they are not helping those at the bottom of the food chain. They in fact are cannibalizing the bottom of the food chain, just looking for higher profits to enhance their wealth and standing.

Life is short and it is a mirage talking about astronomical wealth. Just take Steve Jobs as an example, with all his accumulated wealth having to succumb to cancer at his peak. What a painful loss. Then there are those who took their own lives despite being super rich. Why?

Some may not believe that such poor people in Bhutan are said to be happy people. They think happiness can only equate to wealth. The truth is that without super rich people in their midst, everyone is seen to be equal. There is no envy, no comparison needed, no queuing for iPhones, no disappointment of not keeping up with the Joneses. Just plain simple lifestyle free and without debts and no ego to upkeep.

Of course, now we know how they published those list of the World's happiest people. They must be White countries and certainly not China for goodness' sake. China reached the status of the happiest country in the world, but was not allowed to hold that position, and its data deleted. Now Finland is top. It is all a farce. Now I also understand why there are no Nobel prizes for mainland Chinese, no anything Chinese for that matter.


USA wants to make more enemies to have forever wars.

 Remember the saying - 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'.

The USA wants to make more enemies so that it can continue to have forever wars. And the main enemies of the USA are now closing ranks to take on the USA. Russia, China, Iran and North Korea are more than a handful for the USA to deal with. Three of them are nuclear powers, with Iran already on its way. The West including Israel had pushed Iran to change its stance about not going nuclear due to religious constraints. Iran does not lack the expertise to become a nuclear power. It is now changing its stand and the West and Israel are worried.

Russia and China were at one point engaged in a cold war, but the USA pushed Russia towards a warming relationship with China. This can realistically be said to be a blessing in disguise for both countries, now co-operating on all fronts. It is becoming the biggest political blunder and regret of the USA's inapt foreign policy. With all the so-called foreign policy advisers and strategists at its disposal, how could the USA be so wrong.

Russia is not Iraq or Syria that had been trampled and destroyed for not following the dictates and succumbing to the bullying of the USA. Russia is a nuclear power and will not just be shoved aside at the whims and fancies of the USA. North Korea is smarter than what the West made it out to be and it now refused to be bullied with its nuclear power status, puny it may be. That is why Iran is so eager to have the bomb to deter the bullying by the USA, Israel and the West. 


Trump was, and still is, and will be the next and last President of the American Empire...as prophesised

 The USA, according to a prophecy, was to end under the 45th President, which was Donald Trump.

Actually, it can be construed that the end of the USA started with Donald Trump and the prophecy may yet be coming true. Trump is coming back for a second bite of the cherry, or should I say, doing the job of completing the tail-end of the prophecy. Will he win in November is the question, but it looks likely with Biden beset with mental and physical problems clearly apparent. Biden is not in a position to have a second term, period!

Believe it or not, the end of the USA is coming true. BRICS de-dollarization is picking up steam. Saudi Arabia just cut its pricing of oil in US$ and is selling oil in other currencies. You can be sure that other oil producers will do the same. They have to, in order to keep their market share.

Meanwhile, more and more countries are joining BRICS and bringing with them their contribution by way of energy, resources and agricultural outputs. This augurs well for the setting up of the BRICS 'Energy and Resources Exchange' which will facilitate trade in those commodities among BRICS countries beyond the control of the West in pricing and without the use of the US$. This is a big change in promoting the use of alternative currencies in trade among BRICS countries. If the USA and the West thinks this is just small potato, let it be.

There is nothing the USA and the West can do about the de-dollarization move. It is not an individual country's action like Iraq or Libya. It is Global South movement, spearheaded by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa and now includes many oil producing countries. When Iran and Venezuela eventually join and can trade its oil outside USA and Western sanctions, BRICS will control most of the global oil trade outside of the use of the US$. And countries do not need to keep huge US$ reserves to buy this most important commodity. 


USA President Biden shitting in his pants


Even the USA President is literally shitting in his pants, LOL.

Biden was suspected to have lost control of his bowels and had to shit inside his pampers, if you observe carefully the video taken at the D-Day remembrance ceremony. His wife was on the verge of covering her nose but refrained from doing so, for fear of letting the cat out of the bag. However, for most people it was obvious he lost control of his urge to poo.

The whole cyberspace is abuzz regarding Biden's strange behavior in that video. Like a kid unable to control his or her bowels, the action speaks louder than words for me to describe.

The man is really a gone case, mentally and physically. Only in the USA do they keep denying the obvious. And he and the whole country are providing all the fun for the whole world to laugh at. Sad indeed!
