
American terrorists spreading lies, fear and threats to attack countries

 In the debate with Trump, Biden lied that Russia is going to take over Ukraine, Poland and all European countries. So Russia must be stopped and defeated in Ukraine. On the other hand, the American terrorists have been openly calling for the breaking up of Russia, to remove Putin, and to take over all the lands of Russia.

Similarly, the American terrorists have been calling China a threat, that China is going to take over the whole world. On this alone, the Americans have started all kinds of wars against China, sanctions etc etc. Even building a port for Peru is called a threat to the Americans. China going to the moon is a threat to the Americans, that China want to colonise the moon. China is a threat to Mongolia, to the Pacific Islands, to the Philippines etc etc.

What about the 800 American military bases all over the world? These are terrorist camps of the Americans to control the countries that they now occupied and to threaten the neighbouring states. The whole of Europe is now under the control of these American terrorist bases, South Korea, Japan, the Philippines as well. The presence of these American terrorist bases mean that these states are now effectively under the control of the Americans, and the Americans will decide who will be their leaders. Any leader that is not pro Americans would be removed, assassinated under the phrase 'regime change'.

In the Arab and Muslim world, the Americans invented the WMD threat to invade Iraq, Muslim terrorist threats to invade Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco. And coerced the Saudis, Jordanians, to have American terrorist bases in their countries to control these states, now effectively colonies of the evil American Empire. 

The American terrorists called Iran a threat, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela etc etc a threat and sanctioned them, threatening to invade them.

Whenever the American terrorists called a country a threat, it is a licence for invasion, or to sanction them. The evil American Empire has been playing this mischievous game for too long, to control the world, to be the dominant evil American Empire. 

Is China, North Korea, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, etc etc conducting wars or threatening any countries? Russia was being threatened by the expansion of NATO, with the dire prospect of having nuclear weapons on its doorstep. And Russia has to stop the expansion of terrorist NATO and the genocide of Russian speaking Ukrainians by moving in to stop the murderers in Kiev. Russia is a victim of American and NATO terrorism but was branded a threat to Europe?

The world must stop the lies of the American terrorists, spreading their lies through western media and the media of their cronies. The American terrorists are the real threat to the rest of the world.

Vote Trump and Biden out. Both are making the average Americans paying more for everything

 Trump and Biden are taking the USA voters to be just 'dim wits' with their tariff escalation against Chinese products. Keeping voters dim and ignorant does have great advantages for blind policy implementation. However, on the flip side, it is not going to hurt Chinese manufacturers that much and put them out of business, as Chinese investors have already figured out long ago, after Trump's trade war, that this was going to happen and have been moving operations into the Global South.

Chinese manufacturers have been relocating factories to Vietnam, Bangladesh, Mexico and even to friendly European countries like Hungary and Slovakia among others, over the last several years, particularly after Trump's trade war.

Investing further in the USA and EU is deemed suicidal in the face of USA and EU policies against Chinese manufacturers. The USA and EU seems to forget that there is another much bigger world outside of the USA and EU, and a bigger market rising for Chinese manufacturers to dominate. Africa, with 1.4 billion population on the continent, is a big market to conquer, with the USA and EU combined population of just a mere 1.1 billion.

Sure, Africa is still poor, but that is assuming that Africa cannot rise like dirt-poor China, in just three decades with Chinese help. And dominate the Chinese eventually will, with cheaper energy, abundance of raw materials, supply chains, skilled workers and an enlightened Government charting the direction of investing in rising industries in the future.

The trade war backfired badly on USA consumers with the USA Government gloating about success that actually harbored failures on all fronts. It deprived the USA of good jobs that could be generated with Chinese investments. Not only are Chinese investor avoiding the USA, skilled science and engineering expertise are leaving the USA in the face of dwindling opportunities for innovation. Further, there is always the possibility of being targeted for spying at the USA's whims and fancies. Why suffer the indignity of going to jail and killing their careers?

China welcomes all these ready-made scientists and engineers, trained and proven free of charge, coming home to help the country move forward. It is a blessing in disguise and a big loss for the USA and a big gain for China.

But let the USA continue to bask in the fake thinking that trade wars are easy to win, and sanctions will drive China down. Some media commentators are not calling Trump a conman for nothing. Trump could lure a bird to come down from the tree with his conman mouth. Let us give him credit for that!


PS. Actually either Trump or Biden is good for the rest of the world. Let these two incompetents destroy America faster.

Biden is a 'train wreck'!

 The Media is even more scathing, calling Biden's performance a 'train wreck', not just a 'car crash'. And many are distraught with the thought that this 'mumbling, stumbling and crumbling' old man is given the task of having his finger on the nuclear button. It is like giving a game control pad to a child!

But top Democrats are still adamant on keeping Biden, claiming he is the only one capable of defeating Trump. This is not 2020, four years ago, when he was still younger. Trump is three years younger and the difference it makes is undeniable, though Trump is starting to get foggy in some instances.

Biden's condition today, especially his health, cognitive function and memory have deteriorated day by day, and clearly visible with each appearance on the rostrum. For those who did not watch the debate to witness the decline, being fed videos of his appearance on TV ought to convince them that he is not suitable to do the job.

There are two wars to manage, conflict with China, fighting inflation and dealing with the USA's escalating debt. Is Biden able to handle that? Please do not talk about Kamala Harris giving him support. That woman is a liability yet eyeing the job for the next couple of months before November. She will really give the world a stomach-ache, laughing their heads off. These four years have proven her a complete disaster as the Vice President. 


India does not need to be in G7 to be whispering to them on what is happening in BRICS

 India is waiting for that invitation, just like Ukraine being dangled a carrot to join NATO, which is the Russian 'red line'. And that invitation will give BRICS a good reason to tell India to leave BRICS for good. BRICS cannot have a G7 'Trojan Horse' divulging sensitive information to the G7 vis a vis the USA itself.

