
Countries that cannot be trusted

 When is a moot point. It was already under the USA control before, otherwise how did oil be sold in US$, not in the currency of the Saudis?

We thought the Saudis were born again heroes, trying to get away from USA control by joining BRICS. A little threat and the Mohammed bin Salman had again fall in line, ditching BRICS to save their interest.

There are many other countries that cannot be trusted to do what is moral. Countries like Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Italy and also Turkey. When the shit hits the fan, these countries will crumble under threats. These are countries that have divided loyalties and are never to be trusted.

Having said that, how can I leave out India as well. But enough said!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Indians just discovered that they have been thrown under the bus by Trump. Modi is still groveling at the feet of Trump, hoping to get some crumbs thrown to him to prop up his standing, while planeloads of Indians are being deported from the USA.

The USA has awakened and taking pre-emptive action over India's gloating about being the next superpower and the next factory of the world. One China is problem enough for the USA and with India's openly touted ambition, that is a clear danger signal for the USA. Indian students wishing to study in USA universities are facing hurdles and rejection. It is all the fault of the Indians themselves, faking applications for such student permits and misusing it not for the real purpose of wanting an education. Now the USA is clamping down on the scam, and India is retaliating with a Seattle City Council Member being denied a visa to visit her sick mother in India.

India had been cultivated by the USA to counter China, which is a fading dream and illusion. The USA had been trying to wean India away from its close relationship with Russia, but to no avail. India is highly dependent on Russia for cheap energy, without which India's industry would suffer. Moreover, India, like China is making hay while the sun shines by buying cheap Russian energy, rebranding, mixing and reselling it to the EU. This is an open secret which the EU is trying to deny, which if admitted would be a slap on its own face. Why sanctioning cheap Russia energy in the first place and now buying it under the table at inflated prices?

India needs US$ for its trade with the rest of the world as the Indian rupee is not accepted widely. Moreover, the Indian rupee is sliding into the sewers that no one wants to keep. Not even the Russians wants rupees in payment for its energy and weapons. Therefore, Modi has still to bend over backwards to grovel at the feet of any USA President and is caught in a bind.