
Desperation in meaningless propaganda war

 Like Netanyahu, Yoon has to promote more imaginary threats to deflect his troubles. Now there is a war of propaganda messages broadcast by the South towards the North, using high powered speakers, while the North is responding by sending balloons loaded with trash to the South. Which is more effective? The North is telling the South not to broadcast trash and they are returning the trash in real kind to the South, LOL.

On the other side of the world, the West had been propagandizing that Russia is losing the war because of shortage of weapons and ammunitions. Yet, Russia is sending missiles to the Houthis and weapons to North Korea. Does that sound like Russia is short of weapons itself? Think about that!

The hubris about China trading with Russia in dual-use essentials is helping Russia in the war in Ukraine is totally flawed. Anything can be classified as dual-use essentials, not only chips, metals, communication equipment, mobile phones and batteries. What kind of hubris are they talking about by using the term dual-use word salad to confuse and advance their narrative and agenda?

Let me illustrate how flawed the argument is. Even food can be classified as dual-use essentials since not only ordinary folks, but soldiers as well need food to survive and fight. Even things as ordinary as toilet papers are dual-use essentials that common people and the military have to depend on. So, is there any justification in using the term dual-use to castigate China for trading with Russia? Maybe they are using their own 'Rules Based Order' to ferment such filth. 



  1. Today's one Shits Times Parrot reguriated that its better they traded Trash and Insultd rather than bombs.

    Only Sinkeland sebok What's Nonsense Substantity Ministry wanted to implement strick regulations and rules for what's climate challenges.

    You think the Western Barbarians and the UAssA will implement all these measures?

    Dotard Trump shall pooh pooh all these nonsense of saving the Earth.

    Their Agenda to destroy the Planet Earth.

    35 Trillions now in Debt, they wanted to save the Earth?

    Their strategy using the Petrol Dollars and others to control the daft Imbeciles.

    Fosil energy for their profits and luxurious lifes.

    South Korea practically every day donating their bombs in their never ending Military Exercises thinking that Kim would invade them soon.

    Brainwashed and brains dead by their White Masters.

  2. That is why Trump was against EVs all along. He never cared about climate change. Trump's pre-occupation was the extraction of more fossil fuel. He even promoted fracking during his first term and wanted to punish those who bought EVs. He was under the control of the Big Oil lobby, or he himself has invested substantially in oil extraction.

    After the massive oil price crash of 2020, most of those investments in fracking could not be sustained and had to close shop. It was a disaster for them, losing their pants. Would Trump's re-election win again be another plunge for oil companies to go big into fracking?

    I think Trump is trying to do that with his anti-EV agenda, but what about oil companies taking the cue? With the world migrating towards clean energy and electric vehicles flooding the market, who dares to bet again on fracking? Even Big Oil are shunning investments in more oil extraction set ups during the crisis when the world was facing the backlash from the sanctions on Russian energy. Moreover, there is no telling what OPEC+ can do to flood the energy market once again with oil to tank oil prices like in 2020. Who dares to hedge their bets after learning their lessons in 2020? 