If the G7 is desperate enough to want to find out the internal workings of BRICS, they may just do that by admitting India into the G7. Further, the G7 could then hope to use India to stonewall the expansion of BRICS by continuing to hinder the acceptance of more Global South countries into the bloc.

It will actually be a blessing in disguise for BRICS if India is to join the G7. It saves BRICS the trouble of having to find a good excuse to get rid of India with its clear intention to sabotage the agenda of BRICS, hoping to garner favorable support in the eyes of the G7.

India is just playing one side against the other. Getting rid of a snake is better than getting bitten and suffering the consequences as BRICS moves forward. 


India's two biggest products, Rupees and the Unemployed

 What can countries in BRICS do with rupees when India is unable to produce anything worthwhile exporting for others to use their currency? India must be able to export products that BRICS countries want to buy to enable the rupee to be used in two-way trade. And even then, India must produce products that can compete with the likes of China.

India can export its workers, it's co-called population dividends, to other countries and be paid in rupees, LOL. Singapore should pay Indian workers in rupees if it accepts exports to India to be paid in rupees.

Even Russia is not in favor of accepting rupees, with India exporting little to Russia while buying so much energy and military weapons from Russia. Russia needs all the money to fund its war in Ukraine, not rupees lying around and unable to be used for purchases from China or anyone else.

India must work to set up channels to facilitate the acceptance of the rupee first before trying to force other countries to conform to its wishes. It is not going to work. Putting the cart before the horse is not going to move anything around.



21 Arab states united to boycott the Israelis and Anglo Saxon savages...finally!


3 min clip on the Arab League Nations meeting. 'The Arab League has decided to boycott companies associated with Israel and has banned investments in illegal Jewish-only settlements. They have urged firms to divest from Israel and cease collaboration according to boycott guidelines. '

21 Arab nations united to take actions against Israel and the Anglo Saxon savages for butchering the Palestinians in the Gaza Genocide. Who said the Arabs would abandon their Palestinian brothers and sisters? Why did not include non Arab Muslim states?

Audience member thrown out after calling for US-China co-operation

3 min of truth that the evil Americans would not want the world to know.

Every year on 4th July Native Americans mourn this date as the beginning of US systematic genocide of the natives of America.

 Every year on 4th July while the psychopath Anglo-Saxons  white American invaders celebrate this date as its independence day from UK, the native Americans would sadly mourn the date as the tragic beginning of US systematic genocide of the natives of America.                         

On this day all countries of the Free World and all countries of the South led by BRICS will mourn in compassion with our Native Americans on the savage and brutal massacre and genocide of the native Americans by the invading whites especially by the barbaric Anglo-Saxons Americans and their forebears the barbaric  British marauders and killers. In all during the last few hundred years from 1,600 AD to the present over one hundred and thirty million north American natives were senselessly  butchered and genocided. What is left of the native American population  now is the miserable number of about a hundred to two hundred thousand and they continue to be decimated by the cruel and merciless Anglo-Saxon invaders who forced them like cattle to be herded into native reservation areas being euphemisms for slave labour camps.

It is the compassionate duty and responsibility of all non-white countries and people of the South led by BRICS to help alleviate the further suffering and agony of their fellow native American brothers and sisters. To secure this mission to free the native Americans from further exploitation by the unwelcoming white savage invaders the free world of the non-white countries and the United Nations Organisation must work in solidarity with the native Americans to evict or get rid of the senseless whites especially the Anglo-Saxons marauders. The white and Anglo-Saxon bandits must eventually be evicted and forced to return to Englnd and Europe where they originallly come from.

Since both India and China had similarly suffered brutal invasion and merciless genocide by the West in which over 130 million Indians and over 150 million Chinese were senselessly and wantonly slaughtered from 1800s to 1940s, they will have better compassionate mourning spirit with the native Americans on this tragic disastrous date. This is the day and the date the whole free world must annually condemn in no uncertain terms the so-called-white Christian savage invaders for their brutal and merciless genocide of almost the entire native population of North America. This is the day and the date the whole free world and the United Nations Organisation must make a  solemn pledge and undertaking to found a solid independent native state or country for the native Americans in North America. Only in this way can the self-respect, honour and dignity of native Americans be more or less restored. The Whites especially the Anglo-Saxons invaders must henceforth immediately stop ill-treating the native Americans and see to their well-being and healthy development . 


Thursday, 4th July,2024

Thursday, 4th July, 2024.

How many missiles and drones the Houthis fired at American warships?

The western media are not reporting much about the fireworks in the Red Sea as if nothing much is happening there. Occasionally there will be a short article about a ship being hit, but nothing really serious. And there is absolutely no reports of American or western warships being hit or damage, as if the Houthis' missiles are all duds or inaccurate. Oops, so far only reports of one or two American warships being hit.

How serious is the daily attacks by the Houthis on the ships in the Red Sea? There is a report on the successful hits by American pilots operating in the region. One American fighter aircraft has plastered itself with signs of 15 missiles and 6 drones, bragging that it had shot down 15 missiles and 6 drones by that aircraft/pilot. This number can be used to extrapolate the intensity of the warfare in the Red Sea, assuming that the Americans are not lying.

An aircraft carrier like Eisenhower can carry about 36 fighter aircraft. Assuming that 30 are serviceable and operational and were engaged in intercepting Houthis missiles and drones. And assuming that each aircraft would have hit an average of 10 missiles and 3 drones, very likely not every aircraft would be so successful to have killed 15 missiles and 6 drones. 30 fighter aircraft would hit a total of 300 missiles and 90 drones. These would be the minimum number of missiles fired and drones flown by the Houthis.

It is not expected that the Americans are so good that they could hit every missile and drone fired by the Houthis. A generous assumption is for a 50% killed rate, could be even only 30% as intercepting a missile in the air, or a very small drone, is not that easy. At 50%, it would mean the Houthis would have fired 600 missiles and 180 drones so far. The real numbers could be much higher.

