
High end chips and high IQ tech talents are essential in the AI race

 China's dominance in technology appears inevitable and the final outcome is not just dependent on who has the best high-end chips or the best lithography machines. Without the technical personnel with the necessary background through education, innovation is impossible. Give the best EUV machine or the top end chips to a non-technical person or company and it is just a piece of hardware. So, which is more important. Both are and complement each other.

The USA may have the ability to control EUV machines and high-end chips but lacks the kind of education system turning out scientists and engineers to benefit from its control. And changing an education system is not a year of two job. It is more a generational undertaking of decades in the making.

China has the scientists and engineers to know how to make full use of machines and chips to do a better job. This is not to say that China is distancing itself from trying to produce its own EUV machines and high-end chips. China is already well on its way to work on this as a priority. What I mean is using the example of DeepSeek's rise and its innovation that does not need multi-billion dollars investments to attain.



Anonymous said...

The USA has high-end chips, but is talking about stealing Chinese scientists and engineers. Why?

Anonymous said...

The cat is out of the bag!

Anonymous said...

All the time that we are talking about chip innovation, it must not be forgotten that innovation in the USA chip sector was mostly undertaken by Chinese scientist and engineers either from mainland China or Taiwan working in the USA.