
Demo CRAZY so called Democracy Leaders are a Load of Shits

 Demo CRAZY so called Democracy Leaders are a Load of Shits.

They just marked time with their four or five years term and kicked whatsoever problems to the next Ones.

You think they would try to solve all these problems.

Especially in the Western Barbaric World where their main Agenda is to protect their Status Quos by sabotaging the other side and squabbling and killing each other.

Capitalism is such that every man ploughed as much wealth as possible.

You think that they shall care of their fellow man ah?

Monsters, oops Ministers and their MPs or Assembly Men and Women, their CON-gress men and Women and their Senile-nators can take as much remunerations and rewards as much as possible.

Unlike China's Socialism where their Leaders have to take care that the peoples are taken care of.

Some of them may failed to their human greeds and be expelled.

Good Leaders wanted to leave a Good Name and Honour to their descendants unlike the Corrupted and Greedy Ones who are in For the Wealth.



Virgo49 said...


DOTARD TRUMP and Elon exposed 25 Billions frauds by Didamn.

Aiya Sama sama Devils Exposed Devils.

Own not exposed as yet.

Anonymous said...

Ahem, sama sama di negara Malaysia.

Anonymous said...

Trump himself is part of the swamp. The swamp cannot be cleared, unlike in China. In the USA, devils may expose devils, but in the end, it is still devils from the swamp running the USA. It is a system created for that.