What these meant is that the Red Sea is a very busy area with missiles and drones all over the airspace, day and night. But main media reports so far said only a handful of ships had been hit, and very few American or allied warship were hit. This could mean that the Houthis were firing duds or their missiles and drones were totally useless, unable to hit their targets, with at least a 1000 pieces being fired.

What is the truth?

The American aircraft carrier and several warships had to replenish their weapons on board after firing all at the Houthis missiles and drones. The aircraft carrier had returned to base, either finishing all their weapons and ammunition or for repairs after the report of being hit but denied by the Americans.


Marcos betrayed by the Americans...do not invoke the defense treaty!

 Mickey Marcos's face cannot be more red than ever after this latest incident. He thought he could become another Zelensky and be the face on every western media, and invited everywhere to beg for money and be given, if he could provoke and taunt China into a fight.

Unfortunately, the Americans' intent is just to use the Pinoys as a tool to agitate China for publicity. Period. The Americans would not go to war with China. They can't. They would lose. All the American warships in the area would be sunk. The Americans know this.

But silly Mickey Marcos did not. He must be thinking that a hot war with the Americans fighting in the front line, the Pinoys hiding behind, would be enough for him to declare martial law in the Philippines, like his father did, and he will be entrenched as the President for as long as he is alive. No need to end after one term. Can also lock up all the Dutertes and his political enemies, like his father did.

No way would the Americans be willing to fight a war and die for a few reefs in the South China Sea and in a war they cannot win. It would be very different if the Pinoys were taking on another small Asean state. The defence treaty would be activated immediately as it would be a case of the Americans wielding its big stick against helpless little states that cannot fight back.

China is not a small hapless state and carries an equally big stick. And no way can the Americans fight and win in China's courtyard. Period.

China will not restrain itself anymore. Silly antics and provocations by the Pinoys would mean ouch, ouch, ouch. It is about time that China drags the piece of rusty sheet metal from its island. Oooh, the Pinoys called it a warship!


Yen and Rupee competing to stay afloat

 India is not USA, given the advantage of being allowed by the oil producers to price oil in US$. That move by the USA forced all countries to accumulate US$ for purchase of oil and gives the USA the privilege of printing unlimited piles of toilet papers that the world needs to hold. The importance of oil today shows how big an effect that arrangement has benefited the USA for five decades. It is however ending, with Saudi Arabia ending the 50- year pact with the USA and now pricing its oil in other currencies as well.

Knowing the US$ hegemony is ending sooner or later, the USA is spending like no tomorrow and printing toilet papers furiously, making hay while the sun shines. But as demand for treasuries are falling to enable the Fed to print at will, it is reported by some sources, not officially of course, that the USA Treasury itself had stealthily been forced to buy back its own treasuries. That is how bad the situation is. Janet Yellen can yell until she loses her voice, but not many are listening and buying treasuries. The two top foreign buyers, China and Japan, have been selling treasuries instead of buying. Even the Fed is not buying.

With Japan fighting a furious battle to prop up the Yen, the indications are that Japan will have to sell off the bulk of its treasury holdings, which will cause Janet Yellen coming out to warn Japan strongly again not to go overboard, with threats of consequences as usual. Japan is now caught between a rock and a hard place. Japan is paralyzed, impotent, and sliding further into oblivion. Revised data showed that Japan's economy slid further with a 2.9% contraction in the first quarter of 2024.

India could follow the USA by insisting that its most valuable export, which are CECA workers, be paid in Rupees to create a demand for Rupees. Singapore, Japan and others can then accumulate more Rupees to pay Indian workers, LOL. Japan ought to accumulate more rupees instead as the Yen is doing even worse than the Rupee.


Trojan Horse already entrenched in BRICS

 BRICS stands for - 'Be Realistic In Choosing Sides' which is some advice for those not yet decided on joining BRICS. For those running the show in BRICS, I would even say that choosing members that are trustworthy is just as important and not in a carefree manner. Choosing wrongly and admitting a 'Trojan Horse' will destroy the whole ideal. That is BRICS dilemma with regard to India today.

India wants to have the cake and eat it. It wants to benefit both ways. Having no realistic clout, it still wants to show it is calling the shots, just to boost its fake ego by blocking membership expansion. What does those who aspire to join BRICS think of India? Certainly not positive at all! Thus, it is derailing all the efforts that others in BRICS are striving to uphold by admitting more members into the bloc to make it stronger.

India is a fringe player in BRICS. Not a big and important player in energy, not a manufacturing hub, not an innovation hub, not excelling in cutting edge technology or even in infrastructure development. The only thing that India has is its population explosion, that is being hyped up by Western sources as another big consumer market to rival China. India is thus thinking it will provide a big consumer market for other Global South countries. In truth, that is not realistic an expectation for the near future, the next decade or so, as India is still a poor country with little consumer demand capacity compared to China.

Even then, what demand that is coming up over the next decade or two is going to be geared towards benefitting local Indian manufacturing before opening up to the rest of the Global South. Right now, we have seen how India is preventing Chinese products from accessing the country. Handphones, computers and EVs have all been curtailed. 


Modi snubs SCO summit because of the ...tans

 PM Modi snubs SCO summit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has decided to skip the annual summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Astana next week.

The SCO summit to be held on July 3 and 4 is expected to focus on the regional security situation and ways to boost connectivity and trade.

While the Indian side has not officially stated the reasons for the prime minister’s decision to skip the summit, it is understood that the strained relations with China are among the factors that influenced the move.

The nine member states of the SCO are India, China, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.


PS. Modi cannot stand the presence of Muslims. All the xxxtans are Muslims, Iran as well.


