
Ah Q's stupidity is unmatched in this world... inviting snake into Tiangong Space Station. Gentleman will be eaten by snake

 Understand that India is a participant in space research on the Tiangong Space Station. Now, is this going to be inviting the devil into the house, but trying to get rid of it later, which will be impossible. Moreover, there is always the fear that Indians may wriggle their way into controlling the Tiangong Space Station, like controlling USA tech companies such as Microsoft. That will be the giving India the 'mother of all bragging rights' if they succeeded. Just a thought!

The International Space Station belongs to the Russians but is now under USA control. Does that ring a bell or provide some serious thought about having India on board? Already we have seen India creating havoc inside BRICS and SCO. What else does China need to experience to learn another expensive lesson?

And that begs the question about what India can contribute towards research on the Tiangong Space Station, the same as why the USA was prevented from joining for having nothing worthwhile to contribute but instigating conflicts. 


PS. The Indians would sue China for any unhappiness or fake illnesses on their astronauts.

1 comment:

  1. China is enjoying a trade surplus of USD 85 billion with India for 2023-2024 trade, so can generously give the Indians some titbits !
