
South Korea's Yoon Suk Yeol is in trouble

 South Korea's Yoon Suk Yeol is in trouble over his wife corruption and stock manipulation.

The whole affair is fraught with changing statements and attempted lying by Yoon over the bag issue. First, he claimed that his wife told aides to return the US$2,200 luxury Dior bag which they forgot to do so. Why can't his wife return the bag herself? Then he later admitted that accepting the bag by his wife, caught on camera, was 'unwise'. That clearly shows he was lying in the first place. In South Korea, those in political power and their family members cannot accept gifts of more than US$750. There is also the stock manipulation issue to be resolved.

We all know that many South Korean Presidents have been in deep trouble over corruption charges and Yoon is going to find his come-uppance very soon. Moreover, South Korean nationals are not as meek in their demands like the Japanese and some others and are known for their tenacity in pushing charges against politicians accused of corruption. Yoon will unlikely get off unscathed and worse than that, may find himself behind bars like many other former South Korean Presidents.

Yoon, for his attempt to snuggle closer to the USA is causing economic pain to South Korea and like Japan is facing headwinds going forward. Already, South Korean conglomerates are facing stiff competition from China, and with energy costs much higher than discounted Russia oil for China, the problems of competing against China will only escalate.

Sorry, but I have to quote Kissinger again that being a friend of the USA is indeed fatal. 



  1. The biggest mistake isn't this corruption. He went full throttle with the US and the West against Russia and China particularly on the Israel and Ukraine show him to be a political and strategic juvenile and US puppet

    And also asskissing Japan against all the historical claims and history during the WW2. imagine, telling his own KR people and companies to pay for Japan's war debts to the Korean people wronged in the war just to make good with that country.

  2. Like Netanyahu, Yoon has to promote more imaginary threats to deflect his troubles. Now there is a war of propaganda messages broadcast by the South towards the North, using high powered speakers, while the North is responding by sending balloons loaded with trash to the South. Which is more effective? The North is telling the South not to broadcast trash and they are returning the trash in real kind to the South, LOL.

    On the other side of the world, the West had been propagandizing that Russia is losing the war because of shortage of weapons and ammunitions. Yet, Russia is sending missiles to the Houthis and weapons to North Korea. Does that sound like Russia is short of weapons itself? Think about that!

    The hubris about China trading with Russia in dual-use essentials is helping Russia in the war in Ukraine is totally flawed. Anything can be classified as dual-use essentials, not only chips, metals, communication equipment, mobile phones and batteries. What kind of hubris are they talking about by using the term dual-use word salad to confuse and advance their narrative and agenda?

    Let me illustrate how flawed the argument is. Even food can be classified as dual-use essentials since not only ordinary folks, but soldiers as well need food to survive and fight. Even things as ordinary as toilet papers are dual-use essentials that common people and the military have to depend on. So, is there any justification in using the term dual-use to castigate China for trading with Russia? Maybe they are using their own 'Rules Based Order' to ferment such filth.