Why the Arab League condemned the Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation? So pathetic and unthinking

' The Arab League (of 21 nations) has announced it no longer considers Hezbollah a terrorist organization, reflecting a shift in regional priorities amid ongoing tensions between Israel and Hezbollah. This decision comes as the threat of a potential war looms, with Hezbollah actively engaging in hostilities against Israel.'

Most of the English educated people of the Global South would not bother to think or question the narratives of the American and western media. They just accept them like the gospel truth. No need to question, cannot question, because the white gods said so. This is Americans so called Rules of Law. They set the rules or laws and the daft of the world have to obey without question.

For the rest of the white people, accepting the narratives of the American terrorists is necessary and second nature. They would not question, did not want to question. Even if they question, and know how silly is the narrative and the labelling of innocent and hapless people as terrorists, they would not breathe a word about it, and quietly smile at the stupidity of the people of the Global South.

Who are the real terrorists in the Gaza Genocide? The Hamas, ...the Israelis said so, the Americans said so. Who were the terrorists that were massacring the Russian speaking Ukrainians before Russia moved in to stop the massacre? Who were the terrorists that massacred innocent Afghan goat farmers that did not know where America is, where were the Twin Towers? Who were the terrorists that invaded Iraq with fake information and lies, massacring more than a million Iraqis and turning several millions into refugees, and destroying the whole country? Why were these real hard core terrorists not called out?

Why did the Arab League accept the labelling of Hezbollah as terrorist organisation when they were victims of Israeli aggression, when they were fighting for the independence of their country against the Israeli terrorists? Why did it take so long for the Arab League to discard this nasty and improper labelling of the Hezbollah? Why are the freedom fighters in the Middle East, the Hamas, Houthis etc etc still called terrorists? When would the Arab League thrash all these misleading and vicious labelling? 

The media and govts of American crony states, western countries may take orders from the Americans and simply called whoever the Americans labelled notoriously as terrorists with no question asked. It is unacceptable and unbecoming for the leaders in the Arab League to continue to take orders from the American and Israeli terrorists blindly, unthinkingly.

Perhaps they need a laundry machine to put their heads in for a good wash to help them think clearly and see clearly who are the real terrorists and who are the freedom fighters...and stop taking orders from the evil American Empire.

America is the world's number one terrorist state. Why the stupid world allows the Americans to call the shot to label others as terrorists? This is the stupidest thing to happen. Do not blame the Americans if the rest of the world choose to be stupid. CIA, NED, NGOs, American overseas military bases etc etc are all terrorist organisations.

And do not forget the North Atlantic Terrorist Organisation, NATO. The white savages are spreading to East Asia and coming to SE Asia to terrorise the regions.

America wants peace, China wants war? How many stupid people yelping this American lie?

Sandra Oudkirk, outgoing fake American ambassador in AIT, Taiwan, the fake embassy of the American terrorist state, said Americans want peace and China wants war. How ludicrous for this woman to tell a lie with eyes wide open and expecting the world to believe in her? Of course the American colonies like Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Australia and the colonies in Europe, and all the American crony states would have to believe in this lie. They were not coerced by the Americans to believe in this lie. They were volunteered by the American gangsters to believe every lie the Americans want them to believe, even helping the lying Americans to spread the lies in their main media, unashamingly.

Who is sending its warships all over the world stirring up troubles and inciting wars? Who is building several hundred military bases around the world, and building more, to bully and threaten the world? Who started the wars in Ukraine, the Genocide in Gaza, and refuses to end the war in Ukraine, escalating it to a highly dangerous level, risking nuclear war? Who is perpetuating the Gaza Genocide, working hand in hand with the Israelis to slaughter the Palestinians everyday and still doing it, non stop? Who is starting all the trade wars, economic wars, tech wars, propaganda wars?

Asean has been a peaceful region for several decades but now at the verge of another war like in Ukraine? Who is behind this provocation to start a war in the region? Is China involved in any war?

Only the highly reckless terrorists and savages want wars. The Americans has a US$1 trillion budget to manufacture wars. Only the dullest mind would believe that Americans are for peace and China wants war. Imbeciles and daft that still believe in the American lies, no need to stand up, no need to raise your hands, we know who you are.

Who invaded Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya? Without the warmongering Americans, the two Koreans would be talking about reunification. With the Americans inciting the South, the two are at logger head, can go to war anytime. Without the Americans inciting, the silly pro independent Taiwanese would not dare to talk about independence, and Taiwan would have been reunited with China. Without the Americans inciting the Hongkies, there would not have social unrest and stupidly wanting to be a colony of the Brits. Without the Americans inciting, the Pinoys would not dare to behave like Mickey Mouse wanting to go to war with China. Without the Americans inciting and backing, the Israelis would not dare to want to drive the Palestinians out of their land, and even wanting to create a bigger Israel by taking over many parts of Arab lands.

All the wars, tensions, instability, etc etc, the warmongering Americans are behind them.

Humanities are for USA students. But the USA is turning out to be less 'humanistic' than China according to Yani Varoufakis

 Humanities are for USA students. But the USA is turning out to be less 'humanistic' than China according to Yani Varoufakis, the former Greek Finance Minister, LOL. That is not what China has to say, but from a Greek saying it. I wonder if the pro-USA shrills are going to say that Yanis Varoufakis is being paid by the CCP to say such things to favor China.

But what is wrong with that accusation is that the USA is doing exactly the same thing, paying defecting Chinese to accuse China of doing un-humanistic things. US$300 million a year for funding such propaganda by the USA could be playing an even bigger role for those anti-China campaigners. It has wormed its way into even media outlets in India as well, like Wion and First post. Wonder whether Channel News America is also infected? Just suspecting only!

Why do Chinese students need to go to top USA universities to study Shakespeare or learn cooking and washing clothes? And paying a kings ramson for that. People in China are not interested in Shakespeare. Chinese in China have all the classics to study for, LOL. And Chinese cooking is in no way interior to Western cooking. Just listen to all those Western travelers now going around in China and enjoying the delicious good and cheap food all over China - from Peking ducks to Sichuan dumplings and to Xinjiang's Muslim food, all eliciting excitement, thrill and praise at first bite.

Oh, not to forget that USA elites were said to have visited Fukushima earlier specially to enjoy contaminated seafood, just to savor the special Michelin Japanese culinary delight, LOL. The taste must be electrifying! 


India is the American Trojan Horse inserted into BRICS and SCO

 Modi staying away from SCO meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan, is a blessing in disguise for the group. They can get things done without hindrance. SCO must brush aside India's reason for staying away and treat it as trivial and immaterial for all intents and purposes.

India can even drop out of the SCO membership, and it will not a big loss to anyone. SCO and even BRICS must not be fooled by India's behavior. India is jealous of China's influence in the SCO, nothing more nothing less. It is acting strange, things that a 'Trojan Horse' will display to hinder the progress of SCO and BRICS as well.

Does India's snub going to achieve anything positive for India going forward? SCO should not disclose what they agreed upon in Astana to snub India back. The members of SCO could meet each other on the sidelines to talk about issues privately. That would not make it even necessary for individual countries private meetings to have to be revealed to India.


PS. BRICS and SCO are waiting for a reason to get rid of India. G7 has all the reasons not to admit India.

Malaysia - Talented people of other races have no chance in the Government

 Progress is a big problem for Malaysia. With race holding the political system hostage, no leader can unravel that knot and hope to stay in power. Not even for a Malay like Anwar Ibrahim.

Race is a political hot potato in any country, not just in Malaysia. But is a useful tool for ruling parties to garner support, in the short term, but not good for the longer term. It is up to the voters to make that decision of settling for short term gain and having to suffer long term pains. We have seen enough of that in Malaysia. Rich in resources, it should never have fallen behind so drastically compared to Singapore.

Malaysia is not without talented people. The problem is that talented people of other races have no chance of rising through the ranks of Government, when race is the sole determining factor. And that is causing the brain drain, with the talented moving out to other places, leaving the corrupted and dim-witted to run the country. Why blame Singapore for benefitting from Malaysia's brain drain issues when it is their own Government that is the culprit?

We saw this present scenario developing almost seventy years ago, when Lee Kuan Yew's 'Malaysian Malaysia' struck at the nerve of UMNO and was declared a threat to the dominance of UMNO in Malaysia. Meritocracy never had any chance in Malaysia, more so with the rise of Mahathir. He was to use the racial card to great advantage with his New Economic Policy, openly favoring the Malays, that until today is impossible to be removed. He single-handedly destroyed Malaysia's future generations. 


Moon station - should China allow Americans or their cronies into the station when there are great security risks?

 The Western media is asking the question of whether the Chinese Lunar Station which it proposes to set up will be accessible for all nations. Who is asking this question behind the scenes and what is the objective?

I would say China will allow access to others, but certainly not for the USA and its cronies. Allowing them there will mean inviting the devil into the house to cause trouble. Even allowing just one of its cronies inside is bound to be asking lots of questions, lots of spying, lots of subterfuge and creating lots of problems with the USA working behind its back.

Why should China allow them access not forgetting the treatment that China received from being forbidden to do research work inside the International Space Station. It was all the idea of the USA behind the ban. An eye for an eye is fair and square. 



What did the Philippines gain for acting as Mickey Mouse for the Americans?

 Before the current crisis in the South China Sea, the Duterte govt has worked out a cordial relationship with China. The shipwreck Philippines antique warship stuck on the Chinese islands for 20 years was still allowed to be there with courtesy of China, and the soldiers were allowed to guard the shipwreck to protect it from being stolen in the middle of the South China Sea. And China allowed the Pinoys to provide support and supplies of ration to the Pinoy soldiers guarding the wreck.

China was working with the Philippines in several infrastructure projects that would benefit the Philippines' economy. The Pinoy fishermen were permitted to fish in the seas around the Chinese islands without interference from the Chinese Coast Guards.

All these were gone within months of Marcos' Presidency. The Pinoys started to provoke China with many unfriendly moves, sending material to want to strengthen the structure of the shipwreck to keep if from rotting and sinking, playing cat and mouse games with the Chinese Coast Guards, ramming Chinese fishing boats, even ramming Chinese Coast Guard ships and making inflammatory statements to claim the Chinese islands as Pinoy islands....all because the trouble making Americans were egging them on. 

For behaving like Mickey Mouse and taunting China, what did the Philippines gain out of it?

The first significant benefit for the Philippines are 5 more American military bases to add on to the 4 existing bases, compromising on the Philippines as an independent nation state. The Philippines fought so hard to get rid of the American bases and soldiers, to regain control of their lands, evicting the Americans out of Subic Naval Base and Clark Air Base only to invite the Americans to set up more military bases, as good as turning the Philippines back into an American colony.

With so many American bases and soldiers on Philippines soil, the Americans are now is a stronger position to meddle with the domestic politics of the Philippines. The Americans can now dictate who should be the political leaders of the Philippines and Pinoy leaders are now living in fear of being assassinated by the Americans. 

What on earth would the Philippines volunteer to turn their country into a colony of the Americans and now effectively under the control of the Americans, to be used as a pawn in America's war against China?

For being hostile and provocative against China, China Philippines relations has hit rock bottom and all the infrastructure projects negotiated by Duterte are now in cold store, dumped for good. In addition, trade between the two countries fizzles out. Pinoy bananas, durians and agricultural produces can no longer be exported to China. Chinese tourists stop visiting the Philippines, causing a huge drop in revenue. Many Pinoy businesses are drying up.

And tension rises in the South China Sea, Pinoy fishermen unable to fish normally, affecting their livelihood, and made to run around like Mickey Mouse, playing cat and mouse game with China's Coast Guards, all for nothing.

