Average IQ Scores By Country
| Country | IQ |
1 | Singapore | 108 |
2 | Hong Kong | 108 |
3 | Taiwan | 106 |
4 | South Korea | 106 |
5 | Japan | 105 |
6 | China | 104 |
7 | Switzerland | 102 |
8 | The Netherlands | 102 |
9 | North Korea | 102 |
10 | Macao | 101 |
11 | Iceland | 101 |
12 | Finland | 101 |
13 | Canada | 101 |
14 | Belgium | 100 |
15 | Germany | 100 |
16 | United Kingdom | 100 |
17 | Austria | 100 |
18 | New Zealand | 100 |
19 | Israel | 100 |
20 | Norway | 99 |
21 | Sweden | 99 |
22 | Luxembourg | 99 |
23 | Denmark | 99 |
24 | Czech Republic | 99 |
25 | Estonia | 99 |
26 | Australia | 99 |
27 | France | 98 |
28 | United States | 98 |
29 | Hungary | 98 |
| Country | IQ |
30 | Mongolia | 98 |
31 | Italy | 97 |
32 | Latvia | 97 |
33 | Spain | 97 |
34 | Poland | 97 |
35 | Russia | 96 |
36 | Croatia | 95 |
37 | Ukraine | 95 |
38 | Portugal | 95 |
39 | Ireland | 94 |
40 | Vietnam | 94 |
41 | Cyprus | 94 |
42 | Belarus | 93 |
43 | Malaysia | 93 |
44 | Uruguay | 93 |
45 | Lithuania | 93 |
46 | Georgia | 92 |
47 | Kazakhstan | 92 |
48 | Greece | 92 |
49 | Bulgaria | 91 |
50 | North Macedonia | 91 |
51 | Argentina | 90 |
52 | Romania | 90 |
53 | Turkey | 89 |
54 | Thailand | 89 |
55 | Serbia | 89 |
56 | Chile | 89 |
57 | Cambodia | 88 |
58 | Bermuda | 88 |
| Country | IQ |
59 | Laos | 88 |
60 | Iraq | 88 |
61 | Costa Rica | 86 |
62 | Philippines | 86 |
63 | Mexico | 86 |
64 | Venezuela | 85 |
65 | Bolivia | 85 |
66 | Montenegro | 85 |
67 | Cuba | 84 |
68 | Iran | 84 |
69 | Albania | 84 |
70 | Indonesia | 84 |
71 | Egypt | 83 |
72 | Ecuador | 83 |
73 | Myanmar | 83 |
74 | Brazil | 83 |
75 | United Arab Emirates | 83 |
76 | Paraguay | 83 |
77 | Pakistan | 82 |
78 | Algeria | 82 |
79 | Dominican Republic | 82 |
80 | Peru | 82 |
81 | Syria | 82 |
82 | Colombia | 82 |
83 | Morocco | 82 |
84 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 82 |
85 | Lebanon | 82 |
86 | India | 81 |
87 | Saudi Arabia | 81 |
| Country | IQ |
88 | Jordan | 81 |
89 | Afghanistan | 80 |
90 | Kuwait | 80 |
91 | Oman | 80 |
92 | Panama | 79 |
93 | Sri Lanka | 79 |
94 | Qatar | 78 |
95 | Bangladesh | 77 |
96 | Nepal | 77 |
97 | Kenya | 71 |
98 | Tanzania | 71 |
99 | Ivory Coast | 71 |
100 | South Africa | 70 |
101 | Sudan | 70 |
102 | Nigeria | 70 |
103 | Ghana | 69 |
104 | Chad | 65 |
105 | Cameroon | 65 |
106 | Mali | 64 |
107 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 63 |
108 | Eritrea | 63 |
109 | Guinea Bissau | 62 |
110 | Ethiopia | 61 |
111 | Senegal | 60 |
112 | Gambia | 60 |
113 | East Timor | 60 |
114 | Gabon | 60 |
115 | Sao Tome and Principe | 58 |
116 | Equatorial Guinea | 56 |
Start IQ TestSource: worlddata.info
The above is from worlddata.info. Singaporeans may think this is real and some may even want to brag about it. In the real world, based on real performance, actions and behaviour, this is very far from the truth. OK, it is just talking about the average population. Even then, it is highly suspicious if one is to take Singapore as a test case.
Singapore has been successful as a nation state but all the evidence is saying that Singapore is going down the drain or beginning to go down the drain. Just look at Singapore's achievement and behaviour or policies would say a very different thing.
Singapore has yet to produce a top scientist, engineer or whatever to boot. And Singapore is so bankrupt in talents that it is relying heavily on India to provide the talents it needs when India is ranked 86 with an average IQ of only 81. How can a country of higher IQ be so dependent on a country with a much lower IQ, with a 27 point difference? Why would smarter people, assuming that higher IQ means smarter, have to crave for less smart people and let its own smart people to be unemployed or underemployed, replaced by people with average IQ of 81? This is a glaring error in the data. It actually said that despite high IQ, Singaporeans are really stupid. Maybe, if Singapore's population is 1 billion, maybe then Singapore would be able to show the world how talented it is. Or it is that the IQ of Singaporeans peaked at the age this survey was conducted and subsequently declined with age? This may explain why Singaporeans are getting stupider as they aged, start to think stupidly, and thus lost their jobs quickly to foreigners long before reaching their retirement age.
Also, how can the top countries all be from North East Asia and the US be ranked at 28 with an average IQ of only 98? North Korea's IQ is 102, ranked at number 9! The east Asian countries were all defeated and colonised by the West. Japan had a short military glory but still a colony of the Americans like the South Koreans. Unless lower IQ means smarter or more superior, so it is ok for the Americans to colonise and rule the South Koreans and Japan. And looking at it, this colonisation of the two states is forever no matter what the IQ numbers are, lower IQ ruling over higher IQ.
Another way to look at it is that it is the IQ of a new generation of east Asians. So the world can see the continuous rise of East Asia going forward. This also explains the decline of the USA.
The next highest group of countries with high IQs are the European states with Switzerland and the Netherlands topping at 102. Most of them are in the 100 band.
Another interesting point is that Malaysia has an IQ of 93, the highest among the Muslim states, even higher than India. Oh, the Jews were always seen as the smartest people on earth but only have an average IQ of 100.
A general observation is that high IQ is not necessary the richest and most advanced countries. High IQ also is not directly related to the success of a people or country. So, high IQ is only good to have on paper. In other words, using IQ as a measurement of smartness and success is very questionable, or the methodology in getting these results is questionable.