
Money can buy University rankings - Soon American cheats will ban Chinese universities from participating

 Very soon, when Chinese universities compete too well and hog the rankings or attracting too many foreign students against USA and Western universities, they will be removed from participating in the rankings. Do not bet against that not happening, since it already happened with the happiness ranking, right before our eyes. But they feel no shame in using such blatant underhand moves. Never forget they lie, cheat and steal, even rankings of all shapes and sizes.

And what excuse will they make to exclude those Chinese universities? Well, maybe they can use the same tactic used to attempt to ban TikTok by claiming TikTok is connected to the CCP, LOL. Tom Cotton, the so-called smart Senator, aka a cotton-mouth snake, tried very hard to make the connection stick.

As to why, perhaps former Greek Finance Minister, Yani Varoufakis can answer that with another question - What is wrong with that? 


1 comment:

  1. Good morning All

    Why Sinkieland Sinkieland U always also on quite a high standing?

    Aiya, these Whites shall had those who sucked and carry their balls on their favourite list.

    All these Ratings Hogwash!

    Any Muslim or other Nationalities countries that dont saddled to them top on their lists?

    Even the Man/Times of The Bullshits Award Year and Novel or NoWell Peace Prize even goes to their Murderers and Genoide Masters.

    Only the Daft World in their illusions wanted to be part of them.