Politically, the Philippines is now viewed as a trouble maker in Asean, and a joker in the international arena for wanting to become another Ukraine, and Marcos becoming another clown like Zelensky. From being a peaceful country, with its people going about their lives trying to make a living, from a country gaining foreign investments and building infrastructure to make the Philippines more competitive in trade and economic development, everything is now gone. This is berserk!

Why would the Philippines want to put itself in such a pathetic situation with nothing to gain but all to lose? However, the Pinoys are not protesting and even supporting what Marcos is doing. Support for Marcos is growing. So, what Marcos has been doing must be good for the Philippines and the Pinoys. Everything happening to the Philippines must be a big gain for the Philippines and the Pinoys.

Oh, before I forget, the Americans would be providing a lot of jobs for the Pinoys. More bars and night clubs would be set up with good jobs for the Pinoys. The American soldiers would be throwing their American dollars to the Pinoys. Night life would be exciting in the streets around the American bases. The Americans would provide a lot of fun and entertainment for the Pinoys and Pinays.

Who says being Mickey Mouse has nothing to gain?

China's law on death penalties for separatists and secessionists.

 China's law on death penalties for traitors who are diehard separatists or secessionists is long overdue. It should have been implemented years ago. In the 1950s Taiwan was hijacked by the US on the pretext of saving the island from the communist government of the People's Republic of China. It was just plain illegal and illicit interference in China's internal affair.

In 1971 the United Nations Oranization recognized the People's Republic of China as the sole legitimate government of all China which includes the Island of Taiwan

In 1979 the United States itself recognized the People's Republic of China as the sole legitimate government of all China which includes the Chinese island of Taiwan and by 2024, One Hundred And Eighty-Two UN member states have similarly done so.

China and Taiwan would have been reunited long ago in the early 1950s had it not been for the illegal and illicit intervention of the Evil Empire of the US in the Chinese civil war. 

The Taiwanese Chinese traitors of the DPP in Taiwan have committed high treason against the motherland and the Chinese nation by treacherously conniving and colluding with the bellicose United States and Japan to try to split Taiwan from the Motherland. The judgement and penalty for high treason for being a national traitor and for betraying the country is the death penalty. The Chinese government of the People's Republic of China has finally and belatedly enacted and pronounced the Death Penalty for all national traitors who are separatists or secessionists who under  the influence and behest of the US and Japan work towards a fake and pseudo independence in which no respectable countries having relations with the PRC of China would recognize.

The PRC pronouncement of the Death Penalty for traitors and national betrayers implies that all the traitors in the Taiwan DPP can be arrested to face judgement. Should any of the DPP traitors goes overseas to any country then it is imperative and obligatory for that country which has relation with China to arrest the criminal traitor and repatriate him or her to China to face summary judgement.

However, there are some Chinese traitors in Taiwan who are separatist and secessionists and who are actually Japanese descendents of former Japanese occupational forces who refused to be repatriated. When the time is up these Japanese criminals should be rounded up and summarily despatched without any   further questions.

Today is 1st July, 2024 and China is celebrating the 103rd Birthday Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The CPC was founded on 1st July. 1921 in a two storey wooden-and brick building in Shanghai where the first CPC National Congress was held. On this 1st July, 2024  and the 103rd Anniversary of the founding of the CPC it would be a good start to begin rounding up all DPP traitors wherever they may be and put them to the gallows or the firing squad. Any Chinese patriot who shoot and kill on sight any DPP traitors or any separatist or secessionist must be handsomely rewarded with national honour. 

Southernglory proudly congratulates the CPC and the PRC on the 103rd Anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Long live the CPC and the People's Republic of China for endless milleniums.


Monday, 1st July, 2024


The Singapore Laundry Machine

Singapore is now infamous for the biggest disclosed money laundry case involving something like $3 billion. Is this big money? Yes, but actually a trickle compares to those that were not disclosed and still going on inside big international banks. Not caught, not disclosed, means did not exist even when it is happening under the nose of the govts of these big banks. The culprits involved in the Singapore case were just unfortunate to have been caught. 

The big banks are the major players in money laundering, making huge profits that only casinos can make, are laughing all the way, in their own banks. And mind you, despite the prevalence and widespread money laundering, don't even believe that Singapore is the only case and it is safe elsewhere, many cases are still operating all over the world. Singapore's case is only the tip of the iceberg.

Singapore is also a great place for laundering of another kind. Many so called fake talents, with fake degrees and resumes, came to Singapore to launder their degrees, qualifications and experience to turn them into legitimate credentials. All they need to do is to enrol into a tertiary institutions with their fake degrees or qualifications, get a Singapore degree, and viola, all is fine and real. The Singapore degree is definitely real and all the fake degrees can be discarded.

Another way is to get employed in a Singapore company or organisation, worked for a few years, and if undetected, the Singapore working experience would be the gold plating needed to enhance the resume and be respected and accepted all over the world without question. It is like from fake talents to real talents.

Singapore is such a wonderful multipurpose laundry machine. And everything is quite easily done as the process to discovering and uncovering a fake is near impossible when resources are limited and a lack of will to do the necessary. Caveat, Singapore is not a willing accomplice. Just a convenient location and machine to turn fake talents into real talents.

Who will be the next sick man of Asia, and who will be the sick man of the world?

 China was dubbed the sick man of Asia in the 19th and 20th century by Japan and the West. A century later, who is the sick man of Asia? More than that, who is descending to become the sick man of the world? Make a guess and the clue is it has to do with de-dollarization, LOL. But let us wait and see about that.

Japan is going down really fast, and the USA is not helping, but instead pushing Japan further under the water. Japan has lost its second biggest economy status in 2010 to China and third position to Germany in 2024. How much further will Japan go? Japan cannot keep propping up its Yen and that has been warned by Janet Yellen. Just how preposterous is that for a country having to ask permission to support its failing currency.

