
America's gangster Rules Based Order is still touted by a few donkeys as the formula for the world


5 minutes to explain what is American gangster Rules Based Order.

Anyone still has problems with this gangster American Rules Based Order, did not know what it means? By now, even Americans and westerns are calling this formula an America wicked lie to rule the world. No one is talking about it any more outside the USA, not in Europe, except by a few donkeys.  It is quite tiresome to keep trying to explain how outrageous this gangster formula is to the unthinking believers. They would not want to know how this formula violates all the international rules, principles and laws. They just want to be on the side of the American terrorists, to be ruled by the Americans, to be cronies of the Americans. And they will keep on braying every time they open their mouths, in praise of this American gangster Rules Based Order.

Just look at what the Americans are doing recently, applying this devious Rules Based Order. Trump just unilaterally told the Arabs and Muslims that he is taking over Gaza and it is good for the Arab countries to take in all the Palestinians and let Israel take over Gaza. Oops, the Americans would take over first, and turn it into a real estate, and his Jewish son in law will be the main contractor in charge of the development of Gaza. This is American gangster Rules Based Order in action.

The Americans would simply call a place, country, waterway or whatever as vital to American interests and apply the American Rules Based Order, America will then take them over for the interests of the Americans. Denmark, Panama, Canada are all very happy with this American Rules Based Order?

Another example of Rules Based Order is to call a country a threat to America or a threat to American national security. And the Americans can start a war or simply bomb the country at will without the need to declare war, without the need to get approval from the United Nation. Within a week in office, Trump has already ordered the bombing of Somalia, under the American Rules Based Order.

When would the donkeys stop spouting this nonsensical gangster Rules Based Order? Any country that supports this gangster Rules Based Order must not complain when the American terrorists decide to take over their country in the name of American national security or American national interests.

High on the list for American terrorists' takeover is the Malacca Strait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rules based order = america sets the Rules and Orders everyone around