
Kamala turning the table - Trump is too old to be president

 For Trump, debating a much younger lawyer, 20 years younger, and former attorney may be different from debating a dementia afflicted Biden, despite the latter also a law graduate. This shrieking hyena is good with words twisting, inventing 'word salads' to confuse and deflect and Trump may be in trouble with debating her. But then, Trump was still able to defeat another lawyer in 2006, non-other than Hillary Clinton. But then again, Trump was also much younger and therefore more quick thinking.

Now, it is the Democrats turning the tables on the Republicans, claiming that Trump is too old for the job. It is true that Trump suffers occasional but more noticeable gaffes, and forgets facts, or should I say, using lies too.

The Democrats are leveraging on Trump's age and using a younger opponent and quicker with words and thinking, that may prove decisive. We all may think that Trump will win hands down against Harris, but knowing the Democrats, anything can happen, even hitting below the belt when desperate enough. 


1 comment:

  1. Trump is not a lawyer, a distinct disadvantage in politics, even though he is a well-known conman with a glib tongue. True, his age is also a disadvantage when it comes to quick thinking, memory and recalling facts and lies as well.

    I guess most have forgotten about his boast regarding draining the swamp. Instead, he replenished the swamp with even more nefarious creatures, a few of which are now even stabbing him in the back. When he falls behind Harris, more of such swamp creatures will come out with more dirty laundry exposure on Trump. You can bet on it.

    And let us not forget about his threat of 'making North Korea disappear from the face of the earth' that never see the light of day. Instead, he sheepishly slithered into his hole after two meetings that ended in abject failures to de-nuclearize North Korea. He thinks Kim Jong Un is not smart, but it turns out that Kim actually outsmarted him. His de-nuclearization adventure ended there and then.

    Trump thinks it is that simple, like telling everyone that trade wars are easy to win, just to meet with Kim and get him to denuclearize. North Korea will be stepped upon by the USA if Kim does so. After three generations of the Kim regime had fought so hard for possession of the bomb, Kim Jong Un is not going to end all that effort even if Trump points a gun at Kim's head. That is wishful thinking on the part of Trump.

    Now Trump is again up to his conman tricks, threatening to 'erase Iran from the face of the earth'. For all we know, there is Russia behind the Iranians and Iran is said to be able to have the bomb within weeks. With Russian help, nothing is impossible. It is up to the USA to take the risk of dabbling with the Iranians, knowing that Iranians do not issue idle threats as well.
