
Trump is a racist white supremacist, like all his supporters

 The first threat Donald Trump, the gangster and mafia lord, already made before being elected for a second term was 'getting rid of Iran from the face of the earth' mantra. That message must have sent his supporters into a frenzy, cheering, clapping and shouting themselves coarse.

This is just a repeat of the threat he also made against North Korea during his first term, just empty boasts to fool his supporters. Did he make USA great again? I seem to hear that Biden also claimed that the made the USA even better after he took over from Trump. Now, who is lying and who is telling the truth? That is for the USA dumb voters to decide, anyway.

Are USA voter's lives really better especially for those living on the streets and depending on soap kitchens for their meals? Are USA domestic retailers doing better with supermarkets being broken into, with law enforcements looking on, and people carrying away expensive handbags, smartphones and appliances, thus forcing such retailers to close shop? If things are getting better as claimed by Biden, why are all these things happening? If these events were to happen in China, pro-USA shrills would be making wild videos and swamping the internet with fake and exaggerated news. US$300 million a year can do wonders!

Bruce Lee always reminded his karate exponents before a fight that boards do not hit back, but he does. Those karate experts tried to unsettle Lee by punching and kicking boards to pieces, but that did not un-nerved him. North Korea had nuclear deterrents and we now hear little threat either from Biden or his henchmen about making North Korea disappear from the face of the earth, or back to the stone age. Now that North Korea is a close strategic partner of Russia, it is even in a safer position than before.

The USA war hawks slyly pivot towards Ukraine and Middle East to sustain their war mongering activities instead. Now that factually Ukraine is unable to win, they are pivoting towards the South China Sea and taking a confrontational approach towards China. What is the point, knowing that China is also a nuclear power like North Korea? And China can also retaliate without having to compare the number of nuclear missiles.

China can also do as much damage to the USA should it be threatened with extinction. This is not WW2, where no threat is expected to hit the USA mainland, except in Hawaii. Would the USA want to have a taste of what it is like of getting nuked like Japan or take a step back from its provocative posture against China and Russia? That is left to be seen. 


1 comment:

  1. Trump is a racist white supremacist but is also a successful conman, with a glib tongue. His glib tongue is his weapon being used to rally supporters, but what he promised will conveniently be forgotten when he gets re-elected.

    Does draining the swamp ring a bell? Does 'erasing North Korea from the face of the earth' ring a bell? Does his 'easy to win trade war' ring a bell or make any headway so far? If so, why is there a need to raise tariffs, fabricate narratives to get rid of Chinese competition like DJI, BYD and TikTok?

    On hindsight it is not about the USA wanting to get rid of those Chinese competitors due to National Security Issues, but rather to force them to be sold to USA entities so that the USA can control and have access to their technologies. DJI drone technology is reported to be more advance and reliable than USA Military Reaper Drones, that cost hundreds of times more to acquire. US$30 million a pop Reaper Drone is worth the effort in trying to keep the hype of its superiority alive. Just like the problematic F35s.

    DJI or BYD does not need to pay to boast about their technological edge. Users of their drones and EVs will be enough to testify to their technological edge. Who revealed the issue of the DJI drones eclipsing the Reaper Drones? The Ukrainians on the battlefield revealed that. So too did the Israelis. Who needs a third opinion? DJI or BYD does not need to convince users themselves to say the right thing. And please do not say that the Ukraine military are being paid by DJI or the CCP to say only the good stuff.