Japan is desperate. A desperate Japan is a dangerous signal if you look back at its history. It will resort to war, hoping to revive its falling fortunes. Not this time though. China is no longer the sick man of Asia and no pushover either. But China must watch Japan carefully. It is the sneakiest country in the world. It holds a knife behind its back while bowing to you, LOL.

How the tide has turned today. Was it Karma at work? I like to believe in that!


Two issues still stand in the way of the USA's effort to woo India.

 Two issues still stand in the way of the USA's effort to woo India.

First is the Muslim issue in India and the perceived mistreatment by the Modi Government against the Muslims, which the USA and the West were and is raising does not go down well with the Hindu Government of Modi.

The USA cannot show the world that it stands behind the accusation that Uyghur Muslims were mistreated in Xinjiang, while ignoring the issue of the mistreatment of Muslims in India. Trump may try to argue that the Muslim issue in India is an internal matter. Isn't the accusation of the Uyghur mistreatment issue also not an internal matter for China to sort out? What is the difference?

Second is the issue involving the Canadian Government regarding the assassination of a Sikh separatist by three Indian nationals on Canadian soil. That is also fueling a dispute with the Canadian Government accusing the Indian Government of involvement. As in the Huawei case involving the detention of Meng Wenzhou by Canadian Authorities under USA's instruction, there is little doubt that Canada is not acting independently to uphold 'justice'.

India is just toying with the USA to want to move over to the other side and against BRICS. India's rise is still in need of the support of other BRICS countries and also the market in the Global South. Competing in the USA and EU countries will see India facing the same problems as China.


USA citizens will have to pay for electing Trump or Biden

 BRICS is not cheering for Biden or Trump winning in November. To them, it is an election of minor importance, unlike in the past. The policies will be the same under the lame 'walking dead' Biden or the con-man Trump.

Both are immune to shame trying to tell the world their achievements. Trump's boasts had been laughed at by UN members, but he felt no shame. Does a conman feel shame cheating others? Certainly not! What have they really achieved besides bringing more misery to the world with trade wars, sanctions, wars and threats.

The irony is that both are hurting their own citizens with their trade wars and sanctions, rather than hurting the other party. Raising tariffs is not going to kill Chinese exports overall. China can easily migrate its products to the Global South, continue selling them at prices outside the tariffs.

USA citizens will have to pay more for their purchases of Chinese goods, with the tariffs piled on top. Raising tariffs to 1,000% is still going to hurt their consumers much more than hurting China. Sure, Chinese exports to USA will fall due to lower demand in that market, but never forget the Global South market is much bigger than the USA and Europe combined. Unless China had no other outlets to sell their products, keeping Chinese products out of the USA is no magic cure that is going to backfire badly.


Patriotic military officers in Taiwan must do the necessary like past KMT generals during the civil war

 The military officers in Taiwan are in the best position to know where they stand in a war with China. Why allow a bunch of nitwit politicians, mostly traitors or half Japanese, to push them to fight a losing war with China with guaranteed death and destruction, with no hopes of winning?

The nitwit politicians would not fight, would be the first to run away. Many of them already have green cards or dual nationality with foreign passports ready to flee. Their families and children are not in Taiwan.

Why be made a sucker by the reckless politicians and to die for them, to die for their stupidity? Many patriotic KMT generals joined the nationalist camp during the civil war to save the country and avoid Chinese killing Chinese. Reunification is an honour, a patriotic act and would bring stability and prosperity to the future generations of people on both sides of the straits.

It will be such a tragedy to be led by the nitwits, the Americans and Japanese, to die unnecessarily in a war that they cannot win. Look at what is happening in Ukraine! 



Mickey Mouse Philippines taking on China with Indian missiles. Has China learnt anything?

 The tension in the South China Sea has heated up. The Mickey Mouse Pinoys continued to provoke the Chinese by sending their Special Forces in rubber dinghies, armed with automatic rifles, to trespass Chinese island at Ren'ai Jiao in a pre dawn raid. The Chinese PLA Navy were there waiting for them and intercepted the dinghies, disarmed the Special Forces and sending them back where they came from. One of the Special Forces had his thumb severed, not sure how he did it.

Mickey Marcos has earlier threatened to go war with China if one of the Pinoy provocateurs is killed. Now one is wounded. And Marcos is pointing his 36 Brahmos missiles, recently bought from the strongest military power in Asia, at China. He is going to burn China. China must be shivering in fear.

China is now in great trouble with the fiercest Mickey Mouse of Asean and the biggest military power in Asia joining forces to attack China. And there is also the evil American Empire, the barbaric Japanese ex empire builder, and ex colonial power, the Dutch, and Butch Canada with their warships in the region. Mickey Marcos can now thump his chest with the fullest confidence to threaten China with his world best Brahmos Indian missiles, all 36 of them. China's 1 million missiles will be no match to the powerful Brahmos missiles.

China is now in deep trouble. And disarming the Pinoy Special Forces would make Mickey Marcos more determined to go to war with China. A new version of the Ukraine War is in the making, and so is the making of an Asean Zelensky.

Oops, oops, the American and the flotilla of Japan and European warships were no where to be found. And the Americans quietly told the Mickey Marcos that they would not be involved militarily against the PLA Navy, and don't invoke the American Pinoy Treaty. Faced with this set back, Marcos started to change his tune, saying the Pinoys would not want a war with China and calling for talks. 

What happened, no more gungho? Fire the Brahmos and see what happens. For the moment, no more provocations in the South China Sea. 

China has learnt its lesson. If it behaves like Ah Q, everyone would take pot shot at China, even little clowns and Mickey Mouse. Hope China remembers this and stop behaving like Ah Q for its own good.

