
America's problems are small, like the tip of an iceberg!

 China and Japan are now dumping US$ assets and that spooked the USA and other holders of USA assets like treasuries, bonds and even real estate such as commercial properties. Dumping or selling off may result in losses, but it is still better than risking everything when the shit hits the fan.

The USA economy is on ICU, even though the official version is that it is doing so well in jobs, and a burgeoning stock market resulting from its toilet paper printing activities. Just wait when those toilet papers get flushed down the toilet together with the shit.

Adding to the problem is the warning by Saudi Arabia to the EU regarding the seizure of Russia's US$300 billion assets, most of which are in the EU. The EU is trying to commit economic suicide should it moves ahead with the seizure of Russian assets officially. It will happen when desperation gets the better of logic.

As if that is not bad enough, the EU is trying to hype up the threat of seizing China's assets as well. What message are they trying to send to the rest of the world, especially those countries having investments in the EU like China? I am sure they are going to have sleepless nights as well. And when they wake up, what are they going to do? What would you do if a bank tells you they may seize your money deposited with them? Sit back, relax and twiddle thumbs?

Not only are USA leaders elected based on their 'stupidity qualifications' the EU is doing exactly the same thing.



  1. USA's problems are small is because they are looking from the wrong end of the telescope or binoculars. There is a world of difference looking from different ends of the telescope or binoculars. Those that believe the USA's problems are tiny and solvable are still sleeping under a rock.

    The US$ hegemony is coming to an end, and when money printing is no longer the way out, the USA will collapse like a house of cards. Actually, the USA is just a house of cards today, or should I say, a house of no more than 'printing machines', printing toilet papers day and night. That is what is actually propping up the USA stock market, real estate, commercial properties and the funding of war mongering activities, nothing relevant towards productive capacity. As one prominent economist pointed out, growing the economy based on printing more and more money is no way considered as growing the GDP, and it is just an illusion of growth that will end in disaster.

    Just looking on the surface is enough to convince us which country is doing better in terms of infrastructure, innovation, manufacturing, competition and being welcomed by the Global South countries wishing to emulate the Chinese model of progress. Why are the Global South countries in Africa throwing out the old imperialist colonizers and opting for peace and co-operation with China? Why are they doing that if China is collapsing, and the USA and the West are seen to be rising?

    China is now leading the world in innovation. China is the country registering the most scientific and engineering patents, making the most cutting-edge innovations, turning out the most STEM graduates and providing the world with cheaper products based on its comparative advantage and economies of scale. When Chinese manufacturers produce for its domestic market, which is already huge, any overcapacity in industrial output benefits the rest of the world. It is a win-win situation for all. Why is the USA trying to put a stop to it? Which sensible country in the rest of the world would honestly want to forego what China is able to provide them cheaply and abundantly, instead of being forced to pay for expensive products from the West, if they are even available?

    The USA is flogging a dead horse trying to lure manufacturing back to the USA. It is an illusion that USA originated industries will move back to the USA to suffer high wages, lack of supply chains, lack of skilled manpower with stringent rules operating in an economy stuck in ICU. And that is not even talking about foreign manufacturers wanting to take that plunge. Oh, except TSMC, Samsung and other semiconductor giants making such sacrifices just to please the USA. Cheap Alliance they call it, LOL.

  2. Today's Shits Times had one article stated that China is catching up with the UAss in the A1.

    Hello, who is the Leader Now?

    Shits Times and Sinkies are also so Brains Dead that they still believed that the West is Supreme in these technologies.

    Opting for obsolete Western BS and had their systems paralyzed by them.

    Stupidity really no cure.

    1. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/east-asia/italy-giorgia-meloni-china-important-interlocutor-managing-global-instability-president-xi-jinping-4511476

  3. American technology are number one because of price. The more expensive the better. How can a multi million drone not be better than one at a fraction of its price? You want good stuff, you must pay for it. Really?

    Now their spacecraft stuck in the ISS and probably cannot fly back with the 2 astronauts.

    Likely to be secretly talking to China to help out.

  4. No, no, no! China is banned from the ISS.

    Sometimes you have to remember that what you did may come back to haunt you.
