
Covid19 - Evil Americans admit harming the Pinoys with fake news and propaganda

 At the height of the Covid Pandemic, when the Philippines were in short supply of vaccines, China offered the Duterte govt with supplies of Sinovac vaccines for the Pinoys. The Americans did not offer anything. The American fake vaccines were offered only to their allies and crony states, at huge marked up prices and with hideous cannot disclosed terms and conditions, among which the Americans could not be held responsible, could not be sued for the fake vaccines and injury and harm caused by the fake vaccines. In a way the Pinoys were saved from the harm that the fake American vaccines are causing to the victims in the American allies and crony states.

But, when the Pinoys were using the Sinovac vaccines, the Americans started a disinformation campaign to spread fake news about the safety and efficacy of the Chinese vaccines. As a result, many Pinoys could have skipped being vaccinated and could have suffered or even die because of it. During this campaign, the evil Americans 'launched a secret psychological operation to discredit Chinese vaccines and other Covid19 aid' by deploying mercenaries aka contractors, non military partners, US networks of online bots and other phony social media accounts to influence foreign audience', and the Pinoys from using Chinese vaccines. The Pinoys ended with 67,000 death from the Covid19.

Senator Imee Marcos called this campaign, 'evil, wicked, dangerous, unethical'. The American govt has admitted this dangerous campaign by calling it a 'missteps' in anti vax effort. This is how evil and wicked the Americans were to the Pinoys and to people around the world as the campaign was also spread world wide.

This is a crime against humanity, a very wicked thing to do. Only savages can act so dishonestly and viciously to harm innocent people of the world.


  1. Good morning All

    Yet the daft Pinoys still worshipped and suck up their arses to the Americunts.

    Really Brains DEAD.

    Stupidity really no cure.

  2. Notice how they wriggle out by calling it a 'misstep'. What kind of a 'misstep' when it is intentionally done?

    India was also misled by the USA, being coerced to counter China's vaccine diplomacy by producing vaccines to sell to third world countries that China was then doing. Why didn't the USA do the countering itself. No, USA Big Pharma were busy producing and pushing out its mRNA vaccines to sell at high prices to cronies, and at the same time hyping up its efficacy by proclaiming 98% or so protection against infection.

    Oops, that was a big fat lie and misinformation, that eventually became untrue and a sick joke. And what actually happened to India? It got caught with its pants down itself, when it was devastated by COVID infections with little vaccines left for its own people. And what did the USA do? It refused to help India out despite much pleading, making all kinds of excuses when asked to allow India to make its own mRNA vaccines in India to help Indians. The result was that millions of Indians died for the USA's 'misstep'. That was a real disaster for India with cremation facilities unable to cope and corpse dumped on riverbanks.

    Evil USA? That is an understatement. But no lessons were ever learned by India and the Philippines. They still suck up to the evil monster like glue. They are still being played around like puppets on a string, waiting for another disaster.

  3. How evil they can be had been revealed in their attitude during the COVID19 pandemic, where saving lives is secondary to making money out of the misery of others. They have no morality, no conscience and no humanity at all.

    Not only not helping, but even preventing others from helping out so that they can make more money selling mRNA vaccines themselves. They are not human at all!

  4. The irony is that just like evils still worshipping and believing in Satan, whatever Satan did to them, so leaders of some countries still follow Satan, whatever they went through.

    Should I call it Satan's 'Iron Clad' hold on them? Beware of the oft pronounced 'Iron Clad' relationship. The meaning could also mean a relationship bound by iron chains that countries have no way of breaking away. Think about it!