Time for China to be on the offensive against the West led by the neurotic Anglo-Saxons US and UK

 It's time for China to be on the offensive against the West led by the neurotic Anglo-Saxons US and UK on all fronts in the various aspects of political maneuvering, diplomacy,counter propaganda, information and direct aid and assistance to states and countries resistance to force US and Western rule like Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Diego Garcia, Guam, Texas, California, Colorao, New Mexico, Northern Ireland, Wales,Yugoslavia, Catalonia, Greece and some states in Africa still under France, UK and US control; sailing warships to East Coast and West Coast of United States, Mediterranean Sea, Baltic Sea, North Sea of England and Scandinavia and the Caribbean Sea and last but not least carry out intense hybrid warfare against US and its allies.

China, Russia, Iran, DPRK and BRICS must prepare to win the last and final battle on earth against the satanic Anglo-Saxon America and its pack of moronic allies.

Lee Tai Chong.

PS. China has lost its influence over the South Pacific Islands because of its stupid policy of behaving meekly in the face of Anglo Saxon aggressors. To win back these islands trust and confidence, China must stand up to the Anglo Saxon terrorists.

America would not let Japan escape from its clutches

 Japan, famous for stimulating its economy for the last thirty years, will continue to do that. Blaming the USA openly and realistically for its misery is an exercise in futility. A Vassal state has no recourse to blame its Overlord. Failure after failure throwing resources into a black hole did not turn Japan around.

Abenomics was so confidently and widely talked about with its three arrows that were supposed to turn Japan's sickness around. It failed miserably, with Abe even following his three arrows into the dust. At least he does not have to suffer the demonization resulting from his failure. All those monetary resources poured into the effort achieved nothing and only added to Japan's escalating debt.

Kishida-omics or comics tried to move Japan away from its zero-interest rate environment, hoping to save the economy and the Yen. It too failed and not only that, but the Yen fell even lower to a 38 year low against the US$. Selling US$ to buy Yen ought to be able to reverse the trend, that is theoretically. But Japan has to get permission from Janet Yellen to do so. Japan has fallen so low in self-esteem that no one respect Japan anymore.

But what is the surprise after all when Japan's immediate Overlord, the USA, too lost all its respect from the whole world. Trump admitted that the whole world does not respect the USA anymore too. He pointed out in particular Vladamir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un as leaders having little respect for the USA under Joe Biden. That is a massive understatement by referring to the latter three who are tops at their game.

Smaller countries today too have little respect for the USA. Does their intention to join BRICS not an indication of their disregard for the USA, despite all the threats heaped upon them of facing consequences if they follow the de-dollarization move? Malaysia, for example, is no big country joining BRICS and giving its middle finger to the USA. African countries like Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, Algeria, Senegal, Tunisia and Zimbabwe have expressed intention in joining BRICS as well. They are not big countries but have not been cowed by the USA's threat.

The USA can continue to live with denial in everything that is now falling apart for them. Even the just concluded Presidential debate shows how out of reality they have fallen by still flogging a half-dead horse that had hit the ground in front of the whole world. Yet, they still believe that Joe Biden is suitable for the job. As one news media pointed out, it was excruciating watching Biden 'mumbles, stumbles and crumbles' in front of the whole world. Was the mumbling softly done to prevent those watching from understanding what he was saying? Good tactic but bad effort.

Next few days will see the media conducting open surgery on Biden's car crash performance at the debate. Just watch the fun. 


Would the Anglo Saxon whites trust and admit India into G7?

 India thinks the Whites trust them by inviting it to sit at the G7 meeting. Wonder whether India was told to sit in a corner just observing like a dog. Observer status also good for the Indians, no less. It boosted Modi's ego even higher being invited by the Whites.

Even Japan has no voice at the G7, just a figurehead to show the world that it is somebody making up the numbers. Japan can't even decide on its own policies over the Yen. Which other G7 white countries need to ask the USA permission to prop up their currencies?

Non-white countries should not live with the illusion that the Anglo-Saxon Whites are going to include non-White countries in their circle or treat them as equals. What the Anglo-Saxon Whites are interested in are merely for these countries to be used as cannon fodder to further the White's agenda.

India is in the QUAD just for show only. The one dictating direction is the USA, nothing less nothing more. The USA needs India inside QUAD to show the world that India is following them to counter China. The USA can fool all people most of the time, most people all the time, but it cannot fool all the people all the time. Making use of others is the modus operandi in the USA playbook. Even Japan is sidelined despite being the mover of the QUAD's formation.

Why does the USA need the QUAD when it already has the all-White 'Five Eyes' doing the job of watching China? Dragging Japan and India into the fray makes it more acceptable with reasons to counter China, knowing these two latter countries have latent issues with China.

The same with dragging the Philippines into its agenda knowing there are South China Sea claims to fester and instigate. The USA also knew Vietnam has South China Sea claims and can be exploited to the USA's advantage, which is why the USA tried to court Vietnam to sour its relations with China. It basically failed. Russian President Putin's visit to Vietnam was even condemned by the USA for no reason. 


No way the USA can win a war against China

 No way will the USA hope to win the war against China. The USA will also need to consider what part Russia or North Korea will play in any conflict with China. That is the unanswered mystery that the USA ultimately fears. Moreover, China's military expansion has been much faster and stronger by the day. As many commented, the USA's window of opportunity to win the war against China is already over.

The USA's military still depends largely on China for its ability to manufacture its weapons system without relying on supply chains from China. Even semiconductors for its aircraft carriers, fighter jets, missiles and drones have to depend on China, which is indeed really surprising for most people, amidst the talk of USA sanctioning China in chip development. Who is kidding who? China could literally stifle the USA's Military Industrial Complex in the event of a hot war. Then what can the USA do after exhausting its stockpile of weapons which it cannot replace?

But of course, the USA will not reveal to its citizens the real situation, preferring to deny and hope all problem just fade away. Just like the homelessness and drug problems. 


PS. American aircraft carriers and warships fled when China arrested Pinoy gangsters in the South China Sea. They know that the Chinese will sink every one of them if they dare to open fire